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Well guys, Season 4 is over. It was a GREAT lot of fun for me, and I truly hope you've all enjoyed it too! I've posted the world download as of the moment before the final episode, so you'll get to enjoy the world and all the toys . Do have fun!
Season 5 will start just as soon as all the mods are ready. At a completely wild and not-promising guess I'm HOPING for early September if all goes well. Those who watch my SMP series should know there is an official mod pack being created by the FTB team. If all goes to plan, I intend to use that for season 5. This will make life much easier for all of you (and probably me). Woot for the FTB team!
For the next couple of weeks I'll focus the SMP server series, which will have some sneak peaks at future additions and you'll get to hear the mod developers talking about their plans, so be sure to watch! We'll also continue WRENCHED and mod spotlights.
WRENCHED applications will open once 1.3.x is complete and ready with mods and the mod pack is officially complete. WRENCHED will be using the FTB mod pack as well. Once its all ready, I'll post a video with instructions on how to enter to be a contestant on WRENCHED!
Season you soon in season 5!
Stay tuned!!!
Important Note: Per the MineCraft Forum Admins - Please do not use this thread for support of my Mod installation guide. I will be creating a seperate thread for that purpose as soon as I get further direction from them. Please only discuss the lets play series itself.
All support requests should be posted here. Thanks!
Check the spoiler tag below for the download link(s) and instructions for use.
Season 4, Episode 0 - World Download
Season4, Episode 10 - World Download - Make sure you update Logistics Pipes
Season 4, Episode 20 - World Download
Season 4, Episode 30 - World Download
Season 4, Episode 40 - World Download - Note: If you've upgraded to the new RP2 (Pr5b2) you'll need to recreate the words I created in episode 40. Just create them the same way I did and you'll be ok.
Season 4, Episode 50 - World Download
Season 4, Episode 60 - World Download
Season 4, Episode 70 - World Download
Season 4, Episode 80 - World Download - Make sure you've updated to the latest Mystcraft!
Season 4, Episode 90 - World Download
Season4, Episode 100 - World Download
Season 4, Finale - World Download
Disclaimer I take no responsibility for anything breaking, bad things happening to your computer, your old minecraft worlds getting corrupt - etc etc. BACKUP!!
To use:
#1 Backup your .minecraft folder -- YES The whole thing!!
#2 Make sure you have all the mods I do. I include a list of mods in the zip file.
#3 Copy all contents of the folder inside the zip to your .minecraft this should contain 5 folders - Buildcraft, Config, Redpower, Saves, Mods (only for portal config) -- This will overwrite config files for your mods - potentially breaking existing worlds. Did you backup your .minecraft???.
#4 Load up the game, and you SHOULD see the Lets Play world there (New world is my test world)
#5 Enjoy.
As Always, I would like some feedback if you get it to work (post here to let me know of your success). I can't promise that I can help troubleshoot any issues you have.
Hello Everyone! Direwolf20 here,
I'm just starting my new Lets Play series for Minecraft v1.2.5!! This is season 4 of my Minecraft Lets Play series! I have a TON of mods going on, so the easiest way to list them all would be in the spoiler below-- which includes a link to all my config files, and a 'How to install' video tutorial!
Season 4 - How to install [Edited 07/01/12]
Sorry, no mod packs. I will not create a mod pack. I don't use mod packs. I created a config pack for you, however! Just go get the mods yourself, and use my config files. All block id resolutions are taken care of .
If you need to post an error report, use spoiler tags please .
I make no guarantees, and cannot offer support to everyone. I will try my best to assist where i can. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS backup your .minecraft folder when editing or changing mods. Old worlds PROBABLY won't work after using these mods. They are for new-installs only. Did you backup? I HOPE SO!
I take no responsibility for lost world saves / broken minecrafts / computers catch fire, etc. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
FAQ -- Common Errors people are having
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: SparrowAPI
You need to get Sparrow API for Doggy Talents, put it in your JAR in any order
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 421
4096 block ID fix is not installed correctly. Installation order of the JAR mods is:
Modloader -> Audiomod -> Minecraft Forge -> 4096 Fix -> CodeChickenCore -> NotEnoughItems
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: buildcraft/core/network/PacketUpdate
Wrong version of Additional Pipes (Teleport Pipes) -- Get the 3.1.5 one
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: eloraam/logic/BlockLogic
You are missing some of the RedPower Modules, install all of them
For easier mod installs, use:
Without further ado, heres the list of mods I'll be using. I've started listing the mods version, the mod version listed below is the one i am currently using, and will be updated whenever I update my mods.
Mystcraft Details
Mystcraft will work with all the mods in this thread, however, there is one important issue to be aware of. Due to the way Red Power generates certain types of ore, Cave and Skyblock ages tend to grow out of control on world generation. You'll notice very large files sizes, and significant lag when you FIRST travel to these ages. I've found that immediately traveling back to the overworld as soon as possible is a good way to alleviate the lag. I will be editing out these issues from my videos. Eloraam and xcompwiz are working together on a solution. I'll update this info when one is available.
You'll want to download the version named: mystcraft-[1.2.5]Client 0.8.3 ForgePatch
Install Mystcraft into the jar in the following order:
Modloader -> Audiomod -> Minecraft Forge -> 4096 Fix -> Mystcraft -> CodeChickenCore -> NotEnoughItems -> Sparrow API
The config file goes into your config folder in your .minecraft.
Mods that need to go into the JAR (In this order)
Minecraft Forge -- Get the recommended version (Currently
Mystcraft Forge Version - v0.8.6b - NEW CONFIG FILE HERE goes in your config folder
Optifine (Optionally, get whatever version works best for you)
ChickenBones' CodeChickenCore 0.5.3
ChickenBones' NEI (Requires CodeChickenCore) -
Sparrow API - v1.1.0
Mods that go into the Mods Folder
Additional Buildcraft Objects - v100 (latest as of 5/28) - Specifically HERE
IC2 Addon Advanced Machines - BlockID 4095
Buildcraft 3.1.5
Additional Pipes (Teleport Pipes) v3.1.0 (for BC 3.1.5)
Doggy Talents 2.2.1
Ender Storage 1.1.3
Equivalent Exchange 2 v.
Industrial Craft 1.97
Inventory Tweaks 1.41b
The Laser Mod 1.5
Logistics Pipes BC3-0.2.5B
Iron Chests
NEI plugin for Red Power
NEI plugin for Railcraft
NEI Plugin for Forestry
PortalGun 1.2.5 v1
Railcraft 5.3.2
Red Power 2 PRE5b2 (Download on top right of screen) - get all 7 files
Sneaky Pipes 0.1.1
Steve's Carts 1.4.4
Thaumcraft 2.1.6d
Wireless Redstone -- Chicken Bones Edition 1.2.1 - Get all 3 files
Compact Solars - V2.3.2.10
IC2 Nuclear Control - v1.1.8 - BlockID 4093 (Edit the config file it creates)
MFFS -- Get the config file in my world 100 download, or right here
Heres the Config files
Get my latest world download for the configs
(Note, RP2 ores are the copper/tin that are enabled)
Season 4 Mod Installation - Standard
Season 4 Mod Installation - MultiMC
Mod Updates / Additions [Edited 07/31/12]
Onless otherwise stated, to update your mods, simply delete the existing mods from your install folder, and put the freshly downloaded files in their place.
Updated Industrial Craft to v1.95b
Updated RedPower 2 PR5b
IC2 Addon Advanced Machines - BlockID 4095
Doggy Talents 2.2.1 (Install the Sparrow API into your jar, just add it in, it doesn't modify base classes)
Logistics Pipes 0.2.5
Railcraft 5.2.0
Forestry to v1.4.4.4
Steve's Carts to 1.20
WR-CBE to 1.2.1
Additional Pipes (Teleport Pipes) v3.1.0
Compact Solars - V2.2.0 - default block ID was assigned to 4094
Jar's changed this time, don't forget to BACK! UP!
Minecraft Forge - v3.1.3.105
4096 ID Fix v4
Railcraft v5.2.1
Logistics Pipes v0.2.5b
Mystcraft v0.8.3 - Forge - NEW CONFIG FILE HERE
Steves Carts - 1.3.0
Red Power 2 - PR5b2 (Don't forget you'll have to reprogram your computers)
Thaumcraft - 2.1.5b
EquivExchange - v1.4.5.0 -- No more resources folder (YAY!) sounds are included in the jar.
Steves Carts - 1.3.3
Additional Builcraft Objects - v100 (latest as of 5/28)
EquivExchange - v1.4.5.1
Railcraft v 5.2.4
Thaumcraft 2.1.6
Steves Carts - 1.3.7
Railcraft v 5.3.2
Mystcraft - v0.84
Added Nuclear Control - V1.1.8
Lots of updates today, including jar files -- never a better time to BACKUP BACKUP!!
Added - Forestry NEI Plugin
Jar mods
Minecraft Forge v3.3.8.152 -- Now INCLUDES Modloader, Audiomod, 4096 fix. (None of those needed anymore, can be removed)
CodeChickenCore - v0.5.3
Mystcraft v0.8,6b
NEI - v1.2.2.4
Optifine 1.2.5 HD_C3 - Optional - (use whatevers best for you!)
Mods Folder
Equivalent Exchange v1.4.6.5
Enderstorage v1.1.3
Forestry v1.4.8.0
IC2 Nuclear Control v1.1.9b
Industrial Craft 2 v1.97
Compact solars - v2.3.2.10
Iron Chests v3.4.2.28
Steves Carts 1.4.4
Thaumcraft - 2.1.6d
Added: MFFS -- Get the config file in my world 100 download, or right here
Prior Seasons
Direwolf20's Lets Play Minecraft v1.10. Season 3. Now complete
Check the spoiler tag below for the download link and instructions for use.
Season 3, Episode 10 - World Download
Season 3, Episode 20 - World Download
Season 3, Episode 30 - World Download
Season 3, Episode 40 - World Download
Season 3, Episode 50 - World Download
Season 3, Episode 60 - World Download
Season 3, Episode 68 - World Download
Disclaimer I take no responsibility for anything breaking, bad things happening to your computer, your old minecraft worlds getting corrupt - etc etc. BACKUP!!
To use:
#1 Backup your .minecraft folder -- YES The whole thing!!
#2 Make sure you have all the mods I do. I include a list of mods in the zip file.
#3 Copy all contents of the folder inside the zip to your .minecraft this should contain 5 folders - Buildcraft, Config, Redpower, Saves, Mods (only for portal config) -- This will overwrite config files for your mods - potentially breaking existing worlds. Did you backup your .minecraft???.
#4 Load up the game, and you SHOULD see the Lets Play world there (New world is my test world)
#5 Enjoy.
As Always, I would like some feedback if you get it to work (post here to let me know of your success). I can't promise that I can help troubleshoot any issues you have.
Hello Everyone! Direwolf20 here,
I've just started my new Lets Play series for Minecraft v1.10. This is season 3 of my Minecraft Lets Play series! I have a TON of mods going on, so the easiest way to list them all would be to link to the 'How To install' forum post.
How to install all these mods
Now, onto the playlist!
Lets play v1.1 series Playlist
All new videos will be added there. Hope you enjoy watching .
Direwolf20's Lets Play Minecraft v1.00. Season 2. Now complete
Check the spoiler tag below for the download link and instructions for use.
Link to Episode 20 World Download
Link to Episode 30 World Download
Link to episode 40 World Download
Link to Episode 50 world Download. -- Includes my test world, as a special bonus (nothing too exciting)
Disclaimer I take no responsibility for anything breaking, bad things happening to your computer, your old minecraft worlds getting corrupt - etc etc. BACKUP!!
To use:
#1 Backup your .minecraft folder -- YES The whole thing!!
#2 Make sure you have all the mods I do. I include a list of mods in the zip file.
#3 Copy all contents of the folder inside the zip to your .minecraft this should contain 4 folders - Buildcraft, Config, Redpower, Saves -- This will overwrite config files for your mods - potentially breaking existing worlds. Did you backup your .minecraft???.
#4 Load up the game, and you SHOULD see the Lets Play world there.
#5 Enjoy.
As Always, I would like some feedback if you get it to work (post here to let me know of your success). I can't promise that I can help troubleshoot any issues you have.
Hello Everyone! Direwolf20 here,
I've just started my new Lets Play series for Minecraft v1.00. I have a TON of mods going on, so the easiest way to list them all would be to link to the 'How To install' forum post.
How to install all these mods
Now, onto the playlist!
Lets play v1.0 series Playlist
All new videos will be added there. Hope you enjoy watching .
Thanks to Randomsteve95370!