It's a shame you broke the rules of the map in your speedrun which invalidates it in my opinion. Just because the map says you can survive in any way you can think of doesn't mean that you can break the other rules of the map. In fact, if that was true, you may as well play the map in creative mode because that means you also don't have to play the map on easy, normal or hard.
- kamyu
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iEnigmaaa posted a message on [CTM] Ragecraft Series (by heliceo)Posted in: Maps
It's a shame you broke the rules of the map in your speedrun which invalidates it in my opinion. Just because the map says you can survive in any way you can think of doesn't mean that you can break the other rules of the map. In fact, if that was true, you may as well play the map in creative mode because that means you also don't have to play the map on easy, normal or hard. -
Amehtta posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)Posted in: Maps
Mmm, tbh, thinking the silent majority agrees with, or disagrees with, either stance on the issue is a logical fallacy. That said, you guys really need to calm down for a couple minutes and consider some things:Quote from Vechs
I also get ~5000 downloads per day, and I know that 99% of my fans don't post on the forums. So I do always keep that in mind, and view posts within that context. For extra credit, go look up vocal minority on Urban Dictionary, and notice who the author was back in 2007.
- The size of a given map
- The intended playstyle of that map (no matter how loosely defined)
- The time taken to design, build, and test the map outside of loot placement
- The amount of time remaining to dedicate solely to loot placement
- The amount of time that the map maker has been making maps, and the number of maps they've finished
- The amount of thought that custom loot balancing requires
- The amount of ing that is being aimed at the map maker to hurry up and finish a map
- The fact that if you don't like random loot, you don't have to take it, or even look at the chest
Yes, I agree that random loot isn't really a worthwhile reward in some cases, specifically towards the end of rougher dungeons, but all in all, it's no so big an issue that it makes the maps unplayable, or less fun. It's simply a personal preference that you really shouldn't try to force on other players. Sure, you don't like random loot, but other people really do. They have no more right to say "get rid of all the custom loot and make it all random" than you do to say "get rid of all the random loot, and make it all custom." If custom loot lets Vechs get his maps out even just a little faster, and takes a little bit of work off of his shoulders, I don't see any problem with it. At the end of the day, you know you're probably going to keep playing and replaying his maps whether there's custom loot or not, because he's damn good at what he does.
I'm not saying that we should not criticize something that is a bad decision, I'm saying you guys need to work on your tone and your method of conveying constructive criticism, in a respectful manner. Even though I'm a complete fangirl, I don't think Vechs is a god or something equally ridiculous. He's just a guy, like anyone else, but he works his ass off to provide us with free entertainment, and he's damn good at that, so he does deserve some respect. All of you calm down, discuss your opinions rationally, and respectfully, and come to some sort of g'damn compromise. Lordy. -
Redstone_Fanatic posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)Decided to make a rant about anvils in CTM maps more interesting.Posted in: Maps
It's time for.. rants by Red about things that make him go wat when it comes to Mineraft mechanics and CTM, Ep. 01.
In this episodic post, we'll be talking about anvils. Anvils, when it comes to the world of CTM maps, aren't very helpful at all. While useful in some points, they're still rather... confusing. They need work, short version. So, let's list the gripes and how they can be fixed!
First gripe, the repairing system is all kinds of weird. Like, the kind of weird that makes someone giggle violently while reading /r/cringe and drinking motor oil weird.
Here, we have 3 repairing scenarios on a sword dubbed "Everything". It has every available enchantment at level 10, and it's been worn down a fair bit.
First Scenario
In this first of three possible scenarios, it costs 939 levels in order to combine the sword with 2 diamonds to repair it. Switching the diamonds and the sword in the anvil doesn't work, by the way. It keeps the name and the enchantments proper. However, this is extremely un-ideal... notice how despite adding in 2 diamonds, the sword isn't even fully repaired!Second Scenario
In the second scenario, we're combining Everything with a fresh diamond sword. And this time, it costs... 908 levels? Yep, that's right, apparently using an actual diamond sword instead of diamonds is 30 levels cheaper AND the tool is 100% repaired versus only partly repaired. I have no idea why it does that, because that's absolutely stupid. This second scenario is however the optimal thing to be doing when repairing... combining the thing you're fixing with a fresh copy of the tool. In pretty much every scenario I've tested with different tools, by the way, it seems like repairing with just the base materials versus the actual tool is much more expensive for whatever reason. In this scenario, it also does keep the name and enchantments.Third Scenario
Now here's where it gets confusing. Our cost has been reduced down to a 'mere' 781 levels. This scenario should never be used, because this particular scenario gets rid of the name AND gets rid of anything outside vanilla enchantments. It also fixes any enchantment conflicts (Silk Touch overrides Fortune, etc.) and as for the removal of the name, that's intentional. Still un-ideal.
So, while it's pretty easy to understand why these items do the things they do, a few things here need some changing. First off, while I understand these are pretty high level items, you get the idea -- only the second option is even remotely viable within CTM maps. The first scenario is problematic even within vanilla Minecraft with just normally enchanted items. It costs more levels, and you get MUCH less back, despite using the same amount of materials as used within a sword... sans the stick, obviously, but I doubt that's why it's like it is.
The third scenario just gets in to all kinds of nope. Because you're combining a 'new' sword with the enchants of an old one, essentially, it reverts back to the vanilla enchantment limits, thus the cost drop as well. I think this is more of a slight error within that repairing placement, which is also, even in vanilla, a pretty crap idea to do. Pretty much if you're not doing the second option, you're wasting levels or materials.
Second gripe... experience cost. You may have noticed with those excellent eyes of yours, forum person, that 781, 908, and 938 are very big numbers. Way, way outside the limit of the 39 that we are so severely limited to within vanilla, and heck, even within CTM maps. We can't go outside that limit at all unless we're in creative. We can't modify a tool to make it cost a certain amount of levels to repair, we can't remove the cap in any way in the level.dat or some such, and y'know, looking back at it, I really just don't see why that cap even exists. If you really, REALLY want that one specific tool of yours and you're willing to grind out the experience to keep it going versus just making a newer one, then you should be allowed to roll that way.
But especially when it comes to the exorbitant amounts of experience that we have within CTM maps, there's the potential here to get a use for it, repairing exorbitantly enchanted loot. Spawners are *very* good experience and there is no shortage of them in CTM maps. Even if the level cap is still mean. Especially with the way that multiple enchantments translate to cost... even if they're only level 1, if there's a lot of them, the cost adds up fast, and then you once again hit the cap.
Third gripe... format codes. Especially everyone's favorite symbol, §, for color codes. (It would be so much easier if Mojang would just add the damn symbol to the .txt, but NOOOOOOO THAT MUST BE TOO HARD OR SOMETHING .-.)
Essentially, if you repair an item with a colored name, rather than it being say, Waraxe, it'll be §6Waraxe. Same issues also come up when bolding and such. And, you know, you'd think, "Oh, well that's a bug, that'll be fixed!" Direct quote from Dinnerbone: "It is intentional that you cannot use format codes while naming things ingame."
Several bugs relating to things that involve third party editings to Minecraft that, while being possible within vanilla Minecraft, are not possible without the editing capabilities of the tool itself (Custom spawners for example, you don't know how many mods on the bug reporting site have tried to chew me up for reporting bugs relating to those...) seem to be totally overlooked. Direct quote from a mod on the site concerning the color tag issue: "Ok, but you cannot blame Minecraft for something not working what's not possible with vanilla Minecraft. When you mess around with 3rd party tools at your world files, it's not a Minecraft issue when it's not working. Please report that at the makers of the 3rd party tools."
I'm not sure what's worse here -- how many error reports about things like that get tagged as "Works as Intended" just because it's not part of the totally vanilla Minecraft, or the fact that it seems like every mod on the site besides like 3 or 4 almost seem to think that any bug involving a third party tool is the same as a bug involving a mod. There's a big difference between say, kamyu's custom spawner tool and the Aether mod. If it's a problem with MINECRAFT, not the TOOL, then it's a valid bug report. Or at least one would think so, and yet, to date, I still see mods posting that on reports involving third party tools.
Anyways, the sidetracking about mods on the bug reporting site not recognizing when Minecraft IS INDEED AT FAULT aside, pretty much in summary the list of things that should be changed, I think:
- Something needs to be done with the material versus actual tool repairing cost. 2 diamonds shouldn't be much much less effective than a diamond sword, when they're practically the same thing.
- The third scenario above needs some work when it comes to keeping the enchantments proper and not going all "THIS IS HOW VANILLA ENCHANTMENTS WORK AND WE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO CREATE YOUR OWN DIAMOND SWORD WITH BLACKJACK AND HOOKERS."
- Mapmakers need some way to enable/disable the level cap for a specific world.
- Leading off the last one, mapmakers could use a way to actually change the repairing cost of said item. It'd be amusing loot -- an Everything sword that only costs a single level to repair.
- Format codes, for obvious reasons, should be made to work with anvils, and vaguely all of Minecraft... it just really makes sense, y'know? Funnily enough, Lore colors and bolding works fine, just because the anvil does not take Lore into account at all because you can't change the Lore of an item using Anvil. Only the title. That's obviously where the current problems arise.
Things that will actually be changed if it's up to most of the Atlassian site mods:
- Nothing because it's a problem with the third party tool.
I'm sorry I just had to add that.
Anyways, this concludes my tl;dr rant about Anvils and how wat they are with CTM. -
Vechs posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)Posted in: MapsQuote from Apollo9898
Vechs is revolutionary even though Sethbling came up with the wool-from-mobs idea in the first place...
(don't get me wrong, Vechs makes awesome maps, but let's give credit where credit is due)
Honestly, all credit goes to Dinnerbone, not me, and not Sethbling. Custom mob drops was one of the items on the long list of things Dinnerbone has done to help out custom map makers. -
Vechs posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)Posted in: MapsQuote from XphX
*ahem* League of Legends is the highest form of "pay to win". The roster of free heros is worryingly small and all the powerful heros you have to - wait for it - buy. The weeks in which they appear in the roster, the balance of the game goes totally nuts for that week. You want a truly non-pay to win game? Try DotA 2. (If you can get an invite that is I wish they would just open the game up)
I'm totally OK with paying for games to play the game. I am NOT OK with paying for games to win the game. That's a twisted buisness model that I'm surprised still exsists.
Ok cool now I'm going to get back to minecraft.
I need a little help on spellbound caves:
I got the white wool in that first cave and I found the secret area by climbing the waterfall, but they are both dead ends. Any hints as to where to go from here?
League is probably one of the best examples of Free to Play done right.
"All the powerful heroes you have to buy"? Really? For one, every champion in the game is good -- what imbalances there are, are fairly small, and usually corrected pretty fast. You could unlock any of these easily on your first day of play, and they are outstanding champions:
Warwick (mah doggeh)
I think maybe you've just been losing at the game, and you're thinking that because you lost to champions you don't have, that means they're overpowered. >.> -
Redstone_Fanatic posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)Posted in: MapsQuote from Vechs
I felt I had to do it all in one go, because if I start again later, I'd have to re-enter all the spawner data again -- It would be so awesome of the Custom Spawner program had the ability to open schematics and get the spawner data from them.
okay, vak go sleepy time now
What, you mean open an already made schematic into the program? If that's what you mean, then yeah, that feature already sort of exists. :3 -
Vechs posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)Posted in: MapsQuote from Eiliya
It's only been some hours since last I was here, and the activity spiked. Vechs making his presence known stills the hearts of his followers, it seems.
@Vechs - They say that curiosity killed the cat. Since we're not cats, we can be curious about what you're doing, yes?
Here are some screenshots from the spawn area in my map, for those who're interested.
That's a neat texture pack.
Was there a map you wanted to show off?
(You should take pictures of your map using the default texture pack and without any crazy shader mods, because it "hides" your own work behind the work of the texture pack authors / modders.) -
Redstone_Fanatic posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)Posted in: Maps
Not sure if mapmaking or Fwap a Durp. -
Bly posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)My friend was playing Sea of Flame, and for some reason when he got back on one time, he was completely under lava for some reason. He had Rockbane on him, so he freaked out and quit, then asked me(a Super Hostile Veteran(likeasir)) for help. I offered to fix the bug with MCEdit(he has a mac) if he would email me the map save, and he did.Posted in: Maps
If you watched Joe Hills play Gift, you'll know how I... "helped" him out.
>:3 -
Delthyn posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)Posted in: MapsQuote from OmegaJasam
Size wise, it all depends on how good the shortcuts are. The pre-update waking up was kind of obnoxious near the end. And building a long railway is something that gets tedious or not time efficent in meny cases.
Pffft. You whiny kids! Back when I was your age, back in the days when Waking Up was first released, I had to walk 10 miles through the Helix Caverns, uphill both ways, to get to the next intersection. And we liked it! We were tougher back then too, no one gave US a stone tools and food low chest at spawn. No! We had to work our asses off to get that!
Dang kids always whining. Pffft. - To post a comment, please login.
Yup, just have to add a simple attribute tag to the item.
So I decided to see just how broken RC3 is in 1.9...
At least some books are missing most of their text.
The wall somehow eats the objectives book when you pop it out of its frame (also other books that you put in that frame).
Frost traps don't work. They have all the text, but are just speed potions.
The fenced in spawners in the coal mine spawn chickens that moan like baby zombies and do contact damage. Not just chicken jockeys with invis baby zombies. The 'chickens' usually aren't aggressive and the 'baby zombies' cease to exist when the chicken dies.
And then this at the entrance to the mine.. no idea:
Haven't crossed the bridge yet.
For effects that need to work map wide, you place the command blocks in the spawn chunk of the map. The spawn chunk is always loaded as long as someone is in the overworld so any redstone magic in that chunk will always be running.
Pigs require grass blocks to spawn on. Spawners still follow those rules (which is why you can light up skel/zom spawners). Place the spawners by grass and they will work fine.
I had the same issue. It went away when I removed the garbage collector jvm arguments that are apparently default now. (-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy)
I've only had one freeze since getting rid of those (when some area specific effects initialized in the green *crystal area).
Bug with the health boost quest: If you ever drink a potion with a temporary stronger health boost then the weaker "permanent" quest health boost never comes back. I imagine it will come back if I ever die again, but I would rather avoid that XD.
Mojang tried to remove him.
Twice. (So sayeth the patch notes.)
They succeeded in removing his skin.. (so long Steve/Monster..)
What emerged was the Enderman. Still moving any and all blocks (even bedrock).
Mojang, seeing that the beast would not die, settled for merely weakening him.
Now the beast, able to carry but a few blocks, screams its frustration to the world as it searches for the means to return to power.
How about a spawner spewing out primed TNT as the minecart zips along.
Yes. Everything under the SpawnPotentials tag.
You can set the item count to whatever, so yes.