Exception in thread "Thread-4" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: ci, method: a_ sig
nature: ()Lma;) Wrong return type in function
at ra.<clinit>(SourceFile:156)
at rv.<init>(SourceFile:14)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.<init>(SourceFile:208)
at m.<init>(SourceFile:33)
at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftApplet.init(SourceFile:33)
at net.minecraft.Launcher.replace(Launcher.java:132)
at net.minecraft.Launcher$1.run(Launcher.java:76)
This is what I get when I try to launch minecraft and It gives me a black screen, any help?
1)IGN: (In Game Name) k96spy
2) Forum's Name: k96spy
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: minecraft.ritechhosting.com,remuria
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A):
5) Do you have Ventrilo: no
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes
I would also like to add that we are thinking up server events currently we have only 1 decided and even that we dont have a permanent date.
Here is a List it will be modified when new events are added.
Griefer's day(time Saturday)-It is basically what it sounds like we backup the server give everyone TNT, Flint&steel, and lava buckets then everyone just blows everything to Notch and back, then we rollback the server.
Hide the Diamond(time Monday)-Like hide and seek except its hiding a diamond
Obby day(time Friday)-Through the week players build a Obstacle course then on Friday we have the runners go through the obstacle course.
Insta outpost once activated makes a medium flat area that reaches the sky box and then auto gens a outpost. (I was to lazy to read entire thread so if already suggested nvm)
I like this idea but maybe have it so the first person on that's allowed drives the boat instantly and everyone else, the second they get on the boat they are seated, so no walking around on boat(which makes gordens statement invalid) also no mayflower sized boats.
I know land claim flags is a touchy subject, but I think I have discovered the answer to making everyone (well most everyone) happy. Its quite simple really why not just add a mob health system to blocks within the land claim flags area, so that if someone wants to get into your base of obsidian or diamond, every time they attack the block the weapon will lose durability along with the block (kinda like hitting a pig or a creeper ect..) so lets say you have a solid diamond fort, and diamond blocks have 9999 health (or something like that), and someone with a wooden pick tries to attack your fort, the wooden pick has lets say 20 health and 1 attack, and every time he attacks that block his pick loses 1 health and the block loses 1 health, which would mean he needs 499.95 wooden picks to break in(about 1750 planks or 437 logs).
But then how you ask will I fix my fort well my good forum friends I have that thought out also, my solution is a hammer and materials, oh that stupid little siege damaged one of your diamond blocks down to 9979 health, why not grab your hammer and 20 planks and fix it right up, announcer aside basically you would select the hammer and click on a damaged block a screen with only 1 slot pops up and you input your selected material,the better the material the more it repairs, so if your diamond block is realy low on health it would be cheaper to just use a diamond on it.
Then theirs the issue of someone just pillaring over with dirt well there wrong again because only select materials are allowed to be built in the land claim flag area, which would be siege items from TNT to ladders (TNT wouldn't be nearly as destructive) and maybe various other blocks, this way siege would be possible if not likely and it would be hard for someone to get into your base if its built right.
Then those big sieges people want will be more than possible and people can defend there stuff if they try. Also if you can think of reasonable health amounts for all the blocks and weapons please post it.
For when your not on or no one is on that is on your forts team the blocks inside the land claim flags area become invincible, against everyone but admins,BUT chests and other such objects can still be opened and looted so when you leave its best to lock up :tongue.gif:
Thats about all please forgive any spelling mistakes or general errors I am not a strong speller also this is my first topic, criticism/suggestions are more than welcome and please don't hate because of spelling or general lack of punctuation.
So since SMP is coming out tomorrow have we made any plans such as when we should all meet up or if were gonna meet up on a server? If not make some plans because having everyone meet up on a server would be awesome!
EDIT: On the clans website the moto is wrong its the old one not the new cooler one.
nature: ()Lma;) Wrong return type in function
at ra.<clinit>(SourceFile:156)
at rv.<init>(SourceFile:14)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.<init>(SourceFile:208)
at m.<init>(SourceFile:33)
at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftApplet.init(SourceFile:33)
at net.minecraft.Launcher.replace(Launcher.java:132)
at net.minecraft.Launcher$1.run(Launcher.java:76)
This is what I get when I try to launch minecraft and It gives me a black screen, any help?
Turn on limit framerate
turn OFF smooth lighting
Turn graphics to Fast
This should more or less help
2) Forum's Name: k96spy
3) Last 2 Previous servers if any: minecraft.ritechhosting.com,remuria
4) What clan you are interest in joining (If wanting to start your own clan put N/A):
5) Do you have Ventrilo: no
6) Do you have SDK Gun Mod: Yes
7) Do you understanding that Disobeying Server Rules will result in a Server Ban: Yes
Here is a List it will be modified when new events are added.
Griefer's day(time Saturday)-It is basically what it sounds like we backup the server give everyone TNT, Flint&steel, and lava buckets then everyone just blows everything to Notch and back, then we rollback the server.
Hide the Diamond(time Monday)-Like hide and seek except its hiding a diamond
Obby day(time Friday)-Through the week players build a Obstacle course then on Friday we have the runners go through the obstacle course.
But then how you ask will I fix my fort well my good forum friends I have that thought out also, my solution is a hammer and materials, oh that stupid little siege damaged one of your diamond blocks down to 9979 health, why not grab your hammer and 20 planks and fix it right up, announcer aside basically you would select the hammer and click on a damaged block a screen with only 1 slot pops up and you input your selected material,the better the material the more it repairs, so if your diamond block is realy low on health it would be cheaper to just use a diamond on it.
Then theirs the issue of someone just pillaring over with dirt well there wrong again because only select materials are allowed to be built in the land claim flag area, which would be siege items from TNT to ladders (TNT wouldn't be nearly as destructive) and maybe various other blocks, this way siege would be possible if not likely and it would be hard for someone to get into your base if its built right.
Then those big sieges people want will be more than possible and people can defend there stuff if they try. Also if you can think of reasonable health amounts for all the blocks and weapons please post it.
For when your not on or no one is on that is on your forts team the blocks inside the land claim flags area become invincible, against everyone but admins,BUT chests and other such objects can still be opened and looted so when you leave its best to lock up :tongue.gif:
Thats about all please forgive any spelling mistakes or general errors I am not a strong speller also this is my first topic, criticism/suggestions are more than welcome and please don't hate because of spelling or general lack of punctuation.
EDIT: On the clans website the moto is wrong its the old one not the new cooler one.