If they want money earn Mojang has Earned there money
Uniloc Just wants money
12. Mojang is directly infringing one or more claims of the ’067 patent in this judicial
district and elsewhere in Texas, including at least claim 107, without the consent or authorization
of Uniloc, by or through making, using, offering for sale, selling and/or importing Android based
applications for use on cellular phones and/or tablet devices that require communication with a
server to perform a license check to prevent the unauthorized use of said application, including,
but not limited to, Mindcraft.
Sigh Another Troll
Quote from JnrDingo
**** Richardson he is a fat immigrant ****. He needs to leave Australia before the minecraft australia community makes him.
I believe he is not in Australia As a Aussie Person I say that
I remember playing this server a month after it started or something. Just sitting at steam wondering what I should do, then I remember this place, so its shut down and been merged with another server? This server gave me so many memories, I enjoyed all the hours I spent on it, I don't think anyone can or will replace it, I honestly have no idea if anyone remembers me.
Its been a long run.
- Jumbo76 (I can't remember other than minecraft, the last time I used that username)
I have not forgotten about you either.
-Jumbo/Pandor/Whatever you call me now.
Everyone always forgets about me.
Like I mean no one ever wrote goodbye to me when they left.
I never even got a hug.
I'm going to lock myself in a vault with puppets or possibly a man named Gary.
OT: Hurry up, I want server. If you don't hurry up I might be sad.
Admit it. We all cried a lot.
12/10 Its okay, Needs less water.
Anyways. I'm just sitting here waiting for the Next TF2 update. You guys are worried about Convicted...
The year is 2077. The bombs detonated. Nuclear fallout has started. Into the vaults I go.
As I enter I see a familiar face. Its Gabe Newell.
"Hi Gabe." I say
Hi Pandor/Jumbo/Whatever we call you now, Half life 3 is released. Do you want to come play with me?" He says.
"Well Gabe, I was going to play some Convicted 2.0, maybe I can play later." I reply.
"Pandor/Jumbo/Whatever my name is, I'm sorry to say this, but its coming out in 3 weekends." He says in his soft voice.
"Wait... What Gabe, they said that ages ago. Please Gabe, don't let it be like Half life 3!" I say. I try to hold back the tears but I can't.
"I'm sorry." Gabe says as he boots up his SteamBox. "Lets play Half life 3."
Okay. Thank you.
Nice to catch up with everyone.
Does any one remember me?
I still love you all I swear.
Its just <Deep breath>.
The steam sales hit.
Anyway. Servers down for new prison stuff.
one question. Do we keep donor ranks. It took me a long time too get enough BP to force some poor soul (I mean kind person) to buy donor for me.
On other notes I have a new username. Its Pandor_ I will try to get my MCF account name swapped.
Yours truly
Someone catch me up on the last 6 months.
Does anyone even remember me?
Edit: So it turns out Noakii left. I'm just going to cry in a corner now.
See you around buddy.
Why do you keep switching accounts? You don't really need 2 MCF accounts.
Ofherwise good luck on getting guard.
Okay, I have been inactive for a long time. I have still be reading the forums every day.
So a solution for donor.
We could have people donate but give no rewards. Sure this decreases the chance of donating but maybe we can just give them special buffs or even pay money (after donating) to unlock the donor block.
The penguin falls. The Panda rises.
OT: Yoda should have Alpha.
1. I recently had a couple of battles with an ubanned player called chad27, he never missed.
2. So you admitted to hacking. Not saying you hack on this server but you do hacked.
Just stop.
3 days= 72 hours.
2 days= 48 hours.
Please learn maths.
Also like Josh (Redrum) stated. You probably have ruined your chances at getting guard.
Off topic: Why do you need 2 accounts? Just use one.
On topic: Weekend for us Aussies. So I'll be on about now.
Why are we (endangered) allied to you.