Well ive been wanting to run my own server for quite some time but my computer is a p.o.s. so ive been looking on amazon and ive found one so far and idk if its good enough to run one with no more than 5 people on the server, tell me if it is.
Hello there! I just finished my project ive been working on for the past few days. Its a zombie map with zombie spawners, and a big house to do what not. Sorry im not to good at wording stuff. But yeah its really cool, just download it here!
Hey i have the flood gate mod on one of my worlds and it crashes everytime i try to open it, can i just delete my bin and redownload the mod and modloader?
Ive been searching for about 1 hour now and I haven't found a mod for what i'm looking for ( correct me if i'm wrong )
Is there anyone who could make zombies break blocks ( wood planks, cobblestone, etc. ) and make it take around 2-3 seconds for them to break it? Because I am making a nazi zombie world and i have the building, the spawner's and even power that turns on lights ( you start of with a miners helmet for light ) and i just need this one last thing.
Uhm... yeah that could actually be a cool mod.
But what are its uses? Why would you need to see the distance of something?
Maybe your making a really long strip of redstone and since it only powers to 14 you need to see how many inverters you need, or maybe your making a home and you want it to be 20x20 so you can use it instead of looking at each block and maybe loosing count.
http://www.amazon.com/iBUYPOWER-Gamer-P ... ewpoints=1
Thanks :biggrin.gif: now my Giant "Rack" redstone sign flashes again :biggrin.gif:
It looks like that and it wont work :/
Also if enough people would like me to do so ill make a new and better map!
Also you will need modloader and floodgate mod. Heres the link to them!
The goal is to obviously stay alive and collect as many feathers as possible, you can change the difficulty idc really.
And no I didnt show everything in the video.
anyone know of such thing yet?
Exactly! It would be nice if you could toggle what items they could break, i would give plenty of
Is there anyone who could make zombies break blocks ( wood planks, cobblestone, etc. ) and make it take around 2-3 seconds for them to break it? Because I am making a nazi zombie world and i have the building, the spawner's and even power that turns on lights ( you start of with a miners helmet for light ) and i just need this one last thing.
Any help is appreciated.
Maybe your making a really long strip of redstone and since it only powers to 14 you need to see how many inverters you need, or maybe your making a home and you want it to be 20x20 so you can use it instead of looking at each block and maybe loosing count.