How long do you plan to play on the realm? As long as you keep it open
Are you willing to abide by all rules on Discord and on the Realm and take this seriously? Of course
What is your favorite part/thing to do on Minecraft? Building and mining, also farming.
Why should I add you to the Realm and Discord? I can contribute. I love farming and building. I am also good at communicating and have been modded in mc before in realms.
1 - How old are you and what is your IGN (In game name)? 26, Jseg1234
2 - How long have you played minecraft? 2-3 years
3 - What kind of servers do you usually play on? Any, not picky
4 - Have you ever been banned from a server? (If yes, please explain why), no ma'am
5 - Why would you like to join our realm? I would LOVE to
6 - What do you enjoy doing on minecraft the most? Building a community
7 - What time zone are you in? (Just as we would prefer people who are likely to be online at the same time as us) We are from the UK so our time zone is GMT) PST
1:age: 26
2:building style: Modern/ Wood builds
3:how long you’ve been playing Minecraft/ 4 years
4:what’s you’re main goal to achieve upon joining: Player interactions, want to play with people
5:tell me a little about yourself: I am very chill
6:you’re in game name: Jseg1234
Hi! I am a girl, 24, been in some community realms and have been playing for about 3-4 years Gamertag is jseg1234
Hi there! My name is Erika
1 - How old are you and what is your IGN (In game name)? 26, Jseg1234
2 - How long have you played minecraft? 2-3 years
3 - What kind of servers do you usually play on? Any, not picky
4 - Have you ever been banned from a server? (If yes, please explain why), no ma'am
5 - Why would you like to join our realm? I would LOVE to
6 - What do you enjoy doing on minecraft the most? Building a community
7 - What time zone are you in? (Just as we would prefer people who are likely to be online at the same time as us) We are from the UK so our time zone is GMT) PST
GN: Jseg1234
Age: Mid 20s
Country: America
Language: English
Gameplay: Builder/Redstone
Started: 2017-2018
Something about myself:I'm a relaxed player, I like building communities and having a good time
Discord name: Jseg#7678
Something Special: Favorite food is pizza and pasta
Hi there!
Username: Jseg1234
Age : 25
Avg Playtime : Anywhere from 2-5 hours a day
How long you've played MC : 1 1/2 - 2 years
Favorite thing to do in MC : making a community, building and mining
If it was mine, then Jseg1234
Mine is jseg1234. I am 23 and live in PST
Hi there
IGN: jseg1234
Age: 24
Projects: I like farming, mining, and building
Bored: Not really, only if people aren't on or no one is on