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    posted a message on Lagers, stop complaining.
    Just got done playing Crysis 2 on max settings with no problem at all, logged onto Minecraft to play at 20 FPS on fast. Something is wrong, stop ignoring it.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Harvest Moon
    Harvest moon 64 FTW!!
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on APB Reloaded!!!
    The original APB sucked...Sorry but it did.

    The games customization was awesome, but the gameplay was... boring.

    The gameplay was like this, you would run around bored out of your mind until matchmaking found another, equally bored player of the opposing faction for you to fight. At this point you would be given an objective to complete, or stop the other person from completing. After you either win or lose, the mission would end, at which point you would go back to waiting for another mission. The missions were very repetitive and got old quick.

    Sometimes by doing certain actions your notoriety (thugs) or prestige (cops) would go up (Similar to wanted starts in GTA). If it got high enough you would start getting hunted by other faction members, which was kinda fun if you can survive very long.

    If as a thug your notoriety gets high enough cops will start to get missions to hunt you down, at which point both the thug and the cop (Along with any friends in their group) would initiate a TDM. The thug had no way to decline these random fights, the only way to avoid them is to keep your notoriety low, which isn't fun. Pretty much everything you do raises notoriety whether it's killing, robbing, driving bad, pretty much anything.

    Combat was moderate, everyone had just about as much health as Master Chief and it always took about a full clip to kill somebody.

    The only fun way to play the game was with friends, that way you wouldn't get stuck playing 2v2 deathmatches with players the matchmaking found for you.

    Thats about all I have to say on the first APB, hopefully reloaded is better, but I know for sure I won't be getting it.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Most Overrated Game You Have Ever Played
    Quote from piinyouri »
    Oh yeah, TF2 is definitely overrated.

    Wait why? That game is praised for it's perfect balance of classes and not to mention the awesome updates they put out.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on I NEED TERRARIA!
    I actually like Killing Floor better. Oblivion was a major disappointment to me. It felt like they took Morrowind and simplified it, made it look pretty, added a few things, and then called it oblivion.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Most Overrated Game You Have Ever Played
    FF7, Seriously what does everybody see in this game?
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Your first spawn point
    Quote from Axoren »
    My first spawn was before seeds existed, so don't even ask.

    Seeds have always existed.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on I hate stats, what do you think?
    Quote from Mr_Grandtree »
    Hmm, not a bad analogy. Actually, a pedometer would bother me. It would make me set a goal for myself when I could simply stroll about. Sometimes goals are good, and I want the pedometer, but sometimes I don't. No one wants a pedometer permenantly attached to them do they?

    So what your saying is, if one day you planned to walk to the park and enjoy yourself, but on your way out the door Notch suddenly straps a pedometer to you that only you can read but is impossible to remove, you would suddenly feel obligated to jog for two hours?

    If that is true, and you can't learn to just ignore it, then maybe Notch does need to add an off button.

    However, I still feel like this is being made a bigger deal than it actually is.
    Posted in: Achievements & Stats
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    posted a message on Your first spawn point
    Quote from Apollo45 »

    Boring, wasn't it? that's about how it looked on all sides. It was on a sandy beach though.

    I'm surprised I still had the save.

    You had a texture pack the first time you played the game?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on I hate stats, what do you think?
    Quote from Mr_Grandtree »
    No, the switch would make it stop keeping track of them.

    I still don't understand why you think stats add a sort of "goal" to a game that you cannot win. That's like saying "I refuse to wear a pedometer while jogging because It cannot be completed."
    Posted in: Achievements & Stats
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    posted a message on I hate stats, what do you think?
    Quote from Mr_Grandtree »
    Yes, I have the same problem with every game with stats. And before stats, MinCraft never had any goals or anything of the sort, so there was nothing to complete, so I was free to do whatever and had nothing bother me. Now, I am very bothered...

    Just because you flip a switch that turns off the stats doesn't mean they are not there anymore, they are just not being displayed. Hitting a button to turn it off is no different than just ignoring it/pretending it's not there.
    Posted in: Achievements & Stats
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    posted a message on I hate stats, what do you think?
    Quote from Mr_Grandtree »
    Trust me, they bother me. I have a completionism problem, and stats can never be beaten. I just want a toggle... But yes, I know it is weird. Thanks for repeating what everyone already stated I suppose.

    So whenever you play OTHER games that have stats you have the same problem?

    ...Wait a second...
    Quote from Mr_Grandtree »
    I have a completionism problem, and stats can never be beaten

    But Minecraft itself cannot be beaten.
    Posted in: Achievements & Stats
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    posted a message on I hate stats, what do you think?
    Wait, what exactly bothers you about the stats? It's not like the stats stand over you're bed at night poking you and giggling, they just keep track of everything you've done. Stats add no goal to the game whatsoever, achievements do, but stats don't.

    However, if you think to yourself, "I want to be known for collecting the most dirt of everyone in Minecraft!" then you have just set a goal for yourself to achieve. Which is pretty much what Minecraft is about, setting goals.
    Posted in: Achievements & Stats
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    posted a message on Your first spawn point
    My first spawn was in a tiny wooden hut. :iapprove:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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