have you posted it in minecraft forums ??? and I make videos show me your mods and maybe I'll make some videos and pls subscribe my channe and watch my videos link to channel:http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9LqVotlNJNFM5yGYTEHYSw and make more mods i'm very intrested in new mods
and let me add mods in your future maps and i'll make map reveiws.and show you every thing I know and this is an awesome map i'vv been looking for this kind of map for 1 year so thanks and you could help me too if you let me help you.i recommend a road in this map so i could add a road closed and i'll put the lab there.
[size="4"]I can add a lab in the map and only in 1 hour I can help in the future updates.plus I could probably make another texture pack for this map.and go to my youtube channel and subscribe http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9LqVotlNJNFM5yGYTEHYSw