!! Ground Zero is recruiting Builders, Terraformers & Developers !!
Hey everyone! Ground Zero, is my new server that me and a bunch others have been working on for months! We are almost finished and are looking for staff members to hopefully excel some more and get this server up by this weekend! YOU MUST HAVE A MIC!
The reason for this post is to hopefully continue on this pathway of getting staff, developers, youtubers, and builders. Please apply with the guide below and I hope to see you on.
Currently we have kit pvp and factions set up but havent quite finished and are rushing to get everything up and running!
We only need builders and those that know how to -
- Set up kits
- Separate kits between worlds
- Familiar with many plugins such as multiverse and floauction.
- Build terrain
- Help set up the website
- Animations
- Help with the website
- Advertise
- Graphic designs
- And much more!
1. Your IGN
2. Your Real Name
3. Age
4. Your Skype Account
5. Favorite Build style (Medieval, modern etc)
6. How long have you been building?
7. How dedicated can you be? (How much time can you spend building?)
8. Can you show us any previous builds (pictures, links,server ips)
9. Do you build Professionally for another server? (if yes wich one?)
10. Are you fine with your work being modified or being called "unfitting" or people saying they don't like it?
11. What motivates you to build?
12. Why should we hire you?
1. Your IGN
2. Your Real Name
3. Age
4. Your Skype account
5. Do you have any past developer experience
6. Have you created
7. How long have you been developing for?
8. Do you develop for anybody else? (if so who?)
9. What motivates you to Develop?
10. Why should we Hire you?
Subscribers: atleast 500...
Mature:(how mature are you on a scale of 1/10)
Because we’re now guaranteed plenty more updates – possibly even a sequel somewhere down the line – I've already got a tick-list of what I hope to see hashed out.
1. Bonkers physics
Gravity is something Minecraft cheerfully ignores. This flouting of Newton’s law gives it the edge. Realistically, it’d be a pain to create a city from Game Of Thrones if the buildings kept falling down like Jenga towers.
At the same time, interesting challenges arise when you work with gravel, sand or water. Namely, they don’t want to stay put and will come pouring out if you snatch the ground from under them. Punch the wrong block and you might flood everything.
Advancing these physics would present more problems. Yet by the same token, they’d provide opportunity. By making the movement of liquids more realistic, water-features, waterfalls and oceans take on new life; picture building a castle over thundering rapids, or sailing down them. Then, with debris that rolls down slopes, you've got a ready-made landslide or the potential for defenses.
2. Better villagers
Villagers in Minecraft are mind-numbingly stupid. Improving their capacity for common sense should be a priority. There’s little need for a metropolis if it’s not got anyone living in it (or because they've all decided to crowd into the smallest possible shed at the same time).
While we’re on the subject, I don’t see why factions can’t make an appearance. They've already been featured in user-made mods, so spicing things up with opposing tribes wouldn't be a bad idea. This could lead to the creation of madcap devices with which to lay siege to someone else’s town.
3. Who’s up for safari?
On that subject, the mods of Minecraft are many and brilliant. One of the best – Mo’ Creatures – throws new animals into your world.
Adding in bears, ostriches, snakes, turkeys, rabbits and more, this brings the environment to life in a way you couldn't anticipate. Suddenly, the base game feels empty by comparison (the only downside is that elephants have a habit of sneaking up behind you and trumpeting in your ear as loud as possible).
With the backing of Microsoft, Mojang should diversify the game’s fauna. Better still, they could lump in different mounts for good measure. When I discovered that Mo’ Creatures let me ride a wyvern, my day was very much more awesome.
4. …and better villages
It’s a pleasure to find random villages in the wilderness, and this is doubly true if you’ve slogged through the desert to find crafting materials. Nevertheless, it becomes apparent fast that they’re empty shells.
What if the buildings served an actual purpose, with villagers who provided services? You could have windmills or lumberyards, and I wouldn’t say no to a castle either. I’m sure someone’s already filled this niche via mods, but that doesn’t mean Microsoft can’t throw them into the main game.
5. Shaders
Once you’ve added shaders to Minecraft, it’s difficult to go back. Tweaking the lighting and effects until they’re astoundingly pretty, you can transform the landscape into something beautiful if you’ve got a good enough PC.
At current times, oceans are just stupid and boring, they should add like a Water Boss, it would make it more interesting then to just have some stupid squid swimming in the water. I know that they have fish and guardians. None of them even have that much use in the world of Minecraft!
A giant squid like a Kraken would be interesting, could be a boss battle. What do you guys think? Possibly a water portal? I'm not sure. What is your guy's opinion?
!! Ground Zero is recruiting Builders, Terraformers & Developers !!
Hey everyone! Ground Zero, is my new server that me and a bunch others have been working on for months! We are almost finished and are looking for staff members to hopefully excel some more and get this server up by this weekend! YOU MUST HAVE A MIC!
The reason for this post is to hopefully continue on this pathway of getting staff, developers, youtubers, and builders. Please apply with the guide below and I hope to see you on.
Currently we have kit pvp and factions set up but havent quite finished and are rushing to get everything up and running!
We only need builders and those that know how to -
- Set up kits
- Separate kits between worlds
- Familiar with many plugins such as multiverse and floauction.
- Build terrain
- Help set up the website
- Animations
- Help with the website
- Advertise
- Graphic designs
- And much more!
1. Your IGN
2. Your Real Name
3. Age
4. Your Skype Account
5. Favorite Build style (Medieval, modern etc)
6. How long have you been building?
7. How dedicated can you be? (How much time can you spend building?)
8. Can you show us any previous builds (pictures, links,server ips)
9. Do you build Professionally for another server? (if yes wich one?)
10. Are you fine with your work being modified or being called "unfitting" or people saying they don't like it?
11. What motivates you to build?
12. Why should we hire you?
1. Your IGN
2. Your Real Name
3. Age
4. Your Skype account
5. Do you have any past developer experience
6. Have you created
7. How long have you been developing for?
8. Do you develop for anybody else? (if so who?)
9. What motivates you to Develop?
10. Why should we Hire you?
Subscribers: atleast 500...
Mature:(how mature are you on a scale of 1/10)
!! Ground Zero is recruiting Builders, Terraformers & Developers !!
Hey everyone! Ground Zero, is my new server that me and a bunch others have been working on for months! We are almost finished and are looking for staff members to hopefully excel some more and get this server up by this weekend! YOU MUST HAVE A MIC!
The reason for this post is to hopefully continue on this pathway of getting staff, developers, youtubers, and builders. Please apply with the guide below and I hope to see you on.
Currently we have kit pvp and factions set up but havent quite finished and are rushing to get everything up and running!
We only need builders and those that know how to -
- Set up kits
- Separate kits between worlds
- Familiar with many plugins such as multiverse and floauction.
- Build terrain
- Help set up the website
- Animations
- Help with the website
- Advertise
- Graphic designs
- And much more!
1. Your IGN
2. Your Real Name
3. Age
4. Your Skype Account
5. Favorite Build style (Medieval, modern etc)
6. How long have you been building?
7. How dedicated can you be? (How much time can you spend building?)
8. Can you show us any previous builds (pictures, links,server ips)
9. Do you build Professionally for another server? (if yes wich one?)
10. Are you fine with your work being modified or being called "unfitting" or people saying they don't like it?
11. What motivates you to build?
12. Why should we hire you?
1. Your IGN
2. Your Real Name
3. Age
4. Your Skype account
5. Do you have any past developer experience
6. Have you created
7. How long have you been developing for?
8. Do you develop for anybody else? (if so who?)
9. What motivates you to Develop?
10. Why should we Hire you?
Subscribers: atleast 500...
Mature:(how mature are you on a scale of 1/10)
Hey everyone, this is kind of planet based! We've almost finished factions and are looking for help building many other gamemodes!
i have just started up my own server!
we are looking for admins, mods, helpers and builders
[people who want to become a mod:]
Experience with other servers:
sit. 1.) A hacker is hacking and flying and when you ban them they come back:
sit. 2.) Someone is spamming on chat:
What rank are you applying for?:
Why do you think this ranks fits you?:
Anything else?
[people who want to become a Builder:]
PM me your builds, age and skype. (Also Include your builds)
[People who want to be an admin:]
Experience with other servers:
Rank you are applying for:
sit. 1.) You see a mod abusing his/her powers:
sit.2.) Someone is cursing in chat:
Anything else?
[People who want to become a helper(Most will get accepted]
Experience with other servers(put void if no experience):
Rank you are applying for:
Anything else?:
We currently have One HeadOwner, 2 owners, a head admin, and a mod!
Positions[total 15]
helpers: as many as we can get!
!! Ground Zero is recruiting Builders, Terraformers & Developers !!
Hey everyone! Ground Zero, is my new server that me and a bunch others have been working on for months! We are almost finished and are looking for staff members to hopefully excel some more and get this server up by this weekend! YOU MUST HAVE A MIC!
The reason for this post is to hopefully continue on this pathway of getting staff, developers, youtubers, and builders. Please apply with the guide below and I hope to see you on.
Currently we have kit pvp and factions set up but havent quite finished and are rushing to get everything up and running!
We only need builders and those that know how to -
- Set up kits
- Separate kits between worlds
- Familiar with many plugins such as multiverse and floauction.
- Build terrain
- Help set up the website
- Animations
- Help with the website
- Advertise
- Graphic designs
- And much more!
1. Your IGN
2. Your Real Name
3. Age
4. Your Skype Account
5. Favorite Build style (Medieval, modern etc)
6. How long have you been building?
7. How dedicated can you be? (How much time can you spend building?)
8. Can you show us any previous builds (pictures, links,server ips)
9. Do you build Professionally for another server? (if yes wich one?)
10. Are you fine with your work being modified or being called "unfitting" or people saying they don't like it?
11. What motivates you to build?
12. Why should we hire you?
1. Your IGN
2. Your Real Name
3. Age
4. Your Skype account
5. Do you have any past developer experience
6. Have you created
7. How long have you been developing for?
8. Do you develop for anybody else? (if so who?)
9. What motivates you to Develop?
10. Why should we Hire you?
Subscribers: atleast 500...
Mature:(how mature are you on a scale of 1/10)
Please leave me alone, if you wish to be apart of my server then post what i listed, and if not then please delete your post.
Because we’re now guaranteed plenty more updates – possibly even a sequel somewhere down the line – I've already got a tick-list of what I hope to see hashed out.
1. Bonkers physics
Gravity is something Minecraft cheerfully ignores. This flouting of Newton’s law gives it the edge. Realistically, it’d be a pain to create a city from Game Of Thrones if the buildings kept falling down like Jenga towers.
At the same time, interesting challenges arise when you work with gravel, sand or water. Namely, they don’t want to stay put and will come pouring out if you snatch the ground from under them. Punch the wrong block and you might flood everything.
Advancing these physics would present more problems. Yet by the same token, they’d provide opportunity. By making the movement of liquids more realistic, water-features, waterfalls and oceans take on new life; picture building a castle over thundering rapids, or sailing down them. Then, with debris that rolls down slopes, you've got a ready-made landslide or the potential for defenses.
2. Better villagers
Villagers in Minecraft are mind-numbingly stupid. Improving their capacity for common sense should be a priority. There’s little need for a metropolis if it’s not got anyone living in it (or because they've all decided to crowd into the smallest possible shed at the same time).
While we’re on the subject, I don’t see why factions can’t make an appearance. They've already been featured in user-made mods, so spicing things up with opposing tribes wouldn't be a bad idea. This could lead to the creation of madcap devices with which to lay siege to someone else’s town.
3. Who’s up for safari?
On that subject, the mods of Minecraft are many and brilliant. One of the best – Mo’ Creatures – throws new animals into your world.
Adding in bears, ostriches, snakes, turkeys, rabbits and more, this brings the environment to life in a way you couldn't anticipate. Suddenly, the base game feels empty by comparison (the only downside is that elephants have a habit of sneaking up behind you and trumpeting in your ear as loud as possible).
With the backing of Microsoft, Mojang should diversify the game’s fauna. Better still, they could lump in different mounts for good measure. When I discovered that Mo’ Creatures let me ride a wyvern, my day was very much more awesome.
4. …and better villages
It’s a pleasure to find random villages in the wilderness, and this is doubly true if you’ve slogged through the desert to find crafting materials. Nevertheless, it becomes apparent fast that they’re empty shells.
What if the buildings served an actual purpose, with villagers who provided services? You could have windmills or lumberyards, and I wouldn’t say no to a castle either. I’m sure someone’s already filled this niche via mods, but that doesn’t mean Microsoft can’t throw them into the main game.
5. Shaders
Once you’ve added shaders to Minecraft, it’s difficult to go back. Tweaking the lighting and effects until they’re astoundingly pretty, you can transform the landscape into something beautiful if you’ve got a good enough PC.
At current times, oceans are just stupid and boring, they should add like a Water Boss, it would make it more interesting then to just have some stupid squid swimming in the water. I know that they have fish and guardians. None of them even have that much use in the world of Minecraft!
A giant squid like a Kraken would be interesting, could be a boss battle. What do you guys think? Possibly a water portal? I'm not sure. What is your guy's opinion?
!! Ground Zero is recruiting Builders, Terraformers & Developers !!
Hey everyone! Ground Zero, is my new server that me and a bunch others have been working on for months! We are almost finished and are looking for staff members to hopefully excel some more and get this server up by this weekend! YOU MUST HAVE A MIC!
The reason for this post is to hopefully continue on this pathway of getting staff, developers, youtubers, and builders. Please apply with the guide below and I hope to see you on.
Currently we have kit pvp and factions set up but havent quite finished and are rushing to get everything up and running!
We only need builders and those that know how to -
- Set up kits
- Separate kits between worlds
- Familiar with many plugins such as multiverse and floauction.
- Build terrain
- Help set up the website
- Animations
- Help with the website
- Advertise
- Graphic designs
- And much more!
1. Your IGN
2. Your Real Name
3. Age
4. Your Skype Account
5. Favorite Build style (Medieval, modern etc)
6. How long have you been building?
7. How dedicated can you be? (How much time can you spend building?)
8. Can you show us any previous builds (pictures, links,server ips)
9. Do you build Professionally for another server? (if yes wich one?)
10. Are you fine with your work being modified or being called "unfitting" or people saying they don't like it?
11. What motivates you to build?
12. Why should we hire you?
1. Your IGN
2. Your Real Name
3. Age
4. Your Skype account
5. Do you have any past developer experience
6. Have you created
7. How long have you been developing for?
8. Do you develop for anybody else? (if so who?)
9. What motivates you to Develop?
10. Why should we Hire you?
Subscribers: atleast 500...
Mature:(how mature are you on a scale of 1/10)
!! Ground Zero is recruiting Builders, Terraformers & Developers !!
Hey everyone! Ground Zero, is my new server that me and a bunch others have been working on for months! We are almost finished and are looking for staff members to hopefully excel some more and get this server up by this weekend! YOU MUST HAVE A MIC!
The reason for this post is to hopefully continue on this pathway of getting staff, developers, youtubers, and builders. Please apply with the guide below and I hope to see you on.
Currently we have kit pvp and factions set up but havent quite finished and are rushing to get everything up and running!
We only need builders and those that know how to -
- Set up kits
- Separate kits between worlds
- Familiar with many plugins such as multiverse and floauction.
- Build terrain
- Help set up the website
- Animations
- Help with the website
- Advertise
- Graphic designs
- And much more!
1. Your IGN
2. Your Real Name
3. Age
4. Your Skype Account
5. Favorite Build style (Medieval, modern etc)
6. How long have you been building?
7. How dedicated can you be? (How much time can you spend building?)
8. Can you show us any previous builds (pictures, links,server ips)
9. Do you build Professionally for another server? (if yes wich one?)
10. Are you fine with your work being modified or being called "unfitting" or people saying they don't like it?
11. What motivates you to build?
12. Why should we hire you?
1. Your IGN
2. Your Real Name
3. Age
4. Your Skype account
5. Do you have any past developer experience
6. Have you created
7. How long have you been developing for?
8. Do you develop for anybody else? (if so who?)
9. What motivates you to Develop?
10. Why should we Hire you?
Subscribers: atleast 500...
Mature:(how mature are you on a scale of 1/10)
I will add you on skype!
Hey everyone, this is kind of planet based! We've almost finished factions and are looking for help building many other gamemodes!
i have just started up my own server!
we are looking for admins, mods, helpers and builders
[people who want to become a mod:]
Experience with other servers:
sit. 1.) A hacker is hacking and flying and when you ban them they come back:
sit. 2.) Someone is spamming on chat:
What rank are you applying for?:
Why do you think this ranks fits you?:
Anything else?
[people who want to become a Builder:]
PM me your builds, age and skype. (Also Include your builds)
[People who want to be an admin:]
Experience with other servers:
Rank you are applying for:
sit. 1.) You see a mod abusing his/her powers:
sit.2.) Someone is cursing in chat:
Anything else?
[People who want to become a helper(Most will get accepted]
Experience with other servers(put void if no experience):
Rank you are applying for:
Anything else?:
We currently have One HeadOwner, 2 owners, a head admin, and a mod!
Positions[total 15]
helpers: as many as we can get!