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    posted a message on WTF? Server crashed bug
    No. How do you corrupt a save file by not saving it???

    I got it to work. I loaded it in offline mode and then saved it to the cloud and then went back and tried loading that save in online mode. It took about 10 tries but finally went through. Hopefully I don't have to do that every time...
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on WTF? Server crashed bug
    So last time I exited my game without saving because I was just fooling around destroying stuff and I tried to go back in only to get 'server connection lost returning to main menu' over and over again. I Google it and apparently it's a known bug that exiting without saving RUINS your world.

    WTF? Seriously? So I put at least 20 hours into this world and it's gone forever because I DIDN"T FREAKING SAVE?

    Worst game ever.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft and Windows 8
    Well I partitioned my drive after the fact and installed Windows 7 on the partitioned drive, however all that did is install the OS. When I boot to that drive none of the required tools are present (for example the Intel WiFi utility so I can't get on the internet when I boot to Windows 7).

    I assume if I had installed 8 that way it would've been the same way. Besides I'm not getting rid of 8 until the official release. I love it and EVERYTHING except for Minecraft works fine.

    So I just bought Total Miner and I'll play that.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft and Windows 8
    Drivers are up to date, everything worked perfectly in Windows 7. At this point it looks like we won't be able to play Minecraft until Windows 8 gets the official release... It may be a consumer preview but millions of people are running Windows 8 right now and we don't plan to go back (mainly because in order to install Windows 7 we'll have to lose all of our data, while upgrading from 7-8 didn't wipe any data).

    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft on Windows 8
    Quote from myCreeper

    You can bypass this problem by running the installation program using compatibility mode for Windows 7.

    Nope, tried that in every compatibility mode possible, and it still says 'your computer doesn't meet the minimum system requirements'.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft on Windows 8
    The consumer preview is.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft on Windows 8
    I can't get it to work on Windows 8 at all. I have the latest drivers (Intel HD Graphics family) and even tried downloading the latest drivers but when I go to install them it says my computer doesn't meet the requirements (not sure if it's because the setup is for Windows 7 or what).

    It worked on this laptop in Windows 7. I'm not going back to Windows 7...Guess I have to wait until Windows 8 officially launches... lame.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on OpenGL in WIndows 8
    Do you think that will happen during the preview or will I have to wait until the official release?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on CAN'T PLAY MINECRAFT "BAD VIDEO CARDS"!!!!!!!!! NEED HELP! NOW!
    I have the same issue. It worked fine in Windows 7 and now in consumer preview I get this error. My drivers are good, and everything else is in working order. It's getting frustrating. I don't want to roll back to Windows 7 because 8 works faster and better for everything else...
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on OpenGL in WIndows 8
    So Minecraft worked fine in Windows 7 but I installed the consumer preview of 8 and now I get an Open GL error. My drivers are up to date, Java is up to date, and I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not going to revert to Windows 7, I like 8 better.

    I've tried opening it in compatibility mode and it makes no difference.

    Any solution?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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