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    posted a message on More Trapdoors&Ladders

    Well, ladders currently only use four data values, so up to four wood types can occupy a single ladder block value. This would also mean that at least one new block would have to be added to enable every wood type.

    However, because this can be added easily and helps decorating, I Support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Generating Blocks with Structure Blocks

    Isn't this what /fill does already?

    No support since this can already be easily done.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Redstone Delayer: Pause that signal!
    Quote from Botjoe»

    Are you modding this to flesh out the idea? I'd love to see it work.

    I tried learning to mod, but because of the stupid "pixel format not accelerated" error on Windows 10, I can't test any of my mods. So, no, I'm not currently making a mod to showcase this idea, but you or another modder are welcome to try, if you want to. I'd even be willing to provide textures if someone wanted to.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Seasons
    No support for latitude. I don't want to have to travel over a million blocks to get a better chance for a certain biome.

    As for seasons, I like the general idea, but it needs more stark changes. It needs to be purely aesthetic, or have a greater, but not annoying, impact on gameplay. Regardless, there should also be more aesthetic changes (like how you made leaves change to orange in fall).
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Redstone Delayer: Pause that signal!
    Quote from Botjoe»

    Whatever the cost do it, full support. Delay should cost power, but be nearly infinite to set.

    As a wild idea, I'd also like that the item have an inhibit.

    In, out and inhibit. Inhibit stops the timing of each input which is queued to send a pulse. Each pulse is stopped until the inhibit is released. new pulses cannot enter until inhibit is removed.

    So, what about having a repeater/comparator connect to it on the side, and if the repeater/comparator receives power, it "inhibits" the delayer?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on BlockDump command

    Can't you just use structure blocks for this? Sure, they can't be interpreted into a code to be put on the internet, but structure files can be easily downloaded.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on /filter (Bringing back the filters from super secret settings)

    Actually, it wasn't random, it cycled through a list in a set order. Probably the order in which they were registered, as newer filters appeared last.

    Anyway, this would be great for setting moods. However, if this is added, there should be an option in video settings to allow filters, as some filters can be very laggy on low-end computers.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Cameras

    Sounds cool. It would also be good if you could somehow apply the shaders that used to be in the Super Secret Settings to the camera, to increase their usefulness.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on A Dyed Type Of Water
    Quote from Chameleonred5»

    Difficult doesn't mean it's balanced.

    I kind of have to disagree with that. If you can't lock items behind story progression or leveling in Minecraft, then the only thing you can lock things behind is its difficulty to obtain.

    That said, I like the idea of dyed water (Although that either requires we add a bunch of new water blocks or turn water into a tile entity, which is probably a bad idea due to the number of block updates water is likely to receive) but not the idea of potion effects. In creative, this can easily be accomplished with commands, but in survival it's just overpowered.

    Partial Support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft Remastered Edition
    Quote from kenrickandbros»

    Okay, I edited the my post to just say a non-Java language.

    This is even worse. I wanted specifics and reasoning. Before you gave just specifics, now you're giving neither.

    DirectX12 new and brings new technologies. I'll edit my post to include the Vulkan API as a possibility.

    What kinds of new technologies? Are you suggesting that Mojang make two versions of this, one for Windows, and one for Macs? That could be done, but remember that making and upkeeping multiple versions costs resources.

    CPU multi-threading is done from the beginning. Remember, this is supposed to be a code rewrite.

    How did this answer my question? What kinds of information will Minecraft send to other threads?

    Instead of having an infinite blocks set a height limit higher than the current one.

    The only way for this to work is to make sure the surface chunks are always loaded, which equals a lot of lag.

    I assume that the BiomeDecorator is something that makes a chunk contain the features of that biome. Organize chunks vertically into groups which are then worked on by the BiomeDecorator.

    Why the color change? Anyway, that's at least somewhat of an answer.

    Alter the cave generation method. Besides, it already generates caves that are unreasonably big. Before, cave systems were a treat, now they are taken for granted.

    Alright, this is somewhat of an answer.

    The multi-threading will make up for this slowness and more.

    So, nullify the whole bonus you're supposed to get from multi-threading?

    Quote from Chameleonred5»

    Even when I had the worst laptop ever, Minecraft worked perfectly fine in all versions and constantly improved in framerate every update. The amount of threads complaining about framerate have decreased to zero/month some time after 1.9 started development. In the entire complaint thread about 1.9, I saw nothing about framerate, which was a significant change from 1.8 and 1.7. While still the most inefficient program on my computer, it has significantly improved.

    We don't need to revamp games that are perfectly fine.

    Actually, I've found I have a somewhat significant frame drop in 1.9. 1.8 was pretty good, though.

    Quote from DrWeegee»

    If it doesn't fit in the current game, then why would it fit in a "remake".

    It wouldn't fit in a remake, but it could fit in a sequel, which is a more likely possibility.

    Quote from Cerroz»

    Can you even fathom the amount of work it takes to just rewrite an entire game in a different language?

    If Mojang decided they wanted to do this and put their focus on it, it wouldn't really take that long. They already have the Windows 10 edition as a framework, so the rest is just getting it up to the current PC version (which is a goal that is already fast-approaching) and changing a few Xbox-related things.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft Remastered Edition
    Quote from DrWeegee»

    I don't see why we need a "next" Minecraft. Just update the existing game.

    As for Windows 10 Edition, it's well on its way to matching PC edition, soon making it basically Minecraft C++ or whatever (Even if for only W10/Pocket Edition) Sure it doesn't have Cubic chunks and such, but that goes back again to why not just add it to the existing game? We don't need to make an entire new edition with new content to continue a game with no set storyline. There's no reason to make a Minecraft: 2 especially since it'd be no different than another update, just with more content.

    To be fair, not everything can be added to current Minecraft. They can't add anything that wouldn't "fit," so there is a limit to what new mechanics can be added, and once that limit gets close, people will start moving on to "the next big thing." Also, several optimizations can't be performed without rewriting one of Minecraft's engines, and if history is anything to go by, rewriting an engine causes a huge amount of bugs, to the point that the entire game might as well be re-written, with a better plan and such.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft Remastered Edition


    Tell me how this is supposed to happen, exactly. You suggested writing the game in C++, but why? Also, why not C, C#, Python, etc.? For what reason did you pick C++?

    Next, tell me why Minecraft should switch to DirectX12. And how do you plan to handle the Mac audience?

    Next, discuss how CPU Multi-Threading is supposed to be accomplished and in what aspects the game will get improvements because of it.

    Finally, tell me your solutions to the four problems discussed in the Cubic Chunks thread:

    Current sunlight and rain calculation methods cannot work with infinite vertical space.
    Current BiomeDecorator cannot work with multiple vertical chunks simultaneously.
    Current cave generation method is executed an extra time for each vertical chunk created simultaneously, leading to lag spikes on world generation.
    Current grass/dirt generation algorithm forces additional chunk requests when chunks are loaded, causing chunks to load slower than they should.

    You can't just post a suggestion full of mini-suggestions other forum users have made without any details if you expect a lot of support.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Armor Customization
    Quote from Cerroz»

    My point was that if you have A, B, and C. But B and C are both better than A in every way, why even have A around?

    Okay, that is true, as I've stated before. And as I said before, A barely has anything going for it already. Really, as Minecraft currently stands, leather might as well be unobtainable in survival. Leather armor needs to have another kind of bonus if you're going to say it needs its own unique perk.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Expand the Stairs and Slabs!

    First of all, read this:
    Before stone slabs were added to 0.26, Notch ran a test of dirt slabs. In the test they replaced dirt blocks, so that dirt surface without grass was half a block lower than grass. However it made a mess of the sides of cliffs and underground. They were never added to the actual game and were only mentioned once. They replaced all dirt blocks and did not grow grass on top.

    If dirt slabs were actually implemented in current Minecraft, the slab model can now be easily replaced for dirt slabs, allowing for the side grass texture to be panned down and have the grass texture on top. They could also be easily coded to have the "no grass growth" problem fixed. Don't use Alpha/Beta as an example for why something can't be implemented now.

    Also wool stairs are just too unrealistic, your feet would sink in real life, also using wool for stairs is just too unrealistic as well.
    Same goes for glass stairs and slabs. If your going to implement that shouldn't be there reinforced glass as well?

    You're using realism as a counter in a game like Minecraft? Your feet would sink into a whole wool block in real life as well. Should we remove those?

    Iron, diamond, gold and emerald stairs are just too unpleasant to see, please not that.

    This is subjective, so I won't argue that, but remember that decoration blocks are optional.

    Yes, make torches under stairs useless. Stairs are transparent blocks meaning that light will pass through them. Adding torches under them will make light.

    I fail to see how this will make torches under stairs useless.

    Anyway, I've always wanted more stairs and slabs. I Support.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Armor Customization
    Quote from Theriasis»

    That point flew way above you. He was saying that if two better armors can do what leather can do, then why is leather even there anymore?

    I didn't understand his argument there, I was asking for clarification. Anyway, if this is what he was saying, then I agree completely. However, I believe the solution is giving leather something else going for it, not simply dismissing the suggestion because leather already has a (pointless) perk.

    Anyway, there's nothing wrong with the idea. But I don't see any point in adding another two dye-friendly armors.

    The point is catering to the rather large group of Minecrafters who care about customization without forcing them to sacrifice an important mechanic of the game (defense).
    Posted in: Suggestions
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