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    posted a message on Answer the three questions above you
    Quote from Idelac»

    Do you do pixel art?

    I found a scarf sprite that I made.

    Quote from jdc997»

    Here's one I think you'll like, Idelac. What's so great about Dragon Quest XI? I played the demo and enjoyed it, but it seemed like a pretty run-of-the-mill JRPG that relied too much on nostalgia to me.

    Well, I did like the crafting mechanic. I like crafting that's not just "iron ingot + leather = iron sword."

    Quote from Idelac»

    What grammatical errors do you think are commonly made?

    People often use I/me and similar pronouns incorrectly. Often people will say "Steve and me went hunting" when it should be "Steve and I went hunting."

    Who are your top 5 Smash Ultimate mains and why?

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Unexpected Consequences

    There is now a massive crater where your house was. Shouldn’t have used flint and steel to kill them.

    I fall asleep.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Answer the question above you

    I loved my GameCube back in the day. It and the N64 are what I grew up with, but while we only really had Mario on the 64, the Zelda collection and Metroid Prime are what really got me into gaming.

    Would you like a Super Mario Maker 3D?

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Answer the question above you

    The heat, by far. Cold is annoying, but feels nice briefly. Heat just makes you miserable.

    What's the best Mario game, in your opinion, and why?

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on The Vending Machine

    You get a bag of goldfish crackers.

    I put in that dog I got.

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    posted a message on Answer the three questions above you
    Quote from AstralMagic»


    Well, since I gave you may favorite, my favorite character from a game that's not Zelda is probably Yoshi.

    Quote from jdc997»

    If you like Zelda games, did you prefer the old Zelda formula or the new one after BOTW?

    While I like some of the elements from BOTW, I liked getting new items and opening a world as I progressed in the older games.
    Quote from Idelac»

    Do you do pixel art?

    I've done a few pieces. I actually contributed a little bit to Dokucraft back in the day. I'm not very good though.

    Here's one I think you'll like, Idelac. What's so great about Dragon Quest XI? I played the demo and enjoyed it, but it seemed like a pretty run-of-the-mill JRPG that relied too much on nostalgia to me.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on The Vending Machine

    You get a massage chair.

    I put in my cat.

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    posted a message on Answer the question above you

    That Luigi could be unlocked in Super Mario 64.

    Who’s your favorite Youtuber?

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on A /health command

    Honestly I'd just mak

    Quote from Badprenup»

    Support, but I would break it into 2 commands (one for health and one for max health) and use the tilde key for relative values, similar to how /tp works. Examples:

    /health Badprenup 15

    Sets my health at 15, regardless of what it was before (unless maxHealth is a value lower than 15, then is set to maxHealth value)

    /health Badprenup ~3

    Adjusts my health to be 3 points higher than what it was when the command was executed (if I had 10 HP I would go to 13 HP). AKA adds 3 HP

    /health Badprenup ~-5

    Adjusts my health to be 5 points lower than what it was when the command was executed (if I had 10 HP I would go to 5 HP). AKA subtracts 5 HP

    And then the same thing with a /maxHealth version for adjusting maximum HP

    Honestly, I'd just make it a /nbt command:

    /nbt <target> <tag> <value>

    /nbt Badprenup Health 5 - Changes Badprenup's current health to 5 health points. Does not modify maximum health.

    /nbt TheGoldenJ MaxHealth 40 - Changes TheGoldenJ's maximum health to 40 points. Requires a new NBT tag, but this suggestion would probably require one anyway.

    /nbt TheGoldenJ ActiveEffects[(8,0,600,1,0) - Gives TheGoldenJ Jump Boost I for 30 seconds. It's easier to use /effect, but this shows how nested NBT could be used.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Vending Machine

    You get that.

    I put in the decade 2010-2019.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Answer the question above you

    Ooh, that's a hard one. As a Zelda fan, I'm going to have to say Twilight Princess. The field theme is one of the best songs in gaming, and the rest of its music does a fantastic job of punctuating either the area or its cutscene. I love how dynamic its music is too.

    How do people find old threads to necro in the first place?

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Answer the three questions above you
    Quote from Player_Miner»

    What strategy do you usually go for in RPGs?

    Usually, on my first playthrough I'll go for a warrior class. I'll tend to be a bit of a tank armor-wise, but I'll generally stick to faster weaponry like swords.

    Quote from Idelac»

    Do you appreciate modern art?

    Meh. I've seen a few pieces that seemed kind of cool, but most of the time it's just OK. I prefer art that has a more discernable subject.
    Quote from AstralMagic»

    Who's your favorite fictional character? (From any medium)

    Link, specifically the Hero of Time from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. While he may just seem like a blank slate when you're playing the games, if you take a step back and consider what Link himself must be going through, his story becomes a lot deeper. He lost his family and friends, was forced to grow up before his time, and was not recognized as a hero despite saving the world---twice. Ocarina of Time is also my second favorite game of all time, right behind Twilight Princess. I'd love for Nintendo to make a third entry in his saga to bridge Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess.

    If you like Zelda games, did you prefer the old Zelda formula or the new one after BOTW?

    Posted in: Forum Games
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