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    posted a message on Random facts and trivia

    Byleth is the protagonist of Fire Emblem: Three House. He is the eighth playable Fire Emblem character being added to Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Fire Emblem: Three Houses is the 17th Fire Emblem game. If you count in binary on your hand, you will be holding up your three middle fingers. Counting in binary is a great way to pass the time when you’re bored.

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    posted a message on Random facts and trivia

    In Super Mario World, the player can access a secret world called Star World by finding the secret exit in certain levels. Its primary purpose is speedrunning, since it lets you quickly reach the final boss by finding the secret exit in the fourth Star World level. However, if you find the secret exit in the fifth Star World level, you'll gain access to Special World. This is an 8-level gauntlet of incredibly difficult levels that, upon completion, unlocks an autumn theme for all levels. The music in Special World is a nice beat without a discernable melody. However, if you stay idle on Special World for long enough, the Super Mario Bros. theme will start playing!

    Go to 0:33 for the music change.

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    posted a message on Random facts and trivia

    In The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, if Link stands perfectly still next to a fairy flying around, it may land on either his sword or his hat.

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    posted a message on Random facts and trivia

    Post any random gaming fact you can think of. It could be a glitch, an easter egg, or even just something you find interesting that no one else really stops to think about.

    While I'm fine with any kind of pop culture reference, this thread is mostly meant for gaming facts.

    Mario blinks

    In Super Mario 64, Mario blinks every 64 frames, or ~2.13 seconds. Interestingly, Princess Peach also blinks every 64 frames, but she has an offset of 32 frames. This means that Peach blinks halfway between each of Mario's blinks, and they blink in perfect sync. This can be easily seen during the end cutscene.

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    posted a message on Answer the question above you

    Aang, the last Airbender. He's literally an Avatar.

    Was that a clever answer?

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    posted a message on Answer the three questions above you
    Quote from Idelac»

    What's the first thing you do at the start of a day?

    Quote from jdc997»

    Outside of gaming, what is your favorite hobby?

    Drawing. I'm not that great, but I do like coming up with designs for monsters and dragons.
    Quote from Idelac»

    (If you saw the recent Pokemon direct) What was the most disappointing thing you saw?

    I'm not a Pokéfan, so I really haven't experienced most Pokémon games. Because of that, I wasn't as disappointed by Sword and Shield as most players. I wasn't really disappointed by the Direct at all, though I can understand why people are upset.

    What game do you like that (it seems) no one else likes?

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    posted a message on Unexpected Consequences

    It turns out that the guy was falsely accused, and after his innocence is proven, everyone hates you.

    I join the mob angry at Idelac.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Answer the three questions above you
    Quote from Idelac»

    What grammatical errors do you think are commonly made?

    People often don't take the time to italicize/underline titles of books, movies, games, and so on. It's not always possible, but when I can I use Minecraft instead of Minecraft.

    Quote from jdc997»

    Who are your top 5 Smash Ultimate mains and why?

    5. Corrin. While he's not very good, Fire Emblem Fates was my first Fire Emblem game and I like playing a dragon (Ridley and Charizard are too slow for my taste).
    4. Yoshi. This little guy got me through most of World of Light.
    3. Hero. He's basically Link, but with a more interesting, albeit less useful for me, moveset.
    2. Samus. I'm a huge Metroid fan and I like her versatility.
    1. Link/Young Link. I use these guys interchangeably, though I mostly use Link since his bombs are more useful. I'm a huge Zelda fan and would main these guys even if they sucked, which fortunately they do not in Ultimate.

    Quote from Idelac»

    What's the first thing you do at the start of a day?

    Wake up, realize I'm tired, then go back to sleep, realize I can't, wait for my alarm to go off, then go to work.

    Outside of gaming, what is your favorite hobby?

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    posted a message on Answer the question above you

    I'm more of a gamer than a movie watcher. I'm not really a fan of how many remakes and continuations of old movies we've been getting recently.

    What gaming franchise do you think would make a good movie?

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Unexpected Consequences

    Others wonder what happened to the underpaid workers you mentioned before you updated it.

    I post on this thread.

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    posted a message on Answer the question above you

    A hybrid console.

    If you have a Switch, do you use it more in portable mode or connected to the TV?

    Posted in: Forum Games
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