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    posted a message on Minecraft 2, Part 5: The Combat
    Quote from Acknid»

    Yeeeah I think it's safe to say a Minecraft 2 isn't happening altogether. It's not needed at all. I'm not trying to dump on your threads but there's no sense in a sequel for a game like this. New graphics and whatnot doesn't mean "better game".

    Why does everyone think I made this suggestion because I want better graphics? I made one little part about it, literally said it was the least important suggestion in the series and I wanted to get it out of the way, and quickly moved on.

    Anyway, while it is technically true that Minecraft 2 is not needed, you can say that for pretty much every other suggestion on this forum, so it's not really the most valid argument. And yes, if my ideas get implemented there is sense in a Minecraft sequel as you would otherwise have to completely rebalance and recode the game, and as previous updates taught us, such a major overhaul as an update is a bad idea.

    But seriously, for the hopefully final time, can you guys please stop with the "We don't need a Minecraft 2" negativity? I explained in Part 1 that yes, you are right, but that I believe the game would only benefit from a good sequel. The whole reason I post these suggestions here is to get feedback on the suggestions themselves. Arguing about whether or not we should have a sequel misses the point.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft 2, Part 5: The Combat
    Quote from Cerroz»

    The threads you made don't really make me think "I second thought, a sequel would be pretty wicked!" As a lot of the stuff you presented don't require a sequel at all. I know I've said this before, but this just comes off as the same game with a different coat of paint and a few extra bits thrown in. You're better off making a game completely original.

    Yeah, I understand what you mean, but I still haven't gotten to the bulk of the new content. While you could simply implement this into the current game, you'd have to rewrite so much of the game that very little of the original code would remain, and you'd be left with quite a few angry players who are wondering why their game has completely changed. It's easier on everyone and reduces collateral damage, if you could call it that, due to it being something different.

    I don't know, maybe it's not so much a sequel as a spin-off, just far closer to what Minecraft is than something like Story Mode.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft 2, Part 5: The Combat
    Quote from Cerroz»

    I was actually hoping you'd drop this whole sequel thing...

    I get you're not a huge fan, but this suggestion doesn't hurt anything. I doubt my vision of Minecraft 2 would ever come to fruition, but I hope to convince people that a Minecraft sequel is feasible.

    The dodging stuff is okay but I'm not liking the "magic resistance" thing.

    Could you explain? The magic resistance is to give some less-used tiers, such as leather, some good use, and allows some more variety in mobs. I'm not suggesting actual magic, it just makes it possible to resist potion effects.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft 2, Part 5: The Combat
    Quote from Wolftopia»

    Would you at least consider making them spawn more, and more exploit-proof? If this is a new Minecraft version, I think the exploits should be polished out, even though the community as of now would throw a tantrum certain exploits were patched.

    Probably. I'll be overhauling villages anyway (a block above and behind a door does not make a building).
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft 2, Part 5: The Combat
    Quote from Wolftopia»

    What about iron golems? We got to protect the villages! :steve_wink:

    In all seriousness, would you consider updating the post to explain if you are changing the iron golem spawning for villages? They never spawn on their own, which makes that whole thing pretty useless...except for iron farms.

    I'll discuss mobs when I discuss their dimensions (though the dimensions are going to be split up across multiple parts each). This is just the basic information that applies to all mobs.

    But, in answer to your question, iron golems will still spawn naturally in villages, but they are the exception rather than the rule.

    On a totally related note, have you beat Odyssey yet?

    100%, all Moons, Costumes, Regional Coins, and souvenirs collected. That game is fun.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft 2, Part 5: The Combat
    Quote from AaronBlader12»

    I'm assuming it's going to be like this:

    I'm not saying having a reference is bad. But it's just feels... wrong. Not all people knows how shovel=bounce abbility unless they played shovel knight.

    My alternative would be to make the Shovel have stun effect. But it's your decision in this suggestion.

    Yeah, it's like that. It's supposed to be an Easter Egg and something that really sets this otherwise useless-in-combat weapon apart. Really, since all the tools aren't great for combat, I've given them unique abilities instead (well, except the hoe, I would definitely appreciate feedback on that).

    I get what you're saying, but I don't think it's that big of an issue. I'll wait for more feedback on this.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft 2, Part 5: The Combat
    Quote from AaronBlader12»

    I like the suggestion but i still don't get the Shovel suggestion. How does a shovel can make the player bounce.

    It's a reference to Shovel Knight.

    Also, does wearing 2 handed-weapon means the offhand player slot disabled?

    Yeah, the slot is disabled. It's still there, but the offhand is hidden and you can't use whatever is in that slot.

    And maybe you should add magical weapon since now there is a Magic resistance tag to mobs.

    Well, there are enchantments and tipped arrows. That's what Magic Resistance is for.

    Or maybe you can make dagger throwable and make dagger causes some bleeding attack from successful backstab?

    I think that making daggers throwable would reduce the uniqueness of the axe, and causing bleeding damage seems overkill especially since a successful backstab is enough to one-shot most enemies.
    Quote from Genius_idiot»

    wow, you weren't kidding when you said soon

    I went and opened the WIP draft of the suggestion today, which I haven't opened in at least a month, and there were literally just two paragraphs left to write. I think I might have intended to include more to this suggestion, but I can't remember what for the life of me.

    regardless, I love the variety and different ways to play, the only thing I would change is to give the shovel the ability to deal triple damage if the foe is hit while the attacker is air born from an external source (IE explosions, knockback, firework/elytra flight(assuming that stays) ect.). This is a reference to "The Market Gardner") a weapon for the Soldier that deals critical damage if you hit someone while rocket jumping.

    the reason I suggest this is because, if you didn't know, Notch actually donated to the production of TF2 and can even appear as a random bot name

    It's an interesting idea, but I don't see the player making much use of it (explosions are lethal, knockback is usually minor and imprecise, and while flight would work I think it fits better with the spear).

    Also, I just realized you completely forgot about ranged weapons, but other than that


    Well, I didn't really forget, it's just that I'll talk about them where you get them. The player can only build the basic bow, and of all tiers. There are also special bows, such as a crossbow, or a bow with a scope, but those are rare weapons you find by exploring. There are also unique weapons too, that you can find, but I'll talk about them when they're more relevant.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft 2, Part 5: The Combat
    Must stop...Mario Odyssey...finish...suggestion...Power Moons

    <Previous | Minecraft 2, Part 5: | Next>
    The Combat


    Minecraft's combat is pretty simplistic. While there's nothing inherently wrong with this, it does mean that it's not very satisfying, at least for me. Aside from whether I want to use a bow or an axe (whose special ability is useless in SSP), there's no variety. Most of the enemies are easy to defeat and can be cheesed in simple ways. I'd like to change this. Making combat too complex and convoluted would be a detriment, but adding in more ways the player can fight is fine if it is done in an intuitive manner.

    Remember, a term like 15/10/5 means 15 on easy, 10 on normal, and 5 on hard.


    For those of you who don't know, mob is short for "mobile," which basically refers to any entity that has AI and can move around. Mobs will be discussed on a case-by-case basis as the environments in which they can appear are discussed, but there are certain properties all mobs possess:

    • HP and MaxHP: The mob's health, which is diminished by dealing damage. That's probably a given at this point.
    • AP: Natural armor points, which can be further augmented by giving the mob armor.
    • MR: Magic resistance, which determines the mob's chance at resisting a magical effect. This is normally low, being either 0-20, though some more powerful mobs can resist your magic with ease.
    • KR: Knockback resistance, which reduces the amount the mob takes knockback.
    • Player Relation: Can be Passive, Neutral, Hostile, Utility, Ambient, or Tamable. This determines how they will act towards players. Passive mobs will never attack the player. Neutral mobs will only attack the player when provoked, and will stop attacking the player when they get too far. Hostile mobs will always try to attack the player as long as they know the player exists. Utility mobs are mobs that can be created by the player and perform a specific purpose. Ambient mobs never hurt the player, die easily, and drop nothing of use, and have simple models and AI to minimize lag. Tamable mobs are mobs that can come under the control of a player through some action such as feeding them.
    • XP: The amount of XP the mob drops via various actions, such as being killed or breeding.
    • Pack Size: The number of mobs the game will try to spawn upon a successful spawn attempt.

    As lighting is no longer something the game keeps track of, spawning now works a lot differently. The surface is y>=0, and note that chunks are cubic.

    Most Passive Mobs: The game attempts to spawn a passive mob whenever the player is above the surface level once every five seconds. The game picks a random block in a chunk with a safety of 50 or higher within a 15 (or less with lower render distances) chunk radius and within ±16 vertical blocks of the player's position. If the block below it is a valid surface block, such as grass or snow, then the game attempts to spawn a pack of passive mobs based on the biome. The game makes up to five attempts , multiplied by the pack size, to spawn a mob near the spawn block, which can be anywhere within an 11x11x11 cube centered on it. The game selects a random block within the cube, and then looks down, then up, for an air block within the cube with a valid surface block below it and another air block above it. If this succeeds, the game spawns the mob.

    When the game generates a chunk with a valid surface block in it, it has a 1% chance of forcing a passive mob pack to spawn, though if conditions are extremely unfavorable the mobs may still fail to spawn.

    Neutral Mobs: There aren't many of these, and they can be vastly different, so they'll be discussed on a case-by-case basis. They will never spawn in a "safe" chunk.

    Most Hostile Mobs: Hostile mob spawning largely depends on three values: Proximity to player-placed blocks, proximity to mob-repelling blocks, and the chunk's "safety" value. The game attempts to spawn a mob 10/15/20 times per second, and looks anywhere within an 8-chunk sphere to place them. A block is chosen, and if it is an air block, the game then checks a random value against the chunk's safety value. If the value is greater than the chunks safety, then it checks a random block in an 11x11x11 cube centered on the spawn block. Once it has found an air block, it checks for any nearby blocks that repel mobs, such as lava. It then checks a 5x5x5 cube around that block to check that none of the nearby blocks were placed by the player. Finally, the game then checks below, then above that block for an air block that has an opaque block below it and enough air blocks to hold the mob above it. If it succeeds, the mob is spawned and the game continues to attempt spawning mobs until it has run out of attempts or it has spawned the entire pack.

    Utility Mobs: Most utility mobs do not spawn naturally, and those that do have unique spawning circumstances.

    Ambient Mobs: Ambient mobs spawn the same as passive mobs, though the game attempts two spawns per second and only does it within an eight chunk radius of the player.

    Tamable Mobs: They spawn in largely the same manner as a passive mob.

    Chunk Safety: Every chunk has a safety value that is determined by a variety of conditions. Safety effects the chance hostile mobs will spawn, with a safety of 100 negating hostile mob spawns in that chunk.

    • Being at or above the surface level of y=0 gives chunks +20 safety.
    • The world spawn chunk and all chunks in a 11x11x11 cube around it have +30 extra safety.
    • Chunks in a 7x7x7 cube centered on the player's spawnpoint will have +30 additional safety. This does not stack with the spawn chunks' safety bonus.
    • Surface chunks in most biomes get +80 extra safety during the day, preventing mob spawns above the surface. During the night, the safety bonus depends on the phase of the moon, with a +20 bonus during the full moon, and a -20 penalty (negating the inherent surface safety bonus) during the new moon.
    • Villages give a +30 bonus within their bounds.
    • Placing a torch or another light source within a chunk give it a +5 safety rating up to 50. Certain other blocks also increase safety.
    • Dimensions other than the Overworld do have safety values in each chunk, but do not have a bonus to surface safety. All portals provide a +100 bonus to the safety in their chunk and directly adjacent chunks, preventing hostile mobs from spawning next to your portal.
    • Dying within the last five minutes causes the game to act like all chunks have a +25/10/0 safety bonus, though the actual chunk safety values are not overwritten.
    • Commands and external editors can manually edit a chunk's safety value.

    Mobs and players no longer have invincibility frames, which means that fast weapons and duel-wielding are actually viable (Damage-over-time effects are handled differently because of this). Mobs do have a knockback cooldown to prevent being easily pushed around, so that for half a second after taking knockback, the mob will only take knockback from sources that deal more knockback than the previous source.

    Weapons and Abilities

    The player now has the ability to side hop or backpedal, which is activated by double-tapping the appropriate movement direction. This can be used to dodge an incoming attack and takes the same amount of hunger as jumping. In addition, mobs and players now have a bit of a wind-up animation so that the player can tell when they're about to attack and can react accordingly.

    There are four types of tools and five types of weapons. Each one has its own special ability when used in combat, though weapons are obviously more valuable for this purpose. All weapons have a weight value, which slows you down by that percentage when you wield the weapon. Two-handed weapons disable the offhand slot. All weapons and tools have five types of attacks:

    • Quick: This is a regular attack achieved by clicking with the appropriate mouse button.
    • Sprint: This is an attack performed by clicking during a sprint. Sprint attacks do extra knockback but usually don't have any kind of area of effect(aoe).
    • Charge: Holding down the mouse for a short time and then releasing will cause a charge attack. Charge attacks do double damage and have an additional effect, but consume a lot of hunger. While charging, the player is slowed down. If a charge attack is performed with a tool that can mine, the player must start the charge while not looking at any minable blocks. You can only charge with the weapon in your main hand.
    • Jump: While descending in the air, your attacks do 1.5 times damage and have a different animation. While ascending in the air, you perform normal quick and sprint attacks.
    • Jump-Charge: Charging an attack while falling will cause a special attack when you land. Releasing before you touch the ground will cause a regular quick attack. A jump charge requires at least a three block descent and is more effective the greater the fall, though that risks fall damage. You can only jump charge with the weapon in your main hand.

    Weapons either swing, slash, or stab. Swinging attacks go from the shoulder and hurts the enemy in front of you even if you aren't pointing directly at it. Slashing does an aoe attack in front of the player, similar to the current sword's sweep attack. Stabbing just hits whatever mob the player is pointing the crosshair at.

    All attacks have a base +10% piercing since armor can't completely negate damage.

    All weapons have cooldowns that begin to deplete after the attack animation has finished. You cannot attack before the previous attack has finished, and attacking before the cooldown is back to zero will reduce the damage of the next attack.

    Attacking with a weapon at the same time your enemy attacks causes a parry to occur if your opponent also has a weapon. This prevents either attack from connecting. A player cannot parry with their fists, a bow, or a dagger.

    A pickaxe's primary function is to mine stone and ore and doesn't do much damage in combat. However, it is good for weakening heavily armored opponents.
    Cooldown: Fast
    Durability: Average
    Damage: Low
    Speed: Average
    Knockback: None
    Special: Disintegrate Equipment: When a pickaxe successfully does damage to a mob or player wearing armor, the pickaxe does significant damage (based on its tier) to a random piece of armor they are wearing. If used to successfully parry an attack, the pickaxe will damage the enemy's weapon. If used to attack a mob or player who is using a shield, the shield will be damaged unless the enemy bashes at the right moment. Pickaxes are less effective at disintegrating equipment of a higher tier than they can mine.
    Quick: This performs a swing similar to mining.
    Sprint: This is identical to quick attack.
    Charge:: A charged swing does double damage to equipment.
    Jump: This damages the enemy's helmet if it has one and it is not blocking or parrying the player. If the attack connects, but the enemy does not have a helmet, it does damage to a random piece of the enemy's armor.
    Jump-Charge: This does small damage to all of the enemy's armor and cannot be blocked or parried, though it can be countered with a bash. The damage to the armor is increased with a greater fall.

    An axe's primary function is to chop wood at an increased rate from the player's fist. In a pinch, it can make for a good throwable weapon.
    Cooldown: Average
    Durability: Average
    Damage: Average
    Speed: Slow
    Knockback: Average
    Special: Tomahawk: While charging, the player can throw the axe ~20 blocks by pressing the drop key. The axe will mow through mobs and can do quite a bit of damage when used in a crowd, but it will become lodged in the block it lands in and will have to be retrieved by pressing the activate button on it. In addition to the durability loss from hitting the mobs, the axe takes some extra damage from landing unless it lands in a liquid. In addition, as a touch of "realism," parrying an axe with a weapon containing wooden parts will do a large amount of damage to it, instantly breaking weapons made completely of wood.
    Quick: This is a simple swing.
    Sprint: This is a simple swing with +5% piercing.
    Charge:: While charging, you can drop the axe to activate its tomahawk ability. A charged attack is a powerful swing with +15% piercing.
    Jump: This does a somewhat powerful swing with +10% piercing.
    Jump-Charge: This does an extremely powerful swing with extra damage and extra piercing depending on fall distance.

    The hoe's sole purpose is for tilling land. If you had hoped to use it for combat, you'll be sorely disappointed.
    Cooldown: Instant
    Durability: High
    Damage: Negligible
    Speed: Fast
    Knockback: Negligible
    Special: Master of the Mundane: The hoe's insane speed and lack of a cooldown can make it useful for keeping back a hoard of enemies, but as it has no inherent effects it shouldn't be used if you have an actual weapon. (I'm open to suggestions for an actual special ability.)
    Quick: A mediocre swing.
    Sprint: A fast mediocre swing.
    Charge:: A slightly less mediocre swing.
    Jump: A mediocre swing from above!
    Jump-Charge: A somewhat competent swing that has a chance at stunning your opponent based on the height of the fall.

    Like the hoe, the art of shovelry isn't very effective damage-wise, though a few may get some use out of its special ability.
    Cooldown: Fast
    Durability: Average
    Damage: Low
    Speed: Above Average
    Knockback: Below Average
    Special: Shovel Might: Performing a jump attack on an enemy from above will bounce the player up a small amount. Each consecutive jump attack will bounce the player up even higher. This can be used to get high up or get significant height for the jump charge. This ability is less effective on enemies with helmets, bouncing the player half as high and doing less damage. A properly timed shield bash will cancel out the bounce.
    Quick: An inverted swing, done from the feet up to the shoulder in the opposite direction of other tools' swings.
    Sprint: Does a stab.
    Charge:: Also does a stab.
    Jump: Activates the Shovel Might ability.
    Jump-Charge: Creates a tremor that goes up to ten blocks in front of the player and damages all mobs and players hit by it.

    The sword has the fastest DPS of any weapon, though its special ability isn't very impressive. It's also capable of doing all three types of melee attacks.
    Cooldown: Fast
    Durability: Above Average
    Damage: Above Average
    Speed: Fast
    Knockback: Below Average
    Special: Whirlwind: Releasing a charge attack does a spin attack, doing damage to everything near the player, though less damage is done per mob compared to a normal slash.
    Quick: The sword does a quick slash in front of the player.
    Sprint: The sword stabs the mob in front of the player.
    Charge:: Activates the Whirlwind ability.
    Jump: The sword does a swing from the shoulder.
    Jump-Charge: The sword does a swing for the entirety of the charge, damaging mobs mid-air and doing large damage to any mob near the point of impact.

    The hammer is a heavy two-handed weapon which has the highest potential for damage and knockback. While its DPS isn't as high as the sword, it is more effective when used in a group or against foes with a shield.
    Cooldown: Slow
    Durability: High
    Damage: High
    Speed: Slow
    Knockback: High
    Special: Shield Disabling: The axe's shield disabling ability has been moved to the hammer. Attacking someone using a shield, even if they bash, will disable the shield, forcing them to put it down and making them vulnerable for a short while.
    Quick: The player slashes the hammer, hitting everyone in front of them.
    Sprint: The player swings the hammer, hitting only the mob directly in front of them and doing insane knockback.
    Charge:: The player hits the enemy hard, with a chance at giving it a short slowness effect.
    Jump: The player bashes the enemy on the head, performing extra knockback.
    Jump-Charge: The player hits the ground, doing damage and knocking back everyone nearby. This takes a moment to recover from.

    The dagger is the cheapest and fastest weapon a player can make, but its low durability means that it is useless in a head-on fight. It is meant for stealth.
    Cooldown: Instant
    Durability: Negligible
    Damage: Low
    Speed: Fast
    Knockback: None
    Special: Sneak Attack: When the player attacks an enemy that doesn't detect them, the dagger does 30 times more damage, killing weak mobs and severely weakening stronger mobs. When used against a player, the dagger will only do extra damage if the player is hit in the back and they haven't been hit by that player for the last five minutes.
    Quick: Performs a quick stab.
    Sprint: Performs a quick swing, with the dagger facing down instead.
    Charge:: The player does several stabs in quick succession, though only the first stab may be a sneak attack.
    Jump: Performs a quick stab.
    Jump-Charge: As soon as the player lands, they will stab the enemy, which will count as an automatic sneak attack even if the enemy detects them as long as the enemy didn't detect them when they started falling. This is the only jump-charge that is not any more effective when done from higher up.

    The spear is a medium-range two-handed weapon, capable of doing melee damage from a short distance away. While its damage is low, it provides a lot of piercing damage.
    Cooldown: Fast
    Durability: Average
    Damage: Below Average
    Speed: Average
    Knockback: Low
    Special: Breakthrough: Charged and jump-charged attacks completely ignore armor, though they can still be parried, blocked, and bashed.
    Quick: A quick stab forward. +5% piercing
    Sprint: A quick stab forward with slightly greater range. +15% piercing
    Charge:: The spear has no kind of charge attack. Instead, while charging, the spear is held horizontally and the player can damage mobs simply by ramming them. +100% piercing
    Jump: A slightly slower stab forward. +30% piercing
    Jump-Charge: A slow stab with high knockback and +100% piercing.

    For usage in combat, unarmed is often a poor choice, being slightly worse than daggers in damage output. However, with gloves the damage can be increased and you can become quite deadly with your fists.
    Cooldown: Instant
    Durability: Infinite, though gloves lose durability with each hit
    Damage: Low
    Speed: Fast
    Knockback: Low
    Special: Knockout: A charged attack has a chance at stunning the enemy, with a greater chance against low-health enemies. Players are slowed instead.
    Quick: A quick hook (considered a stab).
    Sprint: An upwards punch (considered a reverse swing).
    Charge:: A slow hook (considered a stab) that activates the Knockout ability.
    Jump: A downwards punch (considered a swing).
    Jump-Charge: A downwards punch with both hands. Less effective on enemies with helmets.

    The bow is a unique weapon, able to launch arrows at enemies from a distance. There are a few different kinds of bows, with different abilities. All bows can do headshots, which do extra damage and can stun enemies (or slow players). Headshots are 50% less effective if the target is wearing a helmet. It is less accurate while used when the player is swimming, in the air, or sprinting, and needs to be charged to do full damage.
    Cooldown: Fast
    Durability: High
    Damage: Average
    Speed: Slow
    Knockback: Low

    The shield is a defensive tool you hold in your offhand. It provides a static defense bonus, and provides even greater defense when the offhand button is held. While holding up your shield, you can press the main hand button to bash, which consumes a lot of hunger but can cancel nearly every attack against the player if timed properly.

    That's it for combat. Next time, we're finally going to talk about the Overworld!

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Is a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller worth it?

    I would definitely recommend it, provided you can get enough convenient flat locations to use the Switch's kickstand (having it in your lap is bad for your back). In my personal experience the joy-cons, while comfortable at first, begin to cramp up your hand pretty quickly. The grip helps but the pro controller pretty much eliminates this. There's also the benefit of a less vertical layout, which I find more comfortable. The sticks extrude out further and the buttons are also larger, making for better precision. It's cheaper than purchasing two more joy-cons for a 2-player game that needs a lot of buttons. It's also better than a joy-con for its Bluetooth support, allowing you to play most PC games with it as if it were an Xbox controller. Its only real drawback is that motion controls may not work as well with it (though in some cases, like in Breath of the Wild, I find them even better.)

    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Collaborative Suggesting- The Frist Dimension (all welcome)
    Quote from Wolftopia»

    I feel like this would be a little too wild. We should probably stick to something that has a theme that can be summed up in 2-4 words, like the current dimensions:
    Nether = Fire, Hell
    End = Abyss, Moon(?), Underwater

    I feel like we've hit an interesting idea here- a frozen, crystalline dimension, maybe even with prehistoric animals and ruins. EDIT: Just noticed those weren't in second place.

    So, if this is to be the dimension we choose, these are the things we ought to consider:
    1.- What will the dimension's music be like? (Nether and End have their own music)
    2.- What mobs will reside in this dimension?
    3.- What blocks/ores will be in this dimension? AKA What resources will be obtained from this dimension?
    4.- How will this dimension benefit the player? How will it benefit players with different play styles?
    5.- How do you access this dimension?

    Everyone should also probably state what strengths they have that could contribute to this project; for example, I might be able to make some of the textures and models. Would anyone be able to make a mod? (Not for the whole thing, but for some things so we can show how they would behave.)

    Well, I was joking, but I think taking elements could be taken from all the suggested ideas. Though since Steampunk is obviously the best idea a frozen Steampunk city would be amazing.

    Also, the End is not a confirmed abyss or the moon, and it is definitely not underwater, so I don't know where that idea came from.

    Anyway, my ideas:
    1. It should probably be atmospheric, with the classic Minecraft mix of piano and (what I think is) 8-bit style instruments, with some frosty bell-like motifs.
    2. That's going to take a while to decide, but one idea, how about snowmen that hide in the ground, then pop out to pelt you with snowballs when you get close? (Kind of like this guy from Super Mario 64.)
    3. Fishg mentioned crystals, which I like. I don't think adding more ores is a good idea without overhauling Minecraft's damage and defense systems. Instead, perhaps these crystals, along with decoration, could be used for more kinds of buffs.
    4. That's a whole discussion in it of itself. We need a rough draft of the basic suggestion first.
    5. Since hyperspeed train travel apparently isn't cool enough, perhaps a portal could be made from a resource dropped from strays.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Collaborative Suggesting- The Frist Dimension (all welcome)
    Quote from fishg»

    Before I wasn't completely into the frost theme, but now that I've seen that I'm onboard.

    So since it's apparent that frost is going to at least be involved, we should consider adding any new ideas from the other themes, as AMPPL50 suggested. For example, we could have structures resembling a ruined city, steampunk gear, or a prehistoric mob. The frost idea isn't that defined at the moment- we don't even know how hard its going to be.

    An idea for the frost dimension.
    I'd suggest one of the dimension's primary resources be "crystals". Crystals would come in multiple colors, and providing colored light. They would be semi-transparent but very strong, a bit less than obsidian.

    In retrospect, it's a buffed version of glowstone that provides colored light. :unsure::unsure:

    Since steampunk and space seem tied for second place, how about:

    A frozen steampunk dimension...in space!

    I'm on board with colored crystals and colored light, though for that we'd need yet another lighting engine rewrite. Colored lighting is technically currently possible, but it's kind of hacky and doesn't work with smooth lighting (or shaders, I'd imagine).

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Who do you miss that's gone now?

    I am and will probably be more active once I finally get around to finishing that Minecraft 2 suggestion. With suggestion critics dropping like flies someone's got to stick around to keep the newbies in line.

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    posted a message on Twitch forced migration is not a good idea!

    Yes, a lot of people would agree with you, including me. However, it's not a big deal, it takes two seconds to make your Twitch account, and a Twitch account isn't any worse than a Curse account.

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    posted a message on Collaborative Suggesting- The Frist Dimension (all welcome)
    Quote from fishg»

    1. My original idea was the 24th (that was a week after we imposed this topic) but I'm fine with extending it. How about the 28th, a week from today?

    2. I suppose... but I don't want this to be boggled down by realism. If it's an absurdly difficult thing to add, it shouldn't be in, but beyond that let's add as much stuff as possible. We all agree that the current dimensions need to be filled up a bit more, so we shouldn't limit ourselves to something realistic like just two mobs and one structure. Instead, we should push it to the absolute limit, to where it wouldn't possibly ever need revisiting in a later update. If you want, envision us as suggesting this in the future, after the nether, end, and ocean have gotten updates.

    The Prehistoric Dimension certainly seems interesting. It has a unique purpose and theme. Perhaps the world would generate based of the Overworld's generation, to suggest that you are time traveling? My one worry is it would look too similar to jungle biomes of the Overworld. How would it maintain a unique color pallet? Lastly, while dinosaurs are cool imo, I don't think each species with their complicated names should be included. Maybe instead just one ground dino mob, one flying dino, and a t-rex. "Spawn Brontosaurus" sounds straight out of Jurassic Craft. Oh wait it is.

    If we get a deadline, then can we get a poll? I think that would help determine whose idea is liked the best. You might also want to consider closing submissions, since I think we've got enough ideas now to pull from and if we keep getting new ideas it could be a while before a deadline is finalized and the suggestion moves on to the next stage. If a new idea that is absolutely amazing comes up, we can extend the deadline again, but otherwise, October 28th should be the latest that we stay on deciding a theme.
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    posted a message on Collaborative Suggesting- The Frist Dimension (all welcome)
    Quote from ZaffreAqua»

    Hm... I'll have to disagree with some of the suggestions on the dimension's basis.

    Having a Steampunk or Futuristic-based dimension would immediately feel out of place. A frost one sounds... For lack of a better word, lazy, since we have a dimension based around extreme heat.

    The original Aether for what it was did a fantastic job of adding new game elements and an environment which felt like it could fit comfortably into the vanilla game. This is the sort of stuff we've gotta shoot for.

    My suggestion(s)


    A sort of compromise of a civilization-derived dimensions could be similar to a sort of gigantic, ruined, stone city.

    I say this, because... Well, let's face it; Minecraft is a post apocalyptic setting. Some ancient civilization made these stone structures, (dungeons, strongholds, temples) which are fun to explore, yielding all sorts of loot, yet dangerous, with traps and mobs lurking about. All the while with a sort ominous atmosphere.

    It'd most likely be a high risk, high reward sort of place, probably quite dark, taking place within titanic caverns with the likes of stalactites, for example, and while sporting high amounts of ore, possibly including a new type of ore.

    If not that, then perhaps a sort of place featuring water? Or, a more cosmic setting? Something unique.

    Granted I'd argue we fix up the Nether and End and add more to them before we add another whole dimension.

    Well, the Steampunk idea is supposed to feel out of place and alien. It's a whole other dimension. Before the Nether and the End were added, they were completely out of place and alien, which made them great ideas for new dimensions.

    The Aether is just as lazy as the Frost dimension, since it's literally just an anti-Nether.

    A giant stone city definitely works, but I'm not too keen on the idea of trying to make a post-apocalyptic dimension and it all being an underground cave just seems too much like the nether with overworld ores.

    Anyway, onto the other dimension ideas:

    My problems with an ocean-based dimension are:
    1. It's not alien (I've ridden a boat across many oceans before, this would feel stale)
    2. It would make it even more obvious how the current ocean has been neglected feature-wise
    3. Movement in water is slow and imprecise, and requiring certain enchantments and potions to access most of the content in the dimension doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

    A dream dimension is an interesting idea for a lobby, but it kind of seems like a waste since nothing you do there is permanent.

    The limbo dimension sounds kind of boring if there's nothing to actually do here.

    The frost dimension does seem like a good idea, though again it doesn't seem very alien due to the fact we already have snow biomes. However, I'm on board if the community prefers this idea.

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