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    posted a message on Who's got a good modded server?

    Who has or know of a server that is modded survival that uses a modpack or somewhere I can find a list of modded servers that are small community based. Ya boy bored.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on The Maelstrom Invasion: An Adventure Mod

    Glad I found this mod man, Nice job. I'm not the greatest for minecraft modding on java, I've only dealt with Console modding (NBT Editor and MCCtoolchest). But I have a lot of experience working with mod creators and build teams. I would gladly help you with anything, whether structures, Mobs, or just ideas. Keep up the work and contact me if you need some help.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on How can I allocate more RAM, if minecraft won't use it.

    Thanks man. I managed to fix it. Just by changing the Ram to 3GB. Which bumped me to 55fps. Do you know of any mods that allow one and only one structure(schematic) to spawn near the world spawnpoint upon creating a new world. I'm working on this modpack and would like a NPC to spawn being a guide or intro to the pack.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on How do I get one specific structure to only spawn near on creating a new world.

    So I'm working on a modpack and I would like a guide or intro to the world, when you start a new world. Like Sprout how they have the dude near a wagon tells you how to survive the world and help you start. I want to know if there is a mod that spawns a structure upon creating a new world near your spawn. However this is the only structure and won't spawn again. Is Recurrent Complex capable of doing one time spawns just near where you spawn. Cause I use recurrent complex for spawning my dungeons, But I can't seem to find a setting that only allows a structure to spawn once only at world spawnpoint. I am open up to suggestions on how to do this.

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on How can I allocate more RAM, if minecraft won't use it.

    Hello, So I am running a 64 bit system and I downloaded the java Windows 10 offline 64 bit. However whenever I go to configure Java, it states its a 84_64 bit. Which is weird. Now why I bring this up is I would like to have Minecraft eat up more Ram. As I did put -Xmx7G into the JVM arguments for 1.7.10 Forge When I load up my modpack which is roughly 100 mods. It says I have the 7 Gigs of memory. However underneath it's only Allocating 2.5 Gigs, and im getting a good 10 FPS. What's the issue and I can provide screenshots.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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