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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD
    Quote from Redstoner362»

    To 1.9?

    Forge for 1.8.8 is not even out yet, and 1.9 is still in snapshots. So safe bet would be no.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD




    This was literally already discussed on this same page, and stated as not relevant to this topic. At the very minimum you can read the current page before commenting.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD
    Quote from GiantVegeta»

    That would basically defeat the purpose of the mod

    Edit: replying to @keenkar (should have just quoted)

    But the purpose of the mod isn't to make things look like pictures instead of Minecraft objects... low res textures would still be every bit as Godzilla-y.

    Still that's a very trivial thing and it's silly to use an old, less fun version over textures. The wiser and potentially less frustrating (because of less cpu intensive mobs) thing to do would be to just make a Minecraft-style resource pack.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD

    25% of the posts in this topic are someone asking for a monster and Proven repeating himself that all Godzilla monsters will be added. xD

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD
    Quote from Godzol»

    Any news on a update? Provenbeat any sneakpeak of an animation?

    Ok, I distinctly remember you asking about updates a lot since the update came out (wasn't that less than a month ago?). Now here I've been gone a whole week, and I come back and you asking about updates is on the latest page a dozen pages later. Why not actually play the mod? That has to be way more fun than trying to feed a changelog addiction.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD
    Quote from Tihyo»

    So if a boss it Op, Godzila will rid of them. A non op boss may have an even better chance! I mean heck, the king and queen both bring godzilla to around 2,000 health in one sec! Since his health went down WAAAY too fast, he sucks it up and takes them down. ;)

    Autobalancing? That's genius!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Dimensional Doors v2.2.4
    I know that you probably have a ton to do already marshmellion, but I have a suggestion for the 1.7.10 mod you are making. It would be really cool if somehow in pocket dimensions there could be doors randomly generating that take you to twilight forest, galacticraft planets, etc. Of course this would simply be an addon for if you already have the twilight forest and galacticraft mods downloaded.

    The 1.6.4 version already does that. At least for twilight forest it does, I was fortunate to never randomly end up on the moon.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD
    Quote from ProvenBeat»
    On a more positive note - I'm about halfway done with the new major kaiju for the mod (which I'm not spoiling btw). And if I can finish it in time, I'll model Giant Condor too, who might get added in this update as a miniboss (if I make it in time, that is). Decited I'll let you guys know :)

    I haven't seen Ebirah yet, so I was afraid you meant this condor:

    Fortunately I found the one you meant while trying to find that video. (Also I'm probably sitting less than 30 feet from that movie >.>)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD
    Quote from ProvenBeat»
    Decited to show my old models of RobotChickens Showa and Final Gigans just for a few laughs. The newer ones that will be in the mod are much, muuch better.

    And those are pretty awesome to begin with. BTW did you ever do Destroyah? Because I've had no time to and yours would look better anyway.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD
    "I can't NOT download this mod" means a world in which he downloads the mod is the only world that exists.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD

    He's referring to you saying that you could make a mod like this with just the ores and stuff but none of the mobs. In my opinion as long as you credited the idea to the original source then you wouldn't be in violation of copyrights.

    The whole point of saying that was, since I'm stuck on the version where the mobs don't spawn, it's like the mod only adds a bunch of ores that don't serve a meaningful purpose. But also that's my solution to being able to update, make a mod that enables the ores from this one so that they stay in the world and my mining them doesn't go to waste.
    not to be a hater or anything but orespawn kind of beat you to the giant bosses thing

    This isn't about giant bosses. This is about Godzilla. Google "Godzilla". Also this mod was made first anyway so you should probably keep your opinions to yourself until you aren't so new.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD
    Quote from Aluckyone»

    Dude your using something from his mod that he came up with be a little creative and come up with something

    Again, I think someone sold you some bad shrooms, you're going to have to state exactly what you are referring to.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD

    Dimentional Doors isn't the only good mod left in 1.6.4. Don't forget portal gun and gravity gun, not to mention all those TNT mods that no one updates to 1.7.

    Oh yeah, I did forget PG and GG.
    Quote from Aluckyone»

    so basicly you want to copy him?

    :huh: When did I say anything that sounded remotely like that?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Dimensional Doors v2.2.4
    Quote from MorhionG»
    I'd be willing to pay to have someone update this mod to a stable version of 1.7.10

    Why not make the author your someone?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD

    While I'm sure Tihyo would love the favor, he's going to say no. How would he code for it/bugtest it if it's on a version he can't even use?

    Well on the other hand, I can't afford the lag, so I'm still using v1.4. I could make a 1.7.10 mod that only adds the ores from this mod, and it would feel like exactly the same mod. And I might as well since Dimensional Doors is the only other good mod left in 1.6.4.

    Likewise, no one can afford to have a server below 1.7 anymore with the name-change update coming any day and 1.6 lacking any support for it. The only way any of us will be playing with new updates to this mod are people smart enough to select 1.6.4, and those people will be doing so in single player or IP-whitelisted servers.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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