OOC Information In-game name: jayjay9000 Timezone and Age(Will Not be Judged based on Age): ET 13 How often would you be able to play? about half an hour to an hour each day What is the definition of power gaming and meta gaming(In your own words)?: magic and fun for all In-Character Information Character Race(Dwarf, Elf, Human): human Character Name(Must Be According To Race): Jayce
Character Biography(One Paragraph Please): As a boy, Jayce fantasized about one day sailing across the ocean. Wind ripping through his jacked as he climbed up the tall sails! Jayce's father always inspired these fantasies for he was a sailor himself. A merchant. One morning Jayce was awoken by the front door of the small house him, his mother and his father lived in being opened forcefully and loudly with lots of screaming. Jayce, being about 14 at this time ran down the stairs to find his father on the table screaming, his mother and the quartermaster of his father's ship standing by him. His shirt was bloodied and his arms over what seemed to be the wound. A gunshot wound. Jayce stood next to him and started crying. Jayce's father settled and spoke: "Jayce m'boy, I haven't much time left 'ere. An awful scrap we got into, we just escaped. Jayce, I'm dying," he took a flintlock from his belt and handed it to Jayce. "Jayce, you must find 'im, the bloody pirate who did this to me. You hear Jayce? Avenge me..." And with that Jayce's world fell into darkness. At 17 he left with his father's ship and set sail looking for the pirate who had murdered his father.
Character Goals: Piracy, building a port for pirates to trade stolen goods, building a ship Screen shot of your skin: I don't have a screen shot. it's basically a swashbuckler
So, i was playing minecraft with my friend when the server we were on crashed. It was the superheroes unlimited server and of course, i had the mods for it. me and my friend went on mineplex and were going to wait till the server came back up. i would quit minecraft 1.7.10 and go to my forge profile to check if the server was up. then, when i closed my minecraft to switch back into 1.7.10, i got this error message:
Bootstrap (v5)
Current time is Sep 2, 2014 2:01:57 PM
System.getProperty('os.name') == 'Windows 8'
System.getProperty('os.version') == '6.2'
System.getProperty('os.arch') == 'x86'
System.getProperty('java.version') == '1.7.0_25'
System.getProperty('java.vendor') == 'Oracle Corporation'
System.getProperty('sun.arch.data.model') == '32'
Looking for update
Downloading: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/launcher/launcher.pack.lzma
Got reply in: 649ms
No update found.
Reversing LZMA on C:\Users\Jaden\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher.pack.lzma to C:\Users\Jaden\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher.pack
FATAL ERROR: net.minecraft.bootstrap.FatalBootstrapError: Unable to un-lzma: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\Jaden\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher.pack (Access is denied)
at net.minecraft.bootstrap.Bootstrap.unpack(Bootstrap.java:146)
at net.minecraft.bootstrap.Bootstrap.execute(Bootstrap.java:123)
at net.minecraft.bootstrap.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:381)
Please fix the error and restart.
Can someone please tell me how i can fix this? i've tried re-installing minecraft, but launcher.pack won't go away.
Hey, can you make me an Ouran High School Host Club skin? i was thinking either Tamaki,Hunny, Haruhi or Kyoya. They all wear this uniform. If possible i'd like all 4. If not, i completely understand. Thank you very much in advance. Also, could you send me the file? my skype is jaydersorcerer (my screen name should be boxes or japanese and my profile pick should be pikachu). thank you soooo much!
p.s. i have already asked someone but i;m desprate
Hey, can you make me an Ouran High School Host Club skin? i was thinking either Tamaki,Hunny, Haruhi or Kyoya. They all wear this uniform. If possible i'd like all 4. If not, i completely understand. Thank you very much in advance. Also, could you send me the file? my skype is jaydersorcerer (my screen name should be boxes or japanese and my profile pick should be pikachu). thank you soooo much!
Hey, can you make me an Ouran High School Host Club skin? i was thinking either Tamaki,Hunny, Haruhi or Kyoya. They all wear this uniform. If possible i'd like all 4. If not, i completely understand. Thank you very much in advance. Also, could you send me the file? my skype is jaydersorcerer (my screen name should be boxes or japanese and my profile pick should be pikachu). thank you soooo much!
can you please make me a rurouni kenshin skin (without sakabato at hip) here is a reference. another one. and if it's not clear enough here is another. thanks. sorry, i have posted it somewhere, but it broadens my chances of getting this awesome skin
can you please make me a rurouni kenshin skin (without sakabato at hip) here is a reference. another one. and if it's not clear enough here is another. thanks
i screwed up it's jayjay9000 sorry
IGN: jayjay9000
-Muted purple and grey duster (second layer)
-Greyish brown pants
-Black shirt with long sleeves
-Small silver breastplate (first layer)
-Pale-ish skin
-Blue-grey eyes
-Long dirty blonde hair (not dirty hair but dirty blond, the hair color)
-Distinctly male
thank you
-Muted purple and grey duster (second layer)
-Greyish brown pants
-Black shirt with long sleeves
-Small silver breastplate (first layer)
-Pale-ish skin
-Blue-grey eyes
-Long blonde hair
-Distinctly male
thank you sooooo much! post skin in below!
In-game name: jayjay9000
Timezone and Age(Will Not be Judged based on Age): ET 13
How often would you be able to play? about half an hour to an hour each day
What is the definition of power gaming and meta gaming(In your own words)?: magic and fun for all
In-Character Information
Character Race(Dwarf, Elf, Human): human
Character Name(Must Be According To Race): Jayce
Character Biography(One Paragraph Please): As a boy, Jayce fantasized about one day sailing across the ocean. Wind ripping through his jacked as he climbed up the tall sails! Jayce's father always inspired these fantasies for he was a sailor himself. A merchant. One morning Jayce was awoken by the front door of the small house him, his mother and his father lived in being opened forcefully and loudly with lots of screaming. Jayce, being about 14 at this time ran down the stairs to find his father on the table screaming, his mother and the quartermaster of his father's ship standing by him. His shirt was bloodied and his arms over what seemed to be the wound. A gunshot wound. Jayce stood next to him and started crying. Jayce's father settled and spoke: "Jayce m'boy, I haven't much time left 'ere. An awful scrap we got into, we just escaped. Jayce, I'm dying," he took a flintlock from his belt and handed it to Jayce. "Jayce, you must find 'im, the bloody pirate who did this to me. You hear Jayce? Avenge me..." And with that Jayce's world fell into darkness. At 17 he left with his father's ship and set sail looking for the pirate who had murdered his father.
Character Goals: Piracy, building a port for pirates to trade stolen goods, building a ship
Screen shot of your skin: I don't have a screen shot. it's basically a swashbuckler
Bootstrap (v5)
Current time is Sep 2, 2014 2:01:57 PM
System.getProperty('os.name') == 'Windows 8'
System.getProperty('os.version') == '6.2'
System.getProperty('os.arch') == 'x86'
System.getProperty('java.version') == '1.7.0_25'
System.getProperty('java.vendor') == 'Oracle Corporation'
System.getProperty('sun.arch.data.model') == '32'
Looking for update
Downloading: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/launcher/launcher.pack.lzma
Got reply in: 649ms
No update found.
Reversing LZMA on C:\Users\Jaden\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher.pack.lzma to C:\Users\Jaden\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher.pack
FATAL ERROR: net.minecraft.bootstrap.FatalBootstrapError: Unable to un-lzma: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\Jaden\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher.pack (Access is denied)
at net.minecraft.bootstrap.Bootstrap.unpack(Bootstrap.java:146)
at net.minecraft.bootstrap.Bootstrap.execute(Bootstrap.java:123)
at net.minecraft.bootstrap.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:381)
Please fix the error and restart.
Can someone please tell me how i can fix this? i've tried re-installing minecraft, but launcher.pack won't go away.
thank you for reading and please, help me out
1 of connor but with my skin wearing the robe. and 1 of a redcoat wearing a fancy hat and powdered wig.
note* please make them high quality (not with the mod)
thank you please email me the skin @ [email protected]
also, if the link doesn't work search jayjay9000 in a skin viewer. i really just want my head in the skin.
p.s. i have already asked someone but i;m desprate