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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)
    Quote from Xxpapaya»

    I've been reading around and I'm a bit confused now. Apparently, if you use two spell components, only the first one is actual used when the spell is cast. For instance, if I were to make a spell composed of Projectile, Frost Damage, Lightning Damage, only frost damage would be dealt if the spell were to hit a mob. Is this true? I'm a bit confused by the spell crafting system as of yet, and the wiki hasn't shed much light on that topic.

    Yes, this is true. However, I think it's theoretically possible to have multiple spell effects by nesting spell shapes.

    What that means is if you were to write a spell as Projectile: Frost Damage, AoE, Lightning Damage it would first shoot a projectile that does Frost Damage, and on contact produce an AoE of Lightning Damage.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)

    I dunno if anyone brought this up already, but is there a way to disable the status HUD? The newest version crashes when I gain some vanilla effects such as Regeneration or Invisibility, and it only happens with this mod installed.

    1) Are you on a server?
    2) If so, do your potion ID configs match the server's?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)
    Quote from Sayac12»

    No, I make the book, I drop all the items and it randomly creates AoE spells without any primary shape...

    I can't figure out what could cause that :(

    And apparently I'm the only one experiencing this bug

    This happens when you throw in the spell parchment a step too early. Don't rely in the hologram, rely on a list of components for a spell. Write it in a writeable book or on a Bibliocraft notepad or just look at the components in the Compendium and throw them in order.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)
    Quote from Macromundo14»

    Does the end bug (the one that resets your spell tree to become all locked again) was supposed to become fixed in this release?

    That's what the changelog says, so I'm going to say yes it's been fixed.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Chisels & Bits + Flat Colored Blocks
    Quote from AlgorithmX2»

    Pretty nice, I like the detailing in the back and arms of the chairs especially.

    So your bug is the same as the one about the wool that was reported previously? Which version of the mod are you using?

    Using 1.8.6, will update and get back to you!

    Edit: 1.8.7 did not entirely fix the issue. While I was able to edit the wool bits, it was only because I broke and placed them using the Single Bit option.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Chisels & Bits + Flat Colored Blocks

    Oh hey. Since I just noticed this thread, I figured I might as well share something I've been working on: Furniture. Like, really detailed furniture. http://imgur.com/a/b4cai

    Blocks used are Greatwood Planks, Green Wool, Brass Blocks, and Ancient Rock. Not sure how much I like the Ancient Rock as a surface texture, but it does make great stairs (which I intentionally didn't screenshot, since they're not finished).

    Also, small bug, when I tried to "round out" the corners of the green wool, and fill in the holes I made with greatwood bits, the prop snapped back to square edges when I added something new. Not sure if I'm explaining that entirely well. I was using the Drawn Region setting, and did in fact try it using just my creative bit and the chisel in survival.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)
    Quote from ArknontheHero»

    Does anybody else have problems with the Particle Emitter? I can't seem to customize it at all... Any help?

    Known issue, not sure if it's fixed in dev.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)
    Quote from patrickbrun15»

    I'm having so much trouble with some mods, every time I try to play either this or Chisel 2, my Minecraft skips like a CD! I go from 0FPS to 80FPS to 0FPS and so on.. I've been searching the web all day, and can't find anything! Could someone please help me!

    From the sound of it, you simply don't have enough memory dedicated to Minecraft. Depending on the amount of mods you're running, you'll want anywhere from 2-4GB of RAM.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)
    Quote from Wulfie03»

    Okay I hate to ask this but....How in the world do you make an AoE projectile spell?

    I've tried a few and either the AoE appears over their head and not where the projectile hits, or it doesn't appear at all....

    I was trying to do a Projectile Frost damage but no luck....

    All the videos out there seem to be out of date with this the current mod and are not a lot of help.


    [] = Brown box, <> = Grey box

    [Projectile, AoE] <Components>
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)
    Quote from Teibidh»

    And ... another. I know from having read through quite a few pages of the forums that cast modes used to do something different than what they do now (I have only ever used the current version). However, there is still an "Augmented Casting" in the talent tree. I snagged it, thinking maybe it would add a modifier to my choices in the spell creation window but can't seem to find anything there.

    How does the "Augmented Casting" talent actually work now, or was it just accidentally left in and serves no actual purpose?

    To the best of my understanding, it just makes your spells inherently more powerful.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)
    Quote from mineguy46»

    Then how did I do this?

    What they mean is that the brown boxes are not for components.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)
    Quote from DaRudeDerper»

    is this in 1.8 and if not any news on 1.8 Development?

    No it is not in 1.8 that I know if. Yes it is being worked on. No there will not be a 1.8 update (as far as I know, Mithion and his helper minions are fully devoting their time to 1.9).
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)

    Great mod! I have a few suggestions though.

    1)make a new shape called imbue: On your next hit on an entity the entity gets affected by the x spell component.

    2)make another shape called (not decided):Shoots x number of projectiles around you.

    3)make a spell component called poison: Your target(s) gets poisoned(duh).

    4)make another spell component called wither: withers your target(s).

    5) make another spell component called speed: gives your target(s) speed buff.

    1) I think it would work better as a contingency; upon taking damage from an enemy, they are afforded the effects of a spell. For example, being hit could cause your opponent to switch places with you or be teleported randomly. Obviously, this sort of effect is already possible through Contingency: Health - AoE [Spell Effect], but for more long-ranged fights it could be helpful.
    2) AoE already does this, provided that you don't add a targeting shape before it.
    3) I don't think that magic could emulate poison logically, so I would personally veto this.
    4) Could be interesting, but easily remedied with a spell I don't remember the name of.
    5) Already exists.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)
    Quote from Zsashas»

    Wait, what? Battle Chicken?

    The Battle Chicken was a spell in Ars Magica 1 that summoned a very fast, very durable chicken to fight for you. When AM2 was released, the Battle Chicken didn't technically exist as a spell anymore, but the spawn egg for it was still there in the creative menu — and in fact, still summoned the Battle Chicken without any issues. Mithion has since released a riddle to solve that reveals the secret spell combination.

    While silver spells are certain grammar,
    This one too applauds.
    Take the one spawned by a feather,
    And writ it to maraud.

    You'll need imbuements of true power:
    and agility unsurpassed.
    A rule of four will be your partner,
    To reach your goal at last.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Version (Updated February 8, 2016)
    Quote from Zsashas»

    I like the sound of Infernal for the Nether.

    Also are there any plans to bring back the Moo Moo Farm? That place was so much fun.

    Nope. There is still a way to get a Hell Cow as a summon, in the same vein as the Battle Chicken's summon. Unfortunately, not even I know what it is because there's no riddle that I've seen yet.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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