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    posted a message on Millénaire - NPC village - 16/09/18 : Millénaire 7 open beta
    When I opened up my SP world with Millenaire 1.7.6 I got an error that said "Error when trying to load building"

    Here's my millenaire log

    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 Starting new session.
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 0: null/16711680/0/0/0
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 23296: null/16757760/91/0/23296
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 4609: null/2780943/18/1/4609
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 4608: null/2648846/18/0/4608
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 18688: null/12653331/73/0/18688
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 4610: null/2914063/18/2/4610
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 27904: stonebrickstairsBottom/8585216/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 27905: stonebrickstairsTop/8519680/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 27906: stonebrickstairsLeft/8650752/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 27907: stonebrickstairsRight/8716288/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 13824: lockedchest/8855040/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 256: null/6710886/1/0/256
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 18432: null/6835740/72/0/18432
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 4864: null/15922239/19/0/4864
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 9472: null/16777025/37/0/9472
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 27650: brickstairsLeft/9306112/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 27651: brickstairsRight/9371648/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 27648: brickstairsBottom/9240576/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 27649: brickstairsTop/9175040/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 4096: null/526341/16/0/4096
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 512: preserveground/51200/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 22784: null/14929699/89/0/22784
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 9728: null/16724530/38/0/9728
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 4354: null/8549994/17/2/4354
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 4353: null/5123085/17/1/4353
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 4352: null/8536064/17/0/4352
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 22528: null/11765803/88/0/22528
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 768: preserveground/51200/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 13569: woodstairsTop/6553600/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 13568: woodstairsBottom/6619136/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 13571: woodstairsRight/6750208/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 13570: woodstairsLeft/6684672/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 31746: null/13158520/124/2/31746
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 31745: null/2364678/124/1/31745
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 31744: null/3612682/124/0/31744
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 12800: null/16776960/50/0/12800
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 1024: null/5000268/4/0/1024
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 5632: null/10495/22/0/5632
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 31234: null/16766209/122/2/31234
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 31233: null/10919048/122/1/31233
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 31232: null/14407887/122/0/31232
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 1280: null/7161635/5/0/1280
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 19456: null/11407890/76/0/19456
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 5888: null/3889365/23/0/5888
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 30981: null/4358698/121/5/30981
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 27392: null/10322251/107/0/27392
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 30980: null/4292905/121/4/30980
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 12288: null/8421376/48/0/12288
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 5120: null/6737151/20/0/5120
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 20224: null/9895935/79/0/20224
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 1536: null/12800/6/0/1536
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 1537: null/1413909/6/1/1537
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8964: null/12891932/35/4/8964
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 12544: null/1048640/49/0/12544
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8965: null/3716909/35/5/8965
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8966: null/14321309/35/6/8966
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8967: null/4473924/35/7/8967
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8960: null/15790320/35/0/8960
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8961: null/15301167/35/1/8961
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8962: null/12602827/35/2/8962
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8963: null/6391249/35/3/8963
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 30720: null/14482419/120/0/30720
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 19968: null/3846588/78/0/19968
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8972: null/5714972/35/12/8972
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8973: null/3558168/35/13/8973
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8974: null/10365735/35/14/8974
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8975: null/2038555/35/15/8975
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 5376: null/3889103/21/0/5376
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8968: null/10265764/35/8/8968
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8969: null/2519692/35/9/8969
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 23552: null/16049243/92/0/23552
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 1792: null/2632232/7/0/1792
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8970: null/8862921/35/10/8970
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 8971: null/2371728/35/11/8971
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16388: doorRight/4784256/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16389: doorBottom/4653184/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 20992: null/5784158/82/0/20992
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16390: doorLeft/4718720/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 2304: null/65535/9/0/2304
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16391: doorTop/4587648/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16384: doorTop/4587648/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16385: doorRight/4784256/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16386: doorBottom/4653184/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16387: doorLeft/4718720/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16133: signpostTop/200/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 11520: null/8388608/45/0/11520
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16132: signpostBottom/201/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16131: signpostRight/203/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 25600: null/14701105/100/0/25600
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16130: signpostLeft/202/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16644: ladderBottom/5980160/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16645: ladderTop/5914624/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16642: ladderLeft/6045696/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 16643: ladderRight/6111232/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 11266: null/7884845/44/2/11266
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 11267: null/5592405/44/3/11267
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 11264: null/10526880/44/0/11264
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 11265: null/12830770/44/1/11265
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 6665: bedLeft/10485762/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 25856: null/3812908/101/0/25856
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 6664: bedTop/10485760/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 6667: bedRight/10485763/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 11268: null/9830400/44/4/11268
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 6666: bedBottom/10485761/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 15872: furnace/1644825/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 11269: null/7237230/44/5/11269
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 6400: null/10124353/25/0/6400
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 20480: null/15138815/80/0/20480
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 15616: furnace/1644825/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 26112: null/11862015/102/0/26112
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 12032: null/8405027/47/0/12032
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 17154: stonestairsLeft/7995392/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 17155: stonestairsRight/8060928/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 6144: null/12172329/24/0/6144
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 17152: stonestairsBottom/7929856/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 17153: stonestairsTop/7864320/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 2560: null/15218960/10/0/2560
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 26368: null/4977418/103/0/26368
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 11776: null/16593926/46/0/11776
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 10496: null/16766208/41/0/10496
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 24578: trapdoorRight/4784278/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 24579: trapdoorLeft/4718742/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 24576: trapdoorBottom/4653206/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 24577: trapdoorTop/4587670/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 17412: signwallBottom/221/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 17413: signwallTop/220/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 22016: null/16744448/86/0/22016
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 3328: null/3289650/13/0/3328
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 7938: null/1720587/31/2/7938
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 17410: signwallLeft/222/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 7937: null/1918732/31/1/7937
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 17411: signwallRight/223/-1/-1/-257
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 7936: null/5454086/31/0/7936
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 14848: null/10978659/58/0/14848
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 3072: null/15001457/12/0/3072
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 22272: null/16594955/87/0/22272
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 25090: null/5395026/98/2/25090
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 14592: null/6750207/57/0/14592
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 25088: null/5921370/98/0/25088
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 25089: null/5936730/98/1/25089
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 11008: null/9868950/43/0/11008
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 17920: null/4014651/70/0/17920
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 21504: null/13211953/84/0/21504
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 3840: null/15198385/15/0/3840
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 25344: null/14404686/99/0/25344
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 14336: null/2270872/56/0/14336
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 10752: null/13421772/42/0/10752
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 3584: null/14145812/14/0/3584
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:38 MAJOR: null: Colour point: 21760: null/11174400/85/0/21760
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:51 MAJOR: mayancornfarm_3 at -74/63/277/0/2 null: Speak: Error when trying to load building. Check millenaire.log.
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:51 ERROR: mayancornfarm_3 at -74/63/277/0/2 null: Error when trying to load building of type: mayancornfarm_3 at -74/63/277/0/2
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:51 Exception, printing stack:
    1.7.6 26-10-2011 12:11:51 MLN$MillenaireException: No standing position found when loading building of location: mayancornfarm_3 at -74/63/277/0/2
    at MLBuilding.a(MLBuilding.java:2362)
    at ij.c(TileEntity.java:88)
    at lb.a(SourceFile:186)
    at gd.a(SourceFile:42)
    at ic.e(ic.java:84)
    at ic.c(ic.java:52)
    at ic.b(ic.java:76)
    at rv.c(World.java:400)
    at rv.a(World.java:333)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.d(SourceFile:1654)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:1563)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:1527)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:1447)
    at jv.c(SourceFile:161)
    at gr.a(SourceFile:209)
    at ge.a(SourceFile:152)
    at jv.a(SourceFile:181)
    at iw.b(EntityRenderer.java:880)
    at EntityRendererProxy.b(EntityRendererProxy.java:15)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:689)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

    Can't seem to load the Mayan corn farm.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Millénaire - NPC village - 16/09/18 : Millénaire 7 open beta
    Quote from tasogarereiken

    How well would it handle exporting blocks from other mods?

    Probably very poorly :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Millénaire - NPC village - 16/09/18 : Millénaire 7 open beta
    Quote from Kinniken

    Actually the Mayans shouldn't be producing glass at all, they do not need it. If they are it's a mistake, I'll fix that.

    Yea they're making lots of glass. If they don't need it why does the miner collect sand? :tongue.gif:

    EDIT: Also when the Mayan villagers say "Yawn." there's a / at the end.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [64x][1.0] Ovo's Rustic Pack v1.7
    Quote from Ovo

    Currently there are 2 creeper textures (chosen randomly if you've checked the randomob option in MCPatcher, though it doesn't seem to randomize as expected) and the second one is a bit more creepy. It's just a slight change but I'll add a few more and who knows, a smiling one could make it in. :wink.gif:

    I don't know how well it would fit the pack, but I'd have a good laugh about it :tongue.gif:

    And I've been looking through all the 64x+ texture packs I can find and they're all either too smooth or realistic. I don't like 32x.

    Great job on having the best HD texture pack. Not too smooth, not too detailed, done perfectly :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on Millénaire - NPC village - 16/09/18 : Millénaire 7 open beta
    Seems the Mayan woman in the quarry doesn't want to take the glass out of the furnace. It says "Taking resources from home" over her head, but she's not moving and the glass is just clogging up the furnaces :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Railcraft
    Nice update. The rail beds make a lot more sense than a stick :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.8.1][WIP] [128]ÇärtΦΦñ DëfåÜlt [LINK NO ADLFY][DISCONTINUED]
    Why is the furnace and dispenser fuzzy?
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on [64x][1.0] Ovo's Rustic Pack v1.7
    The repeaters look great. Though it seems to me that creepers could use a little more D: in the face :tongue.gif:

    Or make them like my avatar. That would make my day :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on Millénaire - NPC village - 16/09/18 : Millénaire 7 open beta
    Seems the Hindi villages are less likely to spawn than the Hindi lone buildings. Not sure how many there are, but I've only found the small building with a well, containing 2 guys, one selling metals and rice and chicken, the other being a body guard.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on MAtmos - Environmental sound atmosphere simulator
    Quote from PixelPop

    Make sure these folders are in the right place: matmos_expansions & matmos_interactions

    They're in my .minecraft. And now it seems the whole mod isn't working :tongue.gif:

    I'll try reinstalling the class files. I know the resource files and all the other folders are right.

    EDIT: Reinstalled the whole thing. MAtmos sounds still not working but F7 still works :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MAtmos - Environmental sound atmosphere simulator
    Having problems with the weapon interactions. I had it working for a long time not long ago, but then I had a problem with Millenaire and had to reinstall all my mods. When I reinstalled MAtmos with the weapon interactions included, but they didn't work. F7 works, I can reload the database, change the volume, and all the basic MAtmos sounds work. Just not the expansion.

    I just tried reinstalling only the expansion from it's seperate download, but still no luck.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.8.1] iMod v1.0
    I like the big middle wall of text.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.8.1][SMP] Infected Block that spread everywhere !
    Make a way to wall it off. Like how in Shadows of Israphel, they have the desert walled off so it won't "spread"
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Millénaire - NPC village - 16/09/18 : Millénaire 7 open beta
    Just had a Hindu Mahal village spawn in the middle of a pine forest :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Railcraft
    This is amazing. Downloading now. Highspeed rails between millenaire villages get.

    Also, would you be able to make a plow cart? Made if you do the cart linking, you can make a furnace cart with a blow the first block. It'll pull the carts attached behind and push mobs out of the way.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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