I really makes me mad when people pointlessly complain about a game.
Not having a large enough hard drive isn't a reason to not by halo 4, it is a stupid excuse just to shun the game. 8 GB is lots of space for one game but it is more than worth the sacrifice. I have a 60 GB hard drive and I still have a good 4 GB left. Take in mind that my hard drive is already filled with lots of DLC and arcade games. Not to mention that battlefield 3 takes almost 15 GB on its own .
When i got halo 4 all i had to do was delete all my fallout 3 DLC and I had more than enough space.
If you only have a 4GB hard drive just go to the store and buy a bigger one.
Even without multiplayer halo 4 is still worth $60 because the story is amazing.
So glad I can be a part of this!
I going to go ahead an create my character right now.
Name: Daniel Smith
Race: Unknown
Age: 23
Likes: Powerful tools, rare materials, well defended buildings.
Dislikes: monsters, people who attack the weak.
Personality: Very timid, but will become aggressive when defending something he cares about.
Weapons: average with all weapons.
Bio: Daniel Smith prefers not to talk about his past. It is a story of great tragedy and loss. It is his past that reflects on him directly and burdens him even today. Many people avoid him because of his appearance, but even he is scared in the mirror. his form gives him interesting abilities but he prefers not to use them because he would be like one of "them". He is skilled in mining mainly because he interestingly, has no fear of the dark. Daniel doesn't talk much unless he really needs to, or is that just because nobody wants to talk to him? He is often a very calm person, unless provoked into his more dangerous state that not many people or monsters have lived to see...
Minecraft Experience: I have been playing minecraft since it was released as indev. I am alright with redstone, and I can make basic circuits. I would consider myself a very experienced builder as long as I have good materials.
Age: 16
RP experience: Yes I have made many chars before. I have a very good memory about my last rp experience. about half a year ago, I joined this city roleplay server and I did some basic roleplay with city life. My character was just some average guy and I didn't really stand out much on the server. I made a couple of roleplay friends and I even got promoted In my job as a miner. The greatest part of the experience was the twist that the owner did. Ahead of time, the owner told us he was putting the server down for a couple days for "maintenance". I waited and waited then the server to finally come back up after a week. I eagerly joined the server to find everything turned upside down. I barely got a chance to survey my surroundings before I died of radiation exposure(plugin). The entire huge city that was there before was a crater and the owner said that nuclear war started and the entire world is a nuclear wasteland. Since my character died, I had decided to make a new on. My new char was my original chars sister looking for him after the disaster. It got very interesting roleplaying as her because I met survivors that were friends with my original char. We even had a funeral for my own char. Then we decided to work together to make a settlement that had the grave of my original char at the center. Soon I became the leader of our settlement and started up a faction that fights the evil bandit players who soon gathered together to make their own faction which we later called the Soviterm. The fighting and wars lasted a good 2 months before the server sort of died and only two people came on the server per day. When I look back on it, this was such an amazing rp experience because of all the friends I had and lost and all the interesting things that happened. To think that the server was once just a city roleplay but now it was a completely new nuclear wasteland with familiar landmarks from better days.
Have you read the rules, and do you agree to them? yes I have bacon bacon bacon
Your expectations: I am expecting a good roleplay based experience. I am also really hoping the server has lots of player because I enjoy roleplaying with groups.
What do you think you can bring to the Dawn of Time?I will try and make a difference in the rp world. I enjoy stirring things up if there isn't enough excitement.
You're running through the forest late at night, skeletons at your heels. You're running out of energy and you realize you won't make it back to your humble abode before the skeletons tear you apart. Suddenly, a bright light is seen through a gap between tree branches, and you dash for it. You spot a small, wood cabin and dive through the door, slamming it shut behind you. You look around the cabin, and see a small, unlocked chest. There is a sign above the door "Welcome to Hyperion's Humble Home".What do you do?I pick myself off the floor and walk over to the chest. I find a set of leather armor and an iron sword. I burst out of the cabin and catch the waiting skeletons by surprise. I feel the bones shatter through my sword as I slash the first skeleton. The other two skeletons draw their bows. I quickly duck as the two arrows whiz by, then I roll and slash the first skeletons legs off. I quickly jump up and bring the sword up into the last skeletons skull and watch as the head goes flying. I brush myself off and look around. To my horror, I find that the skeleton with no legs was crawling away and reaching for the flint and steel I dropped when I was running away before. I dashed to stop it but I was too late. I watched in horror as the skeleton sparked the flint and steel on a nearby tree. I could swear it was grinning as I smashed its rib-cage in with the butt of my sword. After finishing off the skeleton I rushed over to stop the fire, only to find the tree already fully engulfed in flames and already spreading to the the next tree. I start choking from the smoke and I run up a nearby hill. I sit in the grass and watch the sun come up as the forest burns. I watched one of the burning trees fall on top of the cabin and a small explosion of splinters covered the ground. It was that moment, as I watched the cabin burn that I decided I would make it my quest to find the owner of the house and repay him for the damage I caused him.
Why do people have to compare everything!
Survival and creative are completely different from each other.
When mojang added creative mode (4j in this case), they weren't thinking "hey lets try and make a game mode that players may want to play more than survival"
They added it because it complements the game and brings out a different playstyle focused solely on creativity instead of creativity based on assisting in survival.
Reason I'm Interested:I really love roleplaying and would like to join this server when it is done. I really want to help build stuff that will make the roleplay better.
What you would like in return (e.g: Roleplaying lessons, adminship?):I haven't roleplayed in a while so i may need a recap but i would consider mod or admin to be more than enough in return for me building.
( I am an experienced minecraft player) Oh and please tell me what version of minecraft the server is running!
no lol
it means you CAN sleep because sleeping only changes the skybox.
sleeping doesn't do anything to the time.
think of a server where you can enter a command to change the wether its night or day. It will change the light level but the environment.
i had lag yesterday in my on game with no one in it.....how the he** do you manage that?
I think people are confused about what lag really is.
Lag is when the game experiences INTERNET conection issues.
Choppyness or FPS lag is when the FPS drops due to hardware peformance issues.
All lag is strictly based on your connection. It has nothing to do with xbox live or the game.
If you notice some unusual lag when playing minecraft, it will either be the host's connection or it might be something on your end.
If you can't connect to certain friends, check your NAT type.
If you have lag all the time, consider getting better internet.
2 days after release, me and a couple of friends were playing together on my world. We were just chilling and having fun.
We finally managed to get enough obsidian to make a portal. One of my friends decided he would make a nether castle.
While he was building it i was exploring the nether for glowstone. A particular ghast was bothering me so i shot it with arrows.
When i killed it, it was flying over where my friend was building his castle. The ghast made the most demonic and loud sound ever when it died. When this happened, all i heard over my mic was "HOLY SH*T WHAT THE F*CK WAS THAT!!!!"
I laughed soooo hard. My friend was in pure terror cause he thought it was some new evil mob, but it was just a ghast lol.
1.) Fix the no-clay bug. yes
2.) Move the "change view" selector to the D-Pad, so we dont keep hitting it when we're surprised. I hope so
3.) Add a quick-equip hotkey (shoulder button) for swords and bows. Doesn't seem right. You could just place your sword and bow close together on the hotbar.
4.) Add the ability to repair armor.I think we need this
5.) Add experience points/levels. We get that with the adventure update
6.) Make clocks mountable. Would be a cool addition
7.) Make display cases for items.May be good for shops.
8.) More food items. Much more coming in adventure update.
9.) Fix clouds appearing. clouds are placed way up in the adventure update.
10.) Ability to squelch dog barking / netherack burnings / ambient (ie non-monster) noises. Mute sound effects,put out fire, turn off volume.
11.) Ability to play your own MP3s/music instead of the soundtrack. You can already do this... just mute the minecraft music in the settings and plug your mp3 into your xbox. it works with any xbox game.
12.) Make wooden structures float entirely (ie make ships/galleons) might be a good thing to have, but too complicated.
13.) Add more monster types.ye splease
14.) Implement a use for the slime balls. adventure update brings more uses.
15.) Creation of large gates/portcullises.would be nice
16.) Make clothes craftable.Might be better to just have skins in the game, but might be cool to craft different colored "cloth armor"
17.) Make a way to make arrows more powerful. Would be cool
18.) Make TNT much more powerful. not a good idea, but maybe make a second, stronger form of tnt that is harder to make.
19.) Craftable statues/suits of armor. armor stands?
20.) Craftable fountains. you can just build one in the game.
21.) Marble for crafting... walls, stairs, etc. could be nice
22.) Markable Map for Notes.This i would like to see.
23.) Option to ignore a certain resource (ie "Never Pick Up Cobblestone") that can be toggled.This would be very useful. no more inventory filling up with junk.
24.) A chicken with thousands of feathers actually gives you more than two. good point
25.) Stained Glass. That would be really cool, would love to see that.
The rangers are changing there name? im sticking with the old name thank you very much me and some other guys are gonna make our own rangers base
The Rangers are now "The End Hunters"
We are still the same faction, just a different name.
If you don't want to stay with us because of something as little as our different name, you don't belong in our faction anyway.
And don't think you can just make a double of us because you don't like the path we are taking with the faction.
If you make a new faction, it will be forever known to us as "The Fakers"
The rangers are no longer the rangers anymore, we are changing the name.
If anybody wants to join the (insert good name here) please come to our base and talk to the leader or one of the two generals
Not having a large enough hard drive isn't a reason to not by halo 4, it is a stupid excuse just to shun the game. 8 GB is lots of space for one game but it is more than worth the sacrifice. I have a 60 GB hard drive and I still have a good 4 GB left. Take in mind that my hard drive is already filled with lots of DLC and arcade games. Not to mention that battlefield 3 takes almost 15 GB on its own
When i got halo 4 all i had to do was delete all my fallout 3 DLC and I had more than enough space.
If you only have a 4GB hard drive just go to the store and buy a bigger one.
Even without multiplayer halo 4 is still worth $60 because the story is amazing.
So glad I can be a part of this!
I going to go ahead an create my character right now.
Name: Daniel Smith
Race: Unknown
Age: 23
Likes: Powerful tools, rare materials, well defended buildings.
Dislikes: monsters, people who attack the weak.
Personality: Very timid, but will become aggressive when defending something he cares about.
Weapons: average with all weapons.
Bio: Daniel Smith prefers not to talk about his past. It is a story of great tragedy and loss. It is his past that reflects on him directly and burdens him even today. Many people avoid him because of his appearance, but even he is scared in the mirror. his form gives him interesting abilities but he prefers not to use them because he would be like one of "them". He is skilled in mining mainly because he interestingly, has no fear of the dark. Daniel doesn't talk much unless he really needs to, or is that just because nobody wants to talk to him? He is often a very calm person, unless provoked into his more dangerous state that not many people or monsters have lived to see...
Survival and creative are completely different from each other.
When mojang added creative mode (4j in this case), they weren't thinking "hey lets try and make a game mode that players may want to play more than survival"
They added it because it complements the game and brings out a different playstyle focused solely on creativity instead of creativity based on assisting in survival.
Reason I'm Interested:I really love roleplaying and would like to join this server when it is done. I really want to help build stuff that will make the roleplay better.
What you would like in return (e.g: Roleplaying lessons, adminship?):I haven't roleplayed in a while so i may need a recap but i would consider mod or admin to be more than enough in return for me building.
( I am an experienced minecraft player) Oh and please tell me what version of minecraft the server is running!
no lol
it means you CAN sleep because sleeping only changes the skybox.
sleeping doesn't do anything to the time.
think of a server where you can enter a command to change the wether its night or day. It will change the light level but the environment.
I think people are confused about what lag really is.
Lag is when the game experiences INTERNET conection issues.
Choppyness or FPS lag is when the FPS drops due to hardware peformance issues.
If you notice some unusual lag when playing minecraft, it will either be the host's connection or it might be something on your end.
If you can't connect to certain friends, check your NAT type.
If you have lag all the time, consider getting better internet.
2 days after release, me and a couple of friends were playing together on my world. We were just chilling and having fun.
We finally managed to get enough obsidian to make a portal. One of my friends decided he would make a nether castle.
While he was building it i was exploring the nether for glowstone. A particular ghast was bothering me so i shot it with arrows.
When i killed it, it was flying over where my friend was building his castle. The ghast made the most demonic and loud sound ever when it died. When this happened, all i heard over my mic was "HOLY SH*T WHAT THE F*CK WAS THAT!!!!"
I laughed soooo hard. My friend was in pure terror cause he thought it was some new evil mob, but it was just a ghast lol.
2.) Move the "change view" selector to the D-Pad, so we dont keep hitting it when we're surprised. I hope so
3.) Add a quick-equip hotkey (shoulder button) for swords and bows. Doesn't seem right. You could just place your sword and bow close together on the hotbar.
4.) Add the ability to repair armor.I think we need this
5.) Add experience points/levels. We get that with the adventure update
6.) Make clocks mountable. Would be a cool addition
7.) Make display cases for items.May be good for shops.
8.) More food items. Much more coming in adventure update.
9.) Fix clouds appearing. clouds are placed way up in the adventure update.
10.) Ability to squelch dog barking / netherack burnings / ambient (ie non-monster) noises. Mute sound effects,put out fire, turn off volume.
11.) Ability to play your own MP3s/music instead of the soundtrack. You can already do this... just mute the minecraft music in the settings and plug your mp3 into your xbox. it works with any xbox game.
12.) Make wooden structures float entirely (ie make ships/galleons) might be a good thing to have, but too complicated.
13.) Add more monster types.ye splease
14.) Implement a use for the slime balls. adventure update brings more uses.
15.) Creation of large gates/portcullises.would be nice
16.) Make clothes craftable.Might be better to just have skins in the game, but might be cool to craft different colored "cloth armor"
17.) Make a way to make arrows more powerful. Would be cool
18.) Make TNT much more powerful. not a good idea, but maybe make a second, stronger form of tnt that is harder to make.
19.) Craftable statues/suits of armor. armor stands?
20.) Craftable fountains. you can just build one in the game.
21.) Marble for crafting... walls, stairs, etc. could be nice
22.) Markable Map for Notes.This i would like to see.
23.) Option to ignore a certain resource (ie "Never Pick Up Cobblestone") that can be toggled.This would be very useful. no more inventory filling up with junk.
24.) A chicken with thousands of feathers actually gives you more than two. good point
25.) Stained Glass. That would be really cool, would love to see that.
The Rangers are now "The End Hunters"
We are still the same faction, just a different name.
If you don't want to stay with us because of something as little as our different name, you don't belong in our faction anyway.
And don't think you can just make a double of us because you don't like the path we are taking with the faction.
If you make a new faction, it will be forever known to us as "The Fakers"
Only people i have seen in the past 2 days are shar and edward and alice
If anybody wants to join the (insert good name here) please come to our base and talk to the leader or one of the two generals