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    posted a message on ★★★ MINECRAFT MIDDLE-EARTH ★★★
    As posted by Nickthegator on the Forums

    "The Argonath"
    Weekly Article

    Of all the projects using Minecraft as a medium, MCME is quite possibly the most detailed and incredibly large undertaking ever. We are working to create what may become the first and possibly only seamless recreation of Middle-Earth that is 100% detailed and complete, allowing players to walk uninterrupted by loading screens from one edge of the map to the other. As if that weren't enough, when the project is complete, a role-playing element is in the works along with npc's and an actual storyline.

    I am a Droog, but in the short time I have spent on the server I have built my house in Bree, helped lay the foundation for a monstrous palace in Annuminas, and helped dig tunnels in Moria. I have walked through the world, admiring the feel of Hobbiton and Rivendell. And despite a few babbling droogs and the irritating set of rules we are made to observe (which are necessary because of those Droogs), I have faith that Middle-Earth can be recreated in full.

    There is one issue. The height limit. It has already impacted the completion of the misty mountains, what else may suffer this fate? Although "no one is thinking about it yet" I can't help but wonder: what shall we do with Minas Tirith? I have taken the liberty of roughly measuring out a Minas Tirith that would fit the 128-block limit from bedrock. Assuming that we lay a 1-block layer for the soil of Pelennor Fields the enitre structure could stand at 127 blocks. That would put the top of the spire at about 417 feet (or 583 feet shorter than Minas Tirith's actual height of 1000 feet).

    Let's look at how a Minecraft Minas Tirth would be built, block for block. Despite the groans of disapproval this will receive, I am using Peter Jackson's vision of Minas Tirith because although I had many problems with the film adaptions I feel he got Minas Tirith almost perfect. Build it too wide with the outer wall spaced too far and it will look like a hill, underwhelming and short compared to its width. Build it too narrow and it will not feel like a city. So I really feel that a good Minas Tirith should follow suit. Tolkien's description of the height was 700 feet at the seventh wall (he wanted walls 100 feet high one would guess, but I am also following Peter Jackson's idea so there is some variation). To shorten this for Minecraft and manipulate the ratio of fortress to spire height I arrived at a seventh wall height of 97 blocks. If we were to proportion this correctly, the diameter of ring 1 would also be 97 blocks. Sadly, in order to have the seventh ring big enough we would need a diameter of around 21 blocks (I made it odd so that the bastion of stone in the center can come to a 1-block tip) and we would need the diameter of each following ring going down to be bigger bu about 20 blocks at the minimum, thus following this pattern: ring 7: 21 blocks, ring 6: 41 blocks, ring 5: 61 blocks, ring 4: 81 blocks, ring 3: 101 blocks, ring 2: 121 blocks, and since ring 1 is the main "city" part of the city let's say it's be 161 blocks. That is maximizing height and minimizing width and it'd still fell cramped but look short compared to its width.

    With a 97 block limit to disperse over seven walls we would have to employ tricks to make it look taller (like a much taller second wall when compared to wall 1 with following walls gradually getting shorter). Wall one could be about 12 blocks high (modest) and wall two could be 24 blocks high, leaving 61 blocks to be dispersed over the remaining 5 walls, so the next could be 20, then 16, then 10, then 10, and lastly 5 to total the remaining 61 blocks after walls one and two. Again...this is all rough.

    I have heard Notch is considering doubling the height limit. Whether this is going up from sea level to make the total 192 blocks, or up and down to make the total 256 blocks (allowing for a much closer to 1:1 Minas Tirith) we cannot rely on this until it is concrete fact. And unless this happens I believe we will be looking at a Minas Tirith very close to the one I just proposed. Tell me, guys, how do you feel about this?

    I've been told not to think about this, that they are too far off in the future, but let's not miss the forest for the trees here. This server is dedicated not only to the depth and feel of Middle-Earth, but the vastness and grand scale of its fantastic structures. Annuminas is a testament to what can be accomplished here, but the farther south we go the more projects we will find facing completion problems due to height limits. These include Barad-Dur, Mt. Doom, and Isengard (which can't start at bedrock because of the pits).

    While we detail everything for this server which is becoming more beautiful everyday we must look to the future in preparation for these problems. We must be ready and we must be willing to do the math and work for everything (you too, droogs) so as not to leave projects incomplete and waiting for a promised new height limit.


    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on What are you listening to at the moment?
    New release remix from Armin's Mirage Album. Love Trance.

    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on ★★★ MINECRAFT MIDDLE-EARTH ★★★


    Please take note their is absolute ZERO TOLERANCE on the use of 3rd Party Modifications (i.e Speedhack, Zombes Mod, TooManyItems..).

    Anyone caught with these mods on.. either by accident, no fault, a misunderstanding, whether it was accidental or with good intention..You will automatically be Banned on the Spot.

    Our Server has various tools (i.e bigbrother) that can determine if a player has committed movements which are not permitted by an Unauthorised player. The server is accurate on evaluating/processing player movements and there has never been false calculations on its detection.

    Please turn off of your mods or move them to appropriate folder before you enter the Server

    To make the most of your Minecraft Middle-Earth Experience, dont forgot to download the "Offical MCME Texture Pack" which can found in the Texture Pack Board located upon registering on the Forums :cool.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ★★★ MINECRAFT MIDDLE-EARTH ★★★

    Hello guys, Irufush1 here.

    One of the administrators for the Minecraft Middle-Earth Community and Server.

    I have uploaded a few teaser photos for all you who are contemplating on whether to join our server. If you follow the link below, it will take you to a album..pictures I have taken in-game of Annumminas, a city located in the Northern Kingdom of Arnor.

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Middle-Earth [SERVER BACK ONLINE]

    Great to see the quick response. I wouldn't know exactly if there is a white-list or not. Don't know what's been happening on that concern. If there is, I'll get around to accepting some of the applications above.

    Remember to get on Ventrilo (don't have to have a mic)

    Host Name:
    Port Number:

    Download ventrilo here: http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Middle-Earth [SERVER BACK ONLINE]

    Just a heads up everyone, Minecraft Middle-Earth is to happy announce that the server will be up and running soon. Some technical issues in regards to MC transparency BETA > ALPHA has left us in the position for the past few months without the ability to run a preferable support program to run plugins/mods (HMod). Hence we have remained in a difficult position but to close the server down temporarily.

    Alternatively we are looking towards a program 'Bukitt' which will enable us with a new platform to play on. Nothing will change from the last world we will play on, however any prospective members who are willing to apply for position within the server, please fill out the required form located on 1st page of this thread.

    Currently we are in plans of beginning our project of Moria.

    We encoruage players who are highly interested in participating on re-creating Tolkien's Middle-Earth to please step up to the plate and show your worth. We understand there are many players out there who are looking for a challenge or who want to put their skills and expertise on laying a block down --- this is the final frontier!

    If you are looking for a mature, friendly, ..professional place to play -- Minecraft Middle-Earth Accomadates all!!

    (16 years old & above but I can make some exceptions depending on the criteria of your application)


    So this is just a msg from myself, hope to see you all soon.

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Middle-Earth [SERVER BACK ONLINE]
    Quote from shrimpp900 »
    Does anybody know how often Shorvokk checks this forum? I'm just a little worried he might miss my post, its the last one on page 3...

    Shorvok is currently busy with other things at the moment, however, I also manage the community respectiably in cooperation. If you are not aware, the original Middle-Earth Map is not yet up in operation due to the last update and the ingame "HMod" or Hey0 in other words is no longer compatible with the update.

    So this momentarily leaves us with the upcoming unit of Bukkit, where we are impathiently waiting to reach an offical release so we can apply it to the original server.

    So for those in concern that they are unable to connect or bewildered to the fact that they arn't being recognized :Skeleton: , I will do the best I can ASAP to meet your inquiries.

    Take note- that there is a server-side map for all users to participate on untill we bring everything back to operation!!!!

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Middle-Earth [Moria Begins Tomorrow See pg. 54]

    Ok everyone for those who are awaiting to see the MAP thus far (ingame), here is a map render overview in which Shorvok has taken the time to upload to us. From this map you can view everything we have done untill now. Basically at the moment it is showing parts of Eriador within Middle-Earth. Predominanly we are are @ the polishing up stage of our project so far, that is everything to date is beeing perfected/fixed so we can move onto our next project - Moria (most likely).

    So for those who have not visited the server for quite some time, or you are completely new to this...either fill out the recommended OP or pay us a visit to check things out.

    Follow the link -----> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12046434/worldmap/index.html

    "" Be Part of History in the Making. Come join Us! ""
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft Middle-Earth [Moria Begins Tomorrow See pg. 54]
    well this is my first informal post.

    As for DrizzitDudden, we could really use your mountain shaping skills (you should of applied earlier), it could really help us in the neat future. As for Ragnus, Narcoat is your mates name right? A good player, he suggest you short moment ago.

    hope to see you all in the server!!
    :////: :////: :////:
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft Middle-Earth [Moria Begins Tomorrow See pg. 54]

    OK everyone,

    So currently on our Offical Forums there is now a section where players are able to appeal bans, report suspicious behaviour within the server and also a board where Foremans/Officers/Kings compose threads where they may have banned someone.

    This ensures that ALL players who have felt they are incorrectly banned and would like to contest their position, are able to follow up thier situation by following the correct procedure;

    Appeal/Contest Bans -> http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?topic=120.0

    Contrary to that, people are able to Report Suspicious behaviour if they may have witness something unusal being preformed on the server such as griefing, tunneling, building unaethestic structure or explicit/threatening language. This can be followed through this procedure.

    Report Suspicious Activity -> http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?topic=118.0

    If you have any questions, feel free message me (irufush1) or ask any of our admin (Shorvok,Carlosbear,Aracnel) for any help provided.

    In the meantime, we invite everyone who has signed up for the whitelist, take your time to register at our Official MineCraft MiddleEarth Forum and take part in our discussions :biggrin.gif: !!!!


    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft Middle-Earth [Moria Begins Tomorrow See pg. 54]
    Quote from sublevel3 »
    Holy FRAK! One of your freakin FOREMEN BANNED ME! He didnt like the frakin water fall I was using to make a pond ( A ****ING POND!) so he banned me!


    Hello sublevel.

    We may need to look into this situation more in-depth and proceed with a avid investigation.

    May I suggest you take this concern towards the offical minecraft middleearth forum
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft Middle-Earth [Moria Begins Tomorrow See pg. 54]
    Quote from robertjuh »
    ign: robertjuh
    i became unworthy :SSSS: can i join the whitelist again?

    Well if you became unworthy, I see no reason why you should be allowed back in for that matter. However, you may contest this situation further on the Offical Minecraft Middle Earth Forum. This is your next step. Please do not reply any further concerning this matter within this thread.


    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft Middle-Earth [Moria Begins Tomorrow See pg. 54]

    Just a heads up everyone, the server is currently back online so if you willing to participate in the server, you must understand the following guidelines that are located on the FIRST PAGE ->http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1014&t=59913

    Take note application follow a set-guideline structure;

    To get onto the server you must make a post in the thread with the following format.
    Why you want to be whitelisted:
    Any notable achievements in Minecraft:
    What would you bring to the server:

    Once you have completed this, you may be momentarily with a PM with the admin which will prompt you on your next stage.

    All in all, hope to see you on the server!


    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft Middle-Earth [Moria Begins Tomorrow See pg. 54]

    Helllo Everyone, :Notch:

    Ok so just recently we are beginning to make continual progress upon our overall Middle Earth Minecraft Project. Since the server was temporarily down due to a few object errors which have spawned unwilling detriments, a few setbacks such as some buildings i.e Prancing Pony , now have to reconditioned back to original structure.

    This has imposed a highlight of concerns considering new players who are new to the server, whom do not know what to expect. Not entirely sure if people are refreshed upon there Middle Earth Knowledge, this has speculated the predominant need to reference upon the server's primary source known as The Atlas of Middle Earth.

    If you are a new or a reoccurring player to the server, it is thus an necessity if you are able to acquainted with this material as this is much needed resource to equip/reference upon. If you have not already downloaded the atlas you can do so by following this link.


    Ventrilo is also an accompanied software as this will give the in-grips on what is currently happening at the time during game-play. You can find the download here.


    If you are applying to be "whitelisted", people noted with overall administration (Shorvokk) will provide you with information for the SERVER Access & Ventrilo Details as well your next step to participate in the server through PM!


    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft Middle-Earth [Moria Begins Tomorrow See pg. 54]
    How about JukeBoxes? Do they cause technical server diffivulties like boats and carts. In that case u might to delete those Aeroblitz
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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