Quote from Teek5449
Lastly, we all know that January 2013 really means another 6 months or so.
Sorry? It's November. November, December, January. Two months at most.
EDIT: Oh, sorry. Now I understand. You're saying Mojang will delay for six months, not that January is six months away.
Age: 14, but mature.
Timezone: EST
About You:
Describe your Minecraft experience: I've played since Beta 1.3_01 in 2011, and have become very experienced with the game since then. However, I haven't played nearly as much in the past few months, so I'm hoping to get back into it, and this server seems like an awesome place.
Describe your experience with Minecraft servers: I've always preferred the friendly experience provided by a small, cooperative server where the majority of people actually know each other. Those giant servers with three-page plugin lists that dominate the listing sites are ridiculous. I did have a personal favorite server for a while (Mobicraft, if anyone remembers it) but it went downhill fast and eventually just stopped.
Have you ever been banned? This is not necessarily a deal-breaker, but please explain what happened: I looked myself up on MCBans once and saw I'd been banned from a server I didn't remember for something along the lines of, "Griefing glass". I, personally, have no memory of the incident.
Would you be interested in participating in our Community Projects (villages, towns, cities)? If yes, would you prefer to be a resident or a leader? Yes, I would love to participate. It's an utterly unique system and sounds like a very good gameplay dynamic. While building a city from the ground up sounds like a lot of fun, I've had bad experiences with enough faction servers to deter me from that course. I guess I'll wait and see.
Would you be interested in participating in Skype voice calls? Perhaps in the future, but for now, no.
What attracted you to this particular server? Allow me to quote you: "Vanilla", "Close-knit Community". Exactly the kind of thing I was looking for, and the community works systems seems excellent.
Do you use mods? If so, which ones? Optifine.
Reading Check!
When is PvP allowed? Only if all participants give their consent.
What is z2liion's title? Empress
Finish the sentence: "Act your age, not your shoe size."
Anything Else? Optional.
Is there anything you'd like to ask us or you'd like to share? Nope.
Where did you hear about the server: The front page on the forums.
Do you understand and accept the rules: Yes, I do.
What's our policy on raging: Don't do it; instead, simply rebuild as dreams of vengeance fill your mind.
As a side note
Due to the server's 60 slots being totally filled, I haven't gotten on yet. I did look on the Dynmap, though, and I have a question: do the planets actually orbit the star in the center? Because if they do, that's awesome.
Age: 14
Have you voted for Savage Realms at all 3 sites mentioned below?: Yes. By the way, the link in the OP doesn't work. It has an extra 4 in it.
The loot should definitely be improved. I mean, when you're on your way to fight the Enderdragon, you probably won't give a about a chest with four iron and an apple.
Yes, there is a new method to installing mods.
I'm assuming you have the new launcher, so I'll base this off of that assumption. Navigate to your .minecraft folder. Open "versions". Right-click the folder marked "1.5.2" and copy/paste it back into the "versions" folder. Rename the copy to whatever you like, but the name cannot have any spaces. As an example, let's say you name that version "1.5.2WithMods". When you open that folder, there should be a jarfile and a .json file. Rename both of those to your chosen name: in this case, 1.5.2WithMods. Next, use a text editor such as Notepad to open the .json file. The very first piece of text you see should be "id": "1.5.2". Change that "1.5.2" into your chosen name. Close the .json file. Now all you have to do is add your mods to the jarfile in that folder. In order to access the version you've just made, open the launcher, click the button that says "New Profile" and select that version in the drop-down menu.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Edit: I'm fairly certain it's a problem with the mods/coremods thing, because every time I load up a world, I get a message: "TreeCapitator CoreMod code has not been injected. Ensure the downloaded .jar file is in the coremods folder and not mods."
Get with the program. There are now two kinds of golden apples: one has the old recipe and is highly powerful, but the other is crafted the same way as a golden carrot. And honestly, gold is no problem. If you're mining at the right level, you'll find plenty of gold before you ever find a dungeon to get saddles from. Honestly, your post is based around the assumption that a player should be able to easily get a horse farm almost as fast as the OP did. Well, you don't.
In regards to the OP, animals now have a rather annoying spawning system. I can't read java code, but upon observation ingame, I have determined that every biome chooses one mob (be it cow, chicken, sheep, pig, or horse) and spams the entire biome full of that mob. You'd be hard-pressed to find a cow in a plains biome full of pigs; they rarely, if ever, spawn there. Also, animals can only spawn the first time the chunk is loaded. Rarely you might find another group of animals that spawned after a while, but such an occurrence is very rare. Those two facts make it nearly impossible to find a horse in a chunk loaded in or before 1.5. Also, horses can only spawn in plains biomes, further limiting their potential spawning chances. In my main world, which was made several months ago, I have been searching for a while for a plains biome I hadn't yet discovered.
TL;DR: Animals spawn rarely and in large groups. Consider yourself very lucky.
Pocket sand!
Nice mod, by the way.
2. Desired nickname (must start with first 3 letters of IGN): Nah, I'm good.
3. Age: 13, bat.
4. Minecraft server experience: I'm not really sure what you mean... I've played on several servers of all different descriptions. If that's what you're asking.
5. Why do you want to join Worlds Apart: It seems like a very nice server to be a member of.
6. If applicable, who recommended you to *WA*? (provide IGN):N/A
7. Have you read the whole thread including all the rules: Yes.
Shops, tiered weapons/armor, tiered bows, final boss dragon, other boss added after game was released, dungeons, NPCs, dragons, horses, undead, giant spiders, giants, potions, enchantments, and character customization.
If you look closely, that's a list of things in Skyrim. Four things in that list aren't in Minecraft: Tiered bows, dragons, horses, and giants.