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    posted a message on World Size
    Quote from jazzyjet

    -If there is an option to decrease the size of the world. This would allow servers to create small pvp maps or have tigher more purposeful towns.

    "borders" are only in your mind friend. the map can be as big or as small as you want it to be. place a fence or block off a valley or *insert your idea to contain your imagination* around the area you don't want to leave, and stay there.

    Quote from jazzyjet

    -Having edges to the map that lead to the oppossite side of the world. This would make it appear that the world is a sphere and also make it so that you wouldn't feel like an endless wanderer.

    *inserts "endless wanderer" in place of "borders" in post above*
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Compass Suggestion
    there was a time when this was already in game and the compass changed to the last bed you slept in. i have no idea why this was taken out.

    my only thought on why this may have been taking out is that if you built up a home and had an established system, then took a bed and went on a '3 hour tour' (sorry Gilligan), slept to avoid nighttime monsters, and then couldn't find your way back to your original settlement because your compass now points to a useless location.

    someone might have a rebuttal and it would go like this: use a map instead of a compass.

    my reply to that would be: the map is too limited, and way to small for real exploration.

    someone might have another rebuttal that would go something like this: build another map.

    my reply to that would be: there is no good way to build a second map. it makes the materials that you spend on making it significantly less valuable because the second map overlaps the first. for true cartographers and people like me that can't stand seeing redundancy and would love to have a system in place where the borders of a second map created match with the borders of the first map, it is unacceptable to just 'build' a second map. how sloppy of you.

    their last rebuttal would be: that's your problem then.

    and my last word would be: that's what the suggestion forums are for :wink.gif:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Put the Sun Back and Just Call That East
    i don't mind so much that the sun has changed, the thing that bothers me the most is that the clouds and sun move the same direction.

    it was WAY more realistic and aesthetically pleasing to see the sun and clouds independent of each other.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on possible solutions to getting a high level enchant to come up
    hmm, system hasn't been fixed, sooo its idea time!

    how about being able to write in books. okay, this idea has come up before, but what i mean is that you use specific key words in a certain order, like the enchanting table's phrases in standard galactic alphabet. you write these in a book and then place them in the bookshelves. the more of these key 'phrases' you have in books, that are in the bookshelves, the more of a bonus of receiving a higher level enchant.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ocean Biome Overhaul
    why ducks if they would be identical to chickens? this doesn't really add anything except dying a chicken yellow with pigment.

    love the paddles idea.

    whales would have to be as rare as mushroom island to be 'rare and mysterious'. ocean biomes are really not that big with a boat...

    i've wanted sharks since, forever.

    there is already an enchant for a helm that lets you stay underwater longer.

    please expand more on the seaweed idea. what exactly does it do for the player?

    there are already openings and caves in the bottom of the ocean. look closely....... they are there. and yes they do have mobs and chests in them. a lot of the time they are abandoned mineshafts.

    how would a flood occur naturally? the dynamic for water would have to change. maybe excess rain can cause flooding if not a properly sealed area or house...

    a shark is a fish mob, you duplicated your earlier idea. and there are fish also. there are also squid.

    you use a fishing pole to catch fish. what would a net bring that a fishing pole doesn't? more fish? it would be overpowered if it caught more than one fish at a time. try steak from cows, it heals more anyway.

    what would seagulls add that chickens don't?

    what would sargassum add that lily pads don't?

    i like the paralyze from jellyfish.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on possible solutions to getting a high level enchant to come up
    Quote from Pxex

    although i dont have 1.9pre5, when it comes out i dont want to click click click to get an enchantment i want.

    P.S. Get two of the same tool and be swaping them in the enchantment box, now you only need to do one click to see new enchantments

    well that definitely helps. thank you for your creativity. +1. only problem is that my brain still needs about a 1/2 second to process the three random numbers im seeing. the time spent will still be in the hours.

    as for the puzzles - anything to make this mindless clicking go away. any and all ideas to fix this failed system are welcome!!!!!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on possible solutions to getting a high level enchant to come up
    AND HERE IT IS FOLKS! the long awaited L50 enchant.
    clicks: i lost count after 5000. seriously. five thousand.
    that's 1 in at least 2500 tries, since it takes one click to put it in AND one click to take it out.
    anyone got some icy hot for my forearm and clicking finger? this is just ridiculous or I'm extremely unlucky.

    ITS IDEA TIME!!! how about making it so that the bookshelves and enchanting table have to be setup outside so that they get a sun bonus. sun = higher percentage of a high level enchant.

    EDIT: i forgot to tell everyone what i got for 5000+ clicks: unbreakable III.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Majataka's sit-able chair and sofa suggestion
    i laughed when i read that you named the whole process after yourself, and you have a picture from GTA San Andreas as your avatar. i dont know why, it just put a very ghetto picture into my head (i.e. couches on the front lawn, which you seem to have a lot of pictures of).

    couches and chairs can already be made with materials currently in-game. stairs with signs on the sides.

    the only thing i like about this whole post is the ability to sit in them. however, once you sit down, then what? it would be more for an aesthetic purpose than anything else.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Something that they should add to minecraft
    what yoshi9048 said. please read and follow the forum rules as closely as you can. i have a general rule not to click on suggestions that do not at least semi-describe what the post is about. the only reason i came is because the forums are sloowwwww today.

    i don't like the idea of RC cars. i think the spirit of the game is creativity on a grand scale once you figure out a way to survive the first couple of nights.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Block Orientation!
    to the original poster, please use the search bar. this has already been suggested many many times.

    every time it is suggested, i agree with it. i would like very much to have block orientation so that i can make a true log cabin.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Freeze after a while in The Snow Biome's Water
    theres another bar we have to worry about... >.< i say no.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Accessories
    like some dont like others.

    i think its because you posted 5 ideas in one thread instead of posting 1 idea in 1 thread, as the forum rules state.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on possible solutions to getting a high level enchant to come up
    wow its idea time!

    how about being able to open the bookshelves and by adding more books to them increases the chance for a higher level enchantment from the table.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on possible solutions to getting a high level enchant to come up
    wow another idea? amazing!

    how about the presence of animals near your enchanting table gives it an animal spirit bonus, increasing the chance for a higher level enchant to appear.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Silk Touch-Mob Spawner
    my next suggestion: refine and repost. whether you do or not is up to you. ignoring me doesn't make me change my opinion. its your thread. go with it. just be sure you can take the bad with the good. that's how we work together to make it better.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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