Ecosystems. Each biome could have unique flora and fauna, and animals will eat like the pigs did in the very earliest stages of development. Predators would eat the herbivores, and a whole host of new animal mobs could be introduced: polar bears, seals and penguins in the tundra, scorpions, coyotes and buzzards for the desert, turtles, frogs and crocodiles in the swamp, etc. It would be especially interesting to see villagers and zombie pigmen go "hunting". The existing mobs would appear mostly in forest and meadow biomes. Caves and the ocean could have their own unique ecosystems too.
New plants could be added as well: glowing mushrooms in caves, fruit bearing trees in the jungle (cocoa beans anyone?). Animals could naturally mate and establish nests. Monsters would sit at the top of the food chain (below the player of course) and prey on anything in sight.
Further differentiation between biomes would provide much greater incentive for exploration, and the implementation of a "food chain" would add a much greater sense of immersion in the world. I understand if animals are eating each other and plants, things could become problematic, but herbivores could be set to spawn more frequently than carnivores, and each animal would only seek out food once a day.
The community has already produced dozens of new mobs and plants, with more on the way. It would be interesting to see some collaboration between modders to potentially add a whole new dimension to the world of Minecraft.
Clearly he's going to update >.> He's given up like the original creator of Optimine... Scaevolus. Might as well and wait until someone else picks up the mod >.>
Look... I'm going to be as PC about this as I can. Summer's just started, all my friends are either out of town or swamped with summer jobs. I don't start work until next week. The weather here is shitty. We just moved out to the butt**** suburbs and don't have cable yet. I'm fairly braindead as school has just ended. All I currently have the mental fortitude to do is play Minecraft... or masturbate. My laptop requires this mod to run the game. My penis hurts. Please help.
How's about adding hostile Steve?/minecrafter mobs that shoot arrows at you? Also, what are the creeper's goals? What does it seek in life? Why must it only destroy? Flesh out what the creeper does with it's day to day life and how it differs from normal minecraft.
I like this idea a lot, mainly because for some reason I find the plastic shovel very visually appealing. Go ahead and make plastic version of all the tools. The shovel and the hoe could be decent to bad, the axe, sword, and pickaxe can't do ****... But have more uses than diamond/ are indestructible. Actually that's fairly balanced. Plastic tools are really really shitty, maybe even shittier than wood, but they never break. What do you think? And no, it doesn't make much sense that diamonds would be more brittle than plastic, but this mod is powered by imagination.
Ecosystems. Each biome could have unique flora and fauna, and animals will eat like the pigs did in the very earliest stages of development. Predators would eat the herbivores, and a whole host of new animal mobs could be introduced: polar bears, seals and penguins in the tundra, scorpions, coyotes and buzzards for the desert, turtles, frogs and crocodiles in the swamp, etc. It would be especially interesting to see villagers and zombie pigmen go "hunting". The existing mobs would appear mostly in forest and meadow biomes. Caves and the ocean could have their own unique ecosystems too.
New plants could be added as well: glowing mushrooms in caves, fruit bearing trees in the jungle (cocoa beans anyone?). Animals could naturally mate and establish nests. Monsters would sit at the top of the food chain (below the player of course) and prey on anything in sight.
Further differentiation between biomes would provide much greater incentive for exploration, and the implementation of a "food chain" would add a much greater sense of immersion in the world. I understand if animals are eating each other and plants, things could become problematic, but herbivores could be set to spawn more frequently than carnivores, and each animal would only seek out food once a day.
The community has already produced dozens of new mobs and plants, with more on the way. It would be interesting to see some collaboration between modders to potentially add a whole new dimension to the world of Minecraft.
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Look... I'm going to be as PC about this as I can. Summer's just started, all my friends are either out of town or swamped with summer jobs. I don't start work until next week. The weather here is shitty. We just moved out to the butt**** suburbs and don't have cable yet. I'm fairly braindead as school has just ended. All I currently have the mental fortitude to do is play Minecraft... or masturbate. My laptop requires this mod to run the game. My penis hurts. Please help.