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    posted a message on New Ore for Vanilla Minecraft
    I totally agree on adding new ores. Instead of making tools with them, I would like another decent use for them. (Uranium, anyone?)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Poll: What do you consider cheating?
    None of those are cheating. I only think cheating is using hacks in multiplayer. Minecraft is a sandbox game. You play it how you want, and I'll play it how I want.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Oh the Chickens!
    Well, when live gives you Chickens, you make...uhh...Cooked Chicken/Chicken Farm/Cake!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on "You can't sleep yet, there are monsters nearby"
    Quote from chelsea_130y

    Notch added this so you dont get attcked by monsters so you will actully have to move out ur house kill the nearby monsters and then sleep.

    +1? :biggrin.gif:

    Thanks man.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on "You can't sleep yet, there are monsters nearby"
    I was just getting back from my mine. It was night outside, and there was a Spider staring me down through the window in my partially underground base. I shrugged it off and went to get some sleep, but instead of dozing off, a message appeared saying, "You can't sleep yet. There are monsters nearby." I've never seen this before, and was wondering what in the world it means. I know it means monsters are too close to the bed, but how far away does it have to be exactly in order to get some shut-eye?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Cape for beta players
    What about different capes for different buyers? One for Beta, on for Alpha, and one for Classic.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on True Vanilla Minecraft-----New 1.9 Prerelease 5 Server
    Quote from FatMarmot

    The server is not using any mods.

    You're awesome.
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on This is what my 9 year-old brother did...
    Quote from epiclinkfan101

    You consider that impressive?
    You must be a terrible builder.

    I consider this impressive for him. And I am a terrible builder...
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on What gender are you?
    Umm...I'm a guy. But I'm more weirded out by your signature, which guessed everything correct about my computer, than why you would make a whole new thread about someones gender...
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on This is what my 9 year-old brother did...
    So, I JUST found my brother on my computer playing Minecraft, when I specifically told him not too. Well, I look at the screen, and this is what I find:

    I had absolutely no idea my little bro was capable of this, and for that reason, he didn't get punched in the arm... This is a pretty neat little dude he built out of wool, kinda reminds me of Fumblemore...It's definitely better than what I could ever build. So, tell me what you think? Is this seriously that good for a 9 year-old, or just average?

    I am VERY, VERY sorry for that seriously jacked up link!
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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