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    posted a message on The Kosmos (NEW) [BUILDERS NEEDED]
    a'right, I have PM'ed you! Reply so that I can get yer email!
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on The Kosmos (NEW) [BUILDERS NEEDED]
    Hey GirlyWolf! Thanks a LOT for replying! That was very very nice of you :D You have been chosen(cuz yer the only one who commented xD)! If no Skype, how do I contact you? G+ work? I dun have FB D=
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Love UHC? Want to try it out? Not on MindCrack? Read This!
    Hello, fellow PvP'ers, My name is FusionRex and welcome to what I like to call UHC for the public! UHC is Minecraft, in hardcore mode, to the extreme level, no regen unless you craft golden apples, daylight forever, the ability to spectate after death and also the usual allying and defying. This is a server I am starting with only a limited 10 slots. Give me your IGN, your Skype, your Age and what you like or why you should join UHC! The people I select will be called or replied to and a time and date will be set according to everyone's time. Here is a format to help ya out:D



    Why I like UHC:


    Why I should join this UHC Server:


    My Country/Time Zone

    PS: People that sign up should be able to speak english in a manner that the rest of us can understand.

    Thank You! Hope you try it out!

    The server ip will only be given to those selected.

    Bye! :D
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on ROTMG Map/Server [BUILDERS NEEDED]
    IGN: DaRealFusionRex

    Age: Almost 14

    Past Work: I'm working on a massive server myself, would be very very VERY appreciated if you or anyone on this thread can help :D

    Have I played it? : YES! If only for a few days, but dayum it is insanely addicting... I dunnp how yer gunna manage to do the custom mobs tho...

    Get in touch with me! Skype : FusionRex, a picture of a cool skull =D
    Posted in: WIP Maps
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    posted a message on The Kosmos (NEW) [BUILDERS NEEDED]

    Welcome, to the Kosmos. A world built and inhabited by us. The humans. Yet there are other beings living amongst us. Helping, or destroying parts of our life. Here is where deities and humanity collide. This is where it all started.

    The Kosmos is a unique project as it is a server based map, that can be played on a public server, or downloaded with the minimal base requirements for a multiplayer party at your house. The Kosmos, inspired by the Mianite series, is a place where you choose your destiny by choosing from three sides. Good, evil or Switzerland (neutral :D). The names for each of these will be revealed at a later date. After entering, and deciding your fate, you build, fight, mine or do whatever the hell you want to. Allies team, enemy's collide and neutrals... Well... Stay neutral.

    Extra Notes

    I need help. For now, only ten people can join at once, and I need some people who enjoy Minecraft and like (not necessarily good at) Building, Redstoning and of course the command block and server plugin stuff. Except... I need to accept yer application. So please, if you are viewing this, give me your IGN, why you want to do it, and what you specialize in. I don't need any personal information, unless you are okay with giving me your age. Also, the people that do Sign Up, I hope you speak English in a manner that most people can understand. It doesn't matter if you mispronounce a few words and stuff, but as long as I understand it. The only way to get in touch with me is Skype, so leave your username down below, and I will reply and call you if you are selected.

    P.S online-mode false, for those who know what I mean (basically cracked users allowed)

    Hope you enjoy this when it's done :D

    Edit 1: Well, er, No-one seems to care about this Endeavour, but I still hope that a friendly mate here would love to help a friend. The people who help me WILL be the co-owners/senior mods, and all I need help is in building and installing plugins... I'm new to this stuff, please, help me out! Also, the names for the three sides will be revealed in the next edit, just in case, you guys have a different approach to what the names should be! Please Comment your In Game Name and Skype so that you can join me and a few others on this map! Rock On!
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on The Kosmos
    Welcome, to the Kosmos. A world built and inhabited by us. The humans. Yet there are other beings living amongst us. Helping, or destroying parts of our life. Here is where deities and humanity collide. This is where it all started.

    The Kosmos is a unique project as it is a server based map, that can be played on a public server, or downloaded with the minimal base requirements for a multiplayer party at your house. The Kosmos, inspired by the Mianite series, is a place where you choose your destiny by choosing from three sides. Good, evil or Switzerland (neutral :D). The names for each of these will be revealed at a later date. After entering, and deciding your fate, you build, fight, mine or do whatever the hell you want to. Allies team, enemy's collide and neutrals... Well... Stay neutral.

    Extra Notes

    The reason this is in the WIP maps is that, I need help. For now, only ten people can join at once, and I need some people who enjoy Minecraft and like (not necessarily good at) Building, Redstoning and of course the command block and server plugin stuff. Except... I need to accept yer application. So please, if you are viewing this, give me your IGN, why you want to do it, and what you specialize in. I don't need any personal information, unless you are okay with giving me your age. Also, the people that do Sign Up, I hope you speak English in a manner that most people can understand. It doesn't matter if you mispronounce a few words and stuff, but as long as I understand it. The only way to get in touch with me is Skype, so leave your username down below, and I will reply and call you if you are selected.

    P.S online-mode false, for those who know what I mean ;) (basically cracked users allowed)
    Posted in: WIP Maps
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