Er, I'm not a YouTuber, but I would LOVE to play MC! I ain't got no thick accent, no weird obsessions and stuff, but just a random dude, who would love to play! Only problem... I'm cracked. Can't play on Premium Servers. Also, can't play everyday. Will try to, though. If you are fine with all this, please eply and I will give you my Skype!
Just the man I was looking for! Based on a medieval server based map, I need all the help I can get to build a basic spawn for this Suvival Based map thingy! My Skype is FusionRex ( a picture of a fancy skull ) And would LOVE if you could PLEASE help me out mate! Much appreciated! (please please please help me mate xD)
Any other takers? I need some good Redstoners and/or Command Block-ers and/or builders and/or people who just like Minecraft and wanna help! "WHO LIKE MINECRAF'" xD
Hey! Thanks a LOT for the offered help! Hope that doing your amazing project AND helping me out isn't a huge burden! Also... Can you make it 8 at yer time? (assuming that the 5 o'clock at yer time given is PM, not AM). I'm sorry for being the only one asking, but I REALLY like your idea and want to be able to help you out!
For this server, all we will be doing is building a spawn. Not futuristic, but normal, present time or more toward the medieval age. Please, give me your e-mail ID or (preferably) yer Skype ID so that I can contact you. Thanks for helping a brotha out bro!
Much Appreciated mate!
@Jdoggg123456 Sure! Add me on Skype at FusionRex or Google Plus at inFusedKingRex
@MineandBuildMod Sure!!!! Cracked is completely fine with me man!! Add me on Skype or G +!!!
Thanks a lot for all the offered help guys!!! Love ya'll!!!