• 1

    posted a message on [1.7.10] RedLogic - replacement for RP2 Wiring/Logic/Lighting

    Version 59.1.13 changes:

    • Fixed wires dropping when broken in creative mode.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.7.10] RedLogic - replacement for RP2 Wiring/Logic/Lighting

    Version 59.1.12 changes:

    • Fixed integrated circuits outputting signals in the wrong direction when used with vanilla redstone.
    • This fix affects all existing integrated circuits.
    • Fixed NOT gate torch visuals when the center output is disabled.
    • Fixed insulated wire being named wrongly in Turkish locales. (Pro-tip to programmers: always test your code with the locale set to Turkish)
    • Fixed integrated circuits getting confused about whether they were supposed to have bundled or single-wire inputs and outputs.
    • Integrated circuits affected by this bug must be re-scanned to fix them.
    • Fixed being able to combine stacks of different types of lumar buttons.
    • Fixed the chip compiler getting stuck if compilation fails for any reason.
    • Fixed the chip compiler not reporting internal errors to the player using it.

    Note that if compilation fails, you might get two error reports: one when the failure happens (sent to the last player who right-clicked the block) and one when you take the schematic back out.

    To whoever asked for the source code: it's included in every JAR file, under the folder "src".

    Quote from gustavowizard»

    This mod should be called "PROJECT RED 2: LIGHT" - its so cool its like a 'light' version of PR2 i´ve been using it for sometime but to be honest there are to many features i never use and i think all i need is on this one (since i can make my own textures, the 'looks' dont matter to me), in any case congratZ!!! like your mod, but plz give credit to the project red author if you use it as base mod, its a chivalry thing and we need to credit each other ;)

    love your buttons btw

    Actually, Project Red was a ripoff of RedLogic - even using code stolen from RedLogic - not the other way around. It's not using RedLogic code any more, but if anything, he should be crediting me.

    Quote from HanFox»

    I couldn't see this reported before, then again the search on this forum leaves a bit to be desired... Then again if it had been reported I'd really hope this had have been fixed ;)

    Using MC1.7.10, Forge 1448, immibis-core-59.1.2, immibis-microblocks-59.1.1 and redlogic-59.1.11 if you have a lumar button or lumar plate in your inventory and then try to pick up a different button or plate (colour or type) the stacks will merge.

    So I can have a white plate in my inventory and pick up a blue button and the white plate stack will go to 2 and the button will "disappear".


    Quote from vasyaork»

    I have a same isuue.

    Becides i have a some similar issues :

    When I place an any type of logic gate in the world - it placed correctly

    When I want to pick up the gate - it picked up

    If I try to place and pick up a gate again - gate transform into AND gate (same ID, but no metadata)

    After this any gate, what i want to place and pick up - became an AND gate.

    This "issued" mode strange (not always) neitralised after taking some gates from creative

    Wires "not works" similar.

    wires converts to "Red Alloy Wire" (again same ID, no metadata)

    If in inventory no lumar plates - pick up lumar plate converts it into "White Lumar button" (again same ID, no metadata)

    Forge 1492



    Downgrade immibis core to 59.1.1 and/or redlogic to 59.1.10 has no effect

    Could not reproduce. Do you have any more details that might be relevant?

    Quote from hartspoon»

    Redstone dust and red wires conecting to each other but without the redstone power transmitting accordingly.

    Is this the intended behaviour? Everything seems to connect properly, with dust and wire reaching the border of the the block space, but the redstone power itself can't go from red wire to redstone dust.

    If this is intended, it shouldn't show any connection from wire to dust.

    Yes, it's intended. Powering redstone wire with the right power level, in a way that can't cause loops, is complicated. If you want to do this, just use a repeater (either vanilla or RedLogic).

    A fun note

    I have built 256-word RAM chip!

    It is 16 by 16 grid of 16-bit memory cells (bundled latch + bundled buffer) plus address decoder.

    Schematic file is 2.3 MB in size!

    "Compilation" time is almost 2 minutes.

    When 2 minutes pass and compilation is actually attempted, it fails with "Method code too large!".

    (Limit is 64 KB and I guess nothing simple can be done about that.)

    Now to not so fun part:

    When circuit compilation fails, game states it in logs and not in chat, and restarts compilation countdown.

    Nothing actually crashes.

    That is, from player's perspective it silently restarts compilation for no reason, and schematic can never be taken out.

    Also, I have experienced a strange signal propagation glitch.

    It looks like only the least significant bit of bundled cable signal is propagated through active bundled buffers.

    It either happens or not for any specific setup, but I fail to make any sense out of it.

    ICs seem to be involved, but I am not sure.

    Can you send me your schematic file so I can see if it can be made to work? At the moment, the compiler generates quite inefficient code for bundled cables. (A bundled latch is treated as 16 separate latches in parallel, for example)

    Also, I fixed a bug relating to bundled cable inputs and outputs in ICs - can you check whether it works now?

    Quote from Angeltxilon»

    I love this mod.

    Can I make some suggestions to the next version of the mod (if this mod is continued, I hope so...)?

    0. Redstone wires could acept different intensity values (aclaration, I do not suggest a signal degradation in wires), to be useful to comparator and resistive circuits.

    1. Redstone resistors: with two terminals that are inputs and outputs in the same time, when a signal enter in one terminal, exit in the other with less intensity (intensity programmable by right-click, 16 states of intensity substraction, since 0 (nothing change) until 16 (non-signal)).

    2. Redstone potentiometer: with four terminals, two inputs and outputs in the same time, and two control terminals to multiple wires.

    Similar to redstone resistor, when a signal enter in one terminal, exit in the other with less intensity. To control the intensity substraction are required multiple wires in the two control terminals, more activate wires means more intensity substraction.

    3. Resistive memory: with four terminals, one input, one output and two resettinng wires.

    This device acts like nand memory, flip-flop, etc memory, but not only saves the "on signal", also the intensity signal.

    4. Memristor or memcomparator: with two terminals that are inputs and outputs in the same time, when a signal enter in one terminal, exit in the other with the same intensity.

    If the redstone signal intensity or direction changes, the memristor would produce resistance like a resistor, the resistance is major or minor in function of the intensity difference between the new state and the previous state (more difference mean more resistance, ie, more intensity substraction, if the direction is opposite to the first signal, the memristor act like diode).

    When the signal cease, the memristor is resetting automathicly.

    In real life a memristor is a passive device with memory of electric current values, that act like resistance when the current values change.

    0. They already do. Red alloy signals travel up to 255 blocks, because combining the redstone with iron makes it more conductive, or something.
    1. Could be useful.
    2. Could be useful. (I think you mean "acts like a D-Latch" perhaps)
    3. What would this be useful for?

    Also, how about a programmable redstone block, that can output a signal strength anywhere from 0 to 15?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 17

    posted a message on The Chicken Bones Mod - helps you pick up chicks! (Modjam 3)

    Download (for 1.7.10)

    This was my submission for Modjam 3.

    Download (for 1.7.10)

    Or click here for the 1.6.4 version

    Mod info:
    Here is the mod documentation I submitted to Modjam:

    Chickens have a chance to drop chicken bones. Start by killing some chickens.
    While killing chickens you may discover a feature not mentioned in this README.
    You can then make a chicken staff (see NEI for recipe).
    Left click a chicken with a chicken staff and it will drop as an item.
    The chicken item can be crafted into a chicken bone (which is more efficient than
    killing them, and safer!) or smelted into a chicken ingot, or used in some other
    You can use chicken ingots and chicken bones to make a chickaxe.
    This chicken-flavoured pickaxe mines low-level ores quickly. However, it will not
    be able to mine gold or diamond.
    You may find chicken ore underground. This is a source of chickens, if you are
    running low on chickens. It can also be crafted. For demonstration/testing purposes,
    I suggest you spawn some, and then mine it in survival (using either a chickaxe
    or a pickaxe).
    Chicken ore cannot be directly smelted into chicken ingots.
    Chicken ingots can, of course, be uncrafted into chicken nuggets - the same as
    gold in vanilla. Chicken nuggets can be eaten for 0.5 food bars and no saturation.
    Chicken ingots can also be crafted into chicken blocks, which can be crafted into
    chicken block blocks. These act like noteblocks that play chicken sounds, and are
    also used as crafting ingredients.
    Chicken wings can be crafted (see NEI again). Chicken wings are like
    Swords of the Zephyr from Thaumcraft 2. Point and right click to zoom forwards.
    Point and left click to zoom backwards.
    Known bug: if you right click on a block with a right click action (like chests),
    you might go forwards instead of backwards. Blame vanilla.
    Chicken beaks can be crafted (NEI). If your food drops below 9 bars, and you have a
    chicken beak and chicken nuggets in your inventory, you will automatically eat a
    chicken nugget. This does not work on other food - only chicken nuggets.
    Combined with the chicken chest and some automation, you may never need to eat manually
    Elec-chick staffs can be crafted (NEI). Right click to shoot lightning. 4 uses.
    Chick'N'T can be crafted (NEI). It's like TNT, except it spawns chickens.
    Known bug: it spawns some "fake" client-side chickens that won't move and disappear when you log out, as well as the real chickens.
    Egg bombs are sometimes laid by chickens instead of normal eggs. These will explode
    if picked up or thrown. To collect them, use hoppers or other automation.
    Wireless Redstone can be crafted (NEI). It's like redstone, but completely useless.
    Try right-clicking with it.
    Chicken chests can be crafted (NEI). They are chests that access the inventory of
    whoever placed them, if that person is online.
    For demonstration/testing purposes, I recommend crafting this instead of spawning it.
    Known bug: Using your own chicken chest causes minor inventory sync issues.
    This is fixed by reopening the chest or picking up a desynced stack.
    You've probably seen this kind of bug before with some other mod. The chicken chest does *not* duplicate items.
    Try striking a chicken with lightning (e.g. from an elec-chick staff).
    Then kill the resulting chicken with a sword or bow.
    Then do it again, but this time kill it with lava.
    * Chicken
    * Chicken Nugget
    * Chicken Ingot
    * Chicken Ore
    * Chicken Block
    * Chicken Block Block
    * Chicken Chest
    * Chicken Core
    * Chickaxe
    * ChickenStaff
    * Chicken Wing
    * Chicken Beak
    * Egg Bomb
    * Egg Staff
    * Elec-chick Staff
    * Chick'N'T
    * Wireless Redstone (Chicken Bone Edition)

    Download (for 1.7.10)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Immibis's Mods - Now with 85.7% less version numbers in this title!
    Immibis Core 59.1.1:
    • Fixed invisible microblocks (and RedLogic wires etc)

    Turned out to be a dumb mistake, sorry again for taking a week to get around to it.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on [1.7.10] RedLogic - replacement for RP2 Wiring/Logic/Lighting
    • Microblock API update. (Goes with Immibis Core 59.1.0 and Immibis's Microblocks 59.1.0)

    I'll hopefully get around to handling the unread posts in this thread in the next few days (including Vexatos' ComputerCraft integration thing)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Immibis's Mods - Now with 85.7% less version numbers in this title!

    Immibis's Microblocks 59.1.0:

    • Added Railcraft's shunting wire, ComputerCraft's network cables, and all types of Thermal Dynamics' ducts to the default config.
    • Removed old Applied Energistics 1 classes from the default config.
    • Fixed NEI integration (to show or hide microblocks).
    • Significant internal changes. Requires Immibis Core update, and if you have them, you also need to update RedLogic and/or InfiniTubes.

    Immibis Core 59.1.0:

    • Microblock API update.

    InfiniTubes 59.0.4:

    • Microblock API update.
    • Fixed dislocators not showing their output side correctly.

    Quote from Neji3971»
    Hi there,

    I really like your mod and have a question:

    Where are the tubes?

    Am I mistaken when I say that TUBEStuff is about tubes? Or is it just a bug, that nearly all items that I know from old Tekkit Classic Times are gone now?

    TubeStuff is called TubeStuff because it was originally meant to be an addon for RP2's tubes (i.e. it has extra tube stuff, like tube-compatible autocrafters). It doesn't have tubes itself. It still exists because it has some random useful blocks.

    Quote from CubeWrench202»
    Immibis, have you think in use all your mods to make a RedPower replacement? ...

    Some of them are clones of things from RedPower, but not all. RedLogic and Immibis's Microblocks are pretty obviously clones, and TubeStuff was an "addon", but that's about it.

    I'm not particularly interested in cloning all of RedPower just for the sake of having a RedPower clone...
    in particular, marble and basalt were useless apart from decoration (they could belong in something like Chisel or Z-Tones though),
    rubber was completely useless, indigo dye and gem tools were somewhat useful but out of place in a technical mod.

    For item transport, Applied Energistics seems to have taken over everything, with a small amount of Ender IO, Thermal Dynamics or Buildcraft
    sometimes to interface AE and machines sometimes. If I cloned RP2 tubes, the only thing people would use them for would be inserting items into barrel-walls without using up channels.

    Frames: use Remain In Motion or Funky Locomotion (or Truss if it's still around).

    Blutricity: Electrical Age seems to have a similar system (I haven't tried it), but with much more stuff added on.

    IIRC, apart from transport, frames, blutricity and computers, the only machines were the block breaker, deployer, assembler and igniter IIRC.
    TubeStuff could do with a simple block breaker (that maybe only breaks blocks up to iron pickaxe level, but doesn't require tools).
    It already has deployers. Assemblers were advanced deployers; I'm not a fan of adding advanced things like that unless there's a clear need for them.
    Igniters were how useful?

    Quote from CubeWrench202»

    Infinitubes -> Change the block that takes stuff from an inventory to only take items from the front and output them from the back, also change the tube texture and making them not opaque, also renders the items when going cross them.

    Infinitubes teleports items, that's why there are no dropped items or backstuffing. It wouldn't make sense to show items in tubes.

    Quote from CubeWrench202»

    That is all, i talk to you about something like this months ago and you didn't answer me, i have to post it now here because i wan't to make you understand how
    long we can reach doing this, just give me the "Ok dude, do it", and'll start to port your mods that Replace RP2 parts into 1 jar, changing some stuff, adding proper
    world gen, changing some textures.

    It's not like you need my permission.

    Quote from loren1111»

    Hey, i tried to install microblocks for minecraft 1.7.10 and i get this error:

    Install Immibis Core.

    Unsure what is wrong but I crashed with this: (I had immibis core and dimensional anchors)

    Install Java 7 or later (so Java 8).

    Quote from Fogger»

    • Immibis's Advanced Machines Array Cable ( this one made me chuckle )
    • Extra Utilities Transfer Nodes

    These aren't tile entities, so they won't work at all. I did try making microblocks work on non-tile-entities at one point, but Minecraft really hates
    non-matching blocks and tile entities.

    Quote from tehFoxx0rz»
    Does anyone know if there's a way to make the microblocks work with fences (both vanilla and possibly Natura)? That would be really great. I can find the blockClass reference path, but not one for a tileEntityClass reference path. Considering that FMP doesn't even work with them though, I'm not holding my breath.

    See above.

    Quote from Fogger»

    • ProjectRed ( Yeah, I know.. )
    • Mekanism

    Trying to make Immibis's Microblocks work on FMP blocks will probably just result in headaches. I don't recommend it.

    But if you really want to, you could try:

    <br>blockClass: +codechicken.multipart.BlockMultipart<br>tileEntityClass: +codechicken.multipart.TileMultipart<br>

    No guarantees. I'm not even 100% sure about those class names.

    (Note that all FMP "blocks" are actually one type of block, so this applies to all of them or none)

    Quote from Fogger»

    I have had no luck finding the correct classes for the following:

    • Railcraft Shunting Wire
    • ComputerCraft Network Cable

    Added to the default config... and I ended up rewriting about a third of the mod because of this over the last 3 days :P (Not because I needed to to add these, but because I realised how some things could be improved)

    Quote from Fogger»

    I have had no luck finding the correct classes for the following:

    • EnderIO Conduits ( ImmiBlocks > Facades )


    <br>blockClass: +crazypants.enderio.conduit.BlockConduitBundle<br>tileEntityClass: +crazypants.enderio.conduit.TileConduitBundle<br>

    I couldn't test EnderIO at the moment.

    Quote from TomeWyrm»
    For some reason Dimensional Anchors don't appear to work on Funky Locomotion frames.

    Here's what I did to replicate the issue: (snip)

    Do they still work after being moved by frames?

    Do other chunk loaders have the same issue?

    Funky Locomotion (like every frame mod I'm aware of) destroys the blocks (and replaces them with "moving block" blocks) and then re-adds them when the move finishes. That means if your only chunk-loader is moving, you have no chunk loaders. That's unless there's something happening that I don't know about.

    (If they still work after being moved, then as a workaround, you could have two, and move them at different times)

    Quote from imminentcash»
    hello i was wanting to ask why dont any of the miro blocks have textures when i place them?

    i took of resource packs and everything

    I don't know. Are you using OptiFine? That tends to break things.

    Quote from Skicek»

    im using 1.7.10 mc with the newest forge. From infinitubes dislocator dont work, i try everything to connect it to transport conduct and nothing the connection to conduct dont appear and the system wont work.


    If you're stuck on a server with the previous version, it's just a visual bug. They still work, if they have the requirements (power via a transpressurizer if it's enabled in the config). Conduits should connect to the output side, but you'll have to look in the GUI to see which side that is, and you won't be able to see the connection.

    Quote from Jznomoney»
    Can you please update simplerecycling for the newest version of thermal expansion on 1.7.10? http://pastebin.com/HzyZxQ0x


    Quote from Sirencrafter»
    The latest version of Microblocks seems to give an error when used on a server. The game just closes and gives this error in the log:

    [15:17:30] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML/]: Exception caught during firing event cpw.mods.fml.common.network.FMLNetworkEvent$ClientConnectedToServerEvent@4e26ab15:
    at mods.immibis.core.BlockMetaPair.hashCode(BlockMetaPair.java:27) ~[BlockMetaPair.class:?]
    at java.util.HashMap.hash(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
    at java.util.HashMap.put(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
    at mods.immibis.microblocks.recipes.RecipeHorizontalCut.addMap(RecipeHorizontalCut.java:20) ~[RecipeHorizontalCut.class:?]
    at mods.immibis.microblocks.MicroblockSystem.registerParts(MicroblockSystem.java:481) ~[MicroblockSystem.class:?]
    at mods.immibis.microblocks.MicroblockSystem.registerManualParts(MicroblockSystem.java:465) ~[MicroblockSystem.class:?]
    at mods.immibis.microblocks.MicroblockSystem.registerManualParts(MicroblockSystem.java:404) ~[MicroblockSystem.class:?]
    at mods.immibis.microblocks.MicroblockSystem.registerManualParts(MicroblockSystem.java:408) ~[MicroblockSystem.class:?]
    at mods.immibis.microblocks.MicroblockSystem.registerManualParts(MicroblockSystem.java:412) ~[MicroblockSystem.class:?]
    at mods.immibis.microblocks.MicroblockSystem.recreatePartTypes(MicroblockSystem.java:119) ~[MicroblockSystem.class:?]
    at mods.immibis.microblocks.MicroblockSystem.onClientConnection(MicroblockSystem.java:674)

    I downgraded two versions and it worked. I'm using this mod with Immibis Core (latest version) and Redlogic (latest version)

    I have no idea why that might happen, but the new version works for me. Maybe try that?

    Quote from Sirencrafter»

    EDIT: In addition, some of the players on my server play on a Mac which doesn't support Java 7 I've heard. This causes their clients to crash when they startup. Any ideas for a Java 6 compatible version in the future? Or is this something an older version would solve?

    No. Tell your players to install Java 8. Doesn't the launcher even offer to install Java 8 for you now?

    Quote from Kacov»
    So. After messing a bit, I managed to make Immibis' Microblocks at least recognize Thermal Dynamics' Fluid and Structural ducts with (snip)

    Okay. Thermal Dynamics support is now included in the default configuration. (Not all of the classes were necessary)

    Quote from Wytchcat»
    Client side error with current release:

    No idea what caused it? See if the new version fixed it. If not, report back.

    Fixed in latest version of Simple Recycling.

    Quote from excavator5»

    Hey there,

    I have created a Bungee server along with my modpack. I am currently running the 1.7.10 recent version of both Immibis-core and Immibis-microblocks.


    We have the option of not using a Hub server however it's something I would rather not do. So if there is an available fix for this any help would be greatly appreciated!


    What do I need to reproduce this?

    Quote from Pipou22»

    I don't either. Is it on purpose?

    Quote from chrisk123999»

    Is it possible to set the Dimensional Anchors to require liquids as a fuel?

    Not currently.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.7.10] RedLogic - replacement for RP2 Wiring/Logic/Lighting
    Quote from Nentify»
    It looks like the recipes are using the incorrect dye colours.

    Edit: Should the timer not be disabled when you give the side a redstone signal?

    Fixed now - update Immibis Core to 59.0.8 or later.

    RedLogic timers are not disabled by redstone signals on the sides.
    Quote from donoya»
    This may sound like a dumb question, but what are the minimum size requirements for a cleanroom? I've been trying to make a simple circuit and the redstone digitizer gives a "no room demarcation found" message. If someone could tell me what that means and how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate it.

    I don't think there's a minimum size requirement. Post a screenshot of your room.
    Quote from Pringles123456»
    Will there be a 1.8 version in the future?

    With any luck, the entire modding community will shun 1.8. Updating mods is mostly a waste of effort for everyone involved.
    Quote from Zero_Oaths»
    I've got a question about using the Integrated Circuits, also I'm running on version 1.6.4 of minecraft.

    Below I've got a picture of one I was trying to make but get an error message saying that Repeater gates cannot be scanned in this version.

    I made this for a train station on my server that used 16 buttons which will cycle which track the minecart will turn on. As you press one button the entire mechanism recycles all signals so that only one circuit is active at a time. I can't think
    of anything to replace the repeaters with for this to still work and it's much too large compared to the normal redstone version I can make. I enjoy using the integrated circuits and saw many uses for this design.

    Edit: It seems I found a fix to the problem, apparently Repeater gates do not work in the 1.6.4 version but normal repeaters do.

    Edit 2: Well that didn't work and I've spaced out everything enough to use or gates and still get the same effect but even after getting the schematic, and fabricating the chip my inputs and outputs aren't working. Is there a limitation to how big this can be and how many gates and how much wire can be used?

    I'm looking to make both very large and very complex wirings using this

    Edit 3: So I've built this over and over and having read comments in the past 10 or so threads I've learned that I can't use freestanding wires in the IC's which caused my build to become 4 times larger and I've been forced to improvise. Also I've noticed using several Null gates side by side causes a massive spark of chunks being loaded. Not sure what is causing it but it has crashed mine and a buddies server several times just trying to reload the server.

    1.6.4 versions are no longer supported.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.7.10] RedLogic - replacement for RP2 Wiring/Logic/Lighting
    • Added debug option no-wire-chunk-updates.
    • Added /rldebugclient, which allows any player to activate debug features on their client, without being opped.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.7.10] RedLogic - replacement for RP2 Wiring/Logic/Lighting

    • Requires Immibis Core 59.0.6 or later.
    • Screwdrivers, schematic compilers, chip fabricators, insulated wires, and all types of lamps can be crafted from any ore-dictionary dye.
    • Insulated wire can be re-dyed in a crafting table.
    • Insulated wire can be crafted or re-dyed one-at-a-time (instead of 8); it will cost more dye.
    • Partially rewrote how wire signals propagate, hopefully fixing the last cases where certain wire configurations cause tick lag when turning off.
    • Also fixed certain configurations of array cells causing tick lag when turned off. There might still be similar bugs with array cells (as they haven't been fully updated), but I couldn't find any.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Chisel 3 [The Dev Releases]
    Removing any blocks is almost enough reason for someone to start a Chisel 3.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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