No, there is not a way to do that legitly without a mod, If you require users to use a certaion mod, then yes, it is. By asking a mod maker (like me) to make a mod with a programable interface to make certain blocks not able to be picked up, and implement it into your minecraft.jar, and tell them to downlaod the mod aslong as the costom map, then yes it is COMPLETELY possible with a mod. :dry.gif:
Devonf9, just to let you know, it is "survival mode" where you cannot build or destroy blocks, but simly survive with given objects, sorta like an adventure map.
IGN(In-Game-Name/Minecraft Username):ikillotsfonoobs
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also, your problem is you made one block transparent, and the easiest way for this to work is make all the naturally forming blocks (grass, dirt, stone, etc) almost transparent with a litle left standing on that blocksoyou can atleast indentify if there is a block there or not :dry.gif:
Hey guys, I am making a texture pack for a custom map and I made a transparent block but when I put it next to another textured block it makes it look like that block is a chunk error and you can see like x-ray mod. Please help, the only solution I can think of is by putting it on its own away from the wall. Oh, and I also used SumoPaint for this
sorry, but there is already too many texture packs out there like that. I even made one when i was a noob, and called it "ore and dungeon finder pro" and in minutes, three other texture packs where made just like mine. I got the idea from a youtube video, and i am pretty sure you did too. :dry.gif: :dry.gif: :dry.gif: :dry.gif: :dry.gif: :dry.gif: :dry.gif: :dry.gif:
Also if you dont belive me and it doesnt work and it sends him his password, then try it offline! You know, like turn off internet connection? If it is just a launcher how elso can it send a password to him without internet?
i dont like this idea at all. If Minecraft is supposed to be a sandbox game, then this makes it the opposite. Sandbox games you build stuff, this completely chages that. I HATE THIS
Devonf9, just to let you know, it is "survival mode" where you cannot build or destroy blocks, but simly survive with given objects, sorta like an adventure map.
i dont like this idea at all. If Minecraft is supposed to be a sandbox game, then this makes it the opposite. Sandbox games you build stuff, this completely chages that. I HATE THIS
Then why did you go through all the trouble of signing up, getting a profile pic, posting over 2000 times?
I was obbessed with terraria.
IGN(In-Game-Name/Minecraft Username):ikillotsfonoobs
Have you checked out our wikipedia for all rules/commands?:yes
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How did you hear about this server?:the minecraft forums
sorry, but there is already too many texture packs out there like that. I even made one when i was a noob, and called it "ore and dungeon finder pro" and in minutes, three other texture packs where made just like mine. I got the idea from a youtube video, and i am pretty sure you did too. :dry.gif: :dry.gif: :dry.gif: :dry.gif:
i give a 10 outta 10
also xan you have a picture of your texture pack?
STOP HIM!-------->