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    posted a message on PrisonTech [Tokens]
    1. IGN: puffpuppy
    2. Age: 14
    3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: Almost 5 weeks
    4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: Almost 5 Weeks
    5. How Often Do You Play: 3-7 Hours a day
    6. Why Should We Pick You: Because im very active, i love to play on your servers and I have a lot of fun. I also like to record but when I try to upload it takes like 5 hours :(
    7. Other Info About You: I like to DJ and play games. I have a lot of friends and i have gotten about 5 people on the servers.
    8. What timezone you live in: EST
    9.What rank are you currently: H
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on PrisonTech [Tokens]
    Hello :) Lots of fun on your server
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on PrisonTech [Tokens]
    I need to talk to an admin, can i talk to anyone?
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on I am looking for an experienced MineZ team
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on The Kingdoms of Anovia (Shut down)
    IGN (your username): puffpuppy
    Age: 14

    Class: Page
    Code:(Code does not apply to Freeman) 5
    Extra(anything to add): Nothing Really

    Preefered Kingdom:(Blue or Green) Blue
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Assassin's Creep [Hardcore RP] [Bukkit] [Spout] [Custom Weapons] [Whitelist] [Strict Apps]
    Quote from mez

    You have a powergaming definition in the metagaming spot...
    Neither of the power-gaming definitions are right.
    A bit too many skills, maybe take away one and add a fear, or just take away a few.
    "What is Assassin's Creed?" Refers to the game, not the creed.
    Lengthen your backstory a bit. Two or more sentences seems good.

    You do seem to have some pretty good knowledge of roleplay however, congrats on being above most average applicants.

    I fixed my stuff and everything u asked to fix
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Assassin's Creep [Hardcore RP] [Bukkit] [Spout] [Custom Weapons] [Whitelist] [Strict Apps]

    IGN: puffpuppy

    Age: 15

    Role-Play Exp.: Alot about 10 servers

    Why Us: Well the server seems really cool since its like assasin's creed the game :D

    Time You Can Dedicate: About 5 hours a day

    Have you played Assassin's Creed? A little bit


    Name: Mikel Alevi

    Gender: Male

    Age: 22

    Fears: Being Rejcted By A Girl

    Personality: Funny, Charming, Nice, Protective Sometimes

    Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, swords, bows, hunting

    Nickname (Optional): Mikel

    RP Example (Add Dialogue):
    Red= Mikel Blue= A Girl Setting Of Scene: A Tavern, and a Town

    "Hello Miss!" "Ahh Hello Sir." "Might i be able to buy you a meal or a drink?" "Ahh Thats Very Kind of you *Blushes*" "Well i was raised to be a gentleman" "Well your parents did a great job" "Oh im so sorry, let me introduce myself I am Mikel. Who might you be?" "My name is Haley" "Nice to meet you Haley *Reaches Hand Out*" *About an hour later* "Well it was really nice to meet you Mikel." "Well same to you Miss Haley" "Please just call me Haley" "Alright Then Haley *Smiles*" "Well I have to be going, it is very late." "Yes it is, would you like me to walk you home, you know to make sure you dont get robbed?" "That would be great *Smiles*" *5 Minutes Later* "Well Mikel this was a great night, thank you for the meal." "Your very very welcome Haley" "Well i hope to see you again then *Starts to reach for a hug good bye*" "Good night haley *Hugs Back*" "Good Night Mikel *Waves Goodbye*" "*Waves Goodbye Back*"

    The End!

    Skin (Link, picture, description): http://www.planetmin...itizen-1129085/

    Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): Mikel was raised by his parents until the age of 13 when they were murdered in cold blood. At the age of 15 mikel was on his own until he found a cabin out in the woods. There was a couple who lived there and as soon as they saw Mikel they took him as their own. He then practiced hunting and trapping with his "adoptive" parents. At the age of 19 he was off on his own traveling the lands in search of starting a family. Now after 3 years of searching he has found a place he can settle down in and start a new life..


    What is Roleplay?

    Role playing is when two or more people take on a personality, trait, actions, and mannerisms that aren't their own in order to act out a scenario, or part of a game, or similar.

    What is Metagaming?

    Metagaming is when someones IGN is puffpuppy and another persons IGN is Adam11 and when you are roleplaying you say "Hey Adam11, Whats your name?" And its also when you are like "HELP HE JUST TOOK MY STUFF AND KILLED ME FOR NO REASON AND NOW IM BACK ALIVE THOUGH!" Pretty much saying anything that doesnt deal with roleplay in roleplay chat.

    What is Powergaming?

    Powergaming is when you say like *Grabs man by throat and throws to ground* and the person you are throwing hasnt done any type of activity to support the matter such as *Hits head on ground and starts to bleed*. Pretty much saying you are doing something to someone and you have power over them.

    What is Assassin's Creed? Assassin's creed is about the on going war in between the Templars and Assassins. You play as a man who was captured by the modern Templars, Otherwise known as Abstergo, One of the largest companys in the world. They force you into a object called the animus, to retrieve information of the pieces of Eden by tapping into the memories of your ancestor's linked into your DNA. The game is a cult classic game made by the famous game makers Obisoft.

    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Outbreak 2 - A Hardcore Zombie Survival Experience
    1. What is your In-Game Name? puffpuppy
    2. Why do you want to join this server? Well, ive played servers like this but they all seemed to get boring, this looks fun! :Dd
    3. How long do you think you will survive on your first life? About 2 hours or so :D
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ▓▒░ PvPRaid Hardcore Raid/PVP ░▒▓ MODERATOR SLOTS OPEN!
    PvP Raid Is A HardCore Raid/PvP Server!
    We Run Events Such As: Defend The Castle (DTC), Spleef, Parkour, and drop parties/give aways!
    Wanna Join?


    We Have A Total Of 26 Slots Currently, and are hosted from London!!!

    Wanna Donate? See Our Website For Information On It: www.PvPRaid.enjin.com

    Our Donation Ranks Are The Following:

    Magmacube - $15

    Blaze - $30

    Ghast - $40

    Enderdragon - $60

    The Perks of donating vary of which rank you purchase!

    The Perks Of The Ranks Are Below:

    2 layer 10 x 10 obsidian base, 16 diamond bocks, 32 iron blocks, 32 gold blocks, 8 homes ( normally 3 ) Custom Name, and title ( includes colour ), $50,000 in game money, 1 shop, Access to /kit magmacube: kit - p1 iron armour, sharp 1 fire 1 diamond sword and full diamond tools, efficiency 1, 50 McMMO skills on 2 selected skills. Also, get a portable workbench (/pwb).

    3 Layer 15 x 15 obsidian base ( includes 1 layer a mob trap of chose ) 32 diamond blocks, 48 iron blocks, 48 gold blocks, Heal signs, Custom name and title ( includes colour ), /hat ( make any holding block turn into a hat ), $85,000 in game money, 1 shop, Access to /kit blaze Kit - p1 diamond, sharp 2 fire 1 diamond sword, full diamond tools efficiency 2 unbreaking 1, 100 McMMO skills on 2 selected skills. Also, get a portable workbench (/pwb).

    3 Layer 15 x 15 Bedrock base ( includes 1 layer mob trap for chose ) 64 diamond blocks, 64 iron blocks, 64 gold blocks, Heal Signs Custom name and title ( includes colour ) and /hat ( make any holding block turn into a hat ), 100,000 in game money, 1 shop, Access to /kit ghast Kit - p2 diamond, sharp 3 fire 2 diamond sword, full diamond tools efficiency 3 unbreaking 2, 150 McMMO skills on 2 selected skills. Also, get a portable workbench (/pwb).

    4 Layer 15 x 15 Bedrock base ( includes 2 mob traps on 1 payer for chose ) 64 and 32 diamond blocks, 64 and 32 iron blocks, 64 and 32 gold blocks, Heal Signs Custom name and title ( includes colour ), /hat ( make any holding block turn into a hat ) Reserved slot 120,000 in game money, 1 shop, Access to /kit enderdragon Kit - p4 chainmail, sharp 4 fire 2 diamond sword, full diamond tools efficiency 3 unbreaking 3 fortune 2, 175 McMMO skills on 2 selected skills. Also, get a portable workbench (/pwb).

    Owners: oSwirl, KingWIKD1, and EV1L_CANE
    Co-Owners: AlmightyJosh and puffpuppy
    Plugin Manager: puffpuppy
    Admins: Obsi_Shadowflame and LittleDevil0106
    Head Moderator: Snipekiller1000
    Moderator: noahheath and lewwer
    Trial-Moderators: Chamoswor and TheMysteryMan2
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on [SURVIVAL] Sky Block Enhanced!
    Nether Picture Was Added!
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [SURVIVAL] Sky Block Enhanced!
    Quote from KagamineBen1337

    The only thing that makes this different from SkyBlock in any way is the house sitting way out there...

    lol check out the map i also changed the spawn area there are secrets, and i also messed with the nether. its harder to get the stuff there.
    Quote from GolemNardah

    Not only is it a rip-off, but you can tell he just copied and pasted the rules and challenges :tongue.gif:

    Yes i did copy that this is the reason i have the credits below it, and its not a rip off!
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [SURVIVAL] Sky Block Enhanced!

    Just when I thought Skyblock rip-offs were gone...

    Lol dude i didnt rip it off i gave him credit and also i made this my own i took almost half the stuff he put in and removed it.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [SURVIVAL] Sky Block Enhanced!
    Sky Block Enhanced Version 1
    Minecraft Gamemode Version 1.1.0


    Challenges + Rules!

    Do NOT purposely jump off the island to regenerate your health.
    NO Mods, Hacks, Flying, etc.
    Play on atleast easy difficulty.
    Post pictures of your achievements and progress!
    Have FUN!

    1) Build a Cobble Stone generator.
    2) Build a house.
    3) Expand the island.
    4) Make a melon farm.
    5) Make a pumpkin farm.
    6) Make a reed/sugarcane farm.
    7) Make a wheat farm.
    8) Make a giant red mushroom.
    9) Craft a bed.
    10) Make 64 stone brick's.
    11) Make 20 torches.
    12) Make an infinite water source.
    13) Craft a furnace.
    14) Make a small lake.
    15) Build a platform 24 blocks away from the island, for mobs to spawn.
    16) Make 10 cactus green dye.
    17) Make 10 mushroom stew.
    18) Craft 10 Jack 'o' lanterns.
    19) Craft 10 bookcases.
    20) Make 10 bread.
    21) Collect 10 Ender-pearls.
    22) Cook 10 fish.
    23) Craft 10 Black Wool.
    24) Craft 10 Gray Wool.
    25) Craft 10 Light Gray Wool.
    26) Craft 10 Lime Green Wool.
    27) Craft 10 Red Wool.
    28) Craft 10 Yellow Wool.29) Craft 10 Pink Wool.
    30) Craft 10 Green Wool.
    31) Craft 10 Orange Wool.
    32) Craft 10 Snow Golems.
    33) Craft 20 Paintings.
    34) Build and light a nether portal.
    35) Craft 5 Gold Ingots.
    36) Craft 16 Glass Panes.
    37) Collect 50 birch logs.
    38) Collect 64 arrows and craft a bow.
    39) Craft 10 stone buttons.
    40) Craft 30 stone slabs.
    41) Craft 10 signs.
    42) Craft 20 ladders.
    43) Craft 20 fences.
    44) Craft 20 fence gates.
    45) Craft 10 levers.
    46) Craft 10 trapdoors.
    47) Craft 10 stone pressure plates.
    48) Craft 10 wooden pressure plates.
    49) Collect 64 bonemeal.
    50) Craft 20 cobblestone stairs.
    51) Bake A Cake
    52) Make An Enchanting Table
    53) Make A Juke Box
    54) Make an animal Farm
    55) Enchant A Sword

    Originall Sky Block= Newbcrew
    This map maker= iimoney AKA puffpuppy
    Rules And Challenges= Newbcrew

    Secrets! (hints)
    Beneath The wool you will find goodies!
    Beneath The Grass You find things.

    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.4.2] Slime Chunk Finder! GUI! Requires Modloader! [3.0.1]
    Quote from KingCold999

    Ever wanted to see a slime, but could never find a place they spawn? This is because slimes spawn in special "slime" chunks, generated at random using the seed (so they are persistent from world-to-world with the same seeds!) This small mod adds a true/false to the F3 menu, allowing you to see if you are standing in a chunk that slimes may spawn! It does not edit how slimes spawn however, so in these chunks they still only spawn from levels 1-16 =P

    2.2.0 Download (Minecraft 1.0.0) (Adf.ly -> Mediafire)

    Old Downloads:

    OVER 9000! (Downloads)


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us
    Post your own :smile.gif:

    Change List:

    2.0 - 1.8.1 - Updated to 1.8.1, added minimap
    1.0 - Initial Release

    To-Do List:

    Add Enable/Disable slime map option.
    Add coloring to the map somehow.
    Port to 1.9.0 when it comes out ;P

    Terms and Conditions:

    MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
    MOJANG - Mojang AB
    OWNER - KingCold999, the original author of the MOD. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp) the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.
    USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.


    2. USE
    Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.

    This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.

    This mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.

    Post if you use this mod please, I'd like to get a good idea how many people use this :wink.gif:

    UPDATE TO 1.1 PLEASE!! I REALLY WANT TO USE IT!! :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Find Slime Spawning Chunks
    Quote from trunkz

    [b]Recent Updates[/b]

    - 19 November: (Mod) added 1.0.0 Release download (plain mod)
    - 29 October: (Mod) added 1.81 download for use with ImprovedChat
    - 18 September: (Mod) added 1.8 download for use with ZanMinimap and Rei's Minimap
    - 14 September: (Mod) added 1.8 download (plain mod)
    - 05 August: (Mod) added download for use with Rei's Minimap and ImprovedChat
    - 29 July: (Mod) added download for use with ZanMinimap
    - 13 July: (Map Generator) added text seed support and random seed option

    [b]Release (1.0.0) note[/b]

    A quick look into the slime class file suggests that the limitation to specific chunks hasn't changed. They may be affected by some general spawning changes though. Let me know if you know more :smile.gif: See the theory thread to discuss other changes about slimes/spawning.

    [b]Online Map Generator[/b]

    As you can see, there are both large holes and clusters. This is absolutely random. Hope this explains why people are claiming they still get no slimes even though they made their room 10m bigger..
    Note that the right screenshot is outdated, the tool will only display one coordinate, which is exactly the border (at whole number).


    Video Tutorial:

    Thanks to minecraftdoodify!

    Use the number you see on your F3 screen. If you play Singleplayer or have access to your world files, you can also upload the level.dat to automatically find the seed for you.

    [b]Ingame Mod[/b]

    This mod expands your F3 screen to show the world seed (pre 1.8) as well as whether or not slimes can spawn in your current chunk. You need to manually copy the .class file into your minecraft.jar (open with WinRAR or the like) and make sure to delete the META-INF folder if it's still in there.
    If this doesn't help there are lots of tutorials out there, e.g. .

    [b]Download (1.0.0 Release)[/b]:
    http://www.mediafire.com/?g22n2ptdx2cbcxd ([i]Mirror[/i])

    For use with other mods
    Install these files last.

    None yet.

    Old releases

    [b]Beta 1.8.*[/b]
    Plain: http://www.mediafire.com/?bq2g7sp7yvjiybi[/b] [i](Mirror)[/i] [i](Works for 1.8.0 and 1.8.1, but makes your F3 screen always show version 1.8.0)
    Zan Minimap (0.10.6c): http://www.mediafire.com/?gm10w32j64vbd4x [i](Mirror)[/i]
    Rei's Minimap (1.9_01): http://www.mediafire.com/?9dvtp9b18g3a628 [i](Mirror)[/i]
    Improved Chat (2.4.8): http://www.mediafire.com/?zdwlj8lwg4n0mwp (Mirror)

    [b]Beta 1.7.3[/b]
    Plain: http://www.mediafire.com/?p9i07nf3amxmxzm [i](Mirror)
    Zan Minimap (0.10.5): http://www.mediafire.com/?djjujncvd8q9rh1 [i](Mirror)[/i]
    Rei's Minimap (1.5): http://www.mediafire.com/?6uz73rrrmyythzu [i](Mirror)[/i]
    Improved Chat (2.4.7): http://www.mediafire.com/?90l6swlmtzp0m6b [i](Mirror)[/i][/i]

    Download (Beta 1.7.01/1.7.2/1.7.3?): http://www.mediafire.com/?u8pp6rw6iqeda38 (makes your f3 screen display version 1.7.01 even if you're on 1.7.2)
    Download (Beta 1.6.6): http://www.mediafire.com/?yw62j6402b10h63

    [b]Finding the exact borders:[/b]
    - with mod : look straight (!) down and watch the f3 text that says "Slimes: Yes" (or No). you need to place your cursor/camera so that it doesn't move if you rotate (it's easier than it sounds, just clarifying..). then move around and you can see the Slimes text changing as your cursor moves between the block
    - without mod: do the same looking down thing and watch your X and Z coordinates while you move around. it will be at a whole number when crossing blocks. if that whole number is a multiple of 16, you're looking at a chunk border. do this for both x and z and you found a corner.
    the multiples of 16 are displayed in the image of the online tool (the screenshot with 2 coordinates being displayed is outdated). make your area smaller if they don't show up.

    [b]Still no Slimes?[/b]
    - without mod: double checked x,z coordinates?
    - while standing on the spawning ground, your y coordinate must be 16.6 or less.
    - room at least 2 high? :tongue.gif:
    - one block above your ground, don't place anything except a few torches for lighting the room (you dont need it for slimes, just to prevent other mobs from spawning)
    - don't play on peaceful!
    - don't be closer than 24m to your room and don't go more than 128m away from it
    - wait long enough (if your room is closed, you dont need to be around, just come back every once in a while, they won't despawn unless you walk far enough away (>128m)). obviously, don't pause the game

    If you still don't get spawns after several hours (for a 16x16 room I'd say), check if other hostiles are spawning if you kill the light. It should take a slime approx. 10 times longer to spawn than other hostiles.
    If no hostiles are spawning, your world's hostile spawning might be jammed by slimes. If you're alone / on SSP, walk 250m in any direction and go back. Hostiles should spawn again.

    If none of this helps, report here.

    In case anyone is interested in the actual formula (in java):
     Random rnd = new Random(seed + (long) (xPosition * xPosition * 0x4c1906) + (long) (xPosition * 0x5ac0db) + (long) (zPosition * zPosition) * 0x4307a7L + (long) (zPosition * 0x5f24f) ^ 0x3ad8025f);
            return rnd.nextInt(10) == 0

    xPosition and zPosition are chunk coordinates.
    To sum it up, it generates a random number (0-9) that's always the same for the same chunk and world seed. if that number equals zero (10%), the chunk will spawn slimes. The constant numbers were picked randomly I guess.
    You could also eliminate the Random stuff by looking up Java's Random algorithm.

    [b]Useful Links[/b]

    Theory Discussion:

    Fully Automatic Farm Guide:

    (Non-automated) Farm Guide:

    Thanks for all the feedback :smile.gif:

    PLEASE UPDATE CLIENT SIDE SLIME FINDER MOD TO 1.1.0!!! PLEASEEEEEEE! :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif: :angry.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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