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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha
    Quote from TheTrueTPK»

    Is the crucible found in a structure while it's over lava with an obsidian path? Because if so, then you need to put ender eyes on the end portal frames. : D

    Thank you! I really wish there was a hint in the book about this, as it's really vague as of now.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    Another thing I've discovered: Mithril can be alloyed in a firebrick crucible, but adamantium is -according to the book- made in a mythic crucible, with does not exist, the whole endgame alloying seems to be completely out of wack, not to mention the progress bar most of the time won't show up in the GUI of any crucible.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    A question that may contain

    possible spoilers to people who have not played through MF2 before:

    I can't figure out how to use and ancient crucible, let alone how to upgrade it. When I click the ancient crucible with the anchent triology nothing happens; I'm using an ancient crucible found in it's set peice without any changes to any surroundings. I read in the book: "perhaps using it on an active crucible may allow further refinements". With this in mind I have tried to use the triology on the normal, firebrick and of course the ancient cruible with fuel under-(nothing, lava, and a forge), and a recipe loaded in (black steel) and nothing happens. Has this even been impemented yet? Any help would be nice.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    Is it not as simple as adding another attribute to armor? Like what you did with the unbreakable items.

    I mean Ive seen mods like thermal expansion for example that have knock back resistance armor.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    The whole arrow deflection thing is already in the mod, maybe for lighter arrows deflection would make sense but for heavy arrows they should be able to penetrate- or at least dent- plate armor, but they would still lack the necessary kinetic energy to push something that heavy the amount they currently do.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    I have a small recommendation in terms of armor, heavy armor to be exact, I think it would be logical for heavy armors to have at least some knock-back resistance; I mean it seems kind of weird that a small arrow shot by a skeleton can knock a dude back 1 meter when hes wearing 208kg of metal, just something to consider.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    Also, the Master Work items don't have infinite durability when creating a perfect forge, Ive gotten superior end tier weapons and armor that don't get the unbreakable NBT tag. Did you remove this intentionally? It still claims its true in the book.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    I found a relatively hard to replicate duplication bug when using the forge: If you time it just right- you can keep taking stacks of 32 by right clicking and splitting the stack of what ever you are heating up, but it only seems to rarely happen when the stack of ingots is just starting to heat up and flashes between "hot" and "cool". may not be of much concern with it being hard to reproduce but its just something to point out as people get worked up over this kind of stuff.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    Apparently it just seems to be enderforge tier items cant be forged. The other two masterwork tier metals work though.

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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    So even after the update, still having trouble with tier 7 gear. The update fixed the tier 6 metals though.

    This is what happens when I create the recipe ready for any tier 7 metal:

    I have all the research unlocked, however it shows the question marks as if i have not discovered it yet.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    I guess I worded that a little vaguely, I was not trying to craft a tier 6+ anvil, I was trying to craft enderforge tools. The only recipe I can get to work with enderforge ingots is the enderforge chunks. I have tried to craft the enderforge chain for the armor in the same way shown in the book, but that won't come up in the anvil; as it just shows: ???? as if i have not unlocked the recipe yet

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    So when I try to forge any metal above tier 5, the recipe does not come up in the anvil. is tier 6+ not completely implemented yet?

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [Modded] NotMineFantasy Server (Server Unopen!!!)
    yes I was :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Modded] NotMineFantasy Server (Server Unopen!!!)

    Unknown error has occured.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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