is the minecraft forum dying
- ice000breaker
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Member for 12 years, 6 months, and 9 days
Last active Sun, Nov, 20 2022 14:53:05
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Oct 17, 2017ice000breaker posted a message on This week in Minecraft — October 14thPosted in: News
is the minecraft forum dying -
May 31, 2017ice000breaker posted a message on Minecraft 1.12 Release Date RevealedPosted in: News
they are going to release it before they fix parrots flying when you jump?
Nov 15, 2016ice000breaker posted a message on Version 1.11 Fully Released!Posted in: News
thank obama really got me ;D
Oct 4, 2016ice000breaker posted a message on Console: Banners, Blocks, Beets, BearsPosted in: News
Console peasants late as always
Sep 26, 2016ice000breaker posted a message on (PC) A Look At Version 1.11Posted in: News
Where are the Camels already!?
Jun 8, 2016ice000breaker posted a message on 1.10 Now Live!Posted in: News
is this what we were worried from when microsoft bought mojang?
Jun 7, 2016ice000breaker posted a message on 1.10 Pre-Release 2 Available For Testing!Posted in: News
what? prerelease? where's content? all of the content was introduced in one snapshot and the rest were all bug fixes
May 27, 2016ice000breaker posted a message on Snapshot 16w20a Ready For Testing!Posted in: News
This. Biome-specific mobs are awesome. One of my texture pack reskins creepers based on biome, and even that adds a nice bit of atmosphere to the game.
I also think that more interesting/unique mob drops would be nice. It always bugged me that they added bats close to fireworks, but didn't make bats drop guano or something for making fireworks, or "bat wings" for potions. I like that bats exist, but I think all mobs should drop something.
dont really agree on the last part, if we need a use for every mob, we won't have many mobs, i really would like to see atmospheric mobs such as birds and critters, im not saying they all shouldn't have drops, arrow hunting would be cool on birds, and some critters may drop potion related stuff, but what im saying is that its not necessary to have all mobs drop -
May 18, 2016ice000breaker posted a message on Snapshot 16w20a Ready For Testing!Posted in: News
this update looks more promising than 1.9, still hoping to see more biome specific mobs and atmospheric mobs.
Jul 30, 2015ice000breaker posted a message on 1.9 Snapshot (15w31a) is Live!Posted in: News
i couldn't find the shields, also how do you craft the potion arrows?
Jul 4, 2015ice000breaker posted a message on Day 1: Minecon is LIVE! - Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition, Minecraft: Story Mode TrailerPosted in: News
pretty excited about the windows 10 edition, i think it will be very much faster than Java
Apr 11, 2015ice000breaker posted a message on Player Feedback Wanted: 1.9 Combat UpdatePosted in: News
even though the combat update is what i really wanted for long, but for me a survival update of some kind is more important
Apr 3, 2015ice000breaker posted a message on Best Holiday Ever Concluded, Business as UsualPosted in: News
Combat Update?!?!? FINALLY i have been waiting for this for so looooong
Jul 2, 2014ice000breaker posted a message on Snapshot 14w27a is Now Ready for Hopping!Posted in: NewsQuote from HashhoggerThe reason that rabbit looks kind of ugly/unrealistic is that it is a killer bunny as shown by TheMogMiner. The normal rabbits look MUCH better and more realistic.
we are not talking about the strange red mustache, the model is entirely ugly and that mickey mouse eyes are really theme breaking -
Jul 2, 2014ice000breaker posted a message on Snapshot 14w27a is Now Ready for Hopping!no its not only you rabbits are ugly. please please mojang change their model into a realistic model, not again like mo'creatures they really suck.Posted in: News
i suggest they make it like the rabbit from atmosmobs - To post a comment, please login.
i dont like keep inventory because it completely mitgates the punishment from dying in game, yet i hate losing all my items, hence this post
a "gravestone" does not seem like a storage item though
i feel that for a game that has "Mine" in its name, basic mining equipment are not a far fetch
I never seeked to tackle an existing problem that had no existing solutions.
from what you wrote it seems to me that you didnt understand exactly what i meant, the idea of ropes is basically a ladder block that does not need to latch to another block and has some different placement rules to help with usability.
although i hate the current climbing mechanic, ropes should be using the same mechanic as ladders or vines, anyway i dont see how mining from the roof is OP, you can literally do that with scaffolding or literally any other block.
also riptide trident is a lategame item and enderpearls are consumable
it would be cool if the chains placement also used the method i suggested for ropes too
Keep inventory is entirely removes the punishment for death, but the default option may be really punishing especially if you die in a distant place where you cant go and get your items back.
the idea of player sacks is that when a player dies they drop their inventory as an entity which does not despawn. all items in this inventory can be picked up by right clicking on it and the sack would disappear.
When i build in survival, i usually switch to creative just to plan out my building, i use blue stained glass to map out the building, i simply use it to decide the size of the building, where the corners would be, where the doors would be, etc.
So i was thinking about a way to do this in survival: Blueprint item.
basically this item allows you to place fake blocks while holding it, these blocks are only visible to the one holding the item. this would help you easily map out your building without switching to creative.
placing blueprint blocks follows some different rules:
-place/break range is much higher than regular blocks.
-blueprint blocks can be placed similar to scaffolding blocks; so its possible to draw a large line from your place.
thats it
So this is a simple item that would help a lot in navigating in 3D dimensions, especially when mining.
Ropes are climbable blocks that look like fence posts except they are climbable. the first rope needs to be attached to a block, but further segments only need to be attached to another rope block above it.
placing a rope on an existing rope will always place the rope below the last segment downward regardless of the placement direction or which block was right clicked; allowing the player to quickly build a rope downwards from his position.
Grappling ropes are an item that help gowing upwards. a grapling rope is launched like a projectile, once it latches into a block from below or the side, it immediately creates a rope that dangles from there down until it reaches a solid block or it reaches its maximum length (8-10 blocks?).
ropes created with a grappling rope can be extended manually with regular ropes.
not entirely sure about crafting, it shouldn't be complicated, probably made out of strings or so.
While i hate the idea of insomnia because it punishes the player for something he shouldn't be punished for.
your idea that everything should be craftable is entirely wrong.
if everything was craftable then exploration would cease to exist, i love the idea of loot-exclusive drops, and i would like to see even more in the future, crafting already took its part of the game.
i respect that you still kept the elytra behind the "end" progression milestone, i think you removed almost the main purpose of exploring end islands.
i dont play on public servers bu i think i can understand the problem in elytras rarity, but still i think for that case, we can find another solution.
enchanting table language?
Hello Minecraft Community,
Many people have been asking for a cave update lately; caves haven't been updated in a very long time, and they started to outdated compared to new content being added to the surface, sea, and other dimensions.
I would like to discuss the problems i see in the cave system in general, and suggest solutions or changes that would make cave exploration more interesting.
Note : My main concern here is overhauling the generation system in order to make it more interesting, i believe its necessary to add more content to caves (new ores, resources, treasures, mobs, etc...) however, i will not go into details; because :
But of course, at the same time i don't want to be vague in this thread, So i will give Examples of new content and where and how it should be introduced, but again, please focus on discussing and criticizing the main idea it self.
tl;dr at the bottom.
So what are the problems I think are present in the current cave generation?
This removes the players need to explore the game which is what we're trying to change here.
I think a combination of changes to the cave generation system And the addition of new content can solve these problems and make mining and cave exploration more interesting.
Changes to cave generation system :
A cave system in minecraft consists of rooms of various sizes connected by tunnels, and eventually you get those large deep ravines, some of which are open to the surface and some are entirely hidden underground and only accessible through a series of connected cave systems or by tunneling.
I would like to see more different types of cave systems that make each cave look different and distinguishable.
I think cave content (such as ores) should vary in "Type" and "Abundance".
We already -sorta- have this thing, for example, not all caves contain lava, and stone in extreme hills have a chance to spawn silverfish when mined.
I would like to further extend on this, perhaps with new unique mobs, or new traps.
The only structures we have underground are Mine shafts, Dungeons and strongholds (they don't count).
(I will further elaborate with examples and ideas on how to achieve said suggestions below ⬎)
Of course caves shouldn't be a rare find, but at the same time they shouldn't be everywhere; Caves should be common enough to be found regularly, but scarce enough to encourage the player to go find them.
My Ideas
At this point im done discussing the main issue, and now i want to give examples and ideas of what new things we can possibly find, new cave systems, etc...
Again, as i mentioned in the beginning of this thread, i don't want to dive very deep in details to avoid making this thread a wishlist and including irrelevant information.
I would love to see new ores, new items, maybe new enchantments or new potions all unique to underground resources or found exclusively in underground structures and loot.
As i mentioned above, i don't find current cave generation various enough to create caves that stand out, so i suggest more cave structures.
Credit to this guy.
Yes they are annoying, but they are worth exploring! they are rich in diamonds (or maybe a new type of gem), also they can be an exclusive source for unique underground fish and aquatic flora, or maybe a new type of stone
These caves can have icy spikes on their ceiling that may drop on the player when the player moves near below them. be careful!
It has to be mined with a shovel and it drops slime balls.
Most of the cave is covered with foot level slime, but in some areas it can go as deep as 3 or 4 blocks.
Slimes can spawn in these caves, and they can normally move in liquid slime.
Credit to this guy
There can be some mobs that are exclusive to caves in general, and mobs exclusive to specific types of caves.
With each attack, this slime shrinks in size and has a chance to spawn a small/medium slime, then it splits into 3-4 large slime on death, and a good bunch of XP orbs.
They can launch poisonous gas, poisoning all players around them.
These dungeons contain various traps (usually triggered by tripwires) that can launch tipped arrows, splash potions, or a hail of arrows from both sides, floor that moves with pistons and drops the player into deep pits, lava that spills from the ceiling.. you name it.
and dare the player try to mine their way around it, some blocks are trapped; containing dangerous silver fish, or set off a ceiling avalanche when mined.
Other than the trap abundant pathways, the player can find encounter rooms;
Upon entering, these rooms are closed with unique doors that take a very long time to mine to prevent escaping.
These rooms contain a unique type of mob spawners that spawn mobs in a wave like system; a new wave is spawned only after the previous wave is cleared, until the player clears all waves.
Thes spawners can be mind to stop spawning, but they will spawn a large amount at once upon destroying.
A treasure chest is always present in these rooms as a reward for entering.
other types of rooms may include regular spawner rooms (similar to the ones from old dungeons), Chest rooms which simply contains loot, rigged chest rooms which mimic chest rooms but set off traps upon opening the chest.
I may make a full thread on these dungeons with further detail, but for now.. you get the idea.
This new type of village has a new villager profession : "Miners".
these villagers can sell mining tools and smelted ores.
Catacombs loot chests may contain weapons/tools/armor enchanted with incredibly powerful enchantments, but at the same time most of it is cursed (and i think this is a good time to add more unique enchantments and curses to the game).
among these bone cased rooms and hallways, the player may find the treasure room, a room filled with a new "treasure block".
this block looks like a pile of gold coins and jewelry and its mined with shovels.
when mined, it drops a splinter of gold nuggets, with a rare chance of gold ingots, golden items (which may be enchanted and cursed), emeralds, and more rarely diamonds and diamond tools.
this villager sells unique and rare enchanted items and potions, but also sells a various set of regular supplies you might need in the underground.
As i said, we may have some new underground-only mobs, how about these mobs may spawn on the surface at night only when there is a cave below.
The main idea of this thread is to address the issue of caves being repetitive and uninteresting. The ideas i mentioned above are just examples of what can be added to make caves more interesting.
The main points I'm trying to reach here are :
Thanks for reading, please let me know what you think in the comments
I think dogs should be updated to work like horses, each pack spawns in similar colors, and each dog can have different health, damage or speed stats.
I would love a full overhaul for dogs to give them more functionality, but i think thats it for the sake of this idea.
Hello Minecraft community
When minecraft was first released, survival was the only mode there is, and it is still considered the main mode of minecraft. However, over the years minecraft has gotten easier and easier; Food isn't a challenge to get, mobs can be easily evaded by sleeping at night, health heals back very quickly.
The idea of having a second "Survival" mode isn't just a turn around for "If you don't like it its just optional", but minecrafts community has grown very big and its hard to get something to satisfy everybody, making the game more difficult may be unsettling for casual players who just want to play a friendly game.
My suggestion is to add another survival mode for people who want to play a hardcore survival game.
My idea about the name is that this mode should be called "Hardcore", and the old hardcore mode should be replaced with an option that basically locks difficult on hard and prevents re-spawning.
Another idea is to rename the old survival mode into "Casual mode" and name the new one "Survival Mode".
So lets get started!
The hunger system in minecraft is basically a chore; something that isn't challenging to do, but you still gotta do it.
Food resources are incredibly abundant, one can just gather a stack of pork or beef in a single day, and it'll be enough for him for days before needing to restock, then all you have to do is eat it when your hunger drops low.
Solution :
Food is difficult to obtain.
1. Hunting : Sheep, Cows, Pigs and chicken are now exclusively limited to villages.
The game now has new mobs for wildlife :
Deer : Always tries to keep distance from the player, and are much faster than the player when they sprint.
The only way to get them is sneaking and ambushing them, ranged weapons, or laying out traps.
Buffalo : much less scaredy than deer, but will still try to maintain distance. Has a much larger health pool, and will defend them selves when attacked by ramming the player, dealing heavy damage.
Mallards : Your source of feathers in this mode, mallards do not walk around passively waiting for you to harvest them. Mallards can be seen flying in the sky, and they require good marksmanship to get.
Fish : Fish are much faster and will immediately swim away from the player. They can be lured to the surface by throwing food items into the water, which makes getting them easier, but still, attacking them will scare them away so this will only work for a few fish or so.
2. Farming : Crops and mobs take a MUCH longer time to grow.
Building a farm is a sound strategy for reliable food resource, but it needs commitment; when growth time is significantly longer, you need to farm large amounts in order to make it worthwhile. Same applies to mobs.
Bone meal will not instantly grow your food, it will increase its growth speed, and need to be applied regularly to keep the bonus going.
Food rots
even with difficulty obtaining food, in the end the player can stock up on food, that's why we need rotting; food items will have a rot bar, which decays overtime.
This will also create more diversity between food items; while certain items are more inventory-space/hunger-points efficient, certain food items are more reliable in longer trips.
Preserving food : the player can increase foods life duration with a plenty of ways :
1. Salt : normally found on beaches and a unique salt beach biome, salt can be applied to food items to increase its duration.
2. DryBox : an expensive container block with a limited amount of slots, any food item inside of it will decay at a much slower rate.
Inventory Slot limit
Inventory space it self is a resource that should be managed.
Food items can't be stacked into 64 items; each type of food items will have its own slot limit, for example steak items may be limited to 8 per slot, while carrots can be limited to 16 per slot.
Restoring health is quite easy in minecraft, and as long as you don't get killed, you can immediately recover health as long as your hunger is full.
This mode will retain the passive health regeneration as long as your hunger is full; however, it will be at a much slower pace. Any point of damage taken will be a penalty that you'll have to take seriously.
Also taking any damage will pause your healing temporarily (healing from potions is unaffected).
Day time danger
The game boasts little to no danger in the overworld; as long as you can sleep the night, there's really not much of a challenge in the game other than the occasional fall you damage you receive from walking carelessly.
Day time should also be dangerous, of course not as much as night time, but still it shouldn't be a safe zone.
There can be tons of different mobs that can be introduced to the overworld during daytime to make it a bit more challenging, so i won't go into detail on each mob, but i will give a general idea :
Territorial mobs
Bears, wolves, tigers, you name it, are mobs that can attack the player when they get into their territory.
The main idea is that these mobs aren't as aggressive as hostile mobs that spawn at night, but still they can be easily provoked when trespassed.
Occasional encounters
perhaps something similar to hound attacks from don't starve, these mobs may spawn from time to time and impose a challenge on the player.
More dangerous mobs
as long as you're much faster than mobs, no matter how many there are or how strong they are you can just always run away or run through them.
I think mobs in general should have a larger aggression range, and the ability to sprint in some cases.
Also maybe add new types of mobs that spawn at night and are actually faster than regular mobs
I didn't want this suggestion to be very long, so i only discussed the main problems and general ideas of how to solve them.
There are many ways to approach these issues, one way or another they need to be approached nonetheless.
perhaps we don't need a second mode, instead these ideas can be mildly introduced to the normal survival mode, and they can be scaled up with the difficulty option.
Note : I Don't think any new mob or block should be exclusive to this mode, however, they can have a different behavior or functionality in the normal mode.
For example we can still have the newly introduced deer in the normal mode, while still having cows and sheep, etc..
It can be just another mob for the normal mode.
Or the new aggressive mobs added for daytime, they can be just much less aggressive or rare in the normal mode.
Couldn't agree more.
I've made a thread years ago about this, despite the fact that i never even played minecraft alpha.
Gold is one of the ores that can be used to craft Tools, Weapons and Armor, However, its rarely used to craft such items, because gold items have terrible stats
Golden swords deal as much damage as wooden swords, and have even less durability.
Golden Armor in general has both less durability and protection compared to iron, although its more rare.
Golden tools have less durability than wooden tools, but they excel in having the highest mining efficiency among all tools.
Except for one stat golden items excel at; Enchantability.
Without complex explanation of Enchantability, basically, what it does is that it increases the chance for having better enchantments, you can read further Here
Golden Items have the highest enchantability (25 for armor and 22 for tools/weapons), compared to diamond, which has the second highest enchantability after gold (10 for tools, weapons and armor), Golden items have very high enchantability, yet still, they are useless because of the low stats.
The idea here is to alter the Enchantability mechanic, to give it a stronger, and clearer impact on the system.
Respiration[/b] Level III : [/b]just stronger than I and II at the same rate
Depth strider[/b] Level III : [/b]just stronger than I and II at the same rate
Knockback[/b] level III :[/b] just stronger than I and II at the same rate
Looting[/b] level IV[/b] :[/b] just stronger than I,II and III at the same rate
Unbreaking[/b] level IV and V[/b] : resistance increases with the same rate
[b]Thorns IV [/b]: 60% proc chance, doesn't drain durability on proc, deals Thorn damage to all surrounding enemies.
[b]New Enchantments (Yellow Levels are exclusive to golden items)[/b]
Mark for Death[/b] - Swords
Attack target receives more damage from any source except weaponry enchanted with death curse.
( I ) 15% increased damage received, lasts 6 seconds
( II ) 25% increased damage received, lasts 7 seconds
( III ) 35% increased damage received, lasts 8 seconds
[b] [/b]
Arcane[/b] - Swords and Axes

increases XP gain from kills
( I - III ) increases XP drop by 10/20/30%
( IV ) increases XP drop by 50%
[b] [/b]
Armorer[/b] - Chestplate
provides bonus armor to near players of the same team and tame animals (horses, wolves, cats).
( I ) bonus 2 armor levels
( II ) bonus 3 armor levels
( III ) bonus 5 armor levels
( IV ) bonus 6 armor levels
Fertile[/b] - Hoes
(though you usually want your hoes not Fertile :P)
increases growth speed on farm pods made by enchanted hoes, effect is lost after the plant is harvested and needs to be hoed again
( I ) bonus 15% growth speed
( II ) bonus 30% growth speed
[b] [/b]
Hammer strike[/b] - Swords and Axes

Multiplies damage dealt to the enemies armor.
( I ) ×4 damage to armor
( II ) ×8 damage to armor
( III ) ×16 damage to armor
( IV ) ×32 damage to armor
[b] [/b]
Leader Strike[/b] - Swords
makes attack targets especially vulnerable to companion attacks (dogs and golems only for now)
( I ) 35% increased Damage
( II ) 100% increased damage
[b] [/b]
Assassin[/b] - Swords
Limited only to golden swords, makes the sword invisible if you are invisible (potion effect)
( I ) only 1 level
[b] [/b]
Storm[/b] - Swords
grants a chance to make a thunderbolt that appears between you and target, then bounces to other nearby mobs. bolt damage is dealt as a separate damage instance, and couldn't bounce to already hit enemies until no more un-hit enemies could be found in search radius. Drains 4 durability when it acquires, except on golden swords, it drains the normal amount. has got a 20% chance of acquiring and deals 2 damage
( I ) 2 bounces
( II ) 3 bounces
( III ) 6 bounces
[b]Spectral Edge [/b]- Swords
Grants full armor penetration, can't be combined with bonus damage enchantments
( I ) only 1 level
I have had this idea for a long time, but i thought it might not be very fitting to the game, but now since bamboo was announced, i think its the time for this.
Bamboo canes grow smoothly, their length and width increase over multiple levels until it reaches its highest point, but for trees, they grow from sapling to a fully grown tree in a sudden .
I think saplings should grow slowly, both their height and width should increase overtime, not in a sudden.
perhaps there should be 3 levels of width before it reaches its final fourth level, the full block size.
Level one width can be crafted into one planks block, level 2 gives 2, and so on.
thin tree trunks may also appear as branches on large fully grown trees and may be also usable to craft some unique blocks, like a wall made of tree branches stuck together.