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    posted a message on "Boat Fly" Exploit Discussion Thread
    if(boatFlyHack) {
      if (mc.thePlayer.isRiding()) {
        mc.thePlayer.getRidingEntity().motionY = 0;
        if (mc.gameSettings.keyBindJump.pressed) {
          mc.thePlayer.getRidingEntity().motionY = 0.3;
        if (mc.gameSettings.keyBindSprint.pressed) {
          mc.thePlayer.getRidingEntity().motionY = -0.3;

    This is all it takes. 11 simple lines of code, and you have a singleplayer and multiplayer, NCP-bypassable flyhack.


    Minecraft 1.9 was released, and amongst the load of amazing, new features, are new boats. A whole new system was implemented for these boats, and we've gotta thank them for all that effort. They really are fun to use. However, it didn't take long for this to happen:

    How is this happening!?

    I don't know for sure. That's what this thread is for, I guess. For now, however, this is my guess:

    Old boats were similar to minecarts. New boats are similar to horses. The old boats were unique in that the player's jump controls were (mostly) in-tact... aka you could still swim up waterfalls as if you were walking. This means that even Minecraft's standard fly detection would spot you if you were flying. However, the new boats are pretty much horses that can float on water. It makes sense that the client would have to control .motionY (in my mind) because the client may need to make sure its floating? Similar to horses jumping, the player loses it's "standard" jump controls once it starts to ride the boat/horse, so maybe that's the problem?

    Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Post 'em here!

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on U•N•I - Every block, item, ability, utility, etc. Monster FTB... all built into one mod.
    [Coming soon!]


    Ever wanted to play Monster FTB, but can't because of a limited computer? I've had that same problem. One afternoon, I sat there, playing at 15 FPS or so, and wondered, "What if it was all in one mod?" Long story short, I got to work. And I've been developing it since. The pack adds some 100+ NEI pages of blocks/items and countless new abilities... aka it's going to take some time.


    1. Performance boost - with Forge/Optifine installed, I'd expect more than a 50% increase in FPS and a much smaller CPU footprint. Beware: due to what RAM (aka memory) is used for, there won't be a huge boost in the amount of RAM being used.
    2. Clean - I am taking EVERY mod and feature and putting it into U‣ N‣ I, which means every line of code is redone. While doing this, I have the opportunity to fix any bugs, and trash inefficient bits of code and replace them with bits that are designed to work with all other mods in the pack. Remember how glitchy NEI can be with missing items, backpacks/nanoswords showing up on every search, regardless of what the search was, and whatnot? Not anymooooooore :D.
    3. Lightweight - since this is all together, I can replace duplicate sets of code in two separate mods with one set of code. U◦N◦I's file size should be at least ~25% less than Monster FTB's.
    4. ADDITIONS!? - I plan on adding a few things that Monster FTB missed, like DimensionalDoors, Cubic Chunks, finishing up Project Red, stuff like that.






    1. In-game colored name tag $5
    2. In-game cape $10
    3. Early access - get beta versions of the mod $15
    4. [EXPERIMENTAL] Extra SuggestionHub ticket $3
    5. [EXPERIMENTAL] 10 SuggestionHub votes $2
    6. [EXPERIMENTAL] 1 SuggestionHub boost - Normally, you can't vote for your own ticket. However, purchase a boost to receive 20 votes on your own ticket! $4
    7. [EXPERIMENTAL] 1 SuggestionHub ticket advertisement - Get your ticket on the featured list! $3/hr
    [EXPERIMENTAL] SuggestionHub

    Every month, each user is allowed 1 SuggestHub ticket. On this ticket, you can write down any suggestion and pass it in to the SuggestionHub, where it will be voted on. After the ticket deadline has passed, you are allowed to vote for 10 suggestions as your favorite. There will be a premium "Featured" list, which you can put your ticket on for $3/hr. Every 3 months, you will get a 1hr advert for free. Once the voting deadline has passed, 3 winners will be picked, and will be implemented into U•N•I.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on What's up with MCP?
    Quote from sirtyler13

    Means the program cant find the file "decompile.py" in the "runtime" folder, not a very difficult error to see.
    Oh yea thanks I totally didn't see that LOL
    The problem is that it is there but it doesn't seem to know it.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on What's up with MCP?
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on What's up with MCP?
    Whenever I try to run MCP, it comes up with this...
    /Users/eliaslarsen/Desktop/MCP\ CRAP/mcp903\ copy/decompile.sh ; exit;
    python: can't open file 'runtime/decompile.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
    I haven't found a fix with my limited knowledge in shell. Someone please help?
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Superior-Gaming {Looking for Co-Owners}
    Name taken (IP: play.mc-sg.org). It's a huge server and just hit 800K logins so...
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on What's up with Twitch?
    Hey, guys, it's Tiger. So I press F6, as you should, and it says I have to migrate my account to a Mojang account first. The problem is that I already migrated...
    Posted in: Mojang Account / Minecraft.net Support
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    posted a message on [HELP NEEDED][ARTISTS NEEDED] Ores++
    Quote from Anon10W1z

    They will go under two different headers. Eg:

    Thanks! I will archive this question now.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.7.2]Loading Mod Textures?
    You MUST put a texture file inside the Minecraft.jar for it to load correctly if you are using ModLoader/MCP. Forge requires you to put all textures in an extension like this:

    (Mod Name).jar/mods/(I Think Package Name?)/textures/(armor|blocks|gui|items)
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Help With MCP textures
    Texture pack....
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on [HELP NEEDED][ARTISTS NEEDED] Ores++
    Quote from tyler1555

    IDs are no longer used for identification, everything is referenced as an object. Blocks and Items are registered with a mod-unique String ID, meaning that conflicts cannot happen anymore.
    (facepalm) . If you clicked the link up there you will realize that you have basically told me that one of my main mods is dead in the water. Thanks anyway, though!

    Wait, what if two mods try to create something like "copper_ore"?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on How do I go about putting recipes in a separate class? [FORGE]
    Quote from MtnDewey

    i cant put armor recipes in a seperate class. can anyone tell me why??
    If you do it right, you should very well be able to put it in a separate class. Armor as a crafting element itself has no different properties than any other item.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on [1.6.4][Forge] How to make custom modelled mobs hold weapons/Boss bar
    Okay, rule 1 of these forums: if what you are doing has been done in a similar way in the vanilla game, LOOK IN THE CODE. That is all. (Key: look in Wither code [it's newer and much less integrated than the Ender Dragon's]).

    As for the sword-holding, unless you have flipped the arm in some way that the sword pokes from the shoulder the arm right into the chest. If your model is large, you will have to create your own 3D model of a sword (you can just copy the sword code and enlarge it for that).
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on [HELP NEEDED][ARTISTS NEEDED] Ores++
    Quote from tyler1555

    QOTD Number: No idea what this is
    Experience with subject: Way more than enough to answer this question
    Answer: 4096 blocks can be registered and I'm not sure how many items can be registered. IDs are no longer an important part of Minecraft modding as of 1.7 though so an "infinite" amount of IDs is not needed.
    QOTD = Question of the Day (the first question would be when I have archived questions in a spoiler and the most recent one up top I know which one your talking about.)
    How are IDs no longer relevant?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [HELP NEEDED][ARTISTS NEEDED] Ores++
    Question of the Day: #2None Currently
    Question of the Day: #1Hey guys I am developing the API mod Ores++ ( http://plusplusmods.weebly.com/ ) and have one simple question: how do you allow infinite IDs? I know that hardware (and Java) have their limitations, and I will not abuse infinite IDs in my mod (too much). Thanks!
    QOTD Number:Experience with subject:Answer:(See? It wasn't that hard, was it?)
    Currently needed positions for team PantheraSecondary coder (works with me, does stuff when I'm out, works with Coding Advisor for debugging)Artisan (Artist)Coding Advisor (I come to you when I need help, you also do all of the debugging)~Empty Slot~
    Position you are applying for:Experience regarding job:Java/mod experience:Special Skills:Age (approx.):Why do you want to be a Panthera?:Extras (anything else you want to add):
    For this moment I am most worried about getting an artist in-hand. Please help out!
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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