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    posted a message on New fast and small XOR

    Ohh sorry forgot to think about the blind people.
    Don't worry about him, he is Yetanotherguy who thinks he owns the place. ;)

    I think it is great that you made one that is so quick, too many people (Including myself) are all about compactness. :)

    EDIT: Now for the compactness part of me ;)
    The blue blocks are input, the red blocks are output, the top row of blocks to the left all have redstone on them until they reach the piston.

    The glowstone is important, it allows the signal to travel below it while powering the redstone above it :)
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Redstone can go through blocks?
    Quote from Malacodor

    Why does nobody read the wiki?

    Because reading the wiki is a slap in the face back to reality, showing noobs that rarely are they going to discover something that has not already been done at least once.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Redstone Stairs For Begginers
    Welcome to redstone. Here there are flamers, helpers and lurkers. I am all three.

    You have begun your journey in redstone, however the path ahead is without gratification. If you are looking for gratification you will need to head back to real life. This is the internet after all, what we say will never be real respect.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Need a redston expert to help me
    I have built a machine that does this. However I am not sure what you mean by too much space. The machine I built is 6x14 and 4 blocks tall (Including the ground to hold redstone. Currently it is off:6 ticks on:3 ticks and sends 9 pulses.

    EDIT: I would also like to know whether you preferred thin or tall?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Most compact Player detector ive seen... [invisible pressure plate]
    I like this, ingenious use of exp orbs. However, it only lasts 5 minutes. I don't understand where the dispenser is or how you are getting it to fire exp orbs.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Build suggestions for an Intermediate
    Quote from groundedtaco

    Im starting both of these challenges tonight, but I'm confused as o what you mean. I go by intermediate because although i can build a 7 segment display in a short amount of time, i cannot make a computer or adder yet... What would you classify me as?
    There are no ranks according to me. Just because you can make a computer in minecraft does not mean you can create a working space invaders game.

    But I am sure there are many people who would disagree with me, and they would also agree with you that you have an intermediate understand of redstone.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Send Power 17 Blocks Per Repeater
    Quote from Draco18s

    Well. HERE'S one. Only from a few weeks ago.

    The forum's search feature is kinda shitty, so it's the only relevant result I can find. But I know there's at least one other. It had pics.
    I am slightly sick of people saying "its already known by lots of people" almost every time one of these threads is posted someone else finds out something they didn't know they wanted.

    It is not your job to moderate content. Already knew about something? Don't post, no one wants you too.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on A button that switches between 3 different doors

    Excellent work, I am afraid that this has already been created, although it would be awesome if you put a bunch of them to use somehow :wink.gif:
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Redstone Every other Switch
    Quote from tumber77

    If that means Click 1 - Nothing
    Click 2 - Piston pushes out
    Click 3 - Piston pulls in
    Click 4 - Nothing
    Click 5 - Piston Pushes out
    Click 6 - Piston pulls in
    Ah so you it:
    Click 1 off
    Click 2 on
    Click 3 off

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Smallest T-Flip Flop [Works in 1.0.0]
    Quote from jogiff

    Because the second sticky piston doesn't pull the block back.
    Intended feature, pistons drop blocks when triggered for less then 1.5 ticks.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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