I created a child account for my son (5yr) to play Minecraft:XBox One Edition. I've authorized the app and we can run it if when we create/load a game we uncheck the "online game" function. This effectively removes the ability for me to join his game using my phone or other xbox and what not.
Are there any ways to allow minecraft to let him do online games, yet maintain the permissions so he doesn't try to launch Fallout 4?
I'm kinda stuck here. Could also use help figuring out how to approve his friend requests...
Not a bad start at all. If you're making this all by your lonesome that's pretty impressive so far.
I would recommend that the tables in the fast food restaurant be changed from half slabs to pressure plates. Otherwise the table is above their head (theoretically).
Looks good though, I'm sure once you get it tweaked and filled in with scenery and decorations it will be quite impressive!
Yeah you do /sendmail >player< >text< and when they next log on it says How much new mail they have and they can read it by doing /mail then doing /mail <number>
Also he runs Cuboid, Towny, InvCheck, BlockEditor, Errmmm Something that fixes the Blocklag and nerfs anything he wants, cant remember it-its in the back of my head
Sounds pretty awesome. There are always times in which I want to tell someone something and would just like to leave a message for them.
@iKick - I know that I'm missing a few, but I know that he runs iConomy, an in-game mail mod (can't remember the name), and a slightly modified version of Towny.
The ingame mail plugin is DSMail.
Awesome thanks Juze and Kingluigi. Never seen that DSMail thing work before. Is it like in-game email?
Okay cool, so this helps a lot for the server for sure!
One thing though, are there any settings we can do locally for the clients? Whenever I warp to a new area i hear my hard-drive chuggin away as it loads the new area, and the process monitor says java is eatin resources. Minecraft only reports using 11% of resources though. dunno
So I spent a bit of time wandering your server today. You've got some interesting buildings and what not. I really like that dragon! Who made that one? Same person who did the castle I assume?
moumix wrote :
> Aww crap :sad.gif:
> Meanwhile, second project of mine, a classic:
> http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9915/fin ... ckmage.jpg
> I tried the blue robe with diamond blocks first, but it was too pale, and I
> wouldn't ever have been able to have so many diamond blocks before a long
> long long while anyway xD So I did it with water, but had to put glass all
> around the structure because of that. :smile.gif:
You should totally go and get a different texture pack that makes the glass totally invisible. That's an awesome job on the black wizard!
Do you have an isometric view of your world so we can sort-of see some of the things that were built? (Sort of like google maps?) I know a couple servers have the map like that.
Hey all,
I created a child account for my son (5yr) to play Minecraft:XBox One Edition. I've authorized the app and we can run it if when we create/load a game we uncheck the "online game" function. This effectively removes the ability for me to join his game using my phone or other xbox and what not.
Are there any ways to allow minecraft to let him do online games, yet maintain the permissions so he doesn't try to launch Fallout 4?
I'm kinda stuck here. Could also use help figuring out how to approve his friend requests...
I would recommend that the tables in the fast food restaurant be changed from half slabs to pressure plates. Otherwise the table is above their head (theoretically).
Looks good though, I'm sure once you get it tweaked and filled in with scenery and decorations it will be quite impressive!
Sounds pretty awesome. There are always times in which I want to tell someone something and would just like to leave a message for them.
Awesome thanks Juze and Kingluigi. Never seen that DSMail thing work before. Is it like in-game email?
Epic job on this! I can not wait to see the final version of this!!! I'm actually going to see the latest HP today too!
One thing though, are there any settings we can do locally for the clients? Whenever I warp to a new area i hear my hard-drive chuggin away as it loads the new area, and the process monitor says java is eatin resources. Minecraft only reports using 11% of resources though. dunno
I agree, I spent at LEAST 10 minutes zooming around the map looking at all this stuff! Some dedicated people here!
Agreed. Death on joining a server is crap! :sad.gif:
Actually you're #2 now!
> Aww crap :sad.gif:
> Meanwhile, second project of mine, a classic:
> http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9915/fin ... ckmage.jpg
> I tried the blue robe with diamond blocks first, but it was too pale, and I
> wouldn't ever have been able to have so many diamond blocks before a long
> long long while anyway xD So I did it with water, but had to put glass all
> around the structure because of that. :smile.gif:
You should totally go and get a different texture pack that makes the glass totally invisible. That's an awesome job on the black wizard!