IGN: ZachPlaysMC_
Age: 17
How active you play: Just about every day
Are you open to chatting with us on discord?: Yep!
- iGlitz
- Registered Member
Member for 8 years, 8 months, and 20 days
Last active Mon, Nov, 6 2017 20:21:43
- 21 Total Posts
- 2 Thanks
ZachPlaysMC_ posted a message on Active realm looking for active players (Free and easy to get accepted)Posted in: Minecraft Realms -
MedicOdin posted a message on Active realm looking for active players (Free and easy to get accepted)Posted in: Minecraft RealmsMedicOdin
age 34
10-20 hours a wekk
i have discord yes
DannySuperNoob posted a message on Active realm looking for active players (Free and easy to get accepted)Posted in: Minecraft RealmsDannySuperNoob
Age 16
I'm usually on mostly in the evening, but my parents are divorced and I can't play online at one place due to bad internet, but I'll almost always be around on discord
I don't mind chatting on discord.
Invite me if you do make an exception on people under 18 (I noticed you said "taking some 16 years")
UnityBurst posted a message on New Minecraft Realm looking for fun, active playersPosted in: Minecraft RealmsIGN: UnityBurst
Age: 14
Gender: Male
How Often do i play 4 or 6 times a week
IGN: UnityBurst
Age: 14
How often i play: About 2-3 hours per day maybe more
Omenster posted a message on New Minecraft Realm looking for fun, active playersPosted in: Minecraft RealmsIGN: Omenster
Age: 13
How often I play: Almost Daily
h_iminecraft posted a message on New Minecraft Realm looking for fun, active playersPosted in: Minecraft RealmsIGN: h_i
Age: Mature enough
How often I play: Every day
also i'm wondering what game mode this realm will be on
I like survival but I would love a creative realm
jarjarbobo123 posted a message on New Minecraft Realm looking for fun, active playersPosted in: Minecraft RealmsIGN: conner4321
How Often I Play: daily
bacca3456 posted a message on New Minecraft Realm looking for fun, active playersPosted in: Minecraft RealmsIGN: Hatchimal
How often i play: Everyday 1 hour
ChillingDylan posted a message on New Minecraft Realm looking for fun, active playersPosted in: Minecraft RealmsIGN: ChillingDylan
Age: 14
How often i play: About 1-2 hours per day
NickChris posted a message on New Minecraft Realm looking for fun, active playersPosted in: Minecraft RealmsIGN: LiquidRadish
Gender(not required): Male
Age: 17
How often you play: Pretty much every day for at least an hour
- To post a comment, please login.
IGN: iGlitz
Thank you for responding! You have been invited to our realm by Rezzeren. I'm looking forward to meeting you!