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    posted a message on Improving Minecraft v1.12.1
    Quote from pifou92000»

    I think I could do that.
    I'm not sure whether the mining TNT crashes were already in 1.7.10. But I know all the other bugs and crashes came with the 1.8 version.

    Oh they may have come with 1.8, I'm a little less worried then. Just please don't forget about 1.7 completely :) I am going to use mining tnt a lot and I would like to not crash!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Improving Minecraft v1.12.1
    Quote from pifou92000»

    No, sorry, it's just too long to make everything again in 1.7

    As someone who plans to enjoy the 1.7.10 version for years to come, I am particularly interested in that mining tnt crash fix. I urge you to add just those *crash fixes* to 1.7. No more features, just stability, I would love that! :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Parzi's Star Wars Mod is now Galaxies: Parzi's Star Wars Mod!

    Hi Parzi
    (Excuse me, lots of ideas/requests here, your mod got me thinking. Also, feel free to ignore my requests of course :) )

    Your mod is high quality I'm telling you!

    You and weaston have really captured good SW ambience with your mobs, sounds and items. I LOVE it!
    My favorites are the droids and creatures, so much personality, I really like them a lot!

    I like that you can choose to go explore the SW dimensions; that stormtroopers aren't invading your minecraft world from the get-go.
    That's partly why I want this for my modpack. I feel like the nature of star wars fits well with that as well, the fact that you travel to the galaxy far far away.. space voyage...

    Idea: Would by cool to travel by spaceship instead of hyperdrives I think... Crazy idea here: Maybe sometimes a Hutt cargo ship or Imperial ship lands in your standard minecraft world and you have to sneak on board, then the ship will take you to Mos Eisley and you are on your merry adventure! :)

    Idea: Light sabers are incredible with their blaster reflect and on/off features, you actually feel like a jedi. It's very good that they are hard to craft too. I generally would not like too OP items that disrupt the gameplay back in dimension 0. IMO! :)

    Idea: The biggest thing, I really think would help your mod, in my opinion, would be more species.
    When I think of Star Wars I think diversity of life. It might just be me, but I think Mos Eisley, as an example, would benefit from more alien life and creatures too. Creatures and aliens are just the best I think! Works well in minecraft.
    So for example, you have banthas and dewbacks.. why not rontos? :) And more species, I am thinking gran, twileks, nikto, weequay, greedo-guys off the top of my head, but I know there are a ton of fun species to add! :) Fill the streets! :D

    Idea: Also.. You have created speeder bikes and a landspeeder, they work nicely... sooo I would love podracers... Now I know your focus is the old movies, and they are the best, but podracers after all... they are awesome. I would love to have a podracer in minecraft.... :) Not Anakin's though. Something like Dud Bolt's or Ratts Tyerell's. I am almost willing to pay some bucks for this!

    Bunch of racers

    My first Mos Eisley was floating :(
    Floating village

    Grumble: Personally I think the banthas are too red, IMO they should be dark brown. Dewbacks too, in my mind they are grey-green, and not clear green.

    Idea: Finally I would love a way to get Ewoks back to base :D

    THANKS for a great mod, even at this stage it is a must have for me. LOOVE my yellow astromech droid!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The BigTrees Mod

    Hey Karob all the best with your health and that. Minecraft sits here waiting for you, but no stress, it's about being happy and healthy first! :)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Fortress Mod: Build a house (fortress) that keeps you safe from players.
    Great great mod! :bouncyspider: by MineWarCrafter

    I have been dreaming of making a fortress in the end which would keep me safe from the ender dragon..
    But the dragon sweeps right through the fortress bedrock, destroying everything!

    I would like to suggest, if it's possible, could you change it so it would resist the ender dragon? (and wither maybe, haven't tested with the wither though)

    Thanks for a cool mod
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Underground Biomes Constructs
    Ooowwww you have been slaving, NICE :lol:
    A damn shame you aren't allowed to share it. Can your work ultimately be included In UB Constructs itself??
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Underground Biomes Constructs
    Oh alright I see, you can't redistribute :(

    I don't quite understand.. How are you modifyng the specific textures?
    For example if I want to UBify my salt.png from Harvestcraft. What do I do next? (or is it too complicated to explain? :P )

    I don't care much for how the name of the stone is, I don't use NEI either.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on DIVERSITY WIP - Suggestion Thread - Progress News
    Quote from Budd»

    Sorry, I don't understand the word hireable.

    Oh I mean village defenders that you can pay to protect yourself, like mercenaries!
    It's something I would like! :)
    Quote from jevindmik»
    Underground villages (Like Ironforge) and neather villages would be so cool!

    As jevindmik says underground villages would be cool.
    But what about shrinking the villagers and giving them beards then!
    I made some concepting on how I imagine this:
    Maybe they would be able to help you mine, or maybe be mercenaries too?
    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12461223/Dwarf mercenary.jpg

    Just an idea, hope it inspires you :)
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on DIVERSITY WIP - Suggestion Thread - Progress News
    Impressive impressive!!!
    Any plans of hireable warriors?
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.4/1.7] Sleeping Bags mod! - Add sleeping bags into the game - 1.0.0 version IS OUT!
    I second the folks who say they would like a 1.7.10 version :)
    All the best
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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