7/31/2018 - Updated "Old Caves" to 1.13; this only includes caves for now due to issues with JBE when trying to change the chance of mineshafts.
11/17/2017 - TMCW Underground has been updated to TMCWv4, which includes more variation and new types of caves; more specific changes to mineshafts and dungeons were not included.
11/27/2016 - While I'm no longer maintaining these mods in general I updated "old caves" (1.6.4 cave generation) to 1.11 because I had modified the class to demonstrate that caves had not been changed since 1.7 (some are claiming that they restored pre-1.7 cave generation or otherwise increased it).
Also, see the end of this post for updated installation instructions, Mojang has sneakily added stuff the the json file which makes the launcher redownload the jar even if you rename it, as if they are on a war against mods.
These are a few simple mods that I made for 1.7.x after seeing a request to remove void fog, which can be done with mods (Optifine) for earlier versions but I haven't seen one for 1.7.2 yet. I also uploaded several mods for cave generation; removing caves, using the generation in 1.6.4 and earlier, or doubling the 1.6.4 generation, and similar mods for ravines (these are also compatible with the server, which uses the same class). They are just simple edits done using JBE on the class files; I can easily update them as new versions come out as long as the code remains similar (without help from MCP). All of the mods here are compatible with each other and can thus be mixed together, except for "TheMasterCaver's World Underground" and the cave/ravine mods as it uses a custom combined cave/ravine generator class.
Cave generation mods:
These mods can also be used on the server (jar version), which uses the same class files.
For 1.13 - only includes caves for now; caves also no longer generate the same as 1.6.4 due to changes in how the RNG is used and a lack of map viewers make it harder to confirm that they changed but it appears to work:
For 1.12.2 - includes an "old mineshafts" mod which increases mineshaft frequency to 1.6.4 levels (2.5 times more common):
Older versions:
Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ipw3gfti8m1nya/OldCaves_1.11.zip
For 1.9.2:
Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mpvfdnwq0eja0wp/OldCaves_1.9.2.zip
Double Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tma7jzbc3l7ve17/DoubleOldCaves_1.9.2.zip
For 1.9:
Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2i2t97nyvxh0xwo/OldCaves_1.9.zip
Double Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/byf75nupfqoznng/DoubleOldCaves_1.9.zip
For 1.8.3:
Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u3twareywkznmaa/OldCaves_1.8.3.zip
Double Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nbb6vspnjyzhd7b/DoubleOldCaves_1.8.3.zip
For 1.8.1:
Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ujgzgy1h145lfc3/OldCaves_1.8.1.zip
Double Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/acjrgnqr5zephwd/DoubleOldCaves_1.8.1.zip
For 1.8:
No Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g7zxy8uq3dpmj4y/NoCaves_1.8.zip
Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hdfz5wnm72a6en0/OldCaves_1.8.zip
Double Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zaokmrz25tofgla/DoubleOldCaves_1.8.zip
For 1.7.10:
No Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f6p30h51xcrsvla/NoCaves_1.7.10.zip
Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6eomttm7jtng1gz/OldCaves_1.7.10.zip
Double Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/66ea2se5p8gidrr/DoubleOldCaves_1.7.10.zip
For 1.7.5:
No Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kw6sf2ua80hbo4a/NoCaves_1.7.5.zip
Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gxgrdaqrifldeid/OldCaves_1.7.5.zip
Double Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qyg5zlawvex4pat/DoubleOldCaves_1.7.5.zip
For 1.7.4:
No Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qvqu0vf8vyi10nt/NoCaves_1.7.4.zip
Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e5u8t04ci0zd6h3/OldCaves_1.7.4.zip
Double Old Caves: https://www.dropbox....Caves_1.7.4.zip
For 1.7.2:
No Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z37uq8zctul27gf/NoCaves.zip
Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2hqltol3z4qerhj/OldCaves.zip
Double Old Caves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ivppttqd44pqvxl/DoubleCaves2.zip
Here is a comparison of three worlds all generated using the same seed (-123775873255737467), centered around spawn:

No caves; ravines, mineshafts, and lakes still generate; it is also important to note that dungeons are extremely rare without caves, although the loot can be found in chests elsewhere (music discs from creepers, dungeons also have only two out of 12):

Old cave generation; generates the same way as versions through 1.6.4, including across old-new chunks (no cut-off caves):

Double old cave generation; twice as many caves as old cave generation, which similar to caves in early Alpha and InfDev versions:

Also, here is a large-scale (4000x4000 worlds using the same seed) comparison of cave generation up to 1.6.4/old caves (left) and after (right):

TheMasterCaver's World Underground:
TMCWv4 Underground: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f533wy11uy4khhx/TMCWv4_Underground_1.7.10.zip?dl=0
This download also includes the no void fog and no-derp stronghold mods, which are separate so they can be installed optionally, as well as a version which removes the exclusion of various caves from near the origin, and a standalone Java app which shows you the locations of various caves as well as mineshafts and strongholds.
Original version:
"Light" version (only modifies caves, mineshafts, ravines, underwater sand for compatibility with Forge/other mods):
Original description:
Note also that caves go down to y=6 instead of y=11 (full version, "light" version is unchanged) before becoming filled with lava; bedrock was reduced to one layer to suit and the ranges of rarer ores are lower (diamond only generates up to y=10, but this has no effect on abundance when mining at only one level, e.g. y=6; the removal of bedrock also mostly offsets the decrease in range for only a slight reduction in per-chunk counts and minable area).
Here is a look at caves around spawn using the same seed as for the other cave/ravine mods, with 1.6.4 included for comparison:

Vanilla 1.6.4/old cave generation:

(note the odd floating island around a single block of water, due to the custom water check code I use; vanilla would bail out for the entire chunk it is in)
A look at the cave system containing the above, which is otherwise a rather ordinary cave system (there may be other, smaller large caves not visible here):

A truly mammoth cave about 65 blocks wide at its widest and 120 blocks long, containing a virtual lava sea:

As you can see here it overwrote virtually the entire cave system it generated in at lower levels:

Bedrock to surface ravine in a mesa/desert (more likely in/near mesa biomes as they are deeper):

As with the giant caves, a look underground, showing a quite large ravine near the center, which even loops around on itself several times on the western end. In addition, in the upper-left you can see a cave system that has multiple large caves:

A look inside the cave system mentioned above:

Of course, you can also rarely find extremely large cave systems (a 2000x2000 test world had just one at the very edge; there is also a check to prevent two or more from generating next to each other, they also prevent regular caves and ravines from generating on top of them):

(of note, the seed I used for all those comparisons has a naturally occurring cave system that is as large and dense as one of these, located at -800, -1050, albeit in a deep ocean biome; the cave system shown above also overwrites a large cave system otherwise present with the "old caves" mod)
TMCWv4 Underground includes many new variations of caves and cave systems, as well as more variation in the sizes of caves and ravines:
This is a 1:1 scale map of the underground (2624 x 2576 pixels/blocks) which includes at least one of every type of cave (I used the seed "-1904660148", which has a mesa biome near spawn, for testing):

Here is a chart of all the types of caves and a list of their frequencies:

On average the following can be found within a level 4 map (16384 chunks):
1 giant cave region (1 every 16384 chunks)
2 colossal cave systems (1 every 8192 chunks)
2 strongholds (1 every 8192 chunks)
3 network cave regions (1 every 5461 chunks)
4 vertical cave systems (1 every 4096 chunks)
4 maze cave systems (1 every 4096 chunks)
4.8 combination cave systems (one every 3400 chunks)
6.4 of the largest type of single cave (1 every 2560 chunks)
6.5 of the largest type of ravine (1 every 2500 chunks)
6.9 circular room cave systems (1 every 2360 chunks)
6.9 ravine cave systems (1 every 2360 chunks)
34.1 small clusters of special caves (1 every 480 chunks)
34.4 larger than usual ravines (1 every 476 chunks)
100 abandoned mineshafts (1 every 164 chunks)
126 larger than usual caves (1 every 130 chunks)
This is the largest cave found in the aforementioned seed within 1536 blocks of the origin, which has a volume of about 247,000 air blocks; it is so large that even 10 chunk render distance is not enough to clearly see the other side and on Normal/8 chunks you can see into unloaded chunks:

Here is a comparison of the frequencies of various sizes of caves to vanilla 1.6.4 (1.7+ has 23% fewer caves, otherwise unchanged, and the same ravines). The areas in the tables correspond to level 0-4 and 9 level 3 maps (3072x3072 blocks) respectively:

A circular room cave system, which mainly consists of many circular rooms with small tunnels leading from them; they may either overlap or be interconnected with the tunnels; shown is a larger chamber formed by several rooms overlapping:

Cave clusters are miniature versions of circular room, ravine, vertical, and maze cave systems and can be found scattered around the map; they consist of 3-6 of their respective type of caves, except for a single maze cave. Large caves also have their own clusters, in the form of 2-4 caves generated in the same chunk instead of one.
Colossal cave systems are relatively large and very dense cave systems which are similar to a cave system in my first world, which are normally so rare that I estimate around a million chunks need to be explored to find one based on search results:

The other type of regional cave is a giant cave region, which represents the most extreme form of cave in terms of size and volume, averaging well over a million air blocks in volume over a 300x300 block area:

Mineshaft placement was changed so they rarely overlap one another (only at the outermost edges when they do), and exclusion from areas of higher cave density and larger caves/ravines (they may still occasionally overlap); overall frequency is about 60% of vanilla 1.6, but still 1.5 times more common than vanilla 1.7+.
An infinite number of strongholds generate outside of a 640 block radius from the origin (the minimum distance in vanilla. This restriction is not affected by the "NoExclusion" version).
The underground is 7 layers deeper than vanilla; cave lava level is y=4 instead of y=11 and rarer ores (other than coal, iron, and emerald) generate lower down and there is only one layer of bedrock at y=0.
Dirt and gravel are twice as common below sea level, matching their frequency in 1.6.4 (1.7 doubled their y-range but kept their counts the same so only half as many veins generate over the same range*). The altitude of gravel is reduced in ocean biomes so it doesn't generate in the ceilings of caves below the seafloor and cave in; likewise, underwater patches of sand and gravel generate sandstone and stone instead if their is air under them.
*A similar change made dungeons twice as rare in 1.7; this is not fixed in this mod as my intent was to keep it as simple as possible (fewest files modified).
Old Anvil Mechanics mod:
For 1.8: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wxduwnsubmrj1hx/OldAnvilRepairMod_1.8.zip
This mod restores the anvil mechanics from prior to 1.8, where renaming kept repair costs from rising and repair costs increased with durability and depended on the enchantments, resulting in a relatively high but fixed repair cost or sacrificing repairability for "maxed out" items (this still has a penalty in 1.8 by reducing the number of repairs if you combine books/items but since all items are affected by a limited repair lifetime it is less important). It also makes using enchanted books practical again, especially through combining multiple low-level books (e.g. Sharpness I) to get higher level enchantments.
Here is an example of repairing and renaming a diamond pickaxe with Efficiency V and Unbreaking III:

Repair cost after renaming; the prior work penalty is now only 2, reducing the cost to 33 levels; also, using diamonds cost 21 levels for one diamond, increasing by 5 with each additional diamond:

I have not tested every enchantment but I did test Depth Strider (new to 1.8), which cost 19 levels on diamond boots.
Note that due to changes in leveling up you will spend more XP to repair items; the pickaxe in the example above costs 1032 XP prior to 1.8 but 1758 XP in 1.8, an increase of 726 XP or 70.3%; I still consider this to be pretty low in comparison to what you can get though using it, at least when caving (I average around four times as much XP from mining mostly ores); more significant is that you can't always repair highly enchanted items with new ones; for example, an Efficiency V, Fortune III, Unbreaking III diamond pickaxe can only be repaired with one diamond for 37 levels (1406 XP pre-1.8, 2368 XP in 1.8; equivalent to 5624 and 9472 XP for a full repair, an increase of 68.4% and too expensive for me to afford using one for all mining, as I once did, but there is little reason to do that).
Also, renaming costs 7 levels again, which may be a bit much for non-tool/armor items considering you want to have 30 levels to enchant, although that is less important with the older anvil mechanics, where you'll also be regularly spending many more levels when repairing (for comparison, in 1.8 the prior work penalty is 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, and 31 for the six repairs you can do and it costs two more levels to repair with a new item; this means a cost of 2, 3, 5, 9, 17, and 33 levels - the example I gave is as expensive as the last repair possible; this increase also means it is impractical to extend lifetime by simply removing the anvil cost limit, as the next repair would cost 65 levels, then 129, and so on).
Basically, you get the convenience of being able to simply repair items as needed without having to run back and enchant new ones but with higher long-term XP costs (which as noted shouldn't be an issue).
Ravine generation mods:
For 1.8.3:
Double Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x50kfbtm9qg7ood/DoubleRavines_1.8.3.zip
Quadruple Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xtyu7aw0icwq24o/QuadrupleRavines_1.8.3.zip
Older versions:
Double Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2i1hxilu6b4r46d/DoubleRavines_1.8.1.zip
Quadruple Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2drbdyllkr5eod6/QuadrupleRavines_1.8.1.zip
For 1.8:
No Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a7ueu4z6z9npobf/NoRavines_1.8.zip
Double Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1onhkzphkqm4qu0/DoubleRavines_1.8.zip
Quadruple Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pdiizlib3rarks8/QuadrupleRavines_1.8.zip
For 1.7.10:
No Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ajqj6k4hzbo71lf/NoRavines_1.7.10.zip
Double Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x58gtmo7bxwyc5c/DoubleRavines_1.7.10.zip
Quadruple Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/plr2ejorrgif4du/QuadrupleRavines_1.7.10.zip
For 1.7.5:
No Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/52f9lf4652tr9si/NoRavines_1.7.5.zip
Double Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tosrdbskidegge6/DoubleRavines_1.7.5.zip
Quadruple Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v1yvv4sohcyd6r0/QuadrupleRavines_1.7.5.zip
For 1.7.4:
No Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3nwogh7ovwt30nd/NoRavines_1.7.4.zip
Double Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xg8wv1d4ylkmmpj/DoubleRavines_1.7.4.zip
Quadruple Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pvzk9sn9f50ie1v/QuadrupleRavines_1.7.4.zip
For 1.7.2:
No Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gre0nbbdmo30vpa/NoRavines_1.7.2.zip
Double Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/20fgd5ndqfhc33u/DoubleRavines_1.7.2.zip
Quadruple Ravines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2izpqum48pk8jzc/QuadrupleRavines_1.7.2.zip
Here is a look at double and quadruple ravine generation, with caves removed for clarity (same seed as other examples, so you can compare it to No Caves); the latter is a bit extreme but I threw it in for fun, still less underground stuff than pre-1.7 cave generation:

Quadruple ravine generation:

Abandoned Mineshaft Generation mods:
For 1.8:
Better Mineshafts: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y50yyt5dx44rxjs/BetterMineshafts_1.8.zip
No Mineshafts: https://www.dropbox.com/s/814dmuhsozn1epe/NoMineshafts_1.8.zip (only included for backwards compatibility, I've stopped updating it for 1.8+ unless requested as Customized can disable them)
For 1.7.10:
No Mineshafts: https://www.dropbox.com/s/15scvl8xtw76641/NoMineshafts_1.7.10.zip
Better Mineshafts: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ytue8a9od2dozbj/BetterMineshafts_1.7.10.zip
As its name suggests, No Mineshafts disables abandoned mineshafts from generating, with other structures generating as they normally do, so if you don't like mineshafts you can remove them without removing other structures (in 1.8 you'll be able to do this with the customized world settings so this mod wouldn't be needed anymore for new worlds).
Better Mineshafts changes the way the game places mineshafts; instead of using a random chance of generating in any chunk (0.4% chance per chunk, one per 250 chunks) they generate to a 14 chunk grid at local coordinates 0,0 and 7,7 with the chance multiplied by 98 to get the chance back up to the normal frequency (14^2 = 196; 2/196 = 1/98). This results in a more uniform spacing between mineshafts and more importantly ensures they (almost) never overlap, as opposed to the frequent multiple-mineshaft complexes that are seen in vanilla. Here is a look at an area approximately 1200 blocks on a side showing the separate mineshafts:

Also, a reduction in frequency within 80 chunks of the origin was removed, which leaves them more common than vanilla within that area; the overall reduction in 1.7 from a 1% chance to a 0.4% chance per chunk combined with this makes them often very rare close to the origin, while IMO the pre-1.7 frequency is too high away from it, especially with the overlapping of many mineshafts. This is the same methodology that I've used in my other underground generation mods. Note also that you can still change the chance in Superflat worlds but the maximum chance is about 0.0102 or 1/98.
Large Ender Chest mod:
For 1.8: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2n6l45mo12wsv6h/LargeEnderChest_1.8.zip
For 1.7.10: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ocnwza1ba6zoojd/LargeEnderChest_1.7.10.zip
This mod is basically a "poor man's" substitute for a backpack mod, allowing Ender chests to hold 54 stacks of items (large chest size) instead of 27, while having the advantages of an Ender chest (i.e. contents not lost on death, transport items without carrying it; a Silk Touch pickaxe is still required to mine it though so it isn't quite as OP as a backpack).
No Derp Strongholds mod:
For 1.8: https://www.dropbox.com/s/656sxi2tvh4axzj/NoDerpStrongholds_1.8.zip
For 1.7.10: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2y01sr0q98kbhuj/NoDerpStrongholds_1.7.10.zip
Ever been annoyed by a stronghold that is cut apart by caves? Well, this mod eliminates that by making them always overwrite blocks; the default behavior is to only overwrite non-air blocks when the walls generate, resulting in no walls where they intersect caves. This is even more true for Superflat worlds with floating strongholds, which will result in a bunch of random disjointed pieces floating around. In addition, I removed code that checks for the presence of liquid where a piece will go, which otherwise prevents it from being generated, resulting in strongholds under oceans often missing pieces, particularly when the portal room is disconnected from the rest iof the stronghold (portal rooms already don't have this check, so strongholds added to the "Water World" Superflat preset will only contain a portal room, but with this mod will fully generate). Note that misalignment can still result in cut-off sections, including portal rooms (often just a wall separates them) and corridors end without being closed off, but everything that can be generated will generate intact.
Here is an example of a stronghold in Superflat, showing that it completely generated:

Render Distance-Mob Spawning Fix mod:
For 1.8: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cszlckarcz9ybqb/RenderDistanceMobSpawningFix_1.8.zip
For 1.7.10: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kbzhnfjxwau9sxq/RenderDistanceMobSpawningFix_1.7.10.zip
This mod fixes the issues introduced in 1.7.4 when render distance started to directly control how many chunks are loaded when previously the internal server always loaded chunks to a "view distance" of 10; they presumably did this to allow larger render distances to work (as in 1.6.4 "Far" is effectively only 10 chunks due to this), but without considering the impact of a bug that has plagued multiplayer servers for years. In this case, the minimum view distance is limited to 10 chunks, but can go higher, which is what they should have done.
No Void Fog mod:
This mod will no longer be updated since void fog has been removed from the game, but you can find versions for 1.7.x here:
1.7.5: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2gj1qy8zdh8jehq/NoVoidFog_1.7.5.zip
1.7.4: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kjtv5fn455z1ent/NoVoidFog_1.7.4.zip
1.7.2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ciw9xsyuw56uij/NoVoidFog.zip
Comparison of without and with No Void Fog; void particles are also disabled:

How to install:
Installation instructions for the official launcher can be found here; note that I advise using WinRar or another archive instead of simply unzipping the jar with Windows's built-in zip utility because certain versions (e.g. 1.6.4) may have a class called "aux.class", which is an invalid Windows filename and corrupts the jar.
In addition, Mojang added some new stuff the the json files for all versions, which must be deleted to prevent the launcher from redownloading the jar; you want to delete the stuff after "downloads" near the end, as shown in this bug report on the issue; when launching the game you should see "Couldn't connect to server (responded with 403) but have local file, assuming it's good" in the launcher log when it tries to download the Minecraft jar.
Oh they may have come with 1.8, I'm a little less worried then. Just please don't forget about 1.7 completely
As someone who plans to enjoy the 1.7.10 version for years to come, I am particularly interested in that mining tnt crash fix. I urge you to add just those *crash fixes* to 1.7. No more features, just stability, I would love that!
Hi Parzi
(Excuse me, lots of ideas/requests here, your mod got me thinking. Also, feel free to ignore my requests of course
Your mod is high quality I'm telling you!
You and weaston have really captured good SW ambience with your mobs, sounds and items. I LOVE it!
My favorites are the droids and creatures, so much personality, I really like them a lot!
I like that you can choose to go explore the SW dimensions; that stormtroopers aren't invading your minecraft world from the get-go.
That's partly why I want this for my modpack. I feel like the nature of star wars fits well with that as well, the fact that you travel to the galaxy far far away.. space voyage...
Idea: Would by cool to travel by spaceship instead of hyperdrives I think... Crazy idea here: Maybe sometimes a Hutt cargo ship or Imperial ship lands in your standard minecraft world and you have to sneak on board, then the ship will take you to Mos Eisley and you are on your merry adventure!

Idea: Light sabers are incredible with their blaster reflect and on/off features, you actually feel like a jedi. It's very good that they are hard to craft too. I generally would not like too OP items that disrupt the gameplay back in dimension 0. IMO!
Idea: The biggest thing, I really think would help your mod, in my opinion, would be more species.
When I think of Star Wars I think diversity of life. It might just be me, but I think Mos Eisley, as an example, would benefit from more alien life and creatures too. Creatures and aliens are just the best I think! Works well in minecraft.
So for example, you have banthas and dewbacks.. why not rontos?
Idea: Also.. You have created speeder bikes and a landspeeder, they work nicely... sooo I would love podracers... Now I know your focus is the old movies, and they are the best, but podracers after all... they are awesome. I would love to have a podracer in minecraft....
Not Anakin's though. Something like Dud Bolt's or Ratts Tyerell's. I am almost willing to pay some bucks for this!

My first Mos Eisley was floating
Grumble: Personally I think the banthas are too red, IMO they should be dark brown. Dewbacks too, in my mind they are grey-green, and not clear green.
Idea: Finally I would love a way to get Ewoks back to base
THANKS for a great mod, even at this stage it is a must have for me. LOOVE my yellow astromech droid!
Hey Karob all the best with your health and that. Minecraft sits here waiting for you, but no stress, it's about being happy and healthy first!
I have been dreaming of making a fortress in the end which would keep me safe from the ender dragon..
But the dragon sweeps right through the fortress bedrock, destroying everything!
I would like to suggest, if it's possible, could you change it so it would resist the ender dragon? (and wither maybe, haven't tested with the wither though)
Thanks for a cool mod
A damn shame you aren't allowed to share it. Can your work ultimately be included In UB Constructs itself??
I don't quite understand.. How are you modifyng the specific textures?
For example if I want to UBify my salt.png from Harvestcraft. What do I do next? (or is it too complicated to explain?
I don't care much for how the name of the stone is, I don't use NEI either.
Oh I mean village defenders that you can pay to protect yourself, like mercenaries!
It's something I would like!
As jevindmik says underground villages would be cool.
But what about shrinking the villagers and giving them beards then!
I made some concepting on how I imagine this:
Maybe they would be able to help you mine, or maybe be mercenaries too?
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12461223/Dwarf mercenary.jpg
Just an idea, hope it inspires you
Any plans of hireable warriors?
All the best