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    posted a message on Climate Control - change climate zones sizes, ocean sizes, and more

    Hi everyone in thread for this wonderful mod (I've grown to love this mod very quickly! :D )

    I really appreciate how I can decide kinda how my world generates. This is something I nearly gave up on achieving, but my savior appeared in the shape of CC. Good stuff!

    I am thinking, I would love to include the volcano/volcanic island and quagmire sub-biomes of BoP to LAND generation. (Quagmire sub-biome of sludgepit and volcanic island sub-biome of ocean.)
    In my CC BoP config I use the LAND category for wasteland, steppe and tundra biomes, and world love before mentioned sub-biomes there as well!
    The LAND group works in my world as desolate, unhappy stretches of in-between-land. Quite big areas.

    Now I do not know if it is possible to make those two sub-biomes generate free of their sub-shackles, together with normal biomes.
    Any help highly appreciated! I am a 1.7.10 guy.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7-1.13] TheMasterCaver's Mods and Tweaks

    Sorry about the name. TMCW i'll call it :)

    I am quite suprised it was so easy to install. I could have sworn it was way more tricky last time..
    I just added the .zip to Minecraft.jar via "Add to Minecraft.jar" button in MultiMC, and put in the JVM arguments. Easy!

    Anything special to be aware of when using on server?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7-1.13] TheMasterCaver's Mods and Tweaks

    Quick question, as I am returning to modpacking.
    Can the Light version of World Underground work with forge version 1558 or maybe 1400-something?
    I remember forge version 1387 was the required version for your mod, but the Streams mod won't work with that..

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.5.2] Household Gods [Forge SMP][Forge/Modloader SSP]

    Still hoping someone can save this!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Just Another Spawner (JAS) v0.14

    I just had an idea > Can I spawn structures with JAS? (like AtomicStryker's Ruins mod)

    Also.. Is JAS the ultimate spawn control tool for 1.7.10? No alternatives really is there?

    (I am looking to learn the intricacies of JAS, to become a master :P But I don't want to commit if there are easier ways)

    Btw I want to control spawns of many mobs from many different mods, and possibly tweak biomes spawning behaviour.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Streams - Real Flowing Rivers!

    I am just very happy that the underground tunnels have been updated for the 1.7.10 version as well.
    Still looking to find my first stream underground!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ambiotic [v1.2.0]: MAtmos Inspired Ambient Sound Engine

    This mod is GREAT, thanks!
    I loove the ambience it gives.

    Btw I have no rain sound. I am in a BoP prairie biome.
    When I uninstall Ambiotic, the sound returns...

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Streams - Real Flowing Rivers!

    Thanks for 0.2, and also... Thanks for making it for 1.7.10 as well :D

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7-1.13] TheMasterCaver's Mods and Tweaks

    Woohoo great success!
    Only downside is I have to use Forge version 1387 or earlier.
    But thanks for an amazing mod. I really like it.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7-1.13] TheMasterCaver's Mods and Tweaks
    Hi MasterCaver!
    I think I did it! (It's a big thing for me ;) )

    A cave this big and a ravine cutting through the desert can not be vanilla 1.7.10 right?? (are there any other way to tell whether the mod is installed?)

    What I did was I installed Forge 1.7.10 1387, and as I use MultiMC I just clicked "Add jar mod" and picked the "TMCW_Underground2_1.7.10.zip" and then put in the JVM arguments.
    That was simple, I really like my way of doing it ;) ---of course only if you can confirm that it actually worked...

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Exotic Birds - Herons, Owls, Pelicans and MORE!
    Quote from Pavo_Reality»

    That's awesome! Unfortunately I'd have to buy a license if I wanted to use those sounds. The ones I use at the moment are all free to use.

    Oh my bad, I thought they were free...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Exotic Birds - Herons, Owls, Pelicans and MORE!

    Many birds sounds in here!

    Don't get me wrong, the sounds you have are already superb

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ambiotic [v1.2.0]: MAtmos Inspired Ambient Sound Engine
    Quote from GraphicH»

    I also want to integrate with Biomes'O'Plenty, which should be easy I just need to classify all their biomes into particular types.

    Ohhh that is just awesome. Are there BoP compatibility at this point in time?

    I really liked Matmos, but it never really worked well for me. This mod has even better sound, very well picked!
    I luv it!

    Another thing, if at one point I decide to turn off some of the sounds, how would I go about doing that exactly?

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [Oct 8] Coros Mods: ZombieAwareness for 1.10.2 with new improvements

    Hi Corosus and everyone else in here...!
    I would like to use Local Weather and Storms on my server, but I would like a simple configuration with only rare tornadoes and wind effects, like this video http://goo.gl/RBpswq

    Is it possible to configure the mod to only have these 2 features, and leave eveything else as vanilla?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Underground Biomes Constructs
    Quote from Zeno410»

    You should probably ask OgreSean how that could be happening.

    Last active Mon, Dec, 5 2011 03:21:09
    I have asked GotoLink who updated the mod though

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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