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    posted a message on Cool random crap!
    ...Why did I come here :I
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    posted a message on I'm just gonna leave this here... (Minecraft related...)
    Quote from bobbahbrown »
    Quote from hozz »
    nobody notice my easter egg yet? :<

    The creeper in the backround?

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on I'm just gonna leave this here... (Minecraft related...)
    nobody notice my easter egg yet? :<
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    posted a message on Minelisa

    I made this as a speed painting for a concept art class... 'nuff said
    Posted in: Arts & Creativity
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    posted a message on I'm just gonna leave this here... (Minecraft related...)

    yeah, I made for a speed painting assignment.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Escape time trial world!
    took me a minute and 15 seconds.... once you know minecraft mechanics you kind of guess how those doors have to be activated. Good idea, just needed to be longer
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Escape time trial world!
    im giving this a try. need to take a break from TNTing mines. I got lost anyways
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Risugami's Mods - Updated.
    Quote from Sneckster »
    Thanks for that, I'll stay logged in until it gets fixed.

    Having those extra worlds is more important to me than anything in the update and looking at the free lava bucket and portal there is bound to be another update soonish.

    or you can backup your minecraft.jar, update, then paste it back in there. I believe is the version (no extension) file that tells the program if a version update is needed or not, so as long as that file is the latest one then Minecraft won't update (I think, but that's what happened to me). Also, I'm having weird glitches after putting my .jar file back in there... I'm jumping on the water when I try to walk onto a canal without pressing spacebar for some reason...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Risugami's Mods - Updated.
    Quote from MPeti »
    Quote from Sneckster »
    Anyone know if Moreworlds works with todays update? I don't want to upgrade if I lose it again.

    Gonna try right now, 1 moment...

    not even modloader works X_X... I'm playing with the old previous .jar. all you have to do is let it update the rest of the files and then throw your old back jar in there
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on how to use new in-game texture pack selector?
    also, only 16x16 texture packs will work with that.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on question about inc texture pack support
    technically today, and yes, only 16x16
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Morality and Appropriateness of Modding
    Quote from Patchumz »
    People can suggest ideas WITHOUT modding the game btw.. If the bridge block mod creator simply presented an idea to him he'd probably say the exact same thing.

    except that's not how ideas it works in the real world in ANY field. Anyways, I'm done arguing on this topic. Time to build a tower and a mob spawner trap.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Morality and Appropriateness of Modding
    Quote from Patchumz »
    Quote from hozz »
    I think he should've picked his words a little more carefully TBH... I wouldn't care about people messing with my code even if it was technically illegal unless they were distributing the game for free or even making money out of it... as long as you NEED to BUY the game (i.e. GIVE YOUR MONEY TO NOTCH) to enjoy any of the mods created no matter how outlandish or gamebreaking they were I wouldn't give a crap, or even applaud modding for keeping my game alive.

    tl;dr: as long as people NEED TO BUY THE GAME TO USE THE EVERY/ANY MOD, modding should be seen as a beneficial thing for Minecraft.

    Would you say the same thing about hacks? It's the exact same thing. Ruining the way he wanted the game to be played. It's not a money thing, it's just what he wants for HIS game.

    what part of hacking should matter to Notch? It's not about players "ruining" their own gaming experience (quoting "ruining" because I don't necessarily think it ruins it, but rather, modifies the goals to something different, which can still be fun. It's all about personal definitions of fun), but rather about it potentially earning less money to Notch because of unauthorized distribution. I will still see modding as a positive thing for Minecraft. Aaaaand most games include some sort of cheating in them anyways (Konami code anyone?)
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Morality and Appropriateness of Modding
    I think he should've picked his words a little more carefully TBH... I wouldn't care about people messing with my code even if it was technically illegal unless they were distributing the game for free or even making money out of it... as long as you NEED to BUY the game (i.e. GIVE YOUR MONEY TO NOTCH) to enjoy any of the mods created no matter how outlandish or gamebreaking they were I wouldn't give a crap, or even applaud modding for keeping my game alive.

    tl;dr: as long as people NEED TO BUY THE GAME TO USE THE EVERY/ANY MOD, modding should be seen as a beneficial thing for Minecraft.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Morality and Appropriateness of Modding
    im also a little curious as to where Notch has made an statement about being against modders... any pointers?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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