In-game Name:home_less
How old are you?14
What is your timezone(GMT)?cst
What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)?6:00-10:00
How long have you played on Killion?:no
What is your current rank (Block)?none
Do you have experience with prison servers?:yes
Do you have experience guarding?:yes
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?:es
What makes you the best guard applicant?:I'm not the best, but I want to be with the best
In-game Name:home_less
How old are you?14
What is your timezone(GMT)?cst
What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)?6:00-10:00
How long have you played on Killion?:no
What is your current rank (Block)?none
Do you have experience with prison servers?:yes
Do you have experience guarding?:yes
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?:es
What makes you the best guard applicant?:I'm not the best, but I want to be with the best
vines wihp (like a wihp to climb trees,catch mobs and fly like a monkey)
trophies (skin ,head,etc..)
How old are you?14
What is your timezone(GMT)?cst
What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)?6:00-10:00
How long have you played on Killion?:no
What is your current rank (Block)?none
Do you have experience with prison servers?:yes
Do you have experience guarding?:yes
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?:es
What makes you the best guard applicant?:I'm not the best, but I want to be with the best