Out Of Character: IGN?:home_less Age:14 Sex (Optional):male Have You Read All The Rules?:yes and my parents still alive Why Us?:because i see that this is an interesting server How Have You Found About Us?:i was searching a fallout mod and i found this RolePlaying Experiance?:yes
In Character: Name:Nikolai Kulikov Age:50 Sex:male Personality:*patriot* *loyal* *esquizofrenic* *like a potato brain in a polar bear* Race:human SubRace:Cannibal BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Nikolai was born in Stalingrad as a poor boy. His dad was a soldier and his mother worked as a factory slave... So yeah , he grew up alone in the downtown of Stalingrad by only eating what his mom could get. Suddenly , the Great War started... His family took shelter before the nuke rain destroyed all his beloved city. A few days later, his dad tried to find food for his family. he found NOTHING but destroyed families , separated couples and alone kids searching for their parents. He met Vasily in his walk to his "home". Vasily was a hunter from the Urals and was rised by one of the best marksman of al the Soviet Union. So Nikolai's dad brought Vasily to his shelter. Yuri (nikolai dad) trained Nikolai.one day in the hunting patrols he get lost in a yao guai attack and now his mission (my mission) its to find his way home.In his way he found a cannibal tribe , so he joined them. He learned so much from this desesperate , crazy people like searching the soft spots of the human meat, where you can obtain more protein and so on... Later on , he started to get so crazy that he attacked and killed all his tribe just for food. Because of this action , he had no option but travel alone, without friends and continued his journey to find his family. Suddenly at dawn , he found a 18-year-old teen with some water and a backpack near him. He was so tired , he left the teen alone but he took the bag and the water with him :trollface: . He traveled across the Russian Wasteland fighting then eating , across his travel he met a lot of good and bad people , but good or bad , he always was hungry for human flesh. He stoped and started to think : "where should I go next?" "I dont have a chance to find my family" "I should go to... Chernobyl ! " So he got a new objective called , home. 2 months later , he arrived to that target of his. He collected scrap through his journey and started to build a city which he called: "Garka Town" !!! Later , he started getting people who teached the art of being a cannibal so he begun to gain respect and population for his new town. So this is how it begins...
I hope to get accepted...
Out Of Character: IGN?:home_less Age:14 Sex (Optional):male Have You Read All The Rules?:yes and my parents still alive Why Us?:because i see that this is an interesting server How Have You Found About Us?:i was searching a fallout mod and i found this RolePlaying Experiance?:yes
In Character: Name:Nikolai Kulikov Age:50 Sex:male Personality:*strong* Race:human SubRace:Canibal BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Nikolai was born in Stalingrad as a poor boy. His dad was a soldier and his mother worked as a factory slave... So yeah , he grew up alone in the downtown of Stalingrad by only eating what his mom could get. Suddenly , the Great War started... His family took shelter before the nuke rain destroyed all his beloved city. A few days later, his dad tried to find food for his family. he found NOTHING but destroyed families , separated couples and alone kids searching for their parents. He met Vasily in his walk to his "home". Vasily was a hunter from the Urals and was rised by one of the best marksman of al the Soviet Union. So Nikolai's dad brought Vasily to his shelter. Yuri (nikolai dad) trained Nikolai.one day in the hunting patrols he get lost in a yao guai attack and now his mission (my mission) its to find my way home "i hope get accepted"
In-Game name:home_less
Time zone:central
How much time have you spent on this server (MINIMUM OF 3 DAY.):4 days
Why do you think you would be good for this position (Please be firm but specific):i know its a pvp server
but i have been kill too many times by a gun in publicits anoying so i want to stop that
Why do you want to be a Cop:because the streets are so unsafe and i want to protect honest pepole
Why do you deserve this rank:[/center]because i have work hard , i like this server and i want a chance
[center]Experience (In detail):i had expirience in a server (outdated)and i made a good job
Have you read the rules: Tangerine so yes
you revived the mod you are a god!!!
i love this mod
and the aliens should use acid like a ranged weapon and like tame other xenomorphs to help you to hunt
(in alien mode)
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive):homeless
Where are you from?:México
Your age?:14
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?yes
Did you vote for us?I do not know how to vote Extra notes?:no
How did you hear of Super-Earth?:planetminecraft
[center]Why Us:because im tired of seves that lie[/center]
[center]Time You Can Dedicate:4 hours[/center]
[center]Have you played Assassin's Creed?yes i finish the 2[/center]
[center]Skills:I'm good with the bow and I am a good master of wolves[/center]
[center]Nickname (Optional):Méxican[/center]
[center]RP Example (Add Dialogue):the Templars were out there (points to the direction in which they were) beware[/center]
[center]Skin (Link, picture, description):
[center]Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):Russian father and Mexican mother this is my story ... I grew up in Mexico and gives change my homeland and I arrived in Italy with esperansas of a better life I'm wrong and now I make my living ambushing people with a pack of hounds thirsty blood and I'm thirsty for money[/center]
[center]What is Roleplay?hey are stories about guild
born of your imagination which reads the Hente
and you said how good estubo your story.[/center]
[center]What is Metagaming?in case of minecraft is search diamonts get to nether bla bla bla.[/center]
[center]What is Powergaming?
Powergaming is a style of interacting with games or game-like systems with the aim of maximising progress towards a specific goal
[center]What is Assassin's Creed? is a game about a corporation associated with the Templars trying to recover the fruits of eden to control the world. perodesmond escapes and along with a bunch of the people which I do not remember their names attempt to prevent templaros get what they want[/center]
(English is not my native language and I spend 2 hours translating)
Sex (Optional):male
Have You Read All The Rules?:yes and my parents still alive
Why Us?:because i see that this is an interesting server
How Have You Found About Us?:i was searching a fallout mod and i found this
RolePlaying Experiance?:yes
In Character:
Name:Nikolai Kulikov
Personality:*patriot* *loyal* *esquizofrenic* *like a potato brain in a polar bear*
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Nikolai was born in Stalingrad as a poor boy. His dad was a soldier and his mother worked as a factory slave... So yeah , he grew up alone in the downtown of Stalingrad by only eating what his mom could get. Suddenly , the Great War started... His family took shelter before the nuke rain destroyed all his beloved city. A few days later, his dad tried to find food for his family. he found NOTHING but destroyed families , separated couples and alone kids searching for their parents. He met Vasily in his walk to his "home". Vasily was a hunter from the Urals and was rised by one of the best marksman of al the Soviet Union. So Nikolai's dad brought Vasily to his shelter. Yuri (nikolai dad) trained Nikolai.one day in the hunting patrols he get lost in a yao guai attack and now his mission (my mission) its to find his way home.In his way he found a cannibal tribe , so he joined them. He learned so much from this desesperate , crazy people like searching the soft spots of the human meat, where you can obtain more protein and so on... Later on , he started to get so crazy that he attacked and killed all his tribe just for food.
Because of this action , he had no option but travel alone, without friends and continued his journey to find his family. Suddenly at dawn , he found a 18-year-old teen with some water and a backpack near him. He was so tired , he left the teen alone but he took the bag and the water with him :trollface: . He traveled across the Russian Wasteland fighting then eating , across his travel he met a lot of good and bad people , but good or bad , he always was hungry for human flesh. He stoped and started to think : "where should I go next?" "I dont have a chance to find my family" "I should go to... Chernobyl ! " So he got a new objective called , home.
2 months later , he arrived to that target of his. He collected scrap through his journey and started to build a city which he called: "Garka Town" !!! Later , he started getting people who teached the art of being a cannibal so he begun to gain respect and population for his new town. So this is how it begins...
I hope to get accepted...
Sex (Optional):male
Have You Read All The Rules?:yes and my parents still alive
Why Us?:because i see that this is an interesting server
How Have You Found About Us?:i was searching a fallout mod and i found this
RolePlaying Experiance?:yes
In Character:
Name:Nikolai Kulikov
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Nikolai was born in Stalingrad as a poor boy. His dad was a soldier and his mother worked as a factory slave... So yeah , he grew up alone in the downtown of Stalingrad by only eating what his mom could get. Suddenly , the Great War started... His family took shelter before the nuke rain destroyed all his beloved city. A few days later, his dad tried to find food for his family. he found NOTHING but destroyed families , separated couples and alone kids searching for their parents. He met Vasily in his walk to his "home". Vasily was a hunter from the Urals and was rised by one of the best marksman of al the Soviet Union. So Nikolai's dad brought Vasily to his shelter. Yuri (nikolai dad) trained Nikolai.one day in the hunting patrols he get lost in a yao guai attack and now his mission (my mission) its to find my way home
"i hope get accepted"
Time zone:central
How much time have you spent on this server (MINIMUM OF 3 DAY.):4 days
Why do you think you would be good for this position (Please be firm but specific):i know its a pvp server
but i have been kill too many times by a gun in publicits anoying so i want to stop that
Why do you want to be a Cop:because the streets are so unsafe and i want to protect honest pepole
Why do you deserve this rank:[/center]because i have work hard , i like this server and i want a chance
[center]Experience (In detail):i had expirience in a server (outdated)and i made a good job
Have you read the rules: Tangerine so yes
i love this mod
and the aliens should use acid like a ranged weapon and like tame other xenomorphs to help you to hunt
(in alien mode)
Where are you from?:México
Your age?:14
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?yes
Did you vote for us?I do not know how to vote
Extra notes?:no
How did you hear of Super-Earth?:planetminecraft
[center]Role-Play Exp.:i do my best[/center]
[center]Why Us:because im tired of seves that lie[/center]
[center]Time You Can Dedicate:4 hours[/center]
[center]Have you played Assassin's Creed?yes i finish the 2[/center]
[center]Skills:I'm good with the bow and I am a good master of wolves[/center]
[center]Nickname (Optional):Méxican[/center]
[center]RP Example (Add Dialogue):the Templars were out there (points to the direction in which they were) beware[/center]
[center]Skin (Link, picture, description):
[center]Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):Russian father and Mexican mother this is my story ... I grew up in Mexico and gives change my homeland and I arrived in Italy with esperansas of a better life I'm wrong and now I make my living ambushing people with a pack of hounds thirsty blood and I'm thirsty for money[/center]
[center]What is Roleplay?hey are stories about guild
born of your imagination which reads the Hente
and you said how good estubo your story.[/center]
[center]What is Metagaming?in case of minecraft is search diamonts get to nether bla bla bla.[/center]
[center]What is Powergaming?
Powergaming is a style of interacting with games or game-like systems with the aim of maximising progress towards a specific goal
[center]What is Assassin's Creed? is a game about a corporation associated with the Templars trying to recover the fruits of eden to control the world. perodesmond escapes and along with a bunch of the people which I do not remember their names attempt to prevent templaros get what they want[/center]
(English is not my native language and I spend 2 hours translating)
I can apply next week?