Good news! The newest build of Karyonix's shaders supports compatibility with Optifine. If you folks want global lighting, go ahead and check it out... The lands of Onicraft look glorious once more!
What Nico said. Also, for you folks out there who haven't signed up yet, WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSE?! Just build something and you're in for a chance to win crazy amounts of forum points! And notoriety. All for the low, low price of Free-ninty-nine.
That's quite a project. 1:1 scale would be just under twice the size of USS Enterprise - and much more in volume. Knowing how long I've spent on USS Enterprise - I certainly wish you luck on that one!
Edit: Forgot to include this nice image of the back end of enterprise (shuttle bay 1).
Alpha, I caught you working on Prometheus - looking good!
That ship is going to be pretty epic, if it's the one I'm thinking of. Let's be honest though, it'll be epic no matter which one I'm thinking of... Is it the triangular ship from the Star Trek universe?
Ahhh, gotcha. I was going to suggest just having the blaze farm as a town (to warp to) then have a player added warp leading from the farms to the ship. Meh. Haha!
Yeah it's a shame the blaze farm in enterprise doesn't work now it's in space world. Think i'll need to set it up else where ion survival world and have a telepad to it.
Does the town of Enterprise still exist in the Overworld or is it now in Spaceworld?
We certainly have some great builders on our server. It amazes me those who create something purely from there imagination (and not from a plan like me).
Yeah, I tend to steal take inspiration from other builds I find around the internet and take credit for it myself modify them to my own personal liking and style. Much credit to all of those super creative folks that can create so much from scratch!
Totally off topic, but I just found this screenshot lurking in the depths of my .minecraft folder.
Pig and I are both patiently awaiting the return of SEUS in 1.8. Man, the server render distance used to be pretty short. Not anymore! We gots that improved server hardware since then!
I started it August 2012 - amazed that I stuck with it all this time. It's rather rewarding to see her on dynmap. Just shame I can't see her all ingame. Too damn big!
Is it the render distance that's too short or your computer hardware not allowing you to see at far render distance?
Congratulations to TheSlientBang for winning the build competition and securing one of the coveted corner plots in trade world! Everyone had some really awesome contributions to the build competition! Well done everyone!
Any way I can get a copy of that?
Which Texture Pack are you running? Is it by any chance a Doku variant?
That ship is going to be pretty epic, if it's the one I'm thinking of. Let's be honest though, it'll be epic no matter which one I'm thinking of... Is it the triangular ship from the Star Trek universe?
Does the town of Enterprise still exist in the Overworld or is it now in Spaceworld?
Yeah, I tend to
stealtake inspiration from other builds I find around the internet andtake credit for it myselfmodify them to my own personal liking and style. Much credit to all of those super creative folks that can create so much from scratch!0
Pig and I are both patiently awaiting the return of SEUS in 1.8. Man, the server render distance used to be pretty short. Not anymore! We gots that improved server hardware since then!
Is it the render distance that's too short or your computer hardware not allowing you to see at far render distance?