I do have an interesting solution on disabling the slime splitting, but the death will look odd as it shrinks back down to Size 0.
Step 1: Setup a datapack or command block thats looping this command:
execute as @e[type=slime,tag=!marked] at @s run data merge entity @s {Tags:["marked"],Health:1000f,Attributes:[{Base:1000d,Name:"minecraft:generic.max_health"}]}
Now every slime will be tagged with "marked" and will have 1000 health. Next we need to make a scoreboard to track the health properly. The actual "health" objective will not track slimes, unless im just doing something wrong, but im guessing it only tracks players health, so lets make a dummy objective and we can update it ourselves.
scoreboard objectives add health dummy
Now to update the slimes health every tick by looping this command.
execute as @e[type=slime,tag=marked] at @s store result score @s health run data get entity @s Health
Now the next part will be how much damage we want the slime to take before it dies. For example, lets say I wanted the slime to die after taking 20 health, id need to subtract 1000 with the number i want (1000 - 20 = 980), id set up the command just like this:
execute as @e[type=slime,tag=marked] at @s if score @s health matches ..980 run data merge entity @s {Size:0,Health:0f}
and just like that, now whenever a slime takes 20 health, it will set its size and health to 0, which means the slime will initiate its death animation and stay at size 0, which means no extra slimes after it dies!
ANOTHER UPDATE AGAIN! Another V2.06 Update that missed a MAJOR bug! THE FULL FOXY REWORK UPDATE IS OUT!!! Check it out below!
WARNING: This Map IS the most ACCURATE FNAF2 Map in Minecraft! We dare you to try it out!
Hey guys, HEALPony here and today I have yet another amazing map for you guys! Check it out!
Game Mechanics:
To start playing the game, you click the button in the starter room. After that it will load you to the main menu. To navigate the main menu, use your scroll wheel/1-9 keys to navigate, and right click New Game to get started! Also there are more options in the main menu such as erasing the save data, playing the minigames you've discovered, toggling FNAF1, 2, or a Streamer Mode option to replace the copyrighted music with something I've made with a moshpit of FNAF audio files. Once you start the night, there are two vent lights (very sus) and a hall light. Toggle the vent lights by right clicking on the button above the vents. Hold the Sneak/Crouch key to use the flashlight for the hallway. To access the camera, either right click while holding the camera, or drop any item (even an "invisible" slot) to access the cameras. To toggle different camera locations, (this time instead of going to the text chat) you use your scroll wheel/1-9 keys to navigate to the camera number you want to go, and right click the item that you are holding to access that camera. Double clicking the same camera twice will bring you to the alternate camera if available. (For example, to access Party Room 2, you need to activate the CAM 1/2 slot twice to get there. Click once more while at CAM 2 to go back to CAM 1.) To get back out of the camera, right click the "Close Camera" item in the last slot (Slot 9, or hotbar.8 for us nerds ) or drop any of the items to exit the camera panel. To toggle the mask, simply use the Swap Weapons key. Use the swap key again to exit outside the mask. To wind up the music box you need to be on CAM 11, and while on CAM 11 you hold your Swap Kep to wind the music box. Keep that music box wound!
Surviving is simple, right?
Well, not really!
The AI is based and coded like the real game, and should hopefully feel like the real game. We tried our best to make this experience as similar as possible to the real FNAF2 game!
Anyways, now lets get to the screenshots and game footage!
Have you ever played a game where you slide around and wonder "hmm, i wish i could do that in minecraft..."? Well, what if I told you that now you can! With the sliding in minecraft datapack, you will be sliding like a modern warfare 2019 player in no time! Well, tbh this project was just for fun and I cant believe how much fun it can be!
Simply open the included zip file and drop it into your "datapacks" folder in your minecraft save file! Launch the game, and the datapack will do the rest of the work.
If the datapack doesnt work upon opening the save file, if you dont have cheats enabled, simply "Open to LAN", select "Allow Cheats" and launch the temporary server. After that, type "/reload" and it should install. Then to disable the temporary lan server/cheats, simply exit the save and re-enter.
There is an FAQ and Troubleshooting text file if you need more info on troubleshooting.
Version 2.05 is now released, with a lot of gameplay opimization! Heres the report.
+ Door lights now properly turn on and off without issues due to a misplacement of a line of code.
+ Moved the player spawns closer north of the room, making it easier to press buttons on the fly.
* Fixed a bug when the player turns on the camera right before they die, the camera stays active causing the camera to be enabled when starting a night, causing an exploit with the power system, causing it to change to a number lower than 1.
* Fixed a major bug with the light buttons acting funny when turned off and back on.
Hey guys, HEALPony here and today I have yet another amazing map for you guys! Check it out!
Game Mechanics:
To start playing the game, you click the button in the starter room. After that it will load you to the main menu. To navigate the main menu, use your scroll wheel/1-9 keys to navigate, and right click New Game to get started! Also there are more options in the main menu such as erasing the save data, and dlc content coming soon! Once you start the night, there are two doors and lights. Toggle them on and off by right clicking the buttons next to the door. To access the camera, either right click while holding the camera, or drop any item (even an "invisible" slot) to access the cameras. To toggle different camera locations, (this time instead of going to the text chat) you use your scroll wheel/1-9 keys to navigate to the camera number you want to go, and right click the item that you are holding to access that camera. Double clicking the same camera twice will bring you to the alternate camera if available. (For example, to access 1B, you need to activate 1A twice to get there. Click once more while at 1B to go back to 1A.) To get back out of the camera, right click the "Close Camera" item in the last slot (Slot 9, or hotbar.8 for us nerds ) or drop any of the items to exit the camera panel.
Surviving is simple, right?
Well, not really!
The AI is based and coded like the real game, and should hopefully feel like the real game. We tried our best to make this experience as similar as possible to the real FNAF game!
Anyways, now lets get to the screenshots and game footage!
Its amazing! I cant believe that me and my friend vanjmali accidentally discovered this! We were messing around with cameras and teleportations when I saw vanjmali using the attribute command. I noticed that you can set your speed with pinpoint accuracy, and so I thought of having it at the lowest possible number and still have the player be able to move. Then after some tests with the teleport and movement testfor that I already made, it works with the lowest speed possible and very barely moves the player at all! You can barely notice the teleportation movement at all! I feel like this will help a lot with map makers that are making 2d platformer maps and much more! Also, no need for credit, but if you want, you can and it would be much appreciated too! Thank you for reading this, and here's the commands!
(also, I need to do more testing, but this was mainly copy pasted from an entity, so make sure to summon an entity where the player should be and make it a marker. Also dont forget the tag "tv" or whatever tag you want, just dont forget to change it in the command if its not tagged as tv.)
-Apply attributes
execute as @a[gamemode=adventure] at @s run attribute @s minecraft:generic.movement_speed base set 0.0004
-Testfor player movements
execute as @e[tag=tv] at @s positioned ^ ^ ^-0.1876 if entity @a[gamemode=adventure,distance=0..0.18759] run say W
execute as @e[tag=tv] at @s positioned ^0.1876 ^ ^ if entity @a[gamemode=adventure,distance=0..0.18759] run say D
execute as @e[tag=tv] at @s positioned ^ ^ ^0.1876 if entity @a[gamemode=adventure,distance=0..0.18759] run say S
execute as @e[tag=tv] at @s positioned ^-0.1876 ^ ^ if entity @a[gamemode=adventure,distance=0..0.18759] run say A
-Force TP
execute as @e[tag=tv] at @s run tp @p[gamemode=adventure] ^ ^ ^ 180 0
-Reset Speed If Not In Adventure
execute as @a[gamemode=!adventure] at @s run attribute @s minecraft:generic.movement_speed base set 0.1
Did some more research and testing on this by getting rid of the background sprite armor stand, and it seems to be working just fine, but what I cant seem to figure out is why the sprites in front of the background seem to have the translucent bug posted above.
Hello! Im working on a project for youtube and stuff, but apparently ive ran into an issue recreating a 2d game. Im trying to add a fade effect for specific tiles when they spawn in. So what I tried to do was make a translucent picture of one of the tiles, but yet when I added it to the carrot_on_a_stick model in the custom model data, it works, but whenever I move my character too far up or down (depending on the armor stand's y axis), the texture becomes a non-translucent texture. Heres some screenshots that I got while testing it out. Also if you need more details on the models, what they are, size, etc, just let me know and I will gladly provide information on that. Any ideas on how to solve this? Thanks in advance!
Hey guys, I got a cool new tool for shiny hunters! Check it out!
So, what am I looking at?
Its a calculator that allows the player to add and subtract their shiny hunt count, along with a multiplier for multiple hunts.
How does it work?
Well, how it works is that there are a couple of command blocks and some buttons. It's pretty much like a real calculator where you can add and subtract, and if you are doing multiple hunts, there is a multiplier that you can add to the hunt. For example, if I were to do a triple hunt (3 hunts that are the same at the same time), and I added the 3x multiplier, the score would add by 3 instead of the default 1. There is also a reset button if you want to start over.
Ok, so what if I want to resume a hunt that I cleared?
Alright, so how to resume a hunt. Its a bit complicated in a way, but not really. So what you do is you type this command in a format like this: "/scoreboard players set digit1 debug 7". That will set the first digit to 7. To change the digit you want to target, just change the digit number at the end to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Here is an example of how to do the number 725. "/scoreboard players set digit3 debug 7", "/scoreboard players set digit2 debug 2", and "/scoreboard players set digit1 debug 5". Thats how you set your score to whatever you needed it to be! Sorry if its complicated
Sweet! I got my number in, now is there an easier way to right click the button without using the mouse?
Yup! All you have to do is go to your keybind settings, and change the right click/use key to the number pad enter key! Its really easy, and my mouse doesnt move when I click the number pad enter key too!
Any screenshots?
Well, I only got one for now. Not much to show lol.
Hey guys, HEAL_Pony here and today I have yet another amazing map for you guys! Check it out!
Game Mechanics:
To start playing the game, you click the button in the starter room. After that it will load you to the main menu. To navigate the main menu, just right click the signs to get started! Also there are more options in the main menu such as erasing the save data, level select, and the new gamemode that is out (after you beat night 7), the new survival gamemode! The survival gamemode is very fun! All you have to do is survive with Tattletail as long as you can, but beware of Mama Tattletail! There is a timer on how long you will live for, and if it runs out, she will jumpscare you!
Anyways, back to the main mechanics. Once you start the night, there is a bossbar at the top of the screen telling you what to do as well. Another mechanic is the flashlight mechanic. The more you right click with it (up to 5x max power), it will charge up the flashlight longer. Its one of those cool kids flashlights back in the day. Also another mechanic is the noise mechanic. If you sprint, break a vase, or make tattletail talk, it will generate noise, indicated by the bottom right of your screen. If you make too much noise during a wave, you will attract mama's attention and she will try to jumpscare you! There's more mechanics out there, but yeah.
Surviving is simple, right?
Well, not really!
Mama's AI is based on the real game. She has custom spawnpoints as well and if you make noise, she will draw closer, and closer... Not to mention, you have to take care of a noisy Tattletail with you most the time, so make sure to feed, groom, and charge its batteries or else it will get cranky!
Anyways, now lets get to the screenshots and game footage!
Made a small error upon using the "/reload" command wouldnt start the scripts. I deleted two too many lines from the warzone minecraft map
Updated it now!
1.20.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1uehat8wh8z07pa/Slide_Cancel_in_Minecraft_1.20.1-1.21_v1.23.zip/file
1.21: (broken, im not sure what i did wrong...)
I do have an interesting solution on disabling the slime splitting, but the death will look odd as it shrinks back down to Size 0.
Step 1: Setup a datapack or command block thats looping this command:
Now every slime will be tagged with "marked" and will have 1000 health. Next we need to make a scoreboard to track the health properly. The actual "health" objective will not track slimes, unless im just doing something wrong, but im guessing it only tracks players health, so lets make a dummy objective and we can update it ourselves.
Now to update the slimes health every tick by looping this command.
Now the next part will be how much damage we want the slime to take before it dies. For example, lets say I wanted the slime to die after taking 20 health, id need to subtract 1000 with the number i want (1000 - 20 = 980), id set up the command just like this:
and just like that, now whenever a slime takes 20 health, it will set its size and health to 0, which means the slime will initiate its death animation and stay at size 0, which means no extra slimes after it dies!
All that hard work just to get 1 like. Wild. I hate algorithms man.
I totally forgot to reset the save before releasing the map! Rookie mistake... Updated it now!
ANOTHER UPDATE AGAIN! Another V2.06 Update that missed a MAJOR bug! THE FULL FOXY REWORK UPDATE IS OUT!!! Check it out below!
WARNING: This Map IS the most ACCURATE FNAF2 Map in Minecraft! We dare you to try it out!
Hey guys, HEALPony here and today I have yet another amazing map for you guys! Check it out!
Game Mechanics:
To start playing the game, you click the button in the starter room. After that it will load you to the main menu. To navigate the main menu, use your scroll wheel/1-9 keys to navigate, and right click New Game to get started! Also there are more options in the main menu such as erasing the save data, playing the minigames you've discovered, toggling FNAF1, 2, or a Streamer Mode option to replace the copyrighted music with something I've made with a moshpit of FNAF audio files. Once you start the night, there are two vent lights (very sus) and a hall light. Toggle the vent lights by right clicking on the button above the vents. Hold the Sneak/Crouch key to use the flashlight for the hallway. To access the camera, either right click while holding the camera, or drop any item (even an "invisible" slot) to access the cameras. To toggle different camera locations, (this time instead of going to the text chat) you use your scroll wheel/1-9 keys to navigate to the camera number you want to go, and right click the item that you are holding to access that camera. Double clicking the same camera twice will bring you to the alternate camera if available. (For example, to access Party Room 2, you need to activate the CAM 1/2 slot twice to get there. Click once more while at CAM 2 to go back to CAM 1.) To get back out of the camera, right click the "Close Camera" item in the last slot (Slot 9, or hotbar.8 for us nerds ) or drop any of the items to exit the camera panel. To toggle the mask, simply use the Swap Weapons key. Use the swap key again to exit outside the mask. To wind up the music box you need to be on CAM 11, and while on CAM 11 you hold your Swap Kep to wind the music box. Keep that music box wound!
Surviving is simple, right?
Well, not really!
The AI is based and coded like the real game, and should hopefully feel like the real game. We tried our best to make this experience as similar as possible to the real FNAF2 game!
Anyways, now lets get to the screenshots and game footage!
Gameplay Footage:
Download Links:
[Latest] [FNAF2 MC V2.06.1]
If you need help with the installation of the map, there is an FAQ and Troubleshooting text document in the .zip file.
Thank you for playing my map, and happy gaming!
Have you ever played a game where you slide around and wonder "hmm, i wish i could do that in minecraft..."? Well, what if I told you that now you can! With the sliding in minecraft datapack, you will be sliding like a modern warfare 2019 player in no time! Well, tbh this project was just for fun and I cant believe how much fun it can be!
Heres a couple clips of me using it in action.
(Twitch Clip)
-How to Install-
Simply open the included zip file and drop it into your "datapacks" folder in your minecraft save file! Launch the game, and the datapack will do the rest of the work.
If the datapack doesnt work upon opening the save file, if you dont have cheats enabled, simply "Open to LAN", select "Allow Cheats" and launch the temporary server. After that, type "/reload" and it should install. Then to disable the temporary lan server/cheats, simply exit the save and re-enter.
There is an FAQ and Troubleshooting text file if you need more info on troubleshooting.
[1.20.1] Sliding in Minecraft Datapack v1.23:
I know there isnt much text for the post nor is there really any screenshots (cant really screenshot sliding lol), but I hope this makes people happy.
Happy gaming everyone! <3
Version 2.05 is now released, with a lot of gameplay opimization! Heres the report.
+ Door lights now properly turn on and off without issues due to a misplacement of a line of code.
+ Moved the player spawns closer north of the room, making it easier to press buttons on the fly.
* Fixed a bug when the player turns on the camera right before they die, the camera stays active causing the camera to be enabled when starting a night, causing an exploit with the power system, causing it to change to a number lower than 1.
* Fixed a major bug with the light buttons acting funny when turned off and back on.
Thats all for bugs fixed! ;3
Version 2.04 is out! This version should be the most stable version compared to the past versions.
Hey guys, HEALPony here and today I have yet another amazing map for you guys! Check it out!
Game Mechanics:
To start playing the game, you click the button in the starter room. After that it will load you to the main menu. To navigate the main menu, use your scroll wheel/1-9 keys to navigate, and right click New Game to get started! Also there are more options in the main menu such as erasing the save data, and dlc content coming soon! Once you start the night, there are two doors and lights. Toggle them on and off by right clicking the buttons next to the door. To access the camera, either right click while holding the camera, or drop any item (even an "invisible" slot) to access the cameras. To toggle different camera locations, (this time instead of going to the text chat) you use your scroll wheel/1-9 keys to navigate to the camera number you want to go, and right click the item that you are holding to access that camera. Double clicking the same camera twice will bring you to the alternate camera if available. (For example, to access 1B, you need to activate 1A twice to get there. Click once more while at 1B to go back to 1A.) To get back out of the camera, right click the "Close Camera" item in the last slot (Slot 9, or hotbar.8 for us nerds ) or drop any of the items to exit the camera panel.
Surviving is simple, right?
Well, not really!
The AI is based and coded like the real game, and should hopefully feel like the real game. We tried our best to make this experience as similar as possible to the real FNAF game!
Anyways, now lets get to the screenshots and game footage!
Gameplay Footage:
Download Links:
[Latest] [FNAF MC V2.07]
If you need help with the installation of the map, there is a FAQ and Troubleshooting text document in the .zip file.
Thank you for playing my map, and happy gaming!
Its amazing! I cant believe that me and my friend vanjmali accidentally discovered this! We were messing around with cameras and teleportations when I saw vanjmali using the attribute command. I noticed that you can set your speed with pinpoint accuracy, and so I thought of having it at the lowest possible number and still have the player be able to move. Then after some tests with the teleport and movement testfor that I already made, it works with the lowest speed possible and very barely moves the player at all! You can barely notice the teleportation movement at all! I feel like this will help a lot with map makers that are making 2d platformer maps and much more! Also, no need for credit, but if you want, you can and it would be much appreciated too! Thank you for reading this, and here's the commands!
(also, I need to do more testing, but this was mainly copy pasted from an entity, so make sure to summon an entity where the player should be and make it a marker. Also dont forget the tag "tv" or whatever tag you want, just dont forget to change it in the command if its not tagged as tv.)
-Apply attributes
execute as @a[gamemode=adventure] at @s run attribute @s minecraft:generic.movement_speed base set 0.0004
-Testfor player movements
execute as @e[tag=tv] at @s positioned ^ ^ ^-0.1876 if entity @a[gamemode=adventure,distance=0..0.18759] run say W
execute as @e[tag=tv] at @s positioned ^0.1876 ^ ^ if entity @a[gamemode=adventure,distance=0..0.18759] run say D
execute as @e[tag=tv] at @s positioned ^ ^ ^0.1876 if entity @a[gamemode=adventure,distance=0..0.18759] run say S
execute as @e[tag=tv] at @s positioned ^-0.1876 ^ ^ if entity @a[gamemode=adventure,distance=0..0.18759] run say A
-Force TP
execute as @e[tag=tv] at @s run tp @p[gamemode=adventure] ^ ^ ^ 180 0
-Reset Speed If Not In Adventure
execute as @a[gamemode=!adventure] at @s run attribute @s minecraft:generic.movement_speed base set 0.1
schedule function (this function) 1t
Heres a video on how it works too!
Nevermind, the problem is solved for now. I had to fake the transparency and have the fade effects moved more away from the screen. Its all good now.
Did some more research and testing on this by getting rid of the background sprite armor stand, and it seems to be working just fine, but what I cant seem to figure out is why the sprites in front of the background seem to have the translucent bug posted above.
Hello! Im working on a project for youtube and stuff, but apparently ive ran into an issue recreating a 2d game. Im trying to add a fade effect for specific tiles when they spawn in. So what I tried to do was make a translucent picture of one of the tiles, but yet when I added it to the carrot_on_a_stick model in the custom model data, it works, but whenever I move my character too far up or down (depending on the armor stand's y axis), the texture becomes a non-translucent texture. Heres some screenshots that I got while testing it out. Also if you need more details on the models, what they are, size, etc, just let me know and I will gladly provide information on that. Any ideas on how to solve this? Thanks in advance!
Hey guys, I got a cool new tool for shiny hunters! Check it out!
So, what am I looking at?
Its a calculator that allows the player to add and subtract their shiny hunt count, along with a multiplier for multiple hunts.
How does it work?
Well, how it works is that there are a couple of command blocks and some buttons. It's pretty much like a real calculator where you can add and subtract, and if you are doing multiple hunts, there is a multiplier that you can add to the hunt. For example, if I were to do a triple hunt (3 hunts that are the same at the same time), and I added the 3x multiplier, the score would add by 3 instead of the default 1. There is also a reset button if you want to start over.
Ok, so what if I want to resume a hunt that I cleared?
Alright, so how to resume a hunt. Its a bit complicated in a way, but not really. So what you do is you type this command in a format like this: "/scoreboard players set digit1 debug 7". That will set the first digit to 7. To change the digit you want to target, just change the digit number at the end to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Here is an example of how to do the number 725. "/scoreboard players set digit3 debug 7", "/scoreboard players set digit2 debug 2", and "/scoreboard players set digit1 debug 5". Thats how you set your score to whatever you needed it to be! Sorry if its complicated
Sweet! I got my number in, now is there an easier way to right click the button without using the mouse?
Yup! All you have to do is go to your keybind settings, and change the right click/use key to the number pad enter key! Its really easy, and my mouse doesnt move when I click the number pad enter key too!
Any screenshots?
Well, I only got one for now. Not much to show lol.
So where do I download this map?
Here is the download link!
Thank you for your time, and I hope it at least makes someone's day!
The full version of this map is ready to play!
Hey guys, HEAL_Pony here and today I have yet another amazing map for you guys! Check it out!
Game Mechanics:
To start playing the game, you click the button in the starter room. After that it will load you to the main menu. To navigate the main menu, just right click the signs to get started! Also there are more options in the main menu such as erasing the save data, level select, and the new gamemode that is out (after you beat night 7), the new survival gamemode! The survival gamemode is very fun! All you have to do is survive with Tattletail as long as you can, but beware of Mama Tattletail! There is a timer on how long you will live for, and if it runs out, she will jumpscare you!
Anyways, back to the main mechanics. Once you start the night, there is a bossbar at the top of the screen telling you what to do as well. Another mechanic is the flashlight mechanic. The more you right click with it (up to 5x max power), it will charge up the flashlight longer. Its one of those cool kids flashlights back in the day. Also another mechanic is the noise mechanic. If you sprint, break a vase, or make tattletail talk, it will generate noise, indicated by the bottom right of your screen. If you make too much noise during a wave, you will attract mama's attention and she will try to jumpscare you! There's more mechanics out there, but yeah.
Surviving is simple, right?
Well, not really!
Mama's AI is based on the real game. She has custom spawnpoints as well and if you make noise, she will draw closer, and closer... Not to mention, you have to take care of a noisy Tattletail with you most the time, so make sure to feed, groom, and charge its batteries or else it will get cranky!
Anyways, now lets get to the screenshots and game footage!
Gameplay Footage:
Download Links:
[Latest] [Tattletail MC V1.0]
If you need help with the installation of the map, there is a FAQ and Troubleshooting text document in the .zip file.
Thank you for playing my map, and happy gaming!