thats preatty cool. I wish i could post the screenshots i took of the stronghold that intersected a ravine, that intersected an abandoned mine. it was really cool.
I had a full set of diamond armour on and diamond tools when I fell into an ocean of lava in the nether. I was honestly more upset about losing my 3 stacks of cooked steak.
just get a full set of diamond armour, and your preatty much set. Also, I built a room around the spawner and if you just stand in a corner and wait for them to spawn, you can easily kill them withouht having to worry about the loot falling in lava.
So on the wiki, it says up to 3 spawn per map, but allmost every youtube commentater I've ever listened to says thers's only one per map. So who's right? And If I've allready found one, how would you suggest finding the next one?
Miniboss in overworld? ever heard of charged creepers?? they are pretty rare.. and when they explode you are screwed
Then we got blazes in the nether.. I encountered them once and darn they are hard to kill :S fire damage is a b*tch
Well The End we all know about.....
Charged creepers are just as easy to kill as uncharged ones, and thy're way to rare, i've seen 10 times as many spider jokceys as i have charged creepers
was tunneling out of a cave system and broke into an open area. It was pitch black so i went to place a torch really quick b4 a came outta nowhere. That when i learned never to have a bucket of on your quick bar.
1. find a desert biome
2. run around at night randomly killing every mob you see
1. make a mob trap, which takes forever.
No one said you had to press force update
Charged creepers are just as easy to kill as uncharged ones, and thy're way to rare, i've seen 10 times as many spider jokceys as i have charged creepers