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    posted a message on Realm of the Ancients - 24/7, SMP, PvP/War world, Skylands, Nether, McMMO, Grief-free, Protected Cities, No-Whitelist
    I'm 235.

    I have played minecraft since LATE INDEV



    Forgot the form. :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on HOGWARTS [WORLD BEST QUALITY!]
    Featured on Botchweed!
    Posted in: Videos
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    posted a message on new map
    Quote from zombie_killer

    He wants planes implemented. As a vehicle. Also, lotsa spam.

    Double posts ftw.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Suggestions
    Quote from arirish

    Birds are unrealistic? What? I'd love to see birds implemented. I don't know how Mo' Creatures does them, but small, subtle creatures that sit in trees and fly about - so long as there aren't too many of them - would be a nice ambient touch.

    Bit too big and fat for my liking. Plus, they don't fly. They just jump high.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Headlamp
    http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/54807-mining-cap/page__p__910980__hl__miners caps__fromsearch__1#entry910980


    Not long. Jeez.

    Also, Don't necro that post.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on new map
    Quote from Spaceboot1

    I could not understand this post. Please use periods.

    As for planes, lots of people make model planes in Minecraft. I don't know what happyworm is talking about. I hope the Minecraft community isn't as dismissive as happyworm; I would have thought we'd be encouraging people to be creative within their Minecraft worlds. Plus I've seen stupider creations than planes.

    What I am talking about is that it is too technologically advanced for Minecraft in the majority of peoples opinions. I don't think you understand. He wants to FLY planes, not build them and look pretty.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Zombies and Skeletons

    Oh common, those furry little creatures ain't that big are they?

    Sigh. You don't get it.

    I do but but 12 swarming zombies that can't be taken down unless you have a sub-machine bow [something I'm still in the dark about] is simply going to send everyone indoors and under the covers of their 'safe' beds.

    Ah, but that's where the slow destruction comes in. No more safe beds unless your walls are 5 blocks thick! Also, the current bow has an insane amount of fire rate. Just spam right click while holding it. You'll understand.

    Ahh so there's your problem. Haven't you been watching those tv shows about hoarders? Not healthy at all.

    You completely ignored my criticism of flint tools being useless. And no, I don't watch TV shows about hoarders...

    How true. I was kinda working on the idea though that the zombies are former adventurers who were carrying tools when they became undead. Having no brains they haven't thought to drop whatever they were holding at the time. I would have made a suggestion that only some are holding tools but figured it might involve too much re-programming to work.

    Now that I think of it, you have been rather hypocritical. Saying that buffing its endurance won't do anything, but buffing its attack would. The only point is to be aesthetically pleasing. Not that that matters, considering that they are zombies.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Monster seasons
    What is the point? Seriously, it just adds another pointless random factor. Should I care about more skeletons when I'm safely tucked up in my house? No. Should I care about more pigs, sheep or cows? God no.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Competitive NPC's
    You want a human that can pretty much do what you can? No thanks. The entire point of Minecraft is to feel stranded. All I need is a bow and a healthy supply of arrows and I can farm the **** out of that "Competitive NPC". Go on SMP if you want other people, and if you can't buy the game.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Clouds inside
    Never bothered me. I just think "HOLY **** WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" and then realise a cloud flew into my house. Then shrug and go back to what I was doing. Which was probably hacking in random stuff.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Zombies and Skeletons
    Quote from Spaman

    Quote from happyworm360

    I have a sub-machine bow. It pisses me off when people mangle quotes.

    Okay, so what's a sub-machine bow? Yea I agree skeletons are fairly easy to take out once you have the bow. They're not that hard without a bow too. I find the easiest way is to head for a tree and dig down one level and when the skeleton comes his arrows are useless. I can cut him down with any sword I'm carrying or even bare handed if I can be bothered hitting him that much. As for zombies, ramping up their endurance is no solution. As it stands now I have fun killing them with a feather. As long as there's only one of them they are useless. Even if they had weapons the way they attack probably wouldn't help them anyway. The idea was to introduce collectible tools in the event wooden and stone picks are phased out and replaced by flint which makes more sense as a wooden pick in reality wouldn't make a dent in a tree let alone stone.

    Also its always struck me as odd that arrows the skeleton currently fires cannot be picked up and that it never runs out of them. Besides just because you and I find skeletons easy doesn't mean others do. Minecraft needs to cater to all players abilities if they are to prosper and enjoy their gameplay.

    It's always struck me odd that skeletons roam and spiders are gargantuan. It's a game. Limiting arrows would make them too easy. If someone can't kill a skeleton, they need to grow up or switch to peaceful. Also, I'm going to assume you have no idea what hive mind AI means. It means that when one sees, the rest do to. It would allow for swarming. Even you can't take down 12 zombies, especially if you lower knockback on them. Minecraft isn't real life. You can't knock down a tree in real life with your bare hands either. Flint tools are an unnecessary hurdle. It would also increase my massive hoard of stone in large amounts.

    Zombies don't hold weapons. They have no brain. They have no intelligence. They are driven by hunger. They will try to overpower you, but will not grab a car and throw it at you, because they are too focused on killing you.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on new map
    Quote from zombie_killer

    less asshole-ish

    No offense taken. However, It's the only way to get through to these people. I should watch where I step though, seeing as one bad post could perm-ban me.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Suggestions
    1.) Go Mo'creatures. If Notch adds birds, I will quit. They are unrealistic and annoying.

    2.) They are faster than diamond. Also, just because it's useless doesn't mean we should get rid of it. Why not get rid of cookies? They use 2 rare coca beans for a few cookies that heal half a heart.

    3.) Get out.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on new map
    1.) Don't advertise your youtube or Gmail ****. Nobody wants to know.

    2.) Get yourself someone who has enough brain power to rub two cells together and ask them what the Minecraft community will say to planes. The answer: NO ****ING WAY.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Wall Clocks
    Hey there, I don't know if the switch fixed search, because I haven't checked. But even if it didn't, GOOGLE IS STILL THERE!

    Posted in: Suggestions
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