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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread

    You're literally telling us we shouldn't have tried to help, which is something good, because most people would ignore you, something bad.

    Listen to yourself, pls.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread

    If you don't want us to 'waste our time'.... stop fishing for a response. It's really rather simple.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread

    Nobody has showed any aggression towards you, nor stated that they are angry towards you. If you actually wanted to be alone, you wouldn't post in a public forum about how you want to be alone. If you truly wanted to be alone, you would lock yourself in a room and not use the internet at all.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread
    Quote from Rainbow_Girl»

    No, but I registered for another fourm on the same day. We roleplay frequently there.

    Am I still an amateur?Yes

    That was kind of a silly question. Amateur is a term relating to skill, and you yourself have admitted that's something you need to improve on.
    Saying you've been here four months is the same as saying you're two years old. I've been here four and a half years and I'm still learning. Am I veteran of this forum? Yes. Am I veteran roleplayer? Arguably.

    Quote from Rainbow_Girl»

    Four months is a while. And we don't have much choice. Without us, everyone will die.

    This is not a roleplaying thread, so please don't say silly things like that. It's just irritating. And mildly confusing.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread
    Quote from Rainbow_Girl»

    First off-No, I'm not new. I've been around for almost four months.

    Oh, honey.

    Second-I'm pretty sure Ethansito, Firewave, and I are going to have to save Minecraft all by ourselves. But no pressure. XD

    Assuming you're talking about the RP, 'Have to' is a lie. You want to. That is good. Passion is good.

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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread

    You essentially just went from 'you guys are exaggerating' to 'you guys are sheep.'

    Your argument also relies on me not having had the same opinion on the matter for several years. Same to be said for KaBling.


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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread

    I find it interesting that you call it hyperbole. Three's opinion is generally stronger than one's.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on [IC][TRPG][Fantasy]

    As he thought, Vaelen suddenly became aware of footsteps. Putting one hand to his blade, he turned his head ever so slightly, as to keep his 'guests' in sight. But then they did the same. Leaping up from his resting place, Vaelen listened intently as the stranger accused him. But just as quickly as he had raised his suspicions, the newcomer lost interest in him as a new voice rang out and the altar shifted. Damn. He'd known there would be more, but Vaelen thought he had halted the enemy, rather than simply alerting them.

    As the others began to descend the stairs, Vaelen in tow, a golem of all things addressed him. Ever so slightly taken a back, Vaelen spoke. "I am Vaelen." He made as grand a bow he could in the cramped space between the wall and the golem. Smirking, he continued. "I am an adventurer from an old, distant place. I come here on business that is my own. But I am keen to know who you are, son of stone, and why you are here, with these fine fellows." Vaelen waves his hands around himself. He decided that, if need be, the easiest way to dispose of the golem would be to push him down the stairs, finish off the others, and run for dear life. Golems were not a foe he was well suited for. Never trust a stranger, his father always said.

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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread

    I'm pretty sure saying where you're at is okay, as long as it isn't a blatant advert/link.

    But yes. You could almost call it fight-or-flight.

    HMA was made during my first year here, and yeah, it was pretty bad in terms of post quality most of the time. Grow. Expand. Become that bootiful butterfly.

    Short post is unorganised.

    EDIT: Ninjaaaaaaaaas! I don't intend to leave entirely, but I may start searching for RP's elsewhere. Solawind has also made it quite clear he doesn't intend to leave.

    Mafia is just such a bro he'll probably stick around.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread
    Quote from NeonBat»


    Pretty much sums it all up.

    @Rainbow Saying 'You can go into the void' does not make a unique experience. It's still a minecraft rp.

    LaaM was actually just one of many 'play as a mob' RP's. It was the only one to retain traction, and it kind of spiraled into something even more casual than a casual RP.
    Herobrine has always been about it's own lore, Minecraft was just a back-drop to make the RP easier to make and more attractive for newcomers.

    If you actually bother to look at the five most popular threads in the RP section, it features Ulti's Bar and Grill, which is, like LaaM, the most successful of a really spammy setting. It basically succeeded because a lot of furries found home there. From what I understand.
    The PoW OOC. The Pricpers pretty much sat on the high mountain of PoW OOC and laughed at the commoners below, like gods watching ants. Then they packed up and left.
    Two Pokemon RP's. Pokemon, like minecraft, is well known and easy to do. From what I hear, Topaz was gorram amazing. The other one just got lucky. During a drought of interesting ideas, everybody flocked to anything even mildly interesting. Didn't suck, but wasn't great.
    And then my RP, HMA, which, believe it or not, at the time was an original idea. Then the Highschool RP wars began and everybody threw themselves off cliffs like PILES OF FLESHY MEAT SACKS AND-


    I have looked at your RP. Your vague and uninteresting story can't hold much. I'm not saying you should leave, but if you want to make an RP, even another MC RP, try harder. Spend a few more minutes on it. Try to create something original. Original does not mean slightly change something pre-existent, but something that has yet to be done.

    Let me try:
    In the long forgotten lands of Urven, there were once a great and powerful race known as the Humans. But then, the Yurgen came like a rippling tide with their draconic steeds and crushed the Humans, eternally damning them. So the humans vanished, and the Yurgen struck Urven from the annals of history. Five weeks ago, a great light shot into the sky. Somebody has awakened the dragons of Urven. Somebody has awakened the Humans.

    Took me 2 minutes.

    Also, when I joined this forum, there wasn't even a forum roleplaying section. You had to go to the Art-Stories section or the Forum Games section and pray to god there was a new RP, because only about 8 would run at a time. RP's were a rare, interesting thing, and RPer's fought like hell for their own section. But not a single MC RP existed, either. Because nobody wanted them.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread

    That didn't seem like a joke at all.

    Also, Minecraft isn't very roleplay-friendly. When people make a good RP based on a game they like, it usually keeps the setting and themes, but not the gameplay. Do you get where this is going? Minecraft doesn't have a story. The Telltale games nonsense doesn't count. It just doesn't work, because you basically end up roleplaying Minecraft when you could just as easily play minecraft and get the same experience. We roleplay to get new experiences, not watered down ones.

    Sure, lets move into a PM.

    A steampunk-detective story is very self-explanatory. It's literally just a story about steampunk detectives.

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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread

    Airship is a must.

    I think it would be interesting to implement the standard tropes and see how they play out in a steampunk world.

    What about more of an Avengers backstory, by which I mean completely unrelated Detectives coming together to face a common enemy and then sticking around.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread

    Guys we need to make this a thing. I don't want to run it, but it'd be an awesome collab.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread

    Steampunk-detective stories are freaking awesome.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on [OOC][TRPG][Fantasy] [ARC II: The Nine jade spires]

    It is done.

    Sorry for the wait, I've been a bit swamped lately, and then I had a camp.

    Plus mid-game intro posts are a pain in the ahss.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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