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    posted a message on Wind of Gravel...
    Um ill join but i dont no wat TF2 is so youll have to either explain it or just say wat TF2 is short for i might know it......
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Unforseen The RP: Nostalgia
    Quote from guygombaa

    Name: Cyrus days
    Gender: Male, Has been known to take the guise of a girl sometimes though.
    perks: Gunslinger, Leader and Prototype user
    Inventory: Shock cannon, Rune sword and customised MT3 stabiliser cannon.
    Stats: 2 everything but Pefception has 1
    Bio:Not much randomly apeared in this universe one day wearing strange clothes and eating just about everyone in sight. Yes i said everyone.
    Race: Vampire/Angel/Mutant/Cyborh/ A little werewolf. (Mutantness is genetic defect still trying to control bloodthirst and cyborg only cybernetic implants but nobody knows cyborg bit )
    Trick: Bone break (Vampireness makes incredibly strong but wen making stats wanted em balanced)
    Notes: Still controling Bloodthirst Mother was angel who tried to fell from heaven and fell in love with vampire. Mutant ability: Telekenisis. Power steal. Can also turn into the dangrous black bird sometimes. Black bird likes to rip apart everything in sight. Although technically black bird is just telekenitc ability.

    Just putting this here so that all the stuff i havent changed is here
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Mind over Magic forum RPG
    My character:
    Name: Cyrus Days
    Gender: Male
    Age: 14 or 462. It depends.
    Species: Human/vampire/mutant/angel/elf/demon/cyborg.
    Magic: Angelic
    Avids: Bone snap, Telekentic spear and Bloodlust
    Stats: 3 everything
    Inventory: ACT blaster, Armour, blade kitten(legendary sword)Plasma grenades, UZIS and clothes also has wallet, phone and usb in pockets.
    Perks: Multiple personality disorder, Shapeshifter and Levitate
    Class: Primary-Portal guardian Secondary-Leader, Sky guardian.
    Job: Lots.
    Bio: Purple eyes, Brown hair, Muscled but thin body height is rapidly changing. not really much known about him. Can speak lots of languages. Lots of weird tattoos
    Other: Likes stuff.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
  • 0

    posted a message on Mind over Magic forum RPG
    Quote from DrNightKOT

    to hide out the chunks of information to ease the use.
    And what is it about? Backstory?

    ((Anyway, proudface because of spin-off :3))

    Thx i was hoping you wouldnt get angry at me and think i was trying to steal your ideas also i was going to use the spolier thingy but i dont know how could you tell me how to please? Also once im done with all the writing please make a character (and enjoy a free extra perk/avid) Oh its meant to be more of my own version but at the same time it kinda does reference to yours (perks, similair stats, similair gameplay) and also it will sort of reference to yours. But you just gave me an idea............. Also yes it is still mainly a spin-off (uses same system but it will be a different story with mainly just references to the spin-offed)
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Unforseen The RP: Nostalgia
    Oh i cant have any old perks um........ i guess ill have to re-pick those then soz(If there is any way to get old perks id like to do that please)
    Name: Cyrus Days
    Gender: Male
    Perks:Polymorph(Already lost most of his sanity)Animator, Schizophrnic(Does that mean i get to make another character?
    If not i wanna choose Sadistic makes me sound evil but i lost my sanity but i dont really act like im insane in fact i dont seem one bit insane............)
    Inventory: Watever i wrote earlier
    Stats: 2 on everything but logic and willpower which have 1
    Bio: Kind of secret but its known that he guards something. Seems to have lost most of his sanity upon arriving in "sector 48 bi code-9: Arrivida" as he calls it.
    Race: Vampire, Angel, Mutant,elf? (Actually alot more than that but to keep it simple i pick those) with cyborg implants. Also has an arm cannon due to cyborgness. Blue eyes, Black hair (Orginally brown changed upon first night in this world) slim muscled body height not really known since he keeps changing from short to tall to normal. Wears strange clothes. Has weird tattoos on whole body (They are special infact they are my trump card im saving for later in game.)can talk english aswell as some weird languages and can plant thoughts in peoples minds. Mutant ability is telekenisis and can transform into the blackbird randomly.
    Tricks:Bone break! (Im sticking with it!)
    Notes: Mother was angel father was vampire has an arm cannon can speak some strange languages that cant be defined.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Unforseen The RP: Nostalgia
    um wat do i still have to edit? P.s i cant go on for a while due to low internet. Ill be on next month possiblly before.
    Cyrus (projecting thoughts here not talking): What? Who is that? SHOW YOURSELF!
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Mind over Magic forum RPG
    I believe i already mentioned that. Want more? Youll have to wait im still figuring out how to use this!
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Unforseen The RP: Nostalgia
    If thats all id like to start my story so even if that isnt all id just like to start:
    (Randomly apears with black smoke everywhere and is holding a book in his hand)
    Cyrus:*Cough cough* What world is this?
    (Blood drips from mouth)
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Unforseen The RP: Nostalgia
    Okay i tryed to understand most of that in reply
    First: Sorry i hadnt realised that i had used 11 points thats means ill cut 1 point of second last stat
    Second: Okay Vampiracy is when u basically like to drink blood and have evil fangs/enchanced speed/strength/agility/health and they can live for like 10000000000000 years of course i wont even ask to have my stats enchaned and angels are the soldiers of god (Yes im catholic a bad one if that) and they have wings =p oh yeah and mutants are people who have "evolved" early and have super powers sort of =p
    Third: Thx i try. Also in addition to that i rlly like uzis, deadpool and Hit-monkey look em up
    Fourth: You invented schizawazzhuzitcantbebotheredcontinouslycheckingwatutyped wereas i invented an entire planet (Using alien technology mind you)
    Fifth: Id like to apear in the one between u,dylan and freecat.
    Also to avoid my computer exploding and me refering to things that havent happened while my character is around and confusing everyone i havent looked at wats happened yet
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Mind over Magic forum RPG
    I am currently looking for a partner to make an awesome as: Mind Over Magic VS game. This will feature the Illuse clashing with the main area from partners game, causing mishaps between the two games. There are 3 ways of how it could run:
    Plan 1: Create two seperate Rps, Mind Over Magic Vs(By me) and Vs Mind Over Magic (By partner.) each with the same areas and basic stuff but with different things happening/
    Plan 2: Create 1 Rp, run by me with all input from partner, who is also moderator/ admin.
    Plan 3: Start with Plan 1, but have a bit where the characters from both Rps clash, from which we start Plan 2. This has the benefits of both plans, but the same drawbacks.
    So Rpers unite! :cool.gif:
    :Teal: :Turquoise: :Green: :Lime: :Yellow: :Orange: :Rose: :Pink: :Purple: :Violet: :Indigo: :Blue: :White: :Grey: :Black:


    So, what is the project? This is the thing that helps some RPs to become more popular. I can't think of ways better than promotional items, so...
    If you want to join the project, you can just PM me your RP (MSPA adventures count) and I will try to add something from it. You can also put this text (This text section about Project) if you want to help other RPs too.
    The main RP Text starts below...
    Joined Rps:
    Unforseen the Rp: Nostalgia
    *Sigh* This changes so fast, so the items you get from it change to.
    Deadly Knife: With every enemy you defeat this becomes slightly stronger.
    Strait Jacket: This item makes you Immune to mental attacks and greatly increases your defence.

    Allows you to go on certain programs including Newlife.exe.
    {Dead Stars}
    Heh, Playing this Rp gets you a Miniature version of the Leviathan, which transforms into a hand cannon with a little bit of reassembly AND a small solar raygun that can be used to melt things quickly or deal decent damage, but it must be charged.

    Character creation sheet:
    Name: Obvious
    Gender: Male or Female?
    Age: How old are you?
    Species: Default is human. You can be any Species you like. But no stupid ones.
    Magic: Pick from arcane, fire, angelic and demonic. You can only pick one. You will learn new magics later.
    Avids: Special abilitys that level up. You can only have 3. See more below.
    Stats: See more below.
    Inventory: You can have 5 basic items. Nothing ultra powerful.
    Perks: Auto abilities. See more below.
    Class: Primary class and 2 sub-classes. see more below.
    Job: What do you do?
    Bio: Tell us about yourself. Include what you look like.
    Other: What else?
    This is a forum game based on wait DrnightKOT's forum rpg but this is my own

    Stats: Stat points:21 (When creating a character this is your base stats)
    Stamina: This is your health. Also affects sleepyiness
    Strength: Affects attack. Allows you to lift heavy stuff
    Accuracy: Allows you to have better range.
    Willpower: Allows you to resist mentaal attacks. Also allows for puzzle solving skills
    Spped: Allows for quick movement.
    Mana: each mana point allows for 5 magic points. Magic attacks use up magic points
    Karma: Affects sanity. also affects avids.

    Avids: You can only have 3 avids which will level up as you play. if an avid reaches max level you can get another avid. Same with perks. Also if i make a new avid, perk or class after your character is created you can choose to swap perks/avids/classes if you want.
    Bone snap-Snap foes neck
    Bloddlust-(Vampires only)Drink foes blood. Regain some health. + health after any gore
    Telekentic spear- Allows you to throw a mental spear at the enemy at first only hurts willpower stat once willpower is under 3 it then dos psyhical damage. willpower returns to normal after going to hospital/med bays etc.
    MEDItruck- Summon a strong health boost. At the same time weakens your willpower
    Armour piercing rounds- Blast through enemys armour only with ranged weapons
    Death teleport- When low on health teleport infront of enemy and deal a possibly fatal stab that has double damage plus a gamble!
    Crying angel-(Humans only)When low on health instantly return to full health and get a bonus 5 willpower and health!
    Moon strike- A crushing blow from the moon itself! No affect on vampires and werewolves.
    Diamond edge- All psyhical attacks dealt on user have recoil/ Invincible to psychic attacks temporarily. Also deal a diamond infused punch attack forcing crystal spikes out of enemy. However sonic attacks will break this move (sonic attacks are rare)
    Reanimator- Bring someone back to life
    Sacrifice- In the heat of battle get hero status and upgrade your items to hero class while killing yourself also giving your teammates a bonus. You cannot be brought back to life unless via level 10 miracle or get a ten on gamble then use of reanimator. You will be buried properly and can then make a new character. May ranodmly get this avid.
    Throw weapon- Guess what this does?
    Shadow stalker- Hide in he shadows and attack your foe in secret
    Miracle- Heal/ revive all team mates. If your alone you will lose some sanity
    Banana barrage-(Simians only)Throw a torrent of bananarangs at your enemy
    Braille storm- Fire a storm of small exploding pellets at your enemy
    Bullet time- (Requires high speed)Move so fast bullets cant hit you.
    Screech- High powered song attack
    Energy beam- Let of a beam of energy
    Mind trick-Fool the enemy into attackng other foes etc.
    Inventory- Can have 5 items( Can gain more later) Including leather armour, clothes (can have 5 different sets of clothes that dont count as items) any "real" guns a sword( nothing special!) or bonus tools (jetpacks bombs etc.)You can also have say a key or memory stick that count as 1 of 5 pocket items
    Perks- Perks are affects that never leave you unless through an enemys perk. Again you can only have 3 like avids each perk can level up
    Levitate- Earth based attacks have no effect DOES NOT LEVEL UP.
    Dragondreams- Any enemy with at least double your strength falls asleep. Anyone who just has more strength than you can fall asleep VIA gamble.
    Acid skin- Anyone who touches you is poisoned does not level up.
    Catch!- Any item thrown at you is caught and kept. Does not level up.
    Cat life-(Cat creatures only) must die 9 times before officialluy dieng
    Thick skull- Double willpower (Dosent level up)
    Multiple personality disorder-Have a two characters in one body. However second character only apears at random via gamble. Second character uses same items.
    Shapeshifter-Morph into any other species/ character at will. Great when combined with multiple personality disorder.
    Gravity- Levitate dosent work.
    Hott fuzz moment-Reload without using up a moment then fire some never miss super shots Prayer-When an allie falls send them to heaven blessing there items until they are revived.
    Amplifier- All sonic attacks used by you or nearby allies are amplifyied
    Aped-(simians only)When in jungle area stats are doubled
    Red(Another movie based perk)Get out of vechile, Fire 2 special clips and get backin. All in 1 turn.(Gives opponent no time to fire)
    Chain reaction- Copy allies Avid even if you dont have it
    Conductor- Conduct Fire, Electric and energy moves.
    Big lungs- More breath means you can breath bigger pop gum bubbles and breath underwater longer however your lungs are an easy target.
    Breaker- You break things easier.
    Pschyatrist- You can make the insane sane and you become insane slower however youre not much of a people person
    EXP drainer- Get EXP boosts.
    Cold touch- Things you touch may freeze.
    Gills- You can breath underwater but you need to store water inside you or you die.
    Dampner- Certain avids used on/ near you become weaker.
    Rag to riches- When selling the worse the item is the more its worth.
    Mentos- Youre bombs explode better.
    Regenerate- Heal quicker.
    You can have a main class and two sub classes.
    Leader- Create an NPC team(overtime)
    Prototype- Use untryed weapons (Plasma gun, portal gun)
    Field medic- Heal allies on field
    Sky guardian- You can fly! Unless it is a sky guardian you can force flying enemies to the ground
    Beserker- Go for rampaging melee moves!
    Shocker- Electrify enemies with melee attacks
    Garbage collector- Get thrown away items and fix em without charge
    Portal guardian- FREE PORTAL CANNONS!ACCESS TO HALL OF PORTALS! But also work late and get tired....
    Pilot-Drive vechiles with "pilot sight" (dont need to check instruments
    Gunslinger- Create your own weapons
    Spy-Sneak past enemy defences unoticed and cameras cant see you
    Hacker-Hack things easier
    Techspert-Use techno items easier
    Artist-Paint temporary items
    Muse- Power up nearby artists and sculptors(including yourself)
    Sculptor- Create dummys and temporary soldiers
    Sniper- Better with long-ranged weapons(Sniper, Rifle)
    Brawler- Melee attacks are stronger
    Bombspert- Can craft bombs out of weird items
    Pyrociter- Fire attacks are boosted, you also take less damage from them
    Green thumbs- Can control plants and plant magic is better. Can also talk to trees.
    Chaositiser- You create chaos wherever you are but you will slowly be taken over by Chaos.
    Reaper- Rewards for kills. You also get better/ stronger finishers.
    Haggler- You get things for less money and can haggle well.
    Trader- You can trade for cheaper
    Highway man- Meeting players/NPCS in the wild allows you to steal from them.
    Ranger- Not only are you quick but you can also catach wild animals easy and are good at saving people.
    Assasin- Youre silent and deadly.
    Scout- Fast, weak, poor weapons but you can capture ground quickly.
    Scholar- Smart, and you learn quickly.
    Zealot- Your religious and no other religion is right. You can religify people and objects to make them your minions/objects!
    Ecoligist- You like nature.
    Diplomat- You can talk youre way out of almost every situation.
    Scientest- Smart, can invent new things but not the best fighter.
    Shaman- MAGICAL! INSANE POTIONS! If youre not sure about this class then dont pick it. Noble- Youre a noble man. Youre respected and strong and smart and kind.
    Wanderer- YOURE CREEPY! You always travel and youre dangerous. Youre also insane.
    BONUS CLASS- Chef- Youre a good cook and youre kind and everybody likes you.
    upon entering the game you must make a shelter. You will probablly make a tent, use a cave or make a wood 1 nighter. If your house if big enough you can invite people to stay with you. List of shelters:
    1 nighter (sticks, leaves)
    Wood hut( lots of wood)
    Rock home(lots of stone)
    House(brick and clay. lots of it)
    Villa(tons of brick clay and wood)
    Beach home(wood clay cement, whatever you can find)(wont actually be at the beach...)
    You can also create shelters but its harder
    Staus effects,getting tired and gamble:
    Posison- Take damage over time
    Burn- Slowly take fire damage
    Sleep- If your really tired youll fall asleep and be unable to do anything Loud noises cancel it.
    Freeze- Cant move. If frozen for to long you take sharp damage and mental damage. Fire cancels it.
    If your up to late at night you will get tired. Go home and sleep i suggest. Vampires and certain others take longer to get tired. Werewolves while in wolf form at night have there tiredness frozen.
    Bleeding- Constant blood loss. If it becomes fatal you need to get to a hospital/ med bay ASAP
    Gamble is a special feature which allows you to take risks to get special rewards. Basically I randomly pick a number.
    Afks and Healing
    If you AFK to long or someone does something that affects you and you dont respond within the week i will make you a NPC until you come back. When making your character you can make npc requests like: If you become an NPC you will run away from fights and not die. HEALING: This can be performed at the med- bay or if you go out far enough to a town(unlikely) a hospital. This will return all lost items, restore your stats to normal and fully heal you. When dead you cannot go to these places unless your not dead yet.
    Upon death you will be given the chance to create a new charcter who can only have 4 items(They will automatically have a respawn key to revive you) you will be able to revive you. You can then choose to delete this character, store it for later revivals or keep it and use both characters. Also dead characters can continue there story in heaven/ the nexus/ the abyss
    Name: Cyrus Days
    Gender: Male
    Age: 14 or 462. It depends.
    Species: Human/vampire/mutant/angel/elf/demon/cyborg.
    Magic: Angelic
    Avids: Bone snap, Telekentic spear and Bloodlust
    Stats: 3 everything
    Inventory: ACT blaster, Armour, blade kitten(legendary sword)Plasma grenades, UZIS and clothes also has wallet,phone and USB in pockets.
    Perks: Multiple personality disorder, Shapeshifter and Levitate
    Class: Primary-Portal guardian Secondary-Leader, Sky guardian.
    Job: Lots.
    Bio: Purple eyes, Brown hair, Muscled but thin body height is rapidly changing. not really much known about him. Can speak lots of languages. Lots of weird tattoos
    Other: Likes stuff.
    Species:default/Vampire(at night)
    Avids:Bloddlust(of corse for the sake of role playing i will only use this ability when i am a vampire),Crying angel(again only when human), Death teleport(for both )
    Stats:3 in all
    2.a crappy rifle
    3.pocket watch
    4.rifle bullets
    5.my wallet containing my license ect.
    Godly stone.
    Perks:Shapeshifter,Levitate,Multiple personality disorder
    Primary class:Leader
    sub class's:Sky guardian,Garbage collector
    Job:be a leader
    Bio:i am very tall. i am sknny. i never take off my red shirt.my eyes are blue.im a very un forgiving person
    some might evan call me evil.
    Name: Flower
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Species: Mutant
    Magic: Demonic
    Avids: Shadow Stalker, Bone Snap, Death Teleport.
    Stats: 3 everything
    2-Rusty Glock
    3-Glock Bullets
    4-Leather Armour
    Perks: Shapeshifter, Acid Skin, Catch!
    Class: Main Prototype, Sub Spy and Hacker.
    Job: Mercenary.
    Bio: One hand has got claws instead of nails, average weight, but pretty tall. Red eyes, super evil and almost never believes any other person.
    Other: Nothin'.
    Name: Truegreen
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Species: Halfling/cyborg
    Magic: arcane
    Avids: reanimator,shadowstalker,mirical heal
    STA: 2
    STR: 2
    ACC: 3
    WIL: 4
    SPD: 2
    MAN: 4
    KRM: 4
    Inventory: Truegreen's Robe(homemade, can become any shade of green controlled by owner), sleep powder, Scoped Gauss pistol, Proximity threat detector/identifier, mini Doc-Bot(small robot designed to assist in medical operations, animalistic AI, hover flight capability and video record) wallet with emergency keycard in pocket
    Perks: Dragondreams, shapeshifter, Hott Fuzz
    Class: FIeld Medic, secondary- Protorype, Techspert
    Job: biological-cybernetics reasercher
    Bio: hazel eyes with a hint of deep green, usually stands at 3'6", wiry muscles, honest face, skin has an odd sheen particularly prevalent on the left arm, robe changes to a different green sometimes, little bug like robot flits around sometimes landing on shoulder, often smiling, helpful, light brown hair
    Other: an inteligent and quick witted halfling Truegreen of Auris he excelled in medicine and cybernetics, he was soon hired as a researcher for Cyberia co., an enterprising company seeking to provide products for cyborgs, he had been working for just over a year when he lost his arm in an unusual lab accident which infused his cells with a magically enhanced version of self replicating biological nanobots, His arm grew back over the next three days, the nanobots allow him to shapeshift(with some restrictions of course)he is still figuring out the extent of his new abilities but keeps their source a secret.
    Name: Barney
    Gender: Male
    Age: 3
    Species: Ape: very fast but fragile and weak
    Magic type: Arcane
    Avids: banana barrage, shadow stalker, bullet time
    1. Short sword
    2. Random key
    3. Bag o' bombs
    4. Matches
    5. Banana stash
    Perks: Aped, Catch!, DragonDreams
    Main: Spy
    Sub 1: Field medic
    Sub 2: Garbage collecter
    Jobs: Ex-circus monkey
    Bio: he was a circus monkey who was trained to balance swords, but when his owner scolded him he went insane, stole some bombs and a key and started killing people. he then escaped to the wild
    Other: he is addicted to explosives and they are his weapon of choice
    in a narrative stance, he is a bomb-loving circus star
    in gameplay, he is a glass acrobat (fast and accurate but lacking in health)
    Name: Neo
    Gender: Male
    Age: 26
    Species: Human
    Magic: Fire, I guess. I probably wouldn't use magic that much anyway.
    Avids: Shadow stalker, Bullet Time, Mind Trick
    Stamina - 1
    Strength - 1
    Accuracy - 5
    Willpower - 5
    Speed - 5
    Mana - 1
    Karma - 3
    Inventory: Leather Black Trench Coat with old jeans, UZI with several ammo clips, Katana, pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
    Perks: Hot fuzz moment, thick skull, chain reaction.
    Class: Primary: Spy
    Secondary: Pilot, Gunslinger
    Job: Has had many jobs in his life, but Bounty Hunter was his main one.
    Bio: Neo does not have a large concept of good or evil, he prefers to remain neutral, but will generally go for the side that pays him the most. He has had many jobs in his lifetime, growing up in Australia he's been a hunter, a tourist guide, a mall Santa Claus, a repairman, a barman, a video game developer, a guitarist, a chicken thawer, and mainly, what he's best at, a bounty hunter.
    He prefers to take stealthy approaches, but can be extremely fast, but is not known for his strength.
    He usually wears a black trench coat, and smokes when under a stressful situation.
    Other: Remember that he will remain neutral about good or evil, but can be easily bribed.
    Name:Seth Ferai(my normal RP name first name and last time
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Species:Human/Half-demon(you will see via perks)
    Avids:Bone snap,Death Teleport,Shadow Stalker
    Stats:5 to strength,5 to stamina,6 to speed,4 to willpower
    Inventory:Demonic looking dual swords(their a set correct?),A demonic looking cloak,Slightly demonic looking chainmail(woot 3 sets swords hood and armor),a bottle of pills with a scratched out lable but also look demonic(im a half demon what can I say?), and a mask
    Perks:Levitate,Thick skull and Multiple personality disorder(yep thats where the half-demon part comes in)
    Class:Primary:Spy, Sub classes:sky guardian(half demon forme only),beserker
    Job: Can't remember sense the incident.
    Bio:One day at work Seth came in contact with a strange force when he awoke he could barly remember anything except that he has something else living inside him.(writers block strikes again ill try to think of more)Looks:Dark brown hair with a blue shirt and black pants sometimes wears that mask and cloak.he also has dark red eyes
    Other: he doesn't talk much
    Name: Rone Boh
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Species: Originally human (lets be basic)
    Magic: Arcane
    Avids: Shadow stalker, Mind trick, Miracle
    Stats: 3
    STA: 4
    STR: 5
    ACC: 1
    WIL: 3
    SPD: 2
    MAN: 2
    KRM: 3
    1. Hunting knife
    2. 45 caliber pistol (if ammo is needed have 50ish rounds)
    3. Large bag
    4. Computer
    5. Shotgun
    Perks: Shapeshifter, Multiple personality disorder (you stole that directly from schizophrenia perk in Soft Landing... But I don't care cause I created that perk), Chain reaction.
    Class: PRIMARY: Beserker SUB: Spy, Gunslinger
    Job: Hunter
    Bio: Rone is a tall, slender hunter who specializes in knife hunting. He learned how to hunt when he was 15. He was awful at first but soon became better and also sneakier. He soon learned he had small amounts of magic. Enough to shapeshift, give a few arcane spells and healing. But he also attributes a few things to talents like being able to fool his target in different ways or to make them charge somewhere he is not. Preferably into another target. He picks up on things quickly, a bit too quickly as one nearly killed him but instead gave him a completely different personality.
    Other: None
    Name: Jono

    Gender: Male

    Age: 17

    Species: human.

    Magic: angelic

    Avids: Shadow stalker, Miracle- Heal, Bullet time

    Stamina: 3
    Strength: 3
    Accuracy: 3.
    Willpower: 3
    Speed: 5.
    Mana: 1.
    Karma: 3.

    Inventory: Baggy cargo pants with black running shoes and t-shirt under a stolen military vest.
    M1911 pistol with ammo clips on a holster on my leg, A large knive keept in a sheath attached to my belt a bag of stones. Stolen fossile watch and A sword/knive sharpening tool. Pocket items ; some cash and a Lock pick set

    Perks: Conductor, Catch!, Dragondreams

    Class: Shocker(main) Pilot-driver(secondary) Sky Guardian(secondary).

    Job: I'm a thief

    Bio: Born in a poor house I learnt to steal to earn a living and food. for me to steal I had to out run any gaurd or person who caught me stealing, so I learned how to run like the wind. most of the things I have are stolen or has been donated by some-one. I have short blonde hair, I'm 2m tall (very tall) and have two diffrent colour eyes one is Green while the other is deep blue.
    I occasional talk to myself

    Other: I talk either way to much or not at all. and I run extremely silently. in fact I dont make foot steps. I'm extremely honest with everyone and everything sometimes to honest. An odd quirk about me is that I am a thief but I HATE it when people steal from me. I dont hold a grudge and generaly very friendly. I grew up with mutants and other species so they dont freak me out.

    Name: S'Voc

    Gender: Male

    Age: 28

    Species: Sanderic. These beings are eyeless and cannot feel, but as a result have much better hearing and smelling capabilities. Their vocal chords make them also have a "second voice" that can change into a high pitched shriek, but normally is simply a higher pitched voice that comes a second after they have spoken, making it harder for them to communicate with those not of their kind, but those who pay attention can understand. They can use their shrieking ability as a for of echolocation. Their body structure allows for quick movement. typically with a neutral grey coloration. They prefer to live indoors underground because their Echolocation works better that way.
    For more detail as to what they look like http://forgottenreal...wiki/Destrachan
    However, they are more humanoid, so they stand up like humans and are of roughly the same size and weight.

    Magic: Arcane

    Avids: Screech, Bullet Time, Energy Beam

    Stamina: 4
    Strength: 3
    Accuracy: 1
    Willpower: 2
    Spped: 8
    Mana: 1
    Karma: 3

    Inventory: Two daggers, Light and flexible hide armor, climbing boots, clawed gloves.

    Perks: Amplifier, Regenerate, Big Lungs.

    Class: Primary: Ranger, Secondary: Brawler, Muse.

    Job: Hunted Cave creatures for my Clan.

    Bio: Is about 6'3, 195 pounds. His "Ears" are very large compared to those of the rest of his species. Has a light grey coloration. his claws are sharp. Friendly once he gets to know you, aggressive otherwise.

    Other: Hope it's not too late to join...
    Name:* 2 names 1 demonic name and 1 human name. The human name will go away after an invasion* Demon name: Skuth Dis Nani human name: Dave
    Gender: N/A
    Age: 30,000,598
    Species: Demon and disguised as a human
    Magic: Demonic
    Avids: Bone snap, Death Teleport, and Shadow Stalker
    Stats: 3 everything
    Inventory: Basic Demonic Sword in Demon form, An iron sword in human form, basic hell bow and arrows for demon form, basic bow and arrows for human form and food.
    Perks: Exp Drainer, regenerate, and breaker.
    Class: Primary-Leader Secondary-Berserker, Shocker.
    Job: A triple agent, it's undercover for the underworld demons giving them FALSE information, he actually is helping the kingdom they are attacking, they know he's a demon.
    Bio: In demon form it has strange carvings in it horns with weird glowing symbols all over it's body. in human form he has white skin with brown hair and blue eyes.
    Other: Likes humans and hates his kind.
    Name: Nick Aron
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Species: Human
    Magic: angelic
    Avids: Bone snap Reanimator Throw weapon
    Stats: 3 for all
    Inventory: glock bullet's,glock,clothes,wallet,lighter
    Perks: Catch!,Breaker,Cold touch
    Class: Primary:Bombspert sub 1:Field medic sub 2:Ranger
    Job: Has none just got fired.
    Bio: Worked at a gun shop but never was to good so they fired him he was so angry he took a glock.apearance:5'2" green eyes blonde hair a guitar pick necklace around neck jeans sandles
    Other: Nothing
    Name: Athos Leroy
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Species: Mutant
    Magic: Demoniac
    Avids: Shadow Stalker, Mind Trick, Bullet Time
    o Stamina:2
    o Strength:1
    o Accuracy:4
    o WillPower:4
    o Speed:4
    o Mana:3
    o Karma:3

    1-Clothes (Black Cap with Hood and A red cross Behind, a Jeans and a black shirt)
    2-A Dark Bracelet, How torn in any item no-magic.
    3-A belt with 8 pockets(Can keep any item on then(Empty on the moment)
    4-Medick Kit
    5-A ring with a cross ruby on him(Glows when the danger around and guard / absorb any information that their former and current owner have)
    PeRks: Chain Reaction, Conductor, Regenerate
    Job: Assasin
    Subs- Gunglisher And Spy.
    Bio: Tall, Atletic bod, Caucasian skin. Black and short hair, Green Eyes. Have a fire chain tattoo on both arms, and a fire circle tattoo with a croos inside. Can Create solid shadows and manipulate other shadows, but limited.

    (Note: Can he has a Shadow Power? Create items make of shadow?)
    Name: Dinakos (pronounced DEEN-ah-kohs)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 50 (20 in human years)
    Species: Tiefling (the products of an ancient blood pact between an empire of humans and devils. All the devils. They have red skin, horns, and prehensile tails that are about as long as they are tall, and 1 foot thick on average.)
    Magic: demonic
    Avids: Shadow Stalker, Mind Trick, Bone Snap
    Inventory: 2 kukris (look it up on Wikipedia), 2 .45 caliber, custom-engraved pistols, .45 ammo Pocket:
    Perks: Regeration, Hot fuzz moment, Catch!
    Class: Primary: Assassin Secondary: Spy, Gunslinger
    Job: Dinakos is an Assassin-for-hire and a Mercenary.
    Bio: Dinakos will kill *anyone* if he is payed enough. He'll fight with you, for money or for personal gain, but he has his own agenda that he will follow, and if you take objection to that, he'll give you a knife in the back to tell you he's quitting. He is about 6' tall, with wine red skin, large ram's horns that start at his temples and curl twice around his ears, and solid black eyes that always seem to convey malice.
    Other: herpaderpimadevilthingy

    Saved Second characters and split personas
    Name:Dark cyrus
    Gender: NA
    Age: NA
    Species: Alternate personality
    Magic: Demonic
    Avids: Sacrifice, Reaninmator and Diamond edge
    Stats: Same as cyrus
    Perks: Hot fuzz moment, Dragondreams, Gravity
    Classes: Hacker, Spy and Gunslinger
    Name:nice matt
    Species:Alternate personality
    Avids:Shadow stalker,Diamond edge,MEDItruck
    Stats:Same as matt
    Perks:Gravity,Thick skull,Amplifier
    sub:Field medic and Gunslinger
    Name: Rone(gunner)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Species: Alternate personality To Rone Boh. But this one is one of a Mutant Cat. (cat being house cat and mutant cat being more like the catanoids from DrNightKOT's RP. Not as tall though. Uses tech proficiently but not very resilient to damage. has fingers. Bipedal. Not the strongest things.)
    Magic: Demonic
    Avids: Armor Piercing Rounds, Bullet time, Reanimator
    Stats: Same as Rone but -2 to strength and +2 to accuracy
    Perks: Cat life, Conductor, Shapeshifter
    Classes: Primary:Hacker Sub: Shocker, Techspert
    Personality Bio: More fiery a temper than Rone and a bit on the evil side. A hacker and gunner more than rone's knife favoring. Smarter as well. Not a good spy.

    In a mysterious new land several beings were made. These beings protected the land from evil long ago. But now the Guardians have vanished and evil plagues the land. Get to the source of this evil and avoid being infected. This island just so happens to be a genetic experiment. It was a strange island were humanity grew. However there still arent many on the island.
    Human- Main species on the island of Ancient. All-round goodies. Use lots of tech to help em.

    Mutant-Attach to any other species. They have evolved early. Have super powers.

    Angel- Occasianlly help humans. Dont use tech. Strong and basically like god. You cant choose to be an angel its more of a random event.

    Demon- These guys dont use tech but are pretty much invincible. Sub-enemy and like angels you cant choose to be one

    Vampire- Live forever basically human but even better. If a vampire bites you then you become a vampire (Does not affect Werewolf and certain other species.)

    Werewolf- Humans that can transform at will. Being bitten by a werewolf turns you into one.

    Cyborg- Part robot

    Geel- Alien that are slow and stupid but very quick and strong.

    Crin- Main enemy. Some are good but most are bad. Use tech. Very powerful.

    Halflings-they are quite short beings usually 3'-3'10" average height, but what they lack in stature they make up for in inteligence and guile. They are one of the more tech savvy races but maintain a strong connection to the natural world. They have well developed family structures and are very loyal forming strong and lasting friendships. Halflings are for the most part honorable creatures (those who break Halfling codes are usually shunned) it is rare to see one break a promise and they view honesty as a virtue, Though Halflings can be devilishly cunning when necessary and when cornered, fight like dogs. They are by definition creatures of balance.
    Sanderic. These beings are eyeless and cannot feel, but as a result have much better hearing and smelling capabilities. Their vocal chords make them also have a "second voice" that can change into a high pitched shriek, but normally is simply a higher pitched voice that comes a second after they have spoken, making it harder for them to communicate with those not of their kind, but those who pay attention can understand. They can use their shrieking ability as a for of echolocation. Their body structure allows for quick movement. typically with a neutral grey coloration. They prefer to live indoors underground because their Echolocation works better that way.
    For more detail as to what they look like http://forgottenreal...wiki/Destrachan
    However, they are more humanoid, so they stand up like humans and are of roughly the same size and weight.

    You can make your own species (Custom species will be put here)

    Name: Katrin lang
    Age: 22
    Species: Elf(they arent small they are tall)
    Magic: Arcane 5, Nature 6
    Avids: tELEKENETIC SPEAR 3,Mind trick 4(new avid), miracle 4
    Stats: 3 all
    Inventory: med pack, med gun, wallet, phone, Laser gun, watch, tazer, swiss knife and brass knuckles
    Perks: Multiple personality disorder 3, RED 4 and Hot fuzz moment 4
    Class: Field medic 6 Spy 4 and Pilot 5
    Job: Doctor
    Bio-Earned a Degree in Psyhical and mental health before coming to Illuse to help the small medical teams.
    Collectiables are items you find (and put in sets) once everything in the set has been found i will make an update andeveryone who contributed to the set will recieve a prize
    Photos are sets that are simply photos taken. Hooray!
    Fade set-
    Take photos of fade in his different outfits. Each one is different so be careful! (Fade is hard to find and may run away or fight you if you get to close)
    Fade:Golden era
    Fade:Training gear
    Seths memorys
    Rusted sword
    Keychain Found
    ID card
    Shoebox(With stuff inside)
    Shoebox(Time bomb)Found

    Island locations:
    Beach (Spawnable area)
    The beach is home to crabs and shell crabs. Crabs attack you! Shell crabs have massive blocks on their backs making them hard to fight. Many easy missions are on the beach. Its also the only area that gives you access to the peddlewine ferry and clear sea for boats.

    Forest (Spawnable area)
    Most easy missions are here. This is a very good training area and can be used to fight basic enemies. Later on hard missions are here.

    Ruins (Spawnable area)
    These ruins are very mysterious. Anyone who apears here could find secrets. Only area where you can find Idols (collectable) also home to Goongs. They make sound waves to attack.

    Grand tower (Spawnable area)
    Grand tower is the heart of Illuse. Many people live here because of the pre built living quarters. This is also a good area for passive things. (Training, Buying, selling.)
    Afk messages:
    This is some fun misc messages. These are messages that you get for AFking.
    The zombies need hugs D=
    Come back to Mind Over Magic To hug them!

    Want some chicken noodle soup?
    Come to Mind Over Magic to Get your fill!

    AFKing is bad for the economy!
    Come back to Mind Over Magic to fix the hole!

    Help! Illuse is sinking!
    Come back to Mind Over Magic to balance things out!

    Your friends from Illuse miss you
    Come back to Mind Over Magic to say hi!

    Quick! Your dragon egg is about to hatch!
    What? You dont have one? Well come
    back to Mind Over Magic anyways!

    Magic progress tree-
    Fire magic-
    lvl 1- Fireball
    lvl 2- Fire bomb
    lvl 3- Fire blast, flame tower
    lvl 4- Flame shield, flame burst, flame tornado
    lvl 5- Fire cannon, Fire Storm, Solar flare.

    Arcane magic-
    lvl 1- Arcane ball
    lvl 2- Arcane bomb
    lvl 3- Arcane tower, arcane arrow
    lvl 4- Arcane Blast, Summon Imps, Arcane shield
    lvl 5- Arcane storm, Arcane cannon, Arcane phaser

    Angelic magic-
    lvl 1- Holy shot
    lvl 2- Heal
    lvl 3- Holy tower, Holy blast
    lvl 4- Gods power, Holy shield, Holy rain
    lvl 5- Gods light, Holy cannon, Holy blaze

    Demonic magic-
    lvl 1- Demon ball
    lvl 2- Demon bomb
    lvl 3- Demonic bomb, Demonic blast
    lvl 4- Demon drain, Demonic fury, Demon slash
    lvl 5- Demon gate, Demonic rain, Life drain
    Perks Progress tree-

    Dragon dreams just has higher chance/ smaller weight difference.

    Lvl 2- Better chance of transfroming.
    lvl 3- 3rd personality.
    lvl 4- Higher chance of transfroming.
    lvl 5- 4th personality.
    lvl 6- Gigantic chance of transforming.
    lvl 7- 5th personality
    lvl 8- MAMMOTH chance of transforming.
    lvl 9- 6th personality
    lvl 10- Can transform at will.

    1.0- Rp started.
    1.2- 10 New perks and classes, aswell as release of popgum.
    1.3- 10 New classes, a bonus class and new poll. Also hid a easter egg code! NOW GO AND FIND IT EASTER EGG HUNTING PEOPLES!Fire man
    2.0- Deaths office, Ninjas, Undead enemie pack, 7 wonders of the ancient world and MORE TO COME.
    2.1- Achievments system
    2.2- Rellics Added. Will also add some more achievements
    Popgum is an item that depending on colour and flavour its effect changes. The more stamina you have the bigger bubble you can blow, the bigger the bubble the more powerful it is.
    Pink (Normal)- Makes enemys sticky.
    Red (Strawberry)- Explodes, leaving flammable dust on enemys.+ strength
    Clear (Mint)- Goes over you allowing you to bounce on land and roll in an air bubble underwater.+ stamina
    Yellow (Banana)- Extremly bouncy.+ karma
    Purple (Grape)- Can be used as a bridge or wall.+ mana
    Black (Blackberrie)- Becomes a mini black hole, that lasts a short time.+ willpower

    First blood- Win a battle-50
    You killed kenny!- Kill another player- 60
    Deaths door- You were brought back to life- 500
    Home sweet home- Build a shelter- 10
    Mr.Indy!MrIndy!-Go in the passenger seat of a vechile-20
    Forgot my parachute- Fall atleast 40 feet and live-300
    Damn airbags- Crash a vechile, without breaking your fall.
    Mr. Tall Dark and Scary-Find the secret enemy-50
    Guardian angel- Gain a guardian- 100
    Eruptor(Fire sword)
    Wave (Water Sword)
    Hurricane (Wind Sword)
    Soil (Earth Sword)
    Servius (God Sword)

    Join Happy chefs!Happy chefs!If you do you can make and send food to your Mind Over Magic Character, aswell as to others on Mind over Magic!
    Also play War over Illusethe Mind Over Magic Spin off.

    Guardians (Coming soon)

    Also there will be the ocasional gore. Probablly.
    Thats all for now. (I will update)
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Unforseen The RP: Nostalgia
    If im aloud to join id like to randomly apear in the middle of all this cos thats what i do. It cool man. I might explain how/why later.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Unforseen The RP: Nostalgia
    Name: Cyrus days
    Gender: Male, Has been known to take the guise of a girl sometimes though.
    perks: Gunslinger, Leader and Prototype user
    Inventory: Shock cannon, Rune sword and customised MT3 stabiliser cannon.
    Stats: 2 everything but Pefception has 1
    Bio:Not much randomly apeared in this universe one day wearing strange clothes and eating just about everyone in sight. Yes i said everyone.
    Race: Vampire/Angel/Mutant/Cyborh (Mutantness is genetic defect still trying to control bloodthirst and cyborg only cybernetic implants but nobody knows cyborg bit )
    Trick: Bone break (Vampireness makes incredibly strong but wen making stats wanted em balanced)
    Notes: Still controling Bloodthirst Mother was angel who tried to fell from heaven and fell in love with vampire. Mutant ability: Telekenisis. Power steal. Can also turn into the dangrous black bird sometimes. Black bird likes to rip apart everything in sight. Although technically black bird is just telekenitc ability.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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