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    posted a message on Interest check: Splatoon based RP

    Yeah, basically don't do any of that and this could be okay.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Interest check: Splatoon based RP

    Point is, if you do this you should follow a system like that ^, regardless of whether it's canon or not or you'll end up with a bloody mess.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Half Moon Academy: Dance of Fates

    ((I know, Krazaz. It was intentional. I shall make Raark live on forever, through time and space, through eternity!))


    "Ah, that explains it then." One of the angelic councils pets, then? Clearly related to one of those children Prometheus loved so much. One of Cyrus friends. The Oracle. The one he calls great, Mas. "So you're a puppet of the Oracle's then? Not even one yourself?" Hyperion's grin spreads wider as he lets out a small chuckle. Comparable to an ant, the boy was. "I see." After a moments thought. From the desk, he grabbed Tyrrum's schedule and ID card. But before giving them to the boy, he procured a letter from his jacket. "The Principal has been expecting you, Tyrrum." He said, handing Tyrrum his things. "Don't cause too much trouble, now."

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
  • 0

    posted a message on Half Moon Academy: Dance of Fates

    ((Hey, I literally put your tree on the MAP, if you click the thingy at the bottom.))

    8:10 AM


    "Prometheus? He's not around at the moment." Hyperion said, with a chilling smile. "I'm currently handling business for him." He continued. Today, Hyperion's suit was silver, though the tie was still golden, almost bright enough to be forged from solid gold. It shimmers and gleams, flowing as if made of liquid. Which, Hyperion being Hyperion, it is. Hyperion could sense something from this boy. He was like Hyperion. Not of this world. He did not belong. But Hyperion had no notion of which dimension this child came from. Certainly not one he had ever visited. "Where do you come from, child? What are you?" He asked teasingly.


    Wade turned to his new companion, only half-listening to his speech. "I woke up." He said. That's all there was to it. All that needed to be said. "I guess my father would have approved of this place." He said faintly, more to himself than to Kylar. He stared up at the sky, barely considering the boy beside him as he trudged towards the main building.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Half Moon Academy: Dance of Fates

    ((Remember that whole thing you said about how you wouldn't be doing the dimensional stuff this time?

    Regardless, accepted. Oriclisme's are always interesting.))

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Interest check: Splatoon based RP

    Yes but I'm talking in terms of execution, not the actual RPing side of things.

    Most recent example that I can think of was that COD RP where you had to pick perks and attachments and things just like a real COD game, but it was supposed to be a story based thing with no actual explanation as to what you were supposed to be doing.

    Also, does Splatoon have an explanation for respawns? If not, you'll need to sort that out somehow. Trust me. Trusssst.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Half Moon Academy: Dance of Fates

    ((Breakfast and the meeting are both in the hall of the main building. Not sure if you misunderstood me or I'm misunderstanding your post, but oh well.))

    ((@Skye. That's actually kind of funny, but please avoid premeditated page claims. Page-claiming is just a stupid aside, when you start doing it on purpose it can mess things up.

    As for our convo, I did write up a post but I literally got to one sentence and then blanked. not gonna post anything until I can think up more.))

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Half Moon Academy: Dance of Fates
    Quote from SkyeDaGuy»

    (( I feel like I would love a reply from Wade :P ))


    ((I feel like I don't really have anything worth adding right now :P

    You did that solely for the purpose of the page claim, be honest.))

    Quote from Drone414»

    ((He's not really sleazy. He's a big health and hygiene buff who smokes to relieve stress and deal with social anxiety, it's why he always has one. Plus, he's not even interested in dating, he's not confident enough without a cigarette. If someone asks about his background one of these days, you'd realize he's just a teenage guy who has no idea how to act in a modern, high school setting, so he's acting as friendly as possible to fit in. He's also sixteen and this is his first time out of his village of origin. He also carries himself in a lazy manner. Bad posture, head moving from side to side out of bad habit. Social anxieties man, they're tough.))

    ((I know, but it feels like he is.))

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
  • 0

    posted a message on Half Moon Academy: Dance of Fates

    ((I feel like Errant is a really sleazy 15 year old.))

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
  • 0

    posted a message on [INTEREST CHECK] Navy Special Forces RP - In the Warzone

    If you manage to pull it off effectively, this might be okay.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Interest check: Splatoon based RP

    Nah, Krazaz is pretty spot on. It just swaps out classes for paint guns and stuff about little kids being the chosen one.

    Just going to warn you though, even though Splatoon is fairly different, there 'ave been a few shooter based RP's in the past. They all sucked. All of them. Really bad.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
  • 0

    posted a message on Half Moon Academy: Dance of Fates
    Quote from AlphaOmegaXD»


    ((While I'm not gonna magically un-accept you, could you please add some substance to your bio? It's just a bit short.))

    Quote from Drone414»

    ((Some people here are crazy OP, that just sounds really cool.))

    ((Boy, you catch on quick.))

    Quote from krazaz»

    ((I don't know, a full on Dragon? How big of a dragon is this? A giant dragon might catch some unwanted attention

    gg, are the uniforms custom made or are they selected by measurement))

    ((Indeed, but Solawind is correct; there was a dragon way back when in '11


    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Half Moon Academy: Dance of Fates

    ((It's not really a good Samaritan thing. That stories about saving a dying man on the side of the road.


    I'm aware of what power-playing is. It was a non-aggressive non-combative attack, just a random thing. Also, you thought him to be asleep. The whole point is that you had no time to react.))

    8:05 AM


    "In about ten minutes." Wade said. "But considering that's only slightly longer than what it takes to get here in the first place, we should probably go now." He continued, strolling out the door. "These people don't really like it much when you're late." He continued, more to himself than to his companion. He stopped for a moment, motioning for Kylar to follow him.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
  • 0

    posted a message on Half Moon Academy: Dance of Fates

    ((I have run random encounter's for other characters in the past. *cough cough* the mods can also do that that too though. I generally don't do them unless there's some further idea behind it though. I prefer players don't generate NPC's. Besides causing clutter, it's had some pretty awful results in the past.))

    ((OMFG THE NINJA'ING IS SO REAL RIGHT NOW. How did I even miss like 4 posts? They were posted ages ago!))

    ((Azarias and Errant have yet to meet.))

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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