Got an N64 emulator yesterday, been playin it non-stop. I just completed Chapter 1.... the Koopa Bros were kinda tough, but I didn't even think about using my cheats =P
Got an N64 emulator yesterday, been playin it non-stop. I just completed Chapter 1.... the Koopa Bros were kinda tough, but I didn't even think about using my cheats =P
printf("Guygombaa, you always doublepost!\n""Check your connection.\n");printf("Also, how in the name of science could you be glad of the SCHOOL?!?!\n");
Dang..... lookd at HMA wiki.... You have yourself a very extensive bio. I should have stayed man! I was the very first person to sign up! But then I left for a youtube channel full of D-Bags. Now I am back here.