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    posted a message on Character Battlefield

    I won't let MEIKO die!

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    posted a message on Misquoting

    Wow. Who Said That? Totally awesome!

    What's awsome?
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Character Battlefield

    KAITO as usual

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    posted a message on Be the last poster to win!
    Quote from Buttons»

    Heck yeah I wanna ride in the front with you, Groudy!

    "My name is Buttess!"

    "I'm hot, right?"

    "And sure I'd like to ride in the front with a handsome Groudy male like you!"

    "Can we get something to eat now??"

    Groudon(girl) "Only if you two promise to stop fighting, and I don't think we've properly met Buttess, my name is Groudongirl, but you can call me Groudy! You've already met Buttons. He's… not normally like that, or at least around me, he just talks about being hungry and other stuff"
    Groudon(boy) "Buttess is like that too…"
    Groudon(girl) "That's kinda creepy…"
    Groudon(boy) "No kidding…"
    Groudon(girl) "Well, let's just- WHO GOT ON GROUBUTTONS ISLAND!?!?"
    Groudon(boy) "GrouButtons island?"
    Groudon(girl) "That was all I could think of"
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on What small thing makes you angry?
    Quote from NightsRemnant»

    your own perception on why they do those things may be a misconception


    The part where I said she knows I want to use it wasn't serious, it was just a joke. Just trying to clear that up.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Be the last poster to win!
    Quote from Buttons»

    "What do you mean, repeating each other?"
    "What do you mean, repeating each other?"

    speaks in unison: ""We just think alike about a lot of things"""

    "Btw, Groudy, my female counterpart is hot, right?"
    "Yeah, I'm hot, right?"

    ""Also, sure, you're free to play yourself if you want, Groudy. But we like being slugs!""

    ""Also, we are still hungry.""


    "You don't need to elaborate."

    "Can if I want!"


    "No, you shuttup!" "No, you shuttup!" "No, you shuttup." "No, you shuttup." "No, you shut uuuup!" "No you shuttuuuuuuup, times infinity!!!!"


    she isn't as smart as me

    "I heard that..."

    Groudon(girl) "Hey! Break it up you two!!"
    Groudon(boy) "Stop it or you won't get fed for the rest of the day!!"

    *Both try to break up the fight*

    Groudon(boy) "Our slug friends just can't get along, can they?"
    Groudon(girl) "Yeah… well, they say that the more you fight the closer you are… maybe they're just really close already!"
    Groudon(boy) "That's a possibility… or maybe they just hate each other"
    Groudon(girl) "That's another possibility… but they're exactly the same besides gender… I would think they'd like each other"

    *Both grab their slug pals*

    Groudon(girl) "Would ya like to ride in the front seat with me, Buttons?"
    Groudon(boy) "How about you, (Insert female Buttons name here)?"
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Decide the fate of the next poster.

    Next poster has blue garlic and eats it. (Garlic turns from green to turquoise if your pickling something BTW)

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Games for the PS4?

    Are there any good games on the PS4 rated T or under? And if possible can Anime styled stuff be recommended? It doesn't have to be but I like Anime styles, that's just it. And please don't suggest stuff like Persona 5 because I heard some stuff about the monsters and I wouldn't like to play something like that.

    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Misquoting
    Quote from GDog_0»

    Umm I don't see lavender town anywhere near by, are you going crazy?

    *Insert creepy music here* "Maybe"
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Be the last poster to win!
    Quote from Buttons»

    *eats all Groudys chocolate and gives half to my female duplicate*

    nom nom nom
    nom nom nom

    I think she likes me more now
    I think I like him a little more now

    "Hey Groudy! You wanna get some more food from the gas station shop?"
    "Hey Groudy! You wanna get some more food from the gas station shop?"

    *me and my female duplicate look at each other*

    "what are you looking at?"
    "what are you looking at?"

    *You got a problem or something?"
    *You got a problem or something?"

    "Stop copying me!"

    "Stop copying me!"

    "damn it!"
    "damn it!"

    "It's a good thing you're a good look'n slug or this would just get annoying!"
    "Uh... ...this is getting annoying."


    Groudy(girl) "What's with them repeating each other?"
    Groudy(boy) "I don't know… but its kinda freaking me out…"
    Groudy(girl) "Yeah…"

    *Both look at Buttons and his duplicate*

    (Both) "Hm…"

    Also, am I the only one not playing as their avatar and instead myself?
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Be the last poster to win!

    *Starts looking for a place where she can get gas* Hm… how about… over the- *Sees a Creeper* Nope… and who gives Creepers jobs anyway!? *Sees a gas station run by a pig* WHA- Well I guess if a Cow can be almost human so can a pig… *Goes and gets gas*

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Be the last poster to win!
    Quote from Buttons»

    Hot chocolate! Yes! Gimme gimme gimme! That goes for me AND my female counterpart. We arent big on coffee though, makes us slugs real crazy like. Btw, my counterpart is a good lookn slug, isn't she?

    Groudy! What the heckn heck anyway?? How you open up Portals? Where's my hot Chocolate? Why you mumbling and throwing things at the lonely cow that cant get a response from their Big Boots?? That's mean!

    oh well.

    *throws a hot coffee through the portal at the cow as well*
    *counterpart throws hot coffee through the portal at the cow*

    Hey! This is fun!

    *Finds a hot Chocolate place called 'The Chocolate Joint'* Weird name… but might as well Go in! Maybe they also sell regular Chocolate! *Goes in and buys all the Chocolate she can*
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Breaking Up

    As cute as baby dragons are… this isn't gonna work… sorry…

    Posted in: Forum Games
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